Domenica 16 novembre troviamo l’appuntamento con il Movimento Turismo del Vino, il quale celebra in questa data San Martino che, con la collaborazione delle Cantine Lungarotti, ha per tema “Wine Sweet Wine”.
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Le mete proposte per l’evento dalla Casa del vino umbra sono due: Torgiano e Turrita di Montefalco. A Torgiano, terra del Rubesco, enoturisti e wine lover potranno assaggiare il vino novello accompagnato da quelli che sono i prodotti locali di stagione.
L’appuntamento è per le 11.00 del 16 novembre con la visita in cantina, per vedere così da vicino le fasi di vinificazione e maturazione che vedono trasformare le uve in vini di qualità. In questa occasione, la cantina si trasformerà in una ‘galleria’ fotografica, grazie alla collaborazione dell’Istituto italiano di Design di Perugia che esporrà, una selezione di fotografie del progetto ‘Istante Divino’.
>> Vino Gusto e Solidarità ti aspetta! Ci sono offerte in scadenza per soggiorni a Perugia e dintorni.

Dopo il brindisi con il vino novello, accompagnato da bruschette con l’olio nuovo, Cantine Aperte a San Martino si trasferisce al Museo del Vino di Torgiano (ore 12.30), l’esposizione permanente che da 40 anni narra 5mila anni di storia del vino. L’evento si concluderà con un brunch al L’U Wine Bar di Torgiano.
Per gli amanti del Sagrantino, invece, il rendez-vous è alla cantina Lungarotti di Turrita di Montefalco dove, a partire dalle 11, su prenotazione, si potrà degustare l’altro grande rosso di questa terra.
Il costo del calice (5€) sarà totalmente devoluto al Comitato per la vita “Daniele Chianelli”, l’associazione onlus di volontariato, con sede a Perugia, che raccoglie fondi per la ricerca e la cura delle leucemie, linfomi e tumori di adulti e bambini.
Sunday, November the 16 there is the appointment with the Wine Tourism Movement, which celebrates in this date St. Martin, with the collaboration of Cantine Lungarotti, the theme of the event is “Wine Sweet Wine”.
>> Would you like to partecipate in Wine, Taste and Solidarity? Contact now the best Farm Houses of Perugia and its surroundings!

The destinations proposed for the event from the House of Umbrian wine are two Turita and Torgiano of Montefalco. In Torgiano, the land of Rubesco, wine tourists and wine lovers can taste the new wine with local seasonal produce.
The meeting is for 11:00 am on 16 November to visit the winery, for a closer look at the stages of the vinification and maturation that involve the transformation of grapes into wine quality. During this occasion, the winery will be transformed into a photo gallery, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Institute of Design of Perugia, which will exhibit a selection of photographs of the project ‘Divine Moment’.
>> Wine, Taste and Solidarity waiting for you. There are offers for stays in Perugia and surroundings! Click and Consult them immediately..

After the drink a toast, with the new wine, accompanied by bruschetta with the new oil, Cantine Aperte during St. Martin moves to the Wine Museum in Torgiano (at 12:30), where there is a permanent exhibition that tells since 40 years 5 thousand years of history wine. The event will conclude with a brunch at the L’U Wine Bar of Torgiano.
For the lovers of Sagrantino, however, the rendezvous is to the Lungarotti’s winery of Turita in Montefalco where, starting from 11, by appointment, you can taste the other great Red Wine of this land.
The cost of the cup is € 5 and will be donated to the Committee for Life “Daniele Chianelli”, a volunteering Onlus Association, based in Perugia, which raises money for research and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and cancers of adults and children.
Sunday, November the 16 there is the appointment with the Wine Tourism Movement, which celebrates in this date St. Martin, with the collaboration of Cantine Lungarotti, the theme of the event is “Wine Sweet Wine”.
>> Would you like to partecipate in Wine, Taste and Solidarity? Contact now the best Farm Houses of Perugia and its surroundings!

The destinations proposed for the event from the House of Umbrian wine are two Turita and Torgiano of Montefalco. In Torgiano, the land of Rubesco, wine tourists and wine lovers can taste the new wine with local seasonal produce.
The meeting is for 11:00 am on 16 November to visit the winery, for a closer look at the stages of the vinification and maturation that involve the transformation of grapes into wine quality. During this occasion, the winery will be transformed into a photo gallery, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Institute of Design of Perugia, which will exhibit a selection of photographs of the project ‘Divine Moment’.
>> Wine, Taste and Solidarity waiting for you. There are offers for stays in Perugia and surroundings! Click and Consult them immediately..

After the drink a toast, with the new wine, accompanied by bruschetta with the new oil, Cantine Aperte during St. Martin moves to the Wine Museum in Torgiano (at 12:30), where there is a permanent exhibition that tells since 40 years 5 thousand years of history wine. The event will conclude with a brunch at the L’U Wine Bar of Torgiano.
For the lovers of Sagrantino, however, the rendezvous is to the Lungarotti’s winery of Turita in Montefalco where, starting from 11, by appointment, you can taste the other great Red Wine of this land.
The cost of the cup is € 5 and will be donated to the Committee for Life “Daniele Chianelli”, a volunteering Onlus Association, based in Perugia, which raises money for research and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and cancers of adults and children.
Sunday, November the 16 there is the appointment with the Wine Tourism Movement, which celebrates in this date St. Martin, with the collaboration of Cantine Lungarotti, the theme of the event is “Wine Sweet Wine”.
>> Would you like to partecipate in Wine, Taste and Solidarity? Contact now the best Farm Houses of Perugia and its surroundings!

The destinations proposed for the event from the House of Umbrian wine are two Turita and Torgiano of Montefalco. In Torgiano, the land of Rubesco, wine tourists and wine lovers can taste the new wine with local seasonal produce.
The meeting is for 11:00 am on 16 November to visit the winery, for a closer look at the stages of the vinification and maturation that involve the transformation of grapes into wine quality. During this occasion, the winery will be transformed into a photo gallery, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Institute of Design of Perugia, which will exhibit a selection of photographs of the project ‘Divine Moment’.
>> Wine, Taste and Solidarity waiting for you. There are offers for stays in Perugia and surroundings! Click and Consult them immediately..

After the drink a toast, with the new wine, accompanied by bruschetta with the new oil, Cantine Aperte during St. Martin moves to the Wine Museum in Torgiano (at 12:30), where there is a permanent exhibition that tells since 40 years 5 thousand years of history wine. The event will conclude with a brunch at the L’U Wine Bar of Torgiano.
For the lovers of Sagrantino, however, the rendezvous is to the Lungarotti’s winery of Turita in Montefalco where, starting from 11, by appointment, you can taste the other great Red Wine of this land.
The cost of the cup is € 5 and will be donated to the Committee for Life “Daniele Chianelli”, a volunteering Onlus Association, based in Perugia, which raises money for research and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and cancers of adults and children.
Sunday, November the 16 there is the appointment with the Wine Tourism Movement, which celebrates in this date St. Martin, with the collaboration of Cantine Lungarotti, the theme of the event is “Wine Sweet Wine”.
