Dal 24 Febbraio al 4 Marzo 2018, torna il Festival del Cinema Città di Spello ed I Borghi Umbri, appuntamento imperdibile per tutti gli appassionati di cinema.
Il festival nasce infatti nel 2012 con lo scopo di promuovere la cultura cinematografica in tutte le sue forme e soprattutto per valorizzare ed avvicinare il pubblico alle professioni del “dietro le quinte” del cinema.
Il festival infatti si propone come Rassegna Concorso Le Professioni del Cinema, dedicata all’immenso operato di sceneggiatori, direttori della fotografia, scenografi, fonici, montatori, costumisti, truccatori, addetti agli effetti speciali… e di tutti quei professionisti il cui immenso lavoro, spesso poco conosciuto, è fondamentale per la realizzazione di un film.
I lungometraggi presenti al festival concorrono in diverse categorie: film italiani, stranieri, backstage e documentari. Una Giuria composta da professionisti del Cinema assegnerà un premio per ogni categoria. Dal 2015, le proiezioni sono composte anche da 7 lungometraggi europei scelti tra le produzioni del biennio precedente, privilegiando quei film di qualità che hanno avuto una minore distribuzione nelle sale. Tutte le proiezioni sono ad ingresso gratuito.

>> Non perdere il Festival del Cinema di Spello 2018, consulta subito i migliori agriturismi di Spello e dintorni!
Proiezioni del Festival a Spello e nei Borghi
Il Festival del Cinema Città di Spello ha ovviamente il suo centro nevralgico nella splendida cittadina di Spello, in particolare presso il Teatro Subasio ed il Palazzo del Cinema (Palazzo Comunale).
Tanti sono poi i borghi che anche quest’anno aderiscono all’iniziativa, con proiezioni ed eventi in luoghi davvero suggestivi e capaci di valorizzare anche le eccellenze delle regione Umbria: da Palazzo Trinci a Foligno, allo splendido Teatro della Concordia di Montecastello di Vibio. E’ prevista anche una proiezione speciale accompagnata da una ricca degustazione alla Casa del Cioccolato di Perugia, che per l’occasione avrà un’apertura serale straordinaria.
Inoltre, quest’anno il tema scelto nella sezione dedicata ai documentari in concorso è Migrazione tra i Popoli e Integrazione, con 15 documentari in concorso.

Tanti gli appuntamenti speciali del Festival, tra i quali vogliamo suggerirvi:
Spello – Palazzo del Cinema
Dal 24 Febbraio al 04 Marzo 2018 ore 10:00 – 13:00 e 15:00 – 18:00 (chiuso il lunedì)
La mostra è incentrata sull’apporto artistico di Scenografi, Costumisti e Arredatori, ripercorrendo il processo creativo che va dall’ideazione, alla preparazione e realizzazione delle forme che costituiscono l’immagine completa, la “cifra esatta” con cui raccontare una determinata vicenda.
- Premio Savina “Suono & Musica Nel Cinema”
Spello – Teatro Subasio
Sabato 04 Marzo ore 18:30
Premio attribuito al migliore apporto creativo musicale destinato ad un racconto per immagini, dedicato a Carlo Savina, uno dei più autorevoli musicisti nella storia del cinema. Il Premio intende approfondire e sottolineare la tematica della musica all’interno della realtà cinematografica, dal cinema muto all’avvento del sonoro, fino all’affermazione della Colonna Sonora intesa come insieme degli eventi sonori: dialoghi, effetti sonori, musica. Il Premio è quest’anno attribuito al Maestro Ennio Morricone.
- Premio all’Eccellenza 2018 a Franco Piavoli
Spello – Teatro Subasio
Sabato 04 Marzo ore 18:30
Cerimonia di premiazione per un riconoscimento all’eccellenza artistica assegnato ad un prestigioso protagonista del cinema italiano
- Presentazione del Libro “Every Child is My Child”
Spello – Palazzo del Cinema
Sabato 04 Marzo ore 15:30
Un’analisi ad ampio spettro con la presentazione degli attori Andrea Bosca e Angela Curri
Infine, spazio anche ad eventi collaterali legati in particolare alla musica con“Black & White” tra arte, musica e cultura.
Sabato 25 Febbraio alle ore 19:30, al Palazzo del Cinema di Spello, apericena in dress code Black & White con sottofondo musicale e visita alle mostre del festival. Evento su invito e prenotazione.

