Cosa vedere a Terni in un giorno. Ecco una miniguida per sapere cosa vedere, cosa fare e cosa mangiare a Terni, “La Città dell’Acciaio” o “Manchester italiana”, una città dai tratti prevalentemente moderni che può nascondere al suo interno piacevoli sorprese per i visitatori più attenti. Tutto in un giorno.
>>Vuoi visitare Terni? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori hotel a Terni.

Se arrivate a Terni in treno verrete accolti da la Grande Pressa, un imponente monumento di 12.000 tonnellate, emblema della storia di Terni e della sua industriosità. Altro omaggio al lavoro e alla zona industriale locale è l’Obelisco Lancia di Luce, che arricchisce e caratterizza la città della genialità dello scultore Arnaldo Pomodoro. Posta alla fine di Corso del Popolo, uno dei principali crocevia del traffico cittadino, l’opera, alta 32 metri, si presenta come un gigante di 105 tonnellate di acciaio divisa in quattro sezioni che rappresentano la lavorazione del ferro, dalla materia grezza fino allo splendore del prodotto finito, simile a quello emanato dalla luce.
Ma Terni non è solo la città dell’acciaio! Terni è anche la città di San Valentino, protettore degli innamorati di tutto il mondo. La sua basilica, che ne custodisce le spoglie, è meta continua di pellegrinaggi, mentre ogni anno l’intera città dedica importanti eventi al Santo Patrono, che culminano nella festa del 14 febbraio.
>>Vuoi visitare i luoghi di San Valentino e la sua storia? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi nella zona di Terni e scopri le offerte!
Passeggiando per il centro è possibile notare l’alternanza di edifici moderni, costruiti dopo i pensati bombardamenti subiti durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, a quelli decisamente più antichi. Il più antico monumento della città è San Salvatore, un edificio di culto composto da un corpo circolare a cupola cilindrica, chiuso da arcate, forse risalente all’epoca paleocristiana (potrebbe essere stato costruito su di un precedente edificio romano). All’interno troviamo affreschi della prima metà del XII secolo d’influsso senese e nell’abside una Crocifissione di scuola umbra dei primi del ‘500.
Altro monumento sacro nel centro storico di Terni è la Chiesa di San Francesco. Inizialmente ad una navata, ad imitazione della basilica di Assisi, la chiesa è stata successivamente ampliata e conserva notevoli opere d’arte come la cappella Paradisi affrescata con le scene del Giudizio Universale di Bartolomeo di Tommaso.
Del periodo romano sono ancora visibili tratti di mura e i resti dell’Anfiteatro romano, uno dei complessi più suggestivi della città. Eretto nel 32. d.C. per ordine di Fausto Liberale, durante il regno di Tiberio l’anfiteatro poteva ospitare fino a 10.000 persone. Della struttura originaria sono ancora visibili parti di opus reticulatum in blocchetti bicolori e l’ellisse originaria, mentre delle gradinate non resta nulla. Attualmente è scoperto per 2/3 del perimetro, essendo una parte occupata dalla Chiesa del Carmine, immersa nel parco cittadino La Passeggiata, dove potrete sostare per una breve pausa nel verde prima di accedere alla Cattedrale. Il Duomo della città, dedicato a Santa Maria Assunta ricostruito nel XVII secolo, conserva, sotto il portico che lo precede, un bel portale romanico a rilievi (XII secolo) e un secondo portale gotico.
>>Vuoi visitare resti romani di Terni? Contatta ora i migliori B&B nella zona di Terni e scopri le offerte.
Cosa fare a Terni
Terminato il tour culturale delle chiese, cosa fare a Terni in un giorno? Le arterie principali da percorrere per scoprire gli angoli più suggestivi sono Corso Tacito, Corso Vecchio, via Roma, via Cavour che vi condurranno ad ammirare i luoghi tradizionali di incontro e di shopping circondati da edifici di notevole fascino. Nella bella piazza della Repubblica è situato il Palazzo Comunale, ricostruito a fine ‘800 in forme rinascimentali. Piazza Europa è dominata da Palazzo Spada, residenza dell’omonima famiglia, imponente edificio a due piani e un mezzanino, ritenuto l’ultima opera di Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, morto in città nel 1546.
Piazza Tacito, altro punto cardinale del centro città, ospita edifici tipici dell’architettura del Ventennio e uno dei monumenti più caratteristici di Terni: la Fontana, opera dei due architetti Ridolfi e Fagiolo (1932). Un enorme pennone in lega inossidabile, realizzato dalle Acciaierie di Terni, si erge sopra una struttura circolare, da cui sgorga un velo d’acqua che compie un piccolo salto, che ricorda quello della Cascata delle Marmore. Se avevate qualche dubbio su cosa fare a Terni , una visita a questa imponente e straordinaria cascata, la più alta d’Europa, è d’obbligo!

