▌ Punti di interesse

Il sentiero dell’ex ferrovia Spoleto-Norcia

Il percorso dell’ex ferrovia che collegava Spoleto a Norcia è oggi un sentiero di circa 45 km in mezzo al verde, percorribile a piedi, in bicicletta o a cavallo.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
The route of the former railway that connected Spoleto to Norcia is now a path of about 45 km in the open, walking, cycling or horse riding.
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Anfiteatro Romano

Situato nella omonima via, vicino a Piazza Garibaldi, l?Anfiteatro Romano era un grande spazio destinato ai giochi dei gladiatori che ospita oggi numerosi concerti, balletti e altre manifestazioni culturali.
Located in the homonymous street, close to Piazza Garibaldi, the Roman Amphitheatre was a great space for the gladiatorial games, which today houses many concerts, ballets and other cultural events.
Located in the homonymous street, close to Piazza Garibaldi, the Roman Amphitheatre was a great space for the gladiatorial games, which today houses many concerts, ballets and other cultural events.
Located in the homonymous street, close to Piazza Garibaldi, the Roman Amphitheatre was a great space for the gladiatorial games, which today houses many concerts, ballets and other cultural events.
Located in the homonymous street, close to Piazza Garibaldi, the Roman Amphitheatre was a great space for the gladiatorial games, which today houses many concerts, ballets and other cultural events.
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La Rocca Albornoz

Il simbolo di Spoleto è la Rocca Albornoz, un’imponente fortezza che sorge sul Colle Sant’Elia, il punto più alto della citté0.
The symbol of Spoleto is the Albornoz fortress, an imposing fortress that stands on the hill of St. Elias, the highest point of the city.
The symbol of Spoleto is the Albornoz fortress, an imposing fortress that stands on the hill of St. Elias, the highest point of the city.
The symbol of Spoleto is the Albornoz fortress, an imposing fortress that stands on the hill of St. Elias, the highest point of the city.
The symbol of Spoleto is the Albornoz fortress, an imposing fortress that stands on the hill of St. Elias, the highest point of the city.
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Museo delle Mummie a Borgo Cerreto

Il museo delle mummie di Borgo Cerreto si trova all’interno del Centro di documentazione \”Baronzio Vincenzi\”, un polo scientifico e culturale nato su una prima raccolta di reperti archeologici legati alla vita del medico omonimo.

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Museo Archeologico Statale

Il Museo Archeologico Statale di Spoleto è situato all’interno del complesso monumentale, ex monastero di S. Agata; il museo conserva le prime tracce della presenza di una civiltà all’interno dell’area della rocca

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