Tra i tanti film in programmazione, che trovate illustrati nella brochure del Festival Del Cinema Città di Spello in allegato in fondo alla pagina insieme a tutte le altre iniziative dell’evento, vi presentiamo una piccola carrellata dei film italiani in concorso:
- CUORI PURI di ROBERTO DE PAOLIS (con Selene Caramazza, Simone Liberati, Barbora Bobulova, Stefano Fresi, Edoardo Pesce, Antonella Attili e Federico Pacifici) – Agnese e Stefano, diversi e simili
I FIGLI DELLA NOTTE di Roberto Andò (con Vincenzo Crea, Fabrizio Rongione, Ludovico Succio, Yuliia Sobol, Luigi Bignone, Pietro Monfreda, Dario Cantarelli e Michael Bernhard Plattner) – Un collegio d’élite tra le Alpi, ragazzi alla ricerca della propria identità
- IL VANGELO SECONDO MATTEI di ANTONIO ANDRISANI E PASCAL ZULLINO (con Flavio Bucci, Ludovica Modugno, Pascal Zullino, Antonio Andrisani, Antonio Stornaiolo, Riccardo Zinna, Andrea Osvart, Gianni Ferreri e Mimmo Calopresti) – Basilicata, Matera, cinema
- EASY UN VIAGGIO FACILE FACILE di Andrea Magnani (con Nicola Nocella, Libero De Rienzo, Barbara Bouchet, Lorenzo Acquaviva, Ostap Stupka e Veronika Shostak) – Giornate lente e immobili per Isidoro detto Easy, fino a che all’improvviso tutto cambia
- MARIA PER ROMA di Karen Di Porto (con Karen Di Porto, Andrea Planamente, Cyro Rossi, Diego Buongiorno, Nicola Mancini, Lorenzo Adorn e Paolo Samoggia) – Una giornata nella vita di Maria, donna confusa e dinamica, alla ricerca di un sogno
- LASCIATI ANDARE di Francesco Amato (Veronica Echegui, Toni Servillo, Carla Signoris e Luca Marinelli) – Una strana coppia, che finirà per rivelarsi preziosa nell’aiutarsi reciprocamente
- UNA QUESTIONE PRIVATA di Paolo e Vittorio Taviani (con Luca Marinelli, Valentina Bellè e Lorenzo Richelmy) – Il partigiano Milton in un viaggio attraverso le Langhe, attraverso se’ stesso e l’animo umano
- LA VITA IN COMUNE di Edoardo Winspeare (con Celeste Casciaro, Gustavo Caputo, Antonio Carluccio, Claudio Giangreco, Alessandra De Luca e Davide Riso) – Un piccolo paese del sud Italia, un carcere, una possibilità di cambiare il proprio destino
- TIRO LIBERO di Alessandro Valori (con Simone Riccioni, Maria Chiara Centorami, Jacopo Barzaghi, Nancy Brilli, Antonio Catania, Biagio Izzo, Paolo Conticini e Marianna Di Martino) – Un giovane alle prese con la malattia, la tenacia di una squadra in carrozzina, la forza per superare ogni ostacolo
- SMETTO QUANDO VOGLIO – AH HONOREM di Sydney Sibilia (con Edoardo Leo, Valerio Aprea, Paolo Calabresi, Libero de Rienzo, Stefano Fresi, Lorenzo Lavia, Pietro Sermonti, Marco Bonini, Rosario Lisma, Giampaolo Morelli, Peppe Barra, Greta Scarano, Luigi Lo Cascio, Valeria Solarino e Neri Marcorè) – La sgangherata banda di Pietro Zinni, un anno dopo
- IL CONTAGIO di Matteo Botrugno e Daniele Coluccini (con Anna Foglietta, Vinicio Marchioni, Vincenzo Salemme, Giulia Bevilacqua, Maurizio Tesei, Luciana De Falco, Daniele Parisi e Michele Botrugno) – Tra criminali, affaristi e palazzinari della Roma contemporanea
Scopri tutto sul Festival del Cinema Città di Spello nella brochure in allegato!
From 25th February to 5th March 2017, there will be the Film Festival of Spello and Umbrian Towns, an unmissable appointment for all the cinema lovers.
In fact this Festival was created in 2012 with the aim to promote film culture in all of his forms and also to enhance and get the public closer to the professions “behind the scenes” of cinema. The festival, in fact, proposes itself as a Review – Competition about the Cinema Professions dedicated to the great work of screenwriters, cinematographers, set designers, sound engineers, editors, costume designers, makeup artists, responsibles for the special effects… and all of those professionists whose work, often little known, is crucial for the realization of a film.
The movies shown at the festival compete in different categories: Italian movies, foreign movies, backstage and documentaries. A jury composed by professionals of Cinema will award a prize for each category. Since 2015, the projections have been composed also by 7 European films selected among the productions of the previous two years, focusing on those films of value that have had a minor distribution. All screenings are free admission.