>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza! Clicca e consulta la lista dei migliori agriturismi nella zona della Cascata delle Marmore!
Vi piace andare per musei? Sicuramente una visita al CAOS, Centro Arti Opificio Siri, che può vantare un’ottima collezione archeologica e un bel museo di arte moderna e contemporanea.
Se invece preferite rimanere all’aria aperta, vi proponiamo una rilassante passeggiata lungo le sponde del fiume attraverso il percorso ciclo-pedonale (accessibile da Ponte Allende, Ponte Romano e Ponte Carrara) che consente di entrare in un vero e proprio parco fluviale urbano dove cittadini e turisti possono praticare attività sportiva o semplicemente rigenerarsi.
Cosa mangiare a Terni
Se dopo aver avuto un assaggio delle bellezze culturali e naturalistiche locali doveste avere un certo languorino..siamo lieti di suggerirvi cosa mangiare a Terni! Come da tradizione umbra, anche a Terni la cucina è fortemente basata su prodotti derivati dalla terra e caratterizzata da piatti semplici ma gustosi.
>>Consulta i ristoranti migliori nella zona di Terni! Clicca e prenota

Sulle tavole ternane non mancherà mai il pane senza sale: profumato e croccante, cotto nei forni a legna secondo metodi antichi, la cui bontà sembra derivare dalla qualità dell’acqua che ne esalta la fragranza. Tra i primi piatti di pasta fatto a mano le Ciriole alla ternana sono indubbiamente le più rappresentative! Un impasto di acqua e farina tagliato a forma di spaghetti e condite con un appetitoso sughetto di pomodoro, aglio, olio e peperoncino, spolverato con prezzemolo fresco.
Carne alla brace, cinghiale e cacciagione completano il menu tipico locale. Se decidete di visitate la città nel periodo natalizio e vi domandate cosa mangiare a Terni come dolce tipico, vi consigliamo di non perdere il Pampepato. Equilibrata amalgama di ben 16 ingredienti (tra i quali noci, mandorle, pinoli, cioccolato, mosto cotto, caffè, canditi…) e dall’inconfondibile simbiosi di dolce, amaro e piccante.
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Terni in un giorno e gustare le specialità culinarie locali ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
What are the best things to do in Terni in a day? Terni ” The Italian Manchester ” is a city of mainly modern traits that can hide inside pleasant surprises for tourists!
>> Do you want to visit Terni? Check it out now of the best hotels in Terni Italy

