Cosa vedere a Spoleto: la nostra miniguida pratica ti spiega cosa vedere, cosa fare e cosa mangiare per scoprire Spoleto a 360°!
Antica capitale dei duchi longobardi, Spoleto ti lascerà senza fiato grazie alla ricchezza del patrimonio storico-artistico cittadino, testimonianza delle più diverse epoche storiche che la videro protagonista. In una cartolina indirizzata alla moglie, Herman Hesse scriveva a proposito della città:
“Spoleto è la scoperta più bella che ho fatto in Italia […], c’è una tale ricchezza di bellezze pressoché sconosciute,di monti, di valli, foreste di querce, conventi, cascate!”

Cosa vedere a Spoleto: dalla Rocca al centro storico
Non è facile, tra le tante bellezze, decidere da dove iniziare a visitare Spoleto: noi ti consigliamo di cominciare il tuo itinerario dalla maestosa Rocca Albornoziana, che domina la città. Illustre testimonianza della presenza dei papi e dei governatori a Spoleto la Rocca, delimitata da un alto sistema di mura perimetrali alternate da sei torri squadrate, è infatti il simbolo della città e si divide in due aree distinte: il Cortile d’onore, con il Museo nazionale del Ducato e uno spazio polivalente per mostre, concerti e convegni, e il Cortile delle armi, con un teatro all’aperto.
Se non soffri di vertigini, sali sul Ponte delle Torri che unisce la Rocca e il Monteluco. Questo ponte è impressionante e unico nel suo genere: lungo 230 metri e alto 82, pare sia stato eretto tra il Duecento e il secolo successivo, dopo il saccheggio di Spoleto da parte del Barbarossa.

Non tutti sanno che …
Di questo incredibile monumento sospeso nel vuoto s’innamorarono tutti i più illustri turisti che passarono di qui, tra cui Goethe, che lo descrisse nel suo Viaggio in Italia, e il pittore inglese Turner, che lo ritrasse in uno dei suoi capolavori
>>Vuoi visitare i luoghi che ispirarono Goethe? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi a Spoleto
Scendendo, approfitta per immergerti nell’atmosfera dell’impero romano visitando il Teatro Romano (I sec. d.C.) che viene ancora utilizzato per spettacoli e rappresentazioni varie. Imbocca quindi via Monterone fino all’incrocio: alla tua destra hai Palazzo Mauri (sede della Biblioteca comunale), a sinistra la chiesa di Sant’Ansano e la Cripta di Sant’Isacco – (Secoli XI-XVIII) così anche l’Arco di Druso e Germanico.
Oltrepassando l’Arco sei quindi in via Fontesecca. Prima di arrivare in Piazza del Mercato, volgi lo sguardo a sinistra fino ad incrociare l’ingresso di Palazzo Leti Sensi: era il Palazzo del Podestà, poi storica sede del Consorzio della Bonificazione Umbra, ora utilizzato per mostre ed esposizioni.
Giunto finalmente in Piazza del Duomo tra le cose da vedere a Spoleto c’è assolutamente la Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, raro esempio di sintesi dell’architettura romanica, che ospita affreschi del Pinturicchio e di Filippo Lippi, e la bella Casa Romana attribuita alla madre dell’imperatore Vespasiano Polla.

Non tutti sanno che …
Al tempo degli antichi Romani, la città divenne un vero e proprio centro “turistico” dove i nobili avevano la casa per le vacanze estive, per il clima fresco dei boschi e la salubrità dell’aria.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza per B&B nella zona di Spoleto! Clicca e consultale subito
Cosa fare a Spoleto