The Film Festival of Spello obviously has its nerve center in the beautiful town of Spello, in particular at the Subasio Theater and the Cinema Palazzo (at the Town Hall).
Many other towns participate in the initiative also this year, with screenings and events in enchanting places, that are also able to enhance the excellences of the Umbrian region. From the Sala Fra’ Giordano of Giano dell’Umbria to the Auditorium San Domenico of Foligno, from the Metastasio Theater of Assisi to the Astra Cinema of Gubbio, passing by the Belle Arti Academy of Perugia and the wonderful Concordia Theater of Montecastello di Vibio.
In addiction, there will be also a special screening accompanied by a rich tasting at the House of Chocolate in Perugia, which on this occasion will have a special night opening.
This year, the theme chosen in the section dedicated to documentaries is the strict relation between “Cinema & Food”, which will be the theme of a special exhibition too, organized by the Experimental Center of Cinematography – National Film Archive. The exhibit, with a suggestive photo gallery, will be entirely realized by archive images linked to three places of nutrition: street, kitchen and table, highlighting how the food has a privileged perspective from which to observe customs and traditions and to record changes in the society.

We suggest you many special appointments of the Festival:
- Creators of Wizardry – To dress up dreams
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
From 25th February to 05 March, Time 9 am – 13 am and 3 pm – 6 pm (From Wednesday to Sunday)
From 6 March, Time 10 am – 13 am to 3 pm – 6 pm (Only on Saturday and Sunday)
The exhibition focuses on the artistic contribution of Scenographers, Costume Designers and Decorators, retracing the creative process of conception, preparation and realization of the forms that make up a complete image, “the exact style” with which to tell a specific story.
- Savina Prize “Sound & Music in the Cinema”
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award given to the best musical contribution for a story in pictures, dedicated to Carlo Savina, one of the most influential musicians in the history of cinema. The award wants to enhance and emphasize the theme of music in the film reality, from the silent movies to the advent of sound, until the affirmation of the sound tracks as a whole set of sound events: dialogues, sound effects, music.
- Prize to the 2017 Excellence
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award ceremony for a recognition of artistic excellence to a prestigious star of Italian cinema.
- Book Presentation “Cinema à la carte” of Stefano Giani
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
On Saturday 4th March, Time 3:30 pm
A complete analysis of how they eat and have eaten on the big screen, with the presentation of the careful work of Stefano Giani. In this book, the author describes a series of historical and recent films, from around the world, where food plays as protagonist with a specific role: from science fiction of Georges Mélièrs to the use of Charlie Chaplin and John Ford; from Babette to the ethnic lunches so fashionable, until the French-Indian challenge of love, food and curry and the Elysee canteen.
Finally, space also for collateral events tied to the music with “Black & White” between art, music and culture. On Saturday 25th February at 7:30 pm, in Spello at Cinema Palazzo, buffet dinner with dress code Black and White accompanied by music and with visit to the festival exhibitions. The event is by invitation and reservation.

