In arrivo l’atteso appuntamento con la Strasimeno 2019, giunta quest’anno alla 18° edizione ! La suggestiva Ultramaratona del Parco del Trasimeno si svolgerà nella giornata di domenica 17 Marzo 2019.
Affrettati, le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 12 Marzo 2019!

>> Partecipa all’edizione 2019 dell’Ultramaratona Strasimeno e soggiorna in uno degli hotel o agriturismi dell’area del Lago Trasimeno
Strasimeno, Strasimeno Young e Strasimeno Family
La Strasimeno prevede un percorso di 58 km che si sviluppa lungo le rive del celebre Lago Trasimeno, con partenza e arrivo a Castiglione del Lago e vari traguardi intermedi. Il percorso, che appunto si sviluppa ad anello attraversando i comuni e i borghi attorno al lago, è prevalentemente pianeggiante e si svolte su strada asfaltata.
Nella giornata di Sabato 16 Marzo alle ore 15:00, è prevista la gara non competitiva Strasimeno Young del settore giovanile, che si svolgerà nel centro di Castiglione del Lago. Il giorno successivo, in parallelo rispetto alle gare si terrà anche la Strasimeno Family, dedicata a famiglie e accompagnatori che vorranno passeggiare in compagnia lungo le rive del lago. La partenza è prevista sempre a Castiglione del Lago dalle 8:45 di mattina, con un percorso di 7 km attorno il borgo stesso.
Domenica 17 Marzo la partenza della Strasimeno ufficiale per tutte le distanze è prevista in contemporanea alle ore 9:15.
La corsa podistica internazionale (competitiva e non competitiva) attorno al Lago Trasimeno vedrà i seguenti traguardi competitivi intermedi:
- al km 9,6 – Borghetto (anche non competitivo);
- al km 21.097 – Passignano sul Trasimeno;
- al km 34 – San Feliciano;
- e al km 42.195 – Santarcangelo.
A seguire dall’arrivo del primo classificato fino alle ore 18:00, pasta party con tutti i partecipanti per terminare in compagnia e allegria la giornata!

La Strasimeno e il Lago
La Strasimeno, con la sua location d’eccezione, è un ottima occasione per avvicinare sportivi e non al mondo del podismo amatoriale. In tanti si sono trasformati da semplici spettatori ad attori e protagonisti della corsa, con la manifestazione che ha visto aumentare di anno in anno gli iscritti alla corsa e l’attenzione verso l’evento stesso. E’ nel tentativo di mostrare una maggiore sensibilità verso tutti gli interessati, non solo corridori professionisti, che sono state promosse all’interno della Strasimeno le passeggiate non competitive, con distanze facilmente accessibili ai camminatori amatoriali.
La manifestazione rappresenta anche una splendida occasione per trascorrere un fine settimana nello scenario unico del lago, con i numerosi borghi lungo le rive incastonati tra le colline umbre e il grande specchio d’acqua del Parco del Trasimeno. La bellezza del paesaggio naturale arricchisce l’evento sportivo rendendolo unico, e costituisce una visita di altissimo valore paesaggistico e storico-artistico.
Dall’oasi naturale dell’isola Polvese, alle spiagge e ai porticcioli dei pittoreschi borghi, fino agli insediamenti fortificati di antichissime origini, si può costruire un itinerario tutto intorno al lago, partendo dal luogo di ritrovo della gara.

The annual appointment with Strasimeno 2019, at its 18° edition, is coming ! The charming Ultramarathon of Trasimeno Lake Park there will be on Sunday 17th March 2019.
Hurry up, you can sign up until the 12th March !

>> Take part at this 2019 edition of Strasimeno Ultramarathon and stay in a hotel or a farmhouse around Trasimeno Lake
Strasimeno Race
Strasimeno Ultramarathon has an itinerary of 58 km along the banks of famous Trasimeno Lake, with departure and arrival in Castiglione del Lago and many intermediate finish lines. The path is developed as a loop through lands and towns around the Lake; it is mainly flat and on tarred surfaces.
On Saturday 16th March, at 3:00 pm, always in Castiglione del Lago, there will be the not competitive race Strasimeno Young of the youth sector.
On Sunday 17th March, instead, the departure is at 9:15 am in contemporary for all the races.
The international race (competitive and not-competitive) around the Trasimeno Lake will have the following intermediate and competitive finish lines:
- at km 10 – Borghetto (also not-competitive);
- at km 21.097 – Passignano sul Trasimeno;
- at km 34 – San Feliciano;
- and at km 42.195 – Santarcangelo.
At the arrival of the first runner until 6 PM, pasta party for having fun and ending the day all together!

Strasimeno and the Trasimeno Lake
The Strasimeno, with its exceptional location, is a great occasion to put in contact sport lovers and not to the world of running. Many people, simply viewers, have decided to become protagonists of the race. The manifestation is increasing year by year the number the competitors enrolled and the audience’s attention to the event. With the tentative to show a deeper sensibility for all people interested, not only professional runners, the Strasimeno event organizes not-competitive running and walking, with distances easily accessible to amateur walkers.
The manifestation is also a wonderful opportunity to spend a weekend in the unique scenery of the Lake, with its towns along the banks nestled among the Umbrian hills and the large pond of Trasimeno Lake Park. The beauty of the landscape enriches the sportive event and makes it unique, for a visit of natural and historical-artistic high value.
From the natural oasis of Polvese Island, to the beaches and the small ports of the picturesque towns, until the fortresses with their really ancient origins, you can enjoy an itinerary all around the lake, starting from the point of meeting of the race.