If you arrive in Terni in Italy by train you will see the Grande Pressa, an impressive monument of 12,000 tons, emblem of the history of Terni and his industry. Another tribute to the work and the industrial zone is the Obelisco Lancia di Luce, which enriches and characterizes the city of the genius of the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. The artistic work, 32 meters high, represents the iron manufacture from raw materials up to the brightness of the finished product.
Terni is also the city of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers all over the world. Its basilica is a popular destination for pilgrimages, and every year takes place the celebration on the 14th of February. Walking through the center you will see the alternation of modern buildings, built after the Second World War bombing, and the more ancient ones. San Salvatore is the oldest monument in the city, a church composed of a circular domed cylindrical, enclosed by arches, perhaps dating from the early Christian period. In the center of Terni there is the San Francesco Church which preserves notable artistic treasures such as the chapel frescoed with scenes from the Heavens Judgement by Bartolomeo di Tommaso.
>> Do you want to visit St. Valentine’s places? Check it out now of the best Farm Houses in Terni
The most beautiful complexes in the city belong to the Roman period and are parts of the ancient walls and the remains of the Roman amphitheater. Built in 32. A.D. for orders of Fausto Liberale during the reign of Tiberius the amphitheater could accommodate up to 10,000 people. Currently he is discovered by two thirds of the perimeter, being a part occupied by the Church of the Carmine , immersed in the city park La Passeggiata, where you can stop for a short break in the green before entering the Cathedral. The city’s Cathedral , dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta was rebuilt in the seventeenth century.
Things To Do In Terni, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Terni? Discover the most beautiful corners in Corso Tacito , Old Course , Via Roma, Via Cavour which will take you to admire the traditional places of meeting and shopping surrounded by buildings of great charm. In the beautiful Piazza della Repubblica is located the Town Hall , which was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the late ‘800 . Europe Square is dominated by Palazzo Spada family residence , an imposing building with two floors and a mezzanine, considered the last work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger , who died in the city in 1546. Square Tacitus , another cardinal point of the city center , with buildings typical of Fascist architecture and one of the most distinctive landmarks of Terni : the Fountain , the work of two architects Ridolfi and Bean (1932). A huge flagpole alloy steel, made from Terni steelworks , it stands above a circular structure , which gives rise to a layer of water that makes a little jump , reminiscent of Marmore Waterfall . If you had any doubt about what to do in Terni in a day, a visit to this imponenente and extraordinary waterfall, the highest in Europe , is a must!

There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Marmore! Click and Consult them immediately.
What to do in Terni if you like to go to museums ? Surely a visit to the CAOS , which boasts an excellent archaeological collection and a nice museum of modern and contemporary art . If you prefer to stay outdoors, we offer a relaxing stroll along the banks of the river through the pedestrian and cycle path (accessible from Ponte Allende, Roman Bridge and Bridge Carrara ) which allows you to get into a real urban river park where citizens and tourists can practice sports or simply regenerate.
Terni’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after you have had a taste of the rich cultural and natural Terni’s treasures… we are happy to suggest you what to eat in Terni!
See the best restaurants in the area of Terni! >> Click here and book.

Terni’s bread is made without salt : fragrant and crisp, baked in wood-fired ovens according to ancient methods , whose goodness seems to derive from water quality that enhances the fragrance. Among the first courses of handmade pasta Ciriole are without doubt the most representative of Terni! A mixture of water and flour, cut in the shape of spaghetti and topped with a delicious tomato sauce , garlic , oil and chilli , sprinkled with fresh parsley . If you decide to visit Terni at Christmas time and you wonder what to eat in Terni as a typical dessert, don’t miss the Pampepato. Well- balanced blend of 16 ingredients (including walnuts, almonds , pine nuts , chocolate, coffee, candy… ) and the unmistakable harmony of sweet, bitter and spicy.
If you’ve decided to visit Terni and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Terni >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Terni in a day? Terni ” The Italian Manchester ” is a city of mainly modern traits that can hide inside pleasant surprises for tourists!
>> Do you want to visit Terni? Check it out now of the best hotels in Terni Italy