Between the movies of the festival, that you can find in the brochure attached at the bottom of this page, we present you a small roundup of Italian films in competition:
- VELOCE COME IL VENTO of Matteo Rovere (with Stefano Accorsi, Matilda De Angelis, Paolo Graziosi, Roberta Mattei, Lorenzo Gioielli, Giulio Pugnaghi) – The complicated relation between a brother and a sister, among motors passion and cars races
- LE CONFESSIONI of Roberto Andò (with Toni Servillo…) – The silence of a monk, among the seal of confession and the intrigues of power
- LA VITA POSSIBILE of Ivano De Matteo (with Margherita Buy, Valeria Golino, Andrea Pittorino, Caterina Shulha, Bruno Todeschini ) – A woman and her son, escaping from a violent man and looking for a new life
- LA PAZZA GIOIA of Paolo Virzì (with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Micaela Ramazzotti…) – An unexpected and unique friendship, to pursuit happines
- LA MACCHINAZIONE of Davide Grieco (with Massimo Ranieri, Libero De Rienzo…) – Pier Paolo Pasolini, from the Summer of 1975 to the tragic night of his death
- IL PIU’ GRANDE SONNO of Michele Vannucci (with Mirko Frezza…) – The fragile and irrational dream of a “bandit” who tries to safeguard his little but precious happiness
- IN GUERRA PER AMORE of Pif (with Pif, Miriam Leone, Andrea Di Stefano…) – A tragi-comic story on the background of the arrival of American troops in Sicily, an event that will change the history of the Mafia and of the Sicily itself
- 7 MINUTI of Michele Placido (with Cristiana Capotondi, Violante Placido, Ambra Angiolini, Ottavia Piccolo, Fiorella Mannoia…) – The uncertainty of the future in 7 minutes, in the very different lives of women, mothers and daughters
- MINE of Fabio Guaglione e Fabio Resinaro (with Armie Hammer) – A soldier inadvertently steps a mine, in the middle of the Afghan desert…
- SENZA LASCIARE TRACCIA of Gianclaudio Cappai (with Michele Riondino…) – A past that comes back in sickness, a past to deal
- UN BACIO of Ivan Cotroneo (with Rimau Grillo Ritzberger, Valentina Romani, Leonardo Pazzagli, Thomas Trabacchi) – A film about adolescence, about its models and schemes, and about the friendship that helps us to resist
Discover all about the Cinema Festival of the City of Spello with the brochure attached!
From 25th February to 5th March 2017, there will be the Film Festival of Spello and Umbrian Towns, an unmissable appointment for all the cinema lovers.
In fact this Festival was created in 2012 with the aim to promote film culture in all of his forms and also to enhance and get the public closer to the professions “behind the scenes” of cinema. The festival, in fact, proposes itself as a Review – Competition about the Cinema Professions dedicated to the great work of screenwriters, cinematographers, set designers, sound engineers, editors, costume designers, makeup artists, responsibles for the special effects… and all of those professionists whose work, often little known, is crucial for the realization of a film.
The movies shown at the festival compete in different categories: Italian movies, foreign movies, backstage and documentaries. A jury composed by professionals of Cinema will award a prize for each category. Since 2015, the projections have been composed also by 7 European films selected among the productions of the previous two years, focusing on those films of value that have had a minor distribution. All screenings are free admission.

The Film Festival of Spello obviously has its nerve center in the beautiful town of Spello, in particular at the Subasio Theater and the Cinema Palazzo (at the Town Hall).
Many other towns participate in the initiative also this year, with screenings and events in enchanting places, that are also able to enhance the excellences of the Umbrian region. From the Sala Fra’ Giordano of Giano dell’Umbria to the Auditorium San Domenico of Foligno, from the Metastasio Theater of Assisi to the Astra Cinema of Gubbio, passing by the Belle Arti Academy of Perugia and the wonderful Concordia Theater of Montecastello di Vibio.
In addiction, there will be also a special screening accompanied by a rich tasting at the House of Chocolate in Perugia, which on this occasion will have a special night opening.
This year, the theme chosen in the section dedicated to documentaries is the strict relation between “Cinema & Food”, which will be the theme of a special exhibition too, organized by the Experimental Center of Cinematography – National Film Archive. The exhibit, with a suggestive photo gallery, will be entirely realized by archive images linked to three places of nutrition: street, kitchen and table, highlighting how the food has a privileged perspective from which to observe customs and traditions and to record changes in the society.