Se ti stai domandando cosa fare a Spoleto, ti suggeriamo per prima cosa il Giro della Rocca, una passeggiata panoramica attorno alla sommità del colle Sant’Elia e alla Rocca Albornozian, da cui si ammira la splendida valle spoletina e la Cattedrale dall’alto.
Qualche metro dopo averlo imboccato, noterai una breve galleria che conduce sia alla Rocca che alla parte bassa del centro storico, dove gli ascensori sono parte integrante di un suggestivo percorso meccanizzato: otto blocchi di scale mobili che in 8 minuti e 24 secondi collegano quest’area con il quartiere della Ponzianina, corso Garibaldi, Basilica di S. Salvatore diventata patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO, la Chiesa e Monastero di San Ponziano.
Sistema Museo in collaborazione con varie realtà turistiche di Spoleto organizza una serie di itinerari e tour guidati dedicati ai temi più diversi, dai luoghi del cinema di Spoleto ai percorsi in bicicletta, dalle visite guidate dedicate all’arte e ai preziosi tesori della città fino al tour che va alla scoperta dei suoi misteri. Ce n’è davvero per tutti i gusti, per approfondire e trovare l’itinerario guidato perfetto per te leggi anche Cosa Fare a Spoleto tra itinerari e tour guidati.
Vi consigliamo in particolare il tour guidato alla scoperta della città, su prenotazione tutti i venerdì con partenze alle ore 19:00.

Non tutti sanno che …
Dal 1958, ogni estate Spoleto diventa la cornice e il palcoscenico del Festival dei Due Mondi, la “creatura” del Maestro Giancarlo Menotti, dove artisti di tutto il mondo si esibiscono in concerti, danze e spettacoli. Un vero e proprio tributo all’arte in tutte le sue forme!
Cosa mangiare a Spoleto

Dopo il Giro della Rocca, l’ideale è fermarsi in un caratteristico ristorantino per godersi le specialità locali: per non perderti tra le tante prelibatezze ti suggeriamo un breve elenco di cosa mangiare a Spoleto.
Non fatevi mancare il tartufo nero che è forse l’indiscusso primo attore della cucina spoletina e dunque largo agli spaghetti al tartufo nero, ; vi segnaliamo anche un presidio slow food, il rarissimo sedano di Trevi che grazie al cuore tenero e carnoso e al sapore molto spiccato si presta in modo ideale al consumo a crudo magari immerso nello squisito olio di Trevi oppure cotto “alla parmigiana”. Arrivati a fine pasto addolcite il palato con la crescionda, un tipico dolce a base di uova, farina, cioccolato, amaretti e
>> Consulta i ristoranti migliori nella zona di Spoleto! Clicca e prenota
Here is a mini guide to discover the best things to do in Spoleto. Bella Umbria suggests you things to do, places to visit and things to eat in this charming Umbrian City.
Ancient capital of the Lombard dukes Spoleto will leave you breathless. In a postcard addressed to his wife Herman Hesse wrote: “Spoleto is the most beautiful discovery I made in Italy […], there is such a wealth of beauty almost unknown, mountains, valleys, forests of oaks, monasteries, waterfalls! “.
We recommend you to start your journey from Rocca Albornoz that overlooks the city. Distinguished record of the presence of popes and governors in Spoleto the Fortress, surrounded by a high perimeter walls alternating system of six square towers, is the symbol of the city and is divided into two distinct areas: the main courtyard, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences, and the Courtyard of arms, with an outdoor theater.
>> Do you want to visit Spoleto? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spoleto Italy

If you do not fear of heights, get on the Bridge of the Towers which connects the fortress and Monteluco. This bridge is impressive and unique: 230 meters long and 82 high, seems to have been built between the thirteenth and the following century, after the sacking of Spoleto (1155) by Barbarossa.
>> Do you want to discover Spoleto’s treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Spoleto.
Things to do in Spoleto
One of the best things to do in Spoleto in without doubt soak up the atmosphere of the Roman Empire visiting the Roman theater (first century AD.) that is still used for various shows and performances.
Take Monterone street to the intersection: on your right you will see Mauri Palace (seat of the municipal library) and on the left the Sant’Ansano Church the St. Isaac Crypt (XI-XVIII Centuries) and also the Arch of Drusus and Germanicus. Going beyond the Arch, you will be on Fontesecca Street, before arriving at the Market Square, turn your gaze to the left until you reach the entrance of Palazzo Leti Sensi (it was the Palazzo del Podesta, then historical headquarters of the Consortium of Reclamation Umbra, now used for exhibitions).
Finally arrived in Piazza del Duomo visit the Cathedral, a rare example of the synthesis of the Romanesque architecture, with frescoes by Pinturicchio and Filippo Lippi, and the beautiful Roman House attributed to the mother of the Emperor Vespasian Polla.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> At the time of the ancient Romans, the city became a real “touristic “center where the nobles had the house for summer holidays, because of the cool climate of the forests and clean air.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spoleto! Click and Consult them immediately.

