▌ Alla scoperta di Deruta
Le origini di Deruta rimangono in parte oscure. Certo è però il suo antico legame con Perugia, di cui è sempre stata un valido baluardo a Sud, verso Todi, ruolo del quale è tuttora testimonianza il suo aspetto di castello fortificato.
Nel XIII secolo Deruta ha un proprio statuto, seguito, nel 1465, da un nuovo documento in volgare che prevede la presenza nel castello, oltre che di un podestà inviato da Perugia, di quattro “boni omini”, eletti tra gli abitanti. Nella seconda metà del 1400 gli abitanti della cittadina vengono sterminati dalle pestilenze, tanto da comportare una riduzione della cinta muraria. Inoltre, durante la Guerra del Sale (1540), Deruta, che si era schierata contro il Papa, subì saccheggi e devastazioni.
L’assoggettamento di Perugia alla Chiesa portò anche alla cittadina un lungo periodo di pace, durante il quale si ebbe nella cittadina il massimo sviluppo della lavorazione della maiolica artistica, attività che, nel corso dei secoli, ha fatto conoscere Deruta nel mondo.
Una passeggiata nel centro storico di Deruta
Accedendo al centro storico di Deruta dalla Porta di S. Michele Arcangelo, sono subito visibili testimonianze di antiche fornaci. Sulla piazzetta Biordo Michelotti si affacciano le sobrie linee romanico-gotiche della chiesa di S. Arcangelo. Di fronte è situata la Fontana, a pianta poligonale, realizzata dai quinqueviri del location nel 1848.
Subito dopo di apre Piazza dei Consoli, dove si trova il Palazzetto Municipale del 1300, nell’atrio del quale sono raccolti reperti archeologici, neolitici ed etruschi. Il palazzo ospita, inoltre, la Pinacoteca e il Museo della Ceramica. Nella prima si trova un’importante raccolta di dipinti provenienti dalle chiese di S. Francesco, di S. Antonio, dei Defunti di Ripabianca e dall’ospedale di S. Giacomo, e una parte della ricca collezione di Lione Pascoli. Si possono ammirare, tra gli altri, dipinti dell’Alunno, del Baciccio, dello Stendardo, dell’Amorosi, di Fiorenzo di Lorenzo e un Guido Reni. Nel secondo si possono ammirare magnifiche opere in ceramica di epoca compresa tra il periodo arcaico e i nosti giorni.
Di fronte al Palazzo Municipale è la chiesa di S. Francesco, in stile gotico, dall’interessante interno. Attiguo alla chiesa si trova l’ex convento francescano con un antico chiostro. In fondo alla stretta via Mastro Giorgio sorge la chiesa di S. Antonio, che conserva significativi affreschi di Bartolomeo e Gian Battista Caporali.

“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”The origins of Deruta remain for the most part obscure. Of certainty are its links to Perugia, which has always been a valid bastion to the south, toward Todi, whose role is to this day witness of its fortified castle appearance.
During the 13th Century Deruta had its own statute, followed by, in 1465, a new document in vernacular which foresaw the presence in the castle, in addition to a podestà envoy from Perugia, of four “boni omini”, elected from amongsts the residents. In the second half of 1400, the residents of this small town, were exterminated from pests, so that the city walls came down. In addition, during the Guerra del Sale” (1540), Deruta, which had aligned itself against the Pope, experienced ambushes and devastation. The submission of Perugia to the Church brought also to the small town a long period of peace, during which time the maximum development of works of art of the artistic majolica, activity which, throughout the Centuries, allowed Deruta to become known all over the world. Accessing the historical centre of Deruta from the door Porta di S. Michele Arcangelo, are immediately visible testimonies of ancient furnaces. In the small Biordo Michelotti Square are exposed the sober lines of roman-gothic of the S. Arcangelo Church. In front of which is situated the Fontana, with a polygonal plan, which was realized in 1848.
Immediately following opens out the square Piazza dei Consoli, where one finds the Palazzetto Municipale from 1300, in whose atrium are collected archaeological finds, neolithical and etruscan. The Palazzo hosts, in addition, the Pinacoteca and the Museum of Ceramics. In the former one finds an important collection of paintings originating from the churches of S. Francesco, S. Antonio, the Defunti di Ripabianca, and the hospital of S. Giacomo, and a part from the rich collection of Lione Pascoli. One can admire, among other things, paintings of the Alunno, of the Baciccio, from Stendardo, from Amorosi, from Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and a Guido Reni. In the latter, one can admire magnificent ceramic works of art from the period encompassing the archaic and our modern times. In front of the Palazzo Municipale is the S. Francesco Church, in gothic style, from its interior.