We suggest you many special appointments of the Festival:
- Creators of Wizardry – To dress up dreams
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
From 25th February to 05 March, Time 9 am – 13 am and 3 pm – 6 pm (From Wednesday to Sunday)
From 6 March, Time 10 am – 13 am to 3 pm – 6 pm (Only on Saturday and Sunday)
The exhibition focuses on the artistic contribution of Scenographers, Costume Designers and Decorators, retracing the creative process of conception, preparation and realization of the forms that make up a complete image, “the exact style” with which to tell a specific story.
- Savina Prize “Sound & Music in the Cinema”
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award given to the best musical contribution for a story in pictures, dedicated to Carlo Savina, one of the most influential musicians in the history of cinema. The award wants to enhance and emphasize the theme of music in the film reality, from the silent movies to the advent of sound, until the affirmation of the sound tracks as a whole set of sound events: dialogues, sound effects, music.
- Prize to the 2017 Excellence
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award ceremony for a recognition of artistic excellence to a prestigious star of Italian cinema.
- Book Presentation “Cinema à la carte” of Stefano Giani
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
On Saturday 4th March, Time 3:30 pm
A complete analysis of how they eat and have eaten on the big screen, with the presentation of the careful work of Stefano Giani. In this book, the author describes a series of historical and recent films, from around the world, where food plays as protagonist with a specific role: from science fiction of Georges Mélièrs to the use of Charlie Chaplin and John Ford; from Babette to the ethnic lunches so fashionable, until the French-Indian challenge of love, food and curry and the Elysee canteen.
Finally, space also for collateral events tied to the music with “Black & White” between art, music and culture. On Saturday 25th February at 7:30 pm, in Spello at Cinema Palazzo, buffet dinner with dress code Black and White accompanied by music and with visit to the festival exhibitions. The event is by invitation and reservation.

Between the movies of the festival, that you can find in the brochure attached at the bottom of this page, we present you a small roundup of Italian films in competition:
- VELOCE COME IL VENTO of Matteo Rovere (with Stefano Accorsi, Matilda De Angelis, Paolo Graziosi, Roberta Mattei, Lorenzo Gioielli, Giulio Pugnaghi) – The complicated relation between a brother and a sister, among motors passion and cars races
- LE CONFESSIONI of Roberto Andò (with Toni Servillo…) – The silence of a monk, among the seal of confession and the intrigues of power
- LA VITA POSSIBILE of Ivano De Matteo (with Margherita Buy, Valeria Golino, Andrea Pittorino, Caterina Shulha, Bruno Todeschini ) – A woman and her son, escaping from a violent man and looking for a new life
- LA PAZZA GIOIA of Paolo Virzì (with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Micaela Ramazzotti…) – An unexpected and unique friendship, to pursuit happines
- LA MACCHINAZIONE of Davide Grieco (with Massimo Ranieri, Libero De Rienzo…) – Pier Paolo Pasolini, from the Summer of 1975 to the tragic night of his death
- IL PIU’ GRANDE SONNO of Michele Vannucci (with Mirko Frezza…) – The fragile and irrational dream of a “bandit” who tries to safeguard his little but precious happiness
- IN GUERRA PER AMORE of Pif (with Pif, Miriam Leone, Andrea Di Stefano…) – A tragi-comic story on the background of the arrival of American troops in Sicily, an event that will change the history of the Mafia and of the Sicily itself
- 7 MINUTI of Michele Placido (with Cristiana Capotondi, Violante Placido, Ambra Angiolini, Ottavia Piccolo, Fiorella Mannoia…) – The uncertainty of the future in 7 minutes, in the very different lives of women, mothers and daughters
- MINE of Fabio Guaglione e Fabio Resinaro (with Armie Hammer) – A soldier inadvertently steps a mine, in the middle of the Afghan desert…
- SENZA LASCIARE TRACCIA of Gianclaudio Cappai (with Michele Riondino…) – A past that comes back in sickness, a past to deal
- UN BACIO of Ivan Cotroneo (with Rimau Grillo Ritzberger, Valentina Romani, Leonardo Pazzagli, Thomas Trabacchi) – A film about adolescence, about its models and schemes, and about the friendship that helps us to resist
Discover all about the Cinema Festival of the City of Spello with the brochure attached!
From 25th February to 5th March 2017, there will be the Film Festival of Spello and Umbrian Towns, an unmissable appointment for all the cinema lovers.
In fact this Festival was created in 2012 with the aim to promote film culture in all of his forms and also to enhance and get the public closer to the professions “behind the scenes” of cinema. The festival, in fact, proposes itself as a Review – Competition about the Cinema Professions dedicated to the great work of screenwriters, cinematographers, set designers, sound engineers, editors, costume designers, makeup artists, responsibles for the special effects… and all of those professionists whose work, often little known, is crucial for the realization of a film.
The movies shown at the festival compete in different categories: Italian movies, foreign movies, backstage and documentaries. A jury composed by professionals of Cinema will award a prize for each category. Since 2015, the projections have been composed also by 7 European films selected among the productions of the previous two years, focusing on those films of value that have had a minor distribution. All screenings are free admission.