One of the best things to do in Spoleto in a day is the walk around Rocca Albornoz from which you can admire the marvellous valley of Spoleto and the Cathedral. A few meters after you will notice embarked on a short tunnel that leads to the fortress that is the lower part of the historic center, where the elevators are part of a fascinating journey mechanized: eight blocks of escalators that in 8 minutes and 24 seconds connect this area the neighborhood of the Ponzianina, Corso Garibaldi, the Basilica St. Salvatore (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the San Ponziano Church and Monastery.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> Since 1958, every summer Spoleto becomes the stage of the Festival Due Mondi, where artists from all over the world perform in concerts, dances and shows. A real tribute to art in all its forms!
Spoleto’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
Take a stop in a typical restaurant to taste some local specialties! We suggest you what to eat in Spoleto.
See the best restaurants in the area of Spoleto! >> Click here and book.

Do not miss black truffle which is absolutely the undisputed first actor in Spoleto cuisine: taste it with spaghetti!
We suggest you also to eat the soft-hearted, fleshy and rare Trevi, immersed in the exquisite Trevi oil or cooked “alla parmigiana”. As dessert taste “crescionda”, a typical cake made with eggs, flour, chocolate, macaroons and mistral.
If you’ve decided to visit Spoleto and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Spoleto >> click this link.
Here is a mini guide to discover the best things to do in Spoleto. Bella Umbria suggests you things to do, places to visit and things to eat in this charming Umbrian City.
Ancient capital of the Lombard dukes Spoleto will leave you breathless. In a postcard addressed to his wife Herman Hesse wrote: “Spoleto is the most beautiful discovery I made in Italy […], there is such a wealth of beauty almost unknown, mountains, valleys, forests of oaks, monasteries, waterfalls! “.
We recommend you to start your journey from Rocca Albornoz that overlooks the city. Distinguished record of the presence of popes and governors in Spoleto the Fortress, surrounded by a high perimeter walls alternating system of six square towers, is the symbol of the city and is divided into two distinct areas: the main courtyard, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences, and the Courtyard of arms, with an outdoor theater.
>> Do you want to visit Spoleto? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spoleto Italy

If you do not fear of heights, get on the Bridge of the Towers which connects the fortress and Monteluco. This bridge is impressive and unique: 230 meters long and 82 high, seems to have been built between the thirteenth and the following century, after the sacking of Spoleto (1155) by Barbarossa.
>> Do you want to discover Spoleto’s treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Spoleto.
Things to do in Spoleto
One of the best things to do in Spoleto in without doubt soak up the atmosphere of the Roman Empire visiting the Roman theater (first century AD.) that is still used for various shows and performances.
Take Monterone street to the intersection: on your right you will see Mauri Palace (seat of the municipal library) and on the left the Sant’Ansano Church the St. Isaac Crypt (XI-XVIII Centuries) and also the Arch of Drusus and Germanicus. Going beyond the Arch, you will be on Fontesecca Street, before arriving at the Market Square, turn your gaze to the left until you reach the entrance of Palazzo Leti Sensi (it was the Palazzo del Podesta, then historical headquarters of the Consortium of Reclamation Umbra, now used for exhibitions).
Finally arrived in Piazza del Duomo visit the Cathedral, a rare example of the synthesis of the Romanesque architecture, with frescoes by Pinturicchio and Filippo Lippi, and the beautiful Roman House attributed to the mother of the Emperor Vespasian Polla.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> At the time of the ancient Romans, the city became a real “touristic “center where the nobles had the house for summer holidays, because of the cool climate of the forests and clean air.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spoleto! Click and Consult them immediately.