The annual appointment with Strasimeno 2017, at its 16° edition, is coming ! The charming Ultramarathon of Trasimeno Lake Park there will be on Sunday 5th March 2017.
Hurry up, you can sign up until the 28th February !

Strasimeno Ultramarathon has an itinerary of 58 km along the banks of famous Trasimeno Lake, with departure and arrival in Castiglione del Lago and many intermediate finish lines. The path is developed as a loop through lands and towns around the Lake; it is mainly flat and on tarred surfaces.
On Saturday 4th March, at 3:00 pm, always in Castiglione del Lago, there will be the not competitive race Strasimeno Young of the youth sector. On Sunday 5th March, instead, the departure is at 9:15 am in contemporary for all the races.
The international race (competitive and not-competitive) around the Trasimeno Lake will have the following intermediate and competitive finish lines:
- at km 10 – Borghetto (also not-competitive);
- at km 21.097 – Passignano sul Trasimeno;
- at km 34 – San Feliciano;
- and at km 42.195 – Santarcangelo.

The Strasimeno, with its exceptional location, is a great occasion to put in contact sport lovers and not to the world of running. Many people, simply viewers, have decided to become protagonists of the race. The manifestation is increasing year by year the number the competitors enrolled and the audience’s attention to the event. With the tentative to show a deeper sensibility for all people interested, not only professional runners, the Strasimeno event organizes not-competitive running and walking, with distances easily accessible to amateur walkers.
The manifestation is also a wonderful opportunity to spend a weekend in the unique scenery of the Lake, with its towns along the banks nestled among the Umbrian hills and the large pond of Trasimeno Lake Park. The beauty of the landscape enriches the sportive event and makes it unique, for a visit of natural and historical-artistic high value.
From the natural oasis of Polvese Island, to the beaches and the small ports of the picturesque towns, until the fortresses with their really ancient origins, you can enjoy an itinerary all around the lake, starting from the point of meeting of the race.

The annual appointment with Strasimeno 2017, at its 16° edition, is coming ! The charming Ultramarathon of Trasimeno Lake Park there will be on Sunday 5th March 2017.
Hurry up, you can sign up until the 28th February !

Strasimeno Ultramarathon has an itinerary of 58 km along the banks of famous Trasimeno Lake, with departure and arrival in Castiglione del Lago and many intermediate finish lines. The path is developed as a loop through lands and towns around the Lake; it is mainly flat and on tarred surfaces.
On Saturday 4th March, at 3:00 pm, always in Castiglione del Lago, there will be the not competitive race Strasimeno Young of the youth sector. On Sunday 5th March, instead, the departure is at 9:15 am in contemporary for all the races.
The international race (competitive and not-competitive) around the Trasimeno Lake will have the following intermediate and competitive finish lines:
- at km 10 – Borghetto (also not-competitive);
- at km 21.097 – Passignano sul Trasimeno;
- at km 34 – San Feliciano;
- and at km 42.195 – Santarcangelo.

The Strasimeno, with its exceptional location, is a great occasion to put in contact sport lovers and not to the world of running. Many people, simply viewers, have decided to become protagonists of the race. The manifestation is increasing year by year the number the competitors enrolled and the audience’s attention to the event. With the tentative to show a deeper sensibility for all people interested, not only professional runners, the Strasimeno event organizes not-competitive running and walking, with distances easily accessible to amateur walkers.
The manifestation is also a wonderful opportunity to spend a weekend in the unique scenery of the Lake, with its towns along the banks nestled among the Umbrian hills and the large pond of Trasimeno Lake Park. The beauty of the landscape enriches the sportive event and makes it unique, for a visit of natural and historical-artistic high value.
From the natural oasis of Polvese Island, to the beaches and the small ports of the picturesque towns, until the fortresses with their really ancient origins, you can enjoy an itinerary all around the lake, starting from the point of meeting of the race.

The annual appointment with Strasimeno 2017, at its 16° edition, is coming ! The charming Ultramarathon of Trasimeno Lake Park there will be on Sunday 5th March 2017.
Hurry up, you can sign up until the 28th February !

Strasimeno Ultramarathon has an itinerary of 58 km along the banks of famous Trasimeno Lake, with departure and arrival in Castiglione del Lago and many intermediate finish lines. The path is developed as a loop through lands and towns around the Lake; it is mainly flat and on tarred surfaces.
On Saturday 4th March, at 3:00 pm, always in Castiglione del Lago, there will be the not competitive race Strasimeno Young of the youth sector. On Sunday 5th March, instead, the departure is at 9:15 am in contemporary for all the races.
The international race (competitive and not-competitive) around the Trasimeno Lake will have the following intermediate and competitive finish lines:
- at km 10 – Borghetto (also not-competitive);
- at km 21.097 – Passignano sul Trasimeno;
- at km 34 – San Feliciano;
- and at km 42.195 – Santarcangelo.

The Strasimeno, with its exceptional location, is a great occasion to put in contact sport lovers and not to the world of running. Many people, simply viewers, have decided to become protagonists of the race. The manifestation is increasing year by year the number the competitors enrolled and the audience’s attention to the event. With the tentative to show a deeper sensibility for all people interested, not only professional runners, the Strasimeno event organizes not-competitive running and walking, with distances easily accessible to amateur walkers.
The manifestation is also a wonderful opportunity to spend a weekend in the unique scenery of the Lake, with its towns along the banks nestled among the Umbrian hills and the large pond of Trasimeno Lake Park. The beauty of the landscape enriches the sportive event and makes it unique, for a visit of natural and historical-artistic high value.
From the natural oasis of Polvese Island, to the beaches and the small ports of the picturesque towns, until the fortresses with their really ancient origins, you can enjoy an itinerary all around the lake, starting from the point of meeting of the race.

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