The Film Festival of Spello obviously has its nerve center in the beautiful town of Spello, in particular at the Subasio Theater and the Cinema Palazzo (at the Town Hall).
Many other towns participate in the initiative also this year, with screenings and events in enchanting places, that are also able to enhance the excellences of the Umbrian region. From the Sala Fra’ Giordano of Giano dell’Umbria to the Auditorium San Domenico of Foligno, from the Metastasio Theater of Assisi to the Astra Cinema of Gubbio, passing by the Belle Arti Academy of Perugia and the wonderful Concordia Theater of Montecastello di Vibio.
In addiction, there will be also a special screening accompanied by a rich tasting at the House of Chocolate in Perugia, which on this occasion will have a special night opening.
This year, the theme chosen in the section dedicated to documentaries is the strict relation between “Cinema & Food”, which will be the theme of a special exhibition too, organized by the Experimental Center of Cinematography – National Film Archive. The exhibit, with a suggestive photo gallery, will be entirely realized by archive images linked to three places of nutrition: street, kitchen and table, highlighting how the food has a privileged perspective from which to observe customs and traditions and to record changes in the society.

We suggest you many special appointments of the Festival:
- Creators of Wizardry – To dress up dreams
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
From 25th February to 05 March, Time 9 am – 13 am and 3 pm – 6 pm (From Wednesday to Sunday)
From 6 March, Time 10 am – 13 am to 3 pm – 6 pm (Only on Saturday and Sunday)
The exhibition focuses on the artistic contribution of Scenographers, Costume Designers and Decorators, retracing the creative process of conception, preparation and realization of the forms that make up a complete image, “the exact style” with which to tell a specific story.
- Savina Prize “Sound & Music in the Cinema”
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award given to the best musical contribution for a story in pictures, dedicated to Carlo Savina, one of the most influential musicians in the history of cinema. The award wants to enhance and emphasize the theme of music in the film reality, from the silent movies to the advent of sound, until the affirmation of the sound tracks as a whole set of sound events: dialogues, sound effects, music.
- Prize to the 2017 Excellence
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award ceremony for a recognition of artistic excellence to a prestigious star of Italian cinema.
- Book Presentation “Cinema à la carte” of Stefano Giani
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
On Saturday 4th March, Time 3:30 pm
A complete analysis of how they eat and have eaten on the big screen, with the presentation of the careful work of Stefano Giani. In this book, the author describes a series of historical and recent films, from around the world, where food plays as protagonist with a specific role: from science fiction of Georges Mélièrs to the use of Charlie Chaplin and John Ford; from Babette to the ethnic lunches so fashionable, until the French-Indian challenge of love, food and curry and the Elysee canteen.
Finally, space also for collateral events tied to the music with “Black & White” between art, music and culture. On Saturday 25th February at 7:30 pm, in Spello at Cinema Palazzo, buffet dinner with dress code Black and White accompanied by music and with visit to the festival exhibitions. The event is by invitation and reservation.