One of the best things to do in Spoleto in a day is the walk around Rocca Albornoz from which you can admire the marvellous valley of Spoleto and the Cathedral. A few meters after you will notice embarked on a short tunnel that leads to the fortress that is the lower part of the historic center, where the elevators are part of a fascinating journey mechanized: eight blocks of escalators that in 8 minutes and 24 seconds connect this area the neighborhood of the Ponzianina, Corso Garibaldi, the Basilica St. Salvatore (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the San Ponziano Church and Monastery.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> Since 1958, every summer Spoleto becomes the stage of the Festival Due Mondi, where artists from all over the world perform in concerts, dances and shows. A real tribute to art in all its forms!
Spoleto’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
Take a stop in a typical restaurant to taste some local specialties! We suggest you what to eat in Spoleto.
See the best restaurants in the area of Spoleto! >> Click here and book.

Do not miss black truffle which is absolutely the undisputed first actor in Spoleto cuisine: taste it with spaghetti!
We suggest you also to eat the soft-hearted, fleshy and rare Trevi, immersed in the exquisite Trevi oil or cooked “alla parmigiana”. As dessert taste “crescionda”, a typical cake made with eggs, flour, chocolate, macaroons and mistral.
If you’ve decided to visit Spoleto and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Spoleto >> click this link.
Here is a mini guide to discover the best things to do in Spoleto. Bella Umbria suggests you things to do, places to visit and things to eat in this charming Umbrian City.
Ancient capital of the Lombard dukes Spoleto will leave you breathless. In a postcard addressed to his wife Herman Hesse wrote: “Spoleto is the most beautiful discovery I made in Italy […], there is such a wealth of beauty almost unknown, mountains, valleys, forests of oaks, monasteries, waterfalls! “.
We recommend you to start your journey from Rocca Albornoz that overlooks the city. Distinguished record of the presence of popes and governors in Spoleto the Fortress, surrounded by a high perimeter walls alternating system of six square towers, is the symbol of the city and is divided into two distinct areas: the main courtyard, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences, and the Courtyard of arms, with an outdoor theater.
>> Do you want to visit Spoleto? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spoleto Italy

If you do not fear of heights, get on the Bridge of the Towers which connects the fortress and Monteluco. This bridge is impressive and unique: 230 meters long and 82 high, seems to have been built between the thirteenth and the following century, after the sacking of Spoleto (1155) by Barbarossa.
>> Do you want to discover Spoleto’s treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Spoleto.
Things to do in Spoleto
One of the best things to do in Spoleto in without doubt soak up the atmosphere of the Roman Empire visiting the Roman theater (first century AD.) that is still used for various shows and performances.
Take Monterone street to the intersection: on your right you will see Mauri Palace (seat of the municipal library) and on the left the Sant’Ansano Church the St. Isaac Crypt (XI-XVIII Centuries) and also the Arch of Drusus and Germanicus. Going beyond the Arch, you will be on Fontesecca Street, before arriving at the Market Square, turn your gaze to the left until you reach the entrance of Palazzo Leti Sensi (it was the Palazzo del Podesta, then historical headquarters of the Consortium of Reclamation Umbra, now used for exhibitions).
Finally arrived in Piazza del Duomo visit the Cathedral, a rare example of the synthesis of the Romanesque architecture, with frescoes by Pinturicchio and Filippo Lippi, and the beautiful Roman House attributed to the mother of the Emperor Vespasian Polla.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> At the time of the ancient Romans, the city became a real “touristic “center where the nobles had the house for summer holidays, because of the cool climate of the forests and clean air.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spoleto! Click and Consult them immediately.

One of the best things to do in Spoleto in a day is the walk around Rocca Albornoz from which you can admire the marvellous valley of Spoleto and the Cathedral. A few meters after you will notice embarked on a short tunnel that leads to the fortress that is the lower part of the historic center, where the elevators are part of a fascinating journey mechanized: eight blocks of escalators that in 8 minutes and 24 seconds connect this area the neighborhood of the Ponzianina, Corso Garibaldi, the Basilica St. Salvatore (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the San Ponziano Church and Monastery.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> Since 1958, every summer Spoleto becomes the stage of the Festival Due Mondi, where artists from all over the world perform in concerts, dances and shows. A real tribute to art in all its forms!
Spoleto’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
Take a stop in a typical restaurant to taste some local specialties! We suggest you what to eat in Spoleto.
See the best restaurants in the area of Spoleto! >> Click here and book.

