A breve distanza da Terni e San Gemini sorge la cittadina di origine romana di Carsulae, una delle aree archeologiche più interessanti dell’Umbria.  A sud-est del sito è situato il Centro Visita e Documentazione “U. Ciotti” di Carsulae al cui interno trovano spazio sale espositive, un bookshop.

Al piano terra un’aula didattica è dedicata agli itinerari dell’area naturalistico archeologica di Carsulae e delle Terre Arnolfe, elaborati da Cinzia Perissinotto e Igino Pineschi. I percorsi sono volti alla riscoperta degli aspetti ambientali propri dei Monti Martani, delle fortificazioni situate sulle pendici settentrionali della Conca Ternana e degli insediamenti preromani, con particolare attenzione agli Umbri e ai loro luoghi di culto. A questi si aggiungono quattro itinerari che ripercorrono i due rami della Flaminia, quello occidentale e quello orientale. Nella galleria espositiva, situata al piano superiore, vi sono reperti rinvenuti nel corso della campagna di scavi svoltasi in modo intensivo tra il 1951 e il 1972.
Tra questi, degno di nota è un sarcofago, risalente al I sec. d.C., situato originariamente nei pressi della tomba a cuspide, che raccoglieva le spoglie di una fanciulla e contenente una collana e una coppia di orecchini d’oro.

In corso di restauro, ma comunque esposta, è una statua di Bacco, probabilmente appartenente all’area degli edifici per lo spettacolo, della fine del I sec. d.C., inizi del successivo. Di notevole effetto sono i resti di una colossale statua dell’imperatore Claudio, comprendenti la testa e il ginocchio, databili ai primissimi anni del regno, che avvalorano l’ipotesi della presenza di un ciclo statuario della famiglia imperiale nel Foro cittadino. Completano la raccolta due cippi funerari, un lacerto musivo rinvenuto nei pressi del Foro e materiale di terracotta di vario genere, impiegato sia come decorazione di edifici sia per uso quotidiano. Il piano inferiore è adibito a mostre temporanee.


A short distance from San Gemini and Terni stands the town of Roman origin of Carsulae, one of the most interesting archaeological sites of Umbria. To the south-east of the site is located the Visitor Center and Documentation “U. Ciotti” Carsulae find space within which the exhibition rooms, a bookshop.

On the ground floor classroom is dedicated to the routes of the natural andarchaeological Carsulae Arnolfe Lands, prepared by Cynthia Perissinotto and Hyginus Pineschi. The courses are aimed at the rediscovery of the environmental aspects of their Martani, fortifications located on the northern slopes of the Terni basin and pre-Roman settlements, with particular attention to the Umbrians and their places of worship. In addition there are four routes that span the two branches of the Flaminia, the Western and Eastern Europe. In the exhibition gallery, located upstairs, there are artefacts found during excavations that took place intensivelybetween 1951 and 1972.

Among these, noteworthy is a sarcophagus, dating from the first century. AD,originally located near the tomb spire, which collected the remains of a girl, andcontaining a necklace and a pair of gold earrings.
In the course of restoration, but exposed, is a statue of Bacchus, probably belonging to the building for the show, the late first century. A.D., beginning of next.

Of great impact are the remains of a colossal statue of the emperor Claudius,including the head and knee, dating to the earliest years of the reign, corroborating the hypothesis of a series of statues of the imperial family in the city court.
Completing the collection two memorial stones, a mosaic fragment found near the Forum and clay material of various kinds, used both as decoration of buildings, both for daily use. The lower floor is used for temporary exhibitions.

A short distance from San Gemini and Terni stands the town of Roman origin of Carsulae, one of the most interesting archaeological sites of Umbria. To the south-east of the site is located the Visitor Center and Documentation “U. Ciotti” Carsulae find space within which the exhibition rooms, a bookshop.