Adjacent to the Church one finds the former Franciscan convent with an ancient cloister. At the end of the narrow Mastro Giorgio road rises the S. Antonio Church, which preserves important a
ffrescos of Bartolomeo and Gian Battista Caporali. At the height of Piazza Cavour is situated the small church of Madonna del Divino Amore, today known with the name of Madonna della Cerasa. Along the Tiberina road one sees the small church of Madonna delle Piagge from 1601, whose facing is adorned with a beautiful maiolica. Close by to this church one may visit an interesting Museo of majolicas.
“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”Les origines de Deruta restent en partie obscures. Il est cependant certain qu’elle a un antique lien avec Pérouse, dont elle a toujours été un valide soutien au Sud, vers Todi, rôle dont témoigne aujourd’hui encore son aspect de château fortifié.
Au XIII siècle Deruta a son propre statut, suivi, en 1465, par un nouveau document qui prévoit la présence dans le château, en plus d’un représentant du pouvoir envoyé par Pérouse, de quatre “bons hommes”, élus parmi les habitants.
Au cours de la seconde moitié du XV siècle les habitants de la petite ville sont exterminés par la peste, à tel point que cela comporte une réduction de la muraille d’enceinte. En outre, pendant la Guerre du Sel (1540), Deruta, qui s’était rangée contre le Pape, subit des saccages et des dévastations. L’assujettissement de Pérouse à l’Eglise amène également à la petite ville une longue période de paix, au cours de laquelle a lieu dans la petite ville le développement maximum du travail de la céramique artistique, activité qui, au cours des siècles, a fait connaître Deruta dans le monde entier.
En arrivant dans le centre historique de Deruta par la Porte de St. Michel Archange, on voit immédiatement des témoignages des anciens fours. Sur la petite place « Biordo Michelotti » on peut admirer les lignes sobres romano gothiques de l’église de St. Archange. En face se trouve la Fontaine, à forme polygonale, réalisées par les “quinqueviri » de la Commune en 1848.
Immédiatement après s’ouvre Piazza dei Consoli, où se trouve le Palazzetto Municipaldu XIV siècle dans l’atrium duquel sont collectés des restes archéologiques, néolithiques et étrusques. L’édifice accueille, en outre, la Pinacothèque et le Musée de la Céramique. Dans la première se trouve une importante collection de peintures provenant des églises de St. François, de St. Antoine, des Défunts de Ripabianca et de l’hôpital de St. Giacomo, et une partie de la riche collection de Lione Pascoli. On peut admirer, entre autres, des peintures d’Alunno, de Baciccio, de Stendardo, d’Amorosi, de Fiorenzo di Lorenzo et un Guido Reni. Dans la seconde on peut admirer de magnifiques oeuvres en céramique datant d’une époque comprise entre la période archaïque et nos jours.
En face du Palais Municipal se trouve l’église de St. François, de style gothique, dont l’intérieur est intéressant. Près de l’église se trouve l’ex couvent franciscain avec un antique cloître. Au fond de l’étroite voie « Mastro Giorgio » se dresse l’église de St. Antoine, qui conserve des fresques significatives de Bartolomeo et Gian Battista Caporali.
A la hauteur de « piazza Cavour » se trouve la petite église de la Madonna du Divin Amour, aujourd’hui connue sous le nom de Madonna de la Cerasa. Le long de la voie Tiberina on rencontre la petite église de la Madonna des Piagge de 1601, dont la façade est ornée d’une belle céramique. Près de cette petite église on peut visiter un intéressant Musée de céramiques.
“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”The origins of Deruta remain for the most part obscure. Of certainty are its links to Perugia, which has always been a valid bastion to the south, toward Todi, whose role is to this day witness of its fortified castle appearance.
