▌ Discover Torgiano
Torgiano conserva un tipico aspetto medievale e resti di mura antiche. Questo antico borgo nel cuore dell’Umbria vede la sua storia legata all’antica Roma e una leggenda lo vuole unito al nome del dio Giano, al quale era dedicato l’antico torrione denominato appunto “Torre di Giano”.
Noto per le sue eccellenti produzioni tipiche, soprattutto vino e olio, il paese ha saputo fondere la memoria storica del suo passato con una moderna vocazione all’ospitalità che garantisce a turisti e residenti una confortevole permanenza in una verde oasi di pace e tranquillità.
>>Vuoi visitare Torgiano? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi della zona
Torgiano, Umbria
Il borgo fortificato di Torgiano nasce tra la media valle del Tevere e la Valle Umbra, in un territorio caratterizzato dall’antica coltura della vite, documentata da reperti archeologici e da un tratto del 1300. La zona è agricola con colture varie, frequenti insediamenti artigianali, soprattutto ceramica d’arte.
Di notevole interesse per chi visita il borgo è certamente la tappa al Museo del vino, una raccolta assai pregevole di documentazioni storiografiche riguardanti vari settori: la tecnica della viticultura e della vinificazione, una documentazione artistica, folkloristica e bibliografica sullo stesso argomento. Accoglie inoltre una pregevolissima collezione di maioliche del ‘600 e ‘700. Si tratta del Museo del vino più qualificato d’Italia, con raccolte di strumenti tecnici, stampe di varie epoche, artigianato specializzato, documenti del folclore.
Completa la scoperta di Torgiano anche la visita al Museo dedicato all’altro prodotto d’eccellenza del territorio. Il Museo dell’Olivo e dell’Olio nasce infatti attorno da un antico frantoio e presenta tutti i segreti della produzione, dalla coltivazione delle olive all’olio, a partire dagli usi e dalle caratteristiche delle epoche passate.
Dove si trova Torgiano?
Torgiano è situato in una posizione strategica per visitare alcune tra le città umbre più belle. Si trova infatti poco a sud di Perugia, a soli 15 km dal centro città del capoluogo umbro. Da Torgiano, sono dunque facilmente raggiungibili Assisi (20 km) e Foligno (35 km), ma anche Spoleto (60 km verso sud) e Gubbio (55 km verso nord). Inoltre, Torgiano dista solamente 35 km dalla sponda orientale del Lago Trasimeno.
Se invece che a Torgiano vi trovate a soggiornare in un’altra cittadina umbra della zona, vi suggeriamo comunque di dedicare una giornata ad esplorare questo borgo grazie alla nostra miniguida Cosa vedere a Torgiano in un giorno
>>Se hai deciso di visitare Torgiano e il Museo del Vino, ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle vicinanze
“},{“lang”:”en”,”content”:”The town of Torgiano still preserves its typical medieval appearance and the remains of its ancient walls. The Wine Museum is of great interest, containing a precious collection of storical documents regarding various sectors: the art of wine-growing and wine-making, and artistic, folkloristic and bibliografic documentation on the subject. You may also admire a very precious collection of maiolica dating back to th 17th and 18th centuries. The fortified part of the town is siuated between the middle of the Tiber valley and that of the Umbrian valley. Here, the cultivation of the vine is an ancient art as is evidenced by the testimonial of archeologicals finds, and by a sketch dating back to the 14th century. The zone is characterized by agriculture, consisting in the coltivation of various food-stuffs, and by craftsmanship, above all, the pottery trade. The Museum of Wine is the most qualified in all of Italy, with its collections of tecnical instruments, prints dating back to various times, specialized craftsmanship and folkloristic documents.
“},{“lang”:”es”,”content”:”The town of Torgiano still preserves its typical medieval appearance and the remains of its ancient walls. The Wine Museum is of great interest, containing a precious collection of storical documents regarding various sectors: the art of wine-growing and wine-making, and artistic, folkloristic and bibliografic documentation on the subject. You may also admire a very precious collection of maiolica dating back to th 17th and 18th centuries. The fortified part of the town is siuated between the middle of the Tiber valley and that of the Umbrian valley. Here, the cultivation of the vine is an ancient art as is evidenced by the testimonial of archeologicals finds, and by a sketch dating back to the 14th century. The zone is characterized by agriculture, consisting in the coltivation of various food-stuffs, and by craftsmanship, above all, the pottery trade. The Museum of Wine is the most qualified in all of Italy, with its collections of tecnical instruments, prints dating back to various times, specialized craftsmanship and folkloristic documents.
“},{“lang”:”de”,”content”:”The town of Torgiano still preserves its typical medieval appearance and the remains of its ancient walls. The Wine Museum is of great interest, containing a precious collection of storical documents regarding various sectors: the art of wine-growing and wine-making, and artis
tic, folkloristic and bibliografic documentation on the subject. You may also admire a very precious collection of maiolica dating back to th 17th and 18th centuries. The fortified part of the town is siuated between the middle of the Tiber valley and that of the Umbrian valley. Here, the cultivation of the vine is an ancient art as is evidenced by the testimonial of archeologicals finds, and by a sketch dating back to the 14th century. The zone is characterized by agriculture, consisting in the coltivation of various food-stuffs, and by craftsmanship, above all, the pottery trade. The Museum of Wine is the most qualified in all of Italy, with its collections of tecnical instruments, prints dating back to various times, specialized craftsmanship and folkloristic documents.
“},{“lang”:”fr”,”content”:”The town of Torgiano still preserves its typical medieval appearance and the remains of its ancient walls. The Wine Museum is of great interest, containing a precious collection of storical documents regarding various sectors: the art of wine-growing and wine-making, and artistic, folkloristic and bibliografic documentation on the subject. You may also admire a very precious collection of maiolica dating back to th 17th and 18th centuries. The fortified part of the town is siuated between the middle of the Tiber valley and that of the Umbrian valley. Here, the cultivation of the vine is an ancient art as is evidenced by the testimonial of archeologicals finds, and by a sketch dating back to the 14th century. The zone is characterized by agriculture, consisting in the coltivation of various food-stuffs, and by craftsmanship, above all, the pottery trade. The Museum of Wine is the most qualified in all of Italy, with its collections of tecnical instruments, prints dating back to various times, specialized craftsmanship and folkloristic documents.