On the ground floor classroom is dedicated to the routes of the natural andarchaeological Carsulae Arnolfe Lands, prepared by Cynthia Perissinotto and Hyginus Pineschi. The courses are aimed at the rediscovery of the environmental aspects of their Martani, fortifications located on the northern slopes of the Terni basin and pre-Roman settlements, with particular attention to the Umbrians and their places of worship. In addition there are four routes that span the two branches of the Flaminia, the Western and Eastern Europe. In the exhibition gallery, located upstairs, there are artefacts found during excavations that took place intensivelybetween 1951 and 1972.

Among these, noteworthy is a sarcophagus, dating from the first century. AD,originally located near the tomb spire, which collected the remains of a girl, andcontaining a necklace and a pair of gold earrings.
In the course of restoration, but exposed, is a statue of Bacchus, probably belonging to the building for the show, the late first century. A.D., beginning of next.

Of great impact are the remains of a colossal statue of the emperor Claudius,including the head and knee, dating to the earliest years of the reign, corroborating the hypothesis of a series of statues of the imperial family in the city court.
Completing the collection two memorial stones, a mosaic fragment found near the Forum and clay material of various kinds, used both as decoration of buildings, both for daily use. The lower floor is used for temporary exhibitions.


A short distance from San Gemini and Terni stands the town of Roman origin of Carsulae, one of the most interesting archaeological sites of Umbria. To the south-east of the site is located the Visitor Center and Documentation “U. Ciotti” Carsulae find space within which the exhibition rooms, a bookshop.

On the ground floor classroom is dedicated to the routes of the natural andarchaeological Carsulae Arnolfe Lands, prepared by Cynthia Perissinotto and Hyginus Pineschi. The courses are aimed at the rediscovery of the environmental aspects of their Martani, fortifications located on the northern slopes of the Terni basin and pre-Roman settlements, with particular attention to the Umbrians and their places of worship. In addition there are four routes that span the two branches of the Flaminia, the Western and Eastern Europe. In the exhibition gallery, located upstairs, there are artefacts found during excavations that took place intensivelybetween 1951 and 1972.

Among these, noteworthy is a sarcophagus, dating from the first century. AD,originally located near the tomb spire, which collected the remains of a girl, andcontaining a necklace and a pair of gold earrings.
In the course of restoration, but exposed, is a statue of Bacchus, probably belonging to the building for the show, the late first century. A.D., beginning of next.

Of great impact are the remains of a colossal statue of the emperor Claudius,including the head and knee, dating to the earliest yea
rs of the reign, corroborating the hypothesis of a series of statues of the imperial family in the city court.
Completing the collection two memorial stones, a mosaic fragment found near the Forum and clay material of various kinds, used both as decoration of buildings, both for daily use. The lower floor is used for temporary exhibitions.


A short distance from San Gemini and Terni stands the town of Roman origin of Carsulae, one of the most interesting archaeological sites of Umbria. To the south-east of the site is located the Visitor Center and Documentation “U. Ciotti” Carsulae find space within which the exhibition rooms, a bookshop.

On the ground floor classroom is dedicated to the routes of the natural andarchaeological Carsulae Arnolfe Lands, prepared by Cynthia Perissinotto and Hyginus Pineschi. The courses are aimed at the rediscovery of the environmental aspects of their Martani, fortifications located on the northern slopes of the Terni basin and pre-Roman settlements, with particular attention to the Umbrians and their places of worship. In addition there are four routes that span the two branches of the Flaminia, the Western and Eastern Europe. In the exhibition gallery, located upstairs, there are artefacts found during excavations that took place intensivelybetween 1951 and 1972.

Among these, noteworthy is a sarcophagus, dating from the first century. AD,originally located near the tomb spire, which collected the remains of a girl, andcontaining a necklace and a pair of gold earrings.
In the course of restoration, but exposed, is a statue of Bacchus, probably belonging to the building for the show, the late first century. A.D., beginning of next.

Of great impact are the remains of a colossal statue of the emperor Claudius,including the head and knee, dating to the earliest years of the reign, corroborating the hypothesis of a series of statues of the imperial family in the city court.
Completing the collection two memorial stones, a mosaic fragment found near the Forum and clay material of various kinds, used both as decoration of buildings, both for daily use. The lower floor is used for temporary exhibitions.