Between the movies of the festival, that you can find in the brochure attached at the bottom of this page, we present you a small roundup of Italian films in competition:
- VELOCE COME IL VENTO of Matteo Rovere (with Stefano Accorsi, Matilda De Angelis, Paolo Graziosi, Roberta Mattei, Lorenzo Gioielli, Giulio Pugnaghi) – The complicated relation between a brother and a sister, among motors passion and cars races
- LE CONFESSIONI of Roberto Andò (with Toni Servillo…) – The silence of a monk, among the seal of confession and the intrigues of power
- LA VITA POSSIBILE of Ivano De Matteo (with Margherita Buy, Valeria Golino, Andrea Pittorino, Caterina Shulha, Bruno Todeschini ) – A woman and her son, escaping from a violent man and looking for a new life
- LA PAZZA GIOIA of Paolo Virzì (with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Micaela Ramazzotti…) – An unexpected and unique friendship, to pursuit happines
- LA MACCHINAZIONE of Davide Grieco (with Massimo Ranieri, Libero De Rienzo…) – Pier Paolo Pasolini, from the Summer of 1975 to the tragic night of his death
- IL PIU’ GRANDE SONNO of Michele Vannucci (with Mirko Frezza…) – The fragile and irrational dream of a “bandit” who tries to safeguard his little but precious happiness
- IN GUERRA PER AMORE of Pif (with Pif, Miriam Leone, Andrea Di Stefano…) – A tragi-comic story on the background of the arrival of American troops in Sicily, an event that will change the history of the Mafia and of the Sicily itself
- 7 MINUTI of Michele Placido (with Cristiana Capotondi, Violante Placido, Ambra Angiolini, Ottavia Piccolo, Fiorella Mannoia…) – The uncertainty of the future in 7 minutes, in the very different lives of women, mothers and daughters
- MINE of Fabio Guaglione e Fabio Resinaro (with Armie Hammer) – A soldier inadvertently steps a mine, in the middle of the Afghan desert…
- SENZA LASCIARE TRACCIA of Gianclaudio Cappai (with Michele Riondino…) – A past that comes back in sickness, a past to deal
- UN BACIO of Ivan Cotroneo (with Rimau Grillo Ritzberger, Valentina Romani, Leonardo Pazzagli, Thomas Trabacchi) – A film about adolescence, about its models and schemes, and about the friendship that helps us to resist
Discover all about the Cinema Festival of the City of Spello with the brochure attached!
From 25th February to 5th March 2017, there will be the Film Festival of Spello and Umbrian Towns, an unmissable appointment for all the cinema lovers.
In fact this Festival was created in 2012 with the aim to promote film culture in all of his forms and also to enhance and get the public closer to the professions “behind the scenes” of cinema. The festival, in fact, proposes itself as a Review – Competition about the Cinema Professions dedicated to the great work of screenwriters, cinematographers, set designers, sound engineers, editors, costume designers, makeup artists, responsibles for the special effects… and all of those professionists whose work, often little known, is crucial for the realization of a film.
The movies shown at the festival compete in different categories: Italian movies, foreign movies, backstage and documentaries. A jury composed by professionals of Cinema will award a prize for each category. Since 2015, the projections have been composed also by 7 European films selected among the productions of the previous two years, focusing on those films of value that have had a minor distribution. All screenings are free admission.

The Film Festival of Spello obviously has its nerve center in the beautiful town of Spello, in particular at the Subasio Theater and the Cinema Palazzo (at the Town Hall).
Many other towns participate in the initiative also this year, with screenings and events in enchanting places, that are also able to enhance the excellences of the Umbrian region. From the Sala Fra’ Giordano of Giano dell’Umbria to the Auditorium San Domenico of Foligno, from the Metastasio Theater of Assisi to the Astra Cinema of Gubbio, passing by the Belle Arti Academy of Perugia and the wonderful Concordia Theater of Montecastello di Vibio.
In addiction, there will be also a special screening accompanied by a rich tasting at the House of Chocolate in Perugia, which on this occasion will have a special night opening.
This year, the theme chosen in the section dedicated to documentaries is the strict relation between “Cinema & Food”, which will be the theme of a special exhibition too, organized by the Experimental Center of Cinematography – National Film Archive. The exhibit, with a suggestive photo gallery, will be entirely realized by archive images linked to three places of nutrition: street, kitchen and table, highlighting how the food has a privileged perspective from which to observe customs and traditions and to record changes in the society.