During the 13th Century Deruta had its own statute, followed by, in 1465, a new document in vernacular which foresaw the presence in the castle, in addition to a podestà envoy from Perugia, of four “boni omini”, elected from amongsts the residents. In the second half of 1400, the residents of this small town, were exterminated from pests, so that the city walls came down. In addition, during the Guerra del Sale” (1540), Deruta, which had aligned itself against the Pope, experienced ambushes and devastation. The submission of Perugia to the Church brought also to the small town a long period of peace, during which time the maximum development of works of art of the artistic majolica, activity which, throughout the Centuries, allowed Deruta to become known all over the world. Accessing the historical centre of Deruta from the door Porta di S. Michele Arcangelo, are immediately visible testimonies of ancient furnaces. In the small Biordo Michelotti Square are exposed the sober lines of roman-gothic of the S. Arcangelo Church. In front of which is situated the Fontana, with a polygonal plan, which was realized in 1848.
Immediately following opens out the square Piazza dei Consoli, where one finds the Palazzetto Municipale from 1300, in whose atrium are collected archaeological finds, neolithical and etruscan. The Palazzo hosts, in addition, the Pinacoteca and the Museum of Ceramics. In the former one finds an important collection of paintings originating from the churches of S. Francesco, S. Antonio, the Defunti di Ripabianca, and the hospital of S. Giacomo, and a part from the rich collection of Lione Pascoli. One can admire, among other things, paintings of the Alunno, of the Baciccio, from Stendardo, from Amorosi, from Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and a Guido Reni. In the latter, one can admire magnificent ceramic works of art from the period encompassing the archaic and our modern times. In front of the Palazzo Municipale is the S. Francesco Church, in gothic style, from its interior.
Adjacent to the Church one finds the former Franciscan convent with an ancient cloister. At the end of the narrow Mastro Giorgio road rises the S. Antonio Church, which preserves important affrescos of Bartolomeo and Gian Battista Caporali. At the height of Piazza Cavour is situated the small church of Madonna del Divino Amore, today known with the name of Madonna della Cerasa. Along the Tiberina road one sees the small church of Madonna delle Piagge from 1601, whose facing is adorned with a beautiful maiolica. Close by to this church one may visit an interesting Museo of majolicas.
“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”The origins of Deruta remain for the most part obscure. Of certainty are its links to Perugia, which has always been a valid bastion to the south, toward Todi, whose role is to this day witness of its fortified castle appearance.
During the 13th Century Deruta had its own statute, followed by, in 1465, a new document in vernacular which foresaw the presence in the castle, in addition to a podestà envoy from Perugia, of four “boni omini”, elected from amongsts the residents. In the second half of 1400, the residents of this small town, were exterminated from pests, so that the city walls came down. In addition, during the Guerra del Sale” (1540), Deruta, which had aligned itself against the Pope, experienced ambushes and devastation. The submission of Perugia to the Church brought also to the small town a long period of peace, during which time the maximum development of works of art of the artistic majolica, activity which, throughout the Centuries, allowed Deruta to become known all over the world. Accessing the historical centr
e of Deruta from the door Porta di S. Michele Arcangelo, are immediately visible testimonies of ancient furnaces. In the small Biordo Michelotti Square are exposed the sober lines of roman-gothic of the S. Arcangelo Church. In front of which is situated the Fontana, with a polygonal plan, which was realized in 1848.
Immediately following opens out the square Piazza dei Consoli, where one finds the Palazzetto Municipale from 1300, in whose atrium are collected archaeological finds, neolithical and etruscan. The Palazzo hosts, in addition, the Pinacoteca and the Museum of Ceramics. In the former one finds an important collection of paintings originating from the churches of S. Francesco, S. Antonio, the Defunti di Ripabianca, and the hospital of S. Giacomo, and a part from the rich collection of Lione Pascoli. One can admire, among other things, paintings of the Alunno, of the Baciccio, from Stendardo, from Amorosi, from Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and a Guido Reni. In the latter, one can admire magnificent ceramic works of art from the period encompassing the archaic and our modern times. In front of the Palazzo Municipale is the S. Francesco Church, in gothic style, from its interior.
Adjacent to the Church one finds the former Franciscan convent with an ancient cloister. At the end of the narrow Mastro Giorgio road rises the S. Antonio Church, which preserves important affrescos of Bartolomeo and Gian Battista Caporali. At the height of Piazza Cavour is situated the small church of Madonna del Divino Amore, today known with the name of Madonna della Cerasa. Along the Tiberina road one sees the small church of Madonna delle Piagge from 1601, whose facing is adorned with a beautiful maiolica. Close by to this church one may visit an interesting Museo of majolicas.