If you arrive in Terni in Italy by train you will see the Grande Pressa, an impressive monument of 12,000 tons, emblem of the history of Terni and his industry. Another tribute to the work and the industrial zone is the Obelisco Lancia di Luce, which enriches and characterizes the city of the genius of the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. The artistic work, 32 meters high, represents the iron manufacture from raw materials up to the brightness of the finished product.
Terni is also the city of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers all over the world. Its basilica is a popular destination for pilgrimages, and every year takes place the celebration on the 14th of February. Walking through the center you will see the alternation of modern buildings, built after the Second World War bombing, and the more ancient ones. San Salvatore is the oldest monument in the city, a church composed of a circular domed cylindrical, enclosed by arches, perhaps dating from the early Christian period. In the center of Terni there is the San Francesco Church which preserves notable artistic treasures such as the chapel frescoed with scenes from the Heavens Judgement by Bartolomeo di Tommaso.
>> Do you want to visit St. Valentine’s places? Check it out now of the best Farm Houses in Terni
The most beautiful complexes in the city belong to the Roman period and are parts of the ancient walls and the remains of the Roman amphitheater. Built in 32. A.D. for orders of Fausto Liberale during the reign of Tiberius the amphitheater could accommodate up to 10,000 people. Currently he is discovered by two thirds of the perimeter, being a part occupied by the Church of the Carmine , immersed in the city park La Passeggiata, where you can stop for a short break in the green before entering the Cathedral. The city’s Cathedral , dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta was rebuilt in the seventeenth century.
Things To Do In Terni, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Terni? Discover the most beautiful corners in Corso Tacito , Old Course , Via Roma, Via Cavour which will take you to admire the traditional places of meeting and shopping surrounded by buildings of great charm. In the beautiful Piazza della Repubblica is located the Town Hall , which was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the late ‘800 . Europe Square is dominated by Palazzo Spada family residence , an imposing building with two floors and a mezzanine, considered the last work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger , who died in the city in 1546. Square Tacitus , another cardinal point of the city center , with buildings typical of Fascist architecture and one of the most distinctive landmarks of Terni : the Fountain , the work of two architects Ridolfi and Bean (1932). A huge flagpole alloy steel, made from Terni steelworks , it stands above a circular structure , which gives rise to a layer of water that makes a little jump , reminiscent of Marmore Waterfall . If you had any doubt about what to do in Terni in a day, a visit to this imponenente and extraordinary waterfall, the highest in Europe , is a must!

There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Marmore! Click and Consult them immediately.
What to do in Terni if you like to go to museums ? Surely a visit to the CAOS , which boasts an excellent archaeological collection and a nice museum of modern and contemporary art . If you prefer to stay outdoors, we offer a relaxing stroll along the banks of the river through the pedestrian and cycle path (accessible from Ponte Allende, Roman Bridge and Bridge Carrara ) which allows you to get into a real urban river park where citizens and tourists can practice sports or simply regenerate.
Terni’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after you have had a taste of the rich cultural and natural Terni’s treasures… we are happy to suggest you what to eat in Terni!
See the best restaurants in the area of Terni! >> Click here and book.

Terni’s bread is made without salt : fragrant and crisp, baked in wood-fired ovens according to ancient methods , whose goodness seems to derive from water quality that enhances the fragrance. Among the first courses of handmade pasta Ciriole are without doubt the most representative of Terni! A mixture of water and flour, cut in the shape of spaghetti and topped with a delicious tomato sauce , garlic , oil and chilli , sprinkled with fresh parsley . If you decide to visit Terni at Christmas time and you wonder what to eat in Terni as a typical dessert, don’t miss the Pampepato. Well- balanced blend of 16 ingredients (including walnuts, almonds , pine nuts , chocolate, coffee, candy… ) and the unmistakable harmony of sweet, bitter and spicy.
If you’ve decided to visit Terni and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Terni >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Terni in a day? Terni ” The Italian Manchester ” is a city of mainly modern traits that can hide inside pleasant surprises for tourists!
>> Do you want to visit Terni? Check it out now of the best hotels in Terni Italy