We suggest you many special appointments of the Festival:
- Creators of Wizardry – To dress up dreams
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
From 25th February to 05 March, Time 9 am – 13 am and 3 pm – 6 pm (From Wednesday to Sunday)
From 6 March, Time 10 am – 13 am to 3 pm – 6 pm (Only on Saturday and Sunday)
The exhibition focuses on the artistic contribution of Scenographers, Costume Designers and Decorators, retracing the creative process of conception, preparation and realization of the forms that make up a complete image, “the exact style” with which to tell a specific story.
- Savina Prize “Sound & Music in the Cinema”
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award given to the best musical contribution for a story in pictures, dedicated to Carlo Savina, one of the most influential musicians in the history of cinema. The award wants to enhance and emphasize the theme of music in the film reality, from the silent movies to the advent of sound, until the affirmation of the sound tracks as a whole set of sound events: dialogues, sound effects, music.
- Prize to the 2017 Excellence
Spello – Subasio Theater
On Saturday 4th March, Time 6:30 pm
Award ceremony for a recognition of artistic excellence to a prestigious star of Italian cinema.
- Book Presentation “Cinema à la carte” of Stefano Giani
Spello – Cinema Palazzo
On Saturday 4th March, Time 3:30 pm
A complete analysis of how they eat and have eaten on the big screen, with the presentation of the careful work of Stefano Giani. In this book, the author describes a series of historical and recent films, from around the world, where food plays as protagonist with a specific role: from science fiction of Georges Mélièrs to the use of Charlie Chaplin and John Ford; from Babette to the ethnic lunches so fashionable, until the French-Indian challenge of love, food and curry and the Elysee canteen.
Finally, space also for collateral events tied to the music with “Black & White” between art, music and culture. On Saturday 25th February at 7:30 pm, in Spello at Cinema Palazzo, buffet dinner with dress code Black and White accompanied by music and with visit to the festival exhibitions. The event is by invitation and reservation.

Between the movies of the festival, that you can find in the brochure attached at the bottom of this page, we present you a small roundup of Italian films in competition:
- VELOCE COME IL VENTO of Matteo Rovere (with Stefano Accorsi, Matilda De Angelis, Paolo Graziosi, Roberta Mattei, Lorenzo Gioielli, Giulio Pugnaghi) – The complicated relation between a brother and a sister, among motors passion and cars races
- LE CONFESSIONI of Roberto Andò (with Toni Servillo…) – The silence of a monk, among the seal of confession and the intrigues of power
- LA VITA POSSIBILE of Ivano De Matteo (with Margherita Buy, Valeria Golino, Andrea Pittorino, Caterina Shulha, Bruno Todeschini ) – A woman and her son, escaping from a violent man and looking for a new life
- LA PAZZA GIOIA of Paolo Virzì (with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Micaela Ramazzotti…) – An unexpected and unique friendship, to pursuit happines
- LA MACCHINAZIONE of Davide Grieco (with Massimo Ranieri, Libero De Rienzo…) – Pier Paolo Pasolini, from the Summer of 1975 to the tragic night of his death
- IL PIU’ GRANDE SONNO of Michele Vannucci (with Mirko Frezza…) – The fragile and irrational dream of a “bandit” who tries to safeguard his little but precious happiness
- IN GUERRA PER AMORE of Pif (with Pif, Miriam Leone, Andrea Di Stefano…) – A tragi-comic story on the background of the arrival of American troops in Sicily, an event that will change the history of the Mafia and of the Sicily itself
- 7 MINUTI of Michele Placido (with Cristiana Capotondi, Violante Placido, Ambra Angiolini, Ottavia Piccolo, Fiorella Mannoia…) – The uncertainty of the future in 7 minutes, in the very different lives of women, mothers and daughters
- MINE of Fabio Guaglione e Fabio Resinaro (with Armie Hammer) – A soldier inadvertently steps a mine, in the middle of the Afghan desert…
- SENZA LASCIARE TRACCIA of Gianclaudio Cappai (with Michele Riondino…) – A past that comes back in sickness, a past to deal
- UN BACIO of Ivan Cotroneo (with Rimau Grillo Ritzberger, Valentina Romani, Leonardo Pazzagli, Thomas Trabacchi) – A film about adolescence, about its models and schemes, and about the friendship that helps us to resist
Discover all about the Cinema Festival of the City of Spello with the brochure attached!
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