Do not miss black truffle which is absolutely the undisputed first actor in Spoleto cuisine: taste it with spaghetti!
We suggest you also to eat the soft-hearted, fleshy and rare Trevi, immersed in the exquisite Trevi oil or cooked “alla parmigiana”. As dessert taste “crescionda”, a typical cake made with eggs, flour, chocolate, macaroons and mistral.
If you’ve decided to visit Spoleto and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Spoleto >> click this link.
Here is a mini guide to discover the best things to do in Spoleto. Bella Umbria suggests you things to do, places to visit and things to eat in this charming Umbrian City.
Ancient capital of the Lombard dukes Spoleto will leave you breathless. In a postcard addressed to his wife Herman Hesse wrote: “Spoleto is the most beautiful discovery I made in Italy […], there is such a wealth of beauty almost unknown, mountains, valleys, forests of oaks, monasteries, waterfalls! “.
We recommend you to start your journey from Rocca Albornoz that overlooks the city. Distinguished record of the presence of popes and governors in Spoleto the Fortress, surrounded by a high perimeter walls alternating system of six square towers, is the symbol of the city and is divided into two distinct areas: the main courtyard, with the National Museum of the Duchy and a multipurpose space for exhibitions, concerts and conferences, and the Courtyard of arms, with an outdoor theater.
>> Do you want to visit Spoleto? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spoleto Italy

If you do not fear of heights, get on the Bridge of the Towers which connects the fortress and Monteluco. This bridge is impressive and unique: 230 meters long and 82 high, seems to have been built between the thirteenth and the following century, after the sacking of Spoleto (1155) by Barbarossa.
>> Do you want to discover Spoleto’s treasures? Check it out now of the best farmhouses in Spoleto.
Things to do in Spoleto
One of the best things to do in Spoleto in without doubt soak up the atmosphere of the Roman Empire visiting the Roman theater (first century AD.) that is still used for various shows and performances.
Take Monterone street to the intersection: on your right you will see Mauri Palace (seat of the municipal library) and on the left the Sant’Ansano Church the St. Isaac Crypt (XI-XVIII Centuries) and also the Arch of Drusus and Germanicus. Going beyond the Arch, you will be on Fontesecca Street, before arriving at the Market Square, turn your gaze to the left until you reach the entrance of Palazzo Leti Sensi (it was the Palazzo del Podesta, then historical headquarters of the Consortium of Reclamation Umbra, now used for exhibitions).
Finally arrived in Piazza del Duomo visit the Cathedral, a rare example of the synthesis of the Romanesque architecture, with frescoes by Pinturicchio and Filippo Lippi, and the beautiful Roman House attributed to the mother of the Emperor Vespasian Polla.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> At the time of the ancient Romans, the city became a real “touristic “center where the nobles had the house for summer holidays, because of the cool climate of the forests and clean air.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spoleto! Click and Consult them immediately.

One of the best things to do in Spoleto in a day is the walk around Rocca Albornoz from which you can admire the marvellous valley of Spoleto and the Cathedral. A few meters after you will notice embarked on a short tunnel that leads to the fortress that is the lower part of the historic center, where the elevators are part of a fascinating journey mechanized: eight blocks of escalators that in 8 minutes and 24 seconds connect this area the neighborhood of the Ponzianina, Corso Garibaldi, the Basilica St. Salvatore (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the San Ponziano Church and Monastery.
Perhaps you didn’t know that…>> Since 1958, every summer Spoleto becomes the stage of the Festival Due Mondi, where artists from all over the world perform in concerts, dances and shows. A real tribute to art in all its forms!
Spoleto’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
Take a stop in a typical restaurant to taste some local specialties! We suggest you what to eat in Spoleto.
See the best restaurants in the area of Spoleto! >> Click here and book.

Do not miss black truffle which is absolutely the undisputed first actor in Spoleto cuisine: taste it with spaghetti!
We suggest you also to eat the soft-hearted, fleshy and rare Trevi, immersed in the exquisite Trevi oil or cooked “alla parmigiana”. As dessert taste “crescionda”, a typical cake made with eggs, flour, chocolate, macaroons and mistral.
If you’ve decided to visit Spoleto and taste Umbrian cuisine you should contact now farmhouses near Spoleto >> click this link.
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