If you arrive in Terni in Italy by train you will see the Grande Pressa, an impressive monument of 12,000 tons, emblem of the history of Terni and his industry. Another tribute to the work and the industrial zone is the Obelisco Lancia di Luce, which enriches and characterizes the city of the genius of the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. The artistic work, 32 meters high, represents the iron manufacture from raw materials up to the brightness of the finished product.
Terni is also the city of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers all over the world. Its basilica is a popular destination for pilgrimages, and every year takes place the celebration on the 14th of February. Walking through the center you will see the alternation of modern buildings, built after the Second World War bombing, and the more ancient ones. San Salvatore is the oldest monument in the city, a church composed of a circular domed cylindrical, enclosed by arches, perhaps dating from the early Christian period. In the center of Terni there is the San Francesco Church which preserves notable artistic treasures such as the chapel frescoed with scenes from the Heavens Judgement by Bartolomeo di Tommaso.
>> Do you want to visit St. Valentine’s places? Check it out now of the best Farm Houses in Terni
The most beautiful complexes in the city belong to the Roman period and are parts of the ancient walls and the remains of the Roman amphitheater. Built in 32. A.D. for orders of Fausto Liberale during the reign of Tiberius the amphitheater could accommodate up to 10,000 people. Currently he is discovered by two thirds of the perimeter, being a part occupied by the Church of the Carmine , immersed in the city park La Passeggiata, where you can stop for a short break in the green before entering the Cathedral. The city’s Cathedral , dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta was rebuilt in the seventeenth century.
Things To Do In Terni, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Terni? Discover the most beautiful corners in Corso Tacito , Old Course , Via Roma, Via Cavour which will take you to admire the traditional places of meeting and shopping surrounded by buildings of great charm. In the beautiful Piazza della Repubblica is located the Town Hall , which was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the late ‘800 . Europe Square is dominated by Palazzo Spada family residence , an imposing building with two floors and a mezzanine, considered the last work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger , who died in the city in 1546. Square Tacitus , another cardinal point of the city center , with buildings typical of Fascist architecture and one of the most distinctive landmarks of Terni : the Fountain , the work of two architects Ridolfi and Bean (1932). A huge flagpole alloy steel, made from Terni steelworks , it stands above a circular structure , which gives rise to a layer of water that makes a little jump , reminiscent of Marmore Waterfall . If you had any doubt about what to do in Terni in a day, a visit to this imponenente and extraordinary waterfall, the highest in Europe , is a must!

There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Marmore! Click and Consult them immediately.
What to do in Terni if you like to go to museums ? Surely a visit to the CAOS , which boasts an excellent archaeological collection and a nice museum of modern and contemporary art . If you prefer to stay outdoors, we offer a relaxing stroll along the banks of the river through the pedestrian and cycle path (accessible from Ponte Allende, Roman Bridge and Bridge Carrara ) which allows you to get into a real urban river park where citizens and tourists can practice sports or simply regenerate.
Terni’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after you have had a taste of the rich cultural and natural Terni’s treasures… we are happy to suggest you what to eat in Terni!
See the best restaurants in the area of Terni! >> Click here and book.

Terni’s bread is made without salt : fragrant and crisp, baked in wood-fired ovens according to ancient methods , whose goodness seems to derive from water quality that enhances the fragrance. Among the first courses of handmade pasta Ciriole are without doubt the most representative of Terni! A mixture of water and flour, cut in the shape of spaghetti and topped with a delicious tomato sauce , garlic , oil and chilli , sprinkled with fresh parsley . If you decide to visit Terni at Christmas time and you wonder what to eat in Terni as a typical dessert, don’t miss the Pampepato. Well- balanced blend of 16 ingredients (including walnuts, almonds , pine nuts , chocolate, coffee, candy… ) and the unmistakable harmony of sweet, bitter and spicy.
If you’ve decided to visit Terni and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Terni >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Terni in a day? Terni ” The Italian Manchester ” is a city of mainly modern traits that can hide inside pleasant surprises for tourists!
>> Do you want to visit Terni? Check it out now of the best hotels in Terni Italy

If you arrive in Terni in Italy by train you will see the Grande Pressa, an impressive monument of 12,000 tons, emblem of the history of Terni and his industry. Another tribute to the work and the industrial zone is the Obelisco Lancia di Luce, which enriches and characterizes the city of the genius of the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. The artistic work, 32 meters high, represents the iron manufacture from raw materials up to the brightness of the finished product.
Terni is also the city of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers all over the world. Its basilica is a popular destination for pilgrimages, and every year takes place the celebration on the 14th of February. Walking through the center you will see the alternation of modern buildings, built after the Second World War bombing, and the more ancient ones. San Salvatore is the oldest monument in the city, a church composed of a circular domed cylindrical, enclosed by arches, perhaps dating from the early Christian period. In the center of Terni there is the San Francesco Church which preserves notable artistic treasures such as the chapel frescoed with scenes from the Heavens Judgement by Bartolomeo di Tommaso.
>> Do you want to visit St. Valentine’s places? Check it out now of the best Farm Houses in Terni
The most beautiful complexes in the city belong to the Roman period and are parts of the ancient walls and the remains of the Roman amphitheater. Built in 32. A.D. for orders of Fausto Liberale during the reign of Tiberius the amphitheater could accommodate up to 10,000 people. Currently he is discovered by two thirds of the perimeter, being a part occupied by the Church of the Carmine , immersed in the city park La Passeggiata, where you can stop for a short break in the green before entering the Cathedral. The city’s Cathedral , dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta was rebuilt in the seventeenth century.
Things To Do In Terni, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Terni? Discover the most beautiful corners in Corso Tacito , Old Course , Via Roma, Via Cavour which will take you to admire the traditional places of meeting and shopping surrounded by buildings of great charm. In the beautiful Piazza della Repubblica is located the Town Hall , which was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the late ‘800 . Europe Square is dominated by Palazzo Spada family residence , an imposing building with two floors and a mezzanine, considered the last work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger , who died in the city in 1546. Square Tacitus , another cardinal point of the city center , with buildings typical of Fascist architecture and one of the most distinctive landmarks of Terni : the Fountain , the work of two architects Ridolfi and Bean (1932). A huge flagpole alloy steel, made from Terni steelworks , it stands above a circular structure , which gives rise to a layer of water that makes a little jump , reminiscent of Marmore Waterfall . If you had any doubt about what to do in Terni in a day, a visit to this imponenente and extraordinary waterfall, the highest in Europe , is a must!

There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Marmore! Click and Consult them immediately.
What to do in Terni if you like to go to museums ? Surely a visit to the CAOS, which boasts an excellent archaeological collection and a nice museum of modern and contemporary art . If you prefer to stay outdoors, we offer a relaxing stroll along the banks of the river through the pedestrian and cycle path (accessible from Ponte Allende, Roman Bridge and Bridge Carrara ) which allows you to get into a real urban river park where citizens and tourists can practice sports or simply regenerate.
Terni’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If after you have had a taste of the rich cultural and natural Terni’s treasures… we are happy to suggest you what to eat in Terni!
See the best restaurants in the area of Terni! >> Click here and book.

Terni’s bread is made without salt : fragrant and crisp, baked in wood-fired ovens according to ancient methods , whose goodness seems to derive from water quality that enhances the fragrance. Among the first courses of handmade pasta Ciriole are without doubt the most representative of Terni! A mixture of water and flour, cut in the shape of spaghetti and topped with a delicious tomato sauce , garlic , oil and chilli , sprinkled with fresh parsley . If you decide to visit Terni at Christmas time and you wonder what to eat in Terni as a typical dessert, don’t miss the Pampepato. Well- balanced blend of 16 ingredients (including walnuts, almonds , pine nuts , chocolate, coffee, candy… ) and the unmistakable harmony of sweet, bitter and spicy.
If you’ve decided to visit Terni and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Terni >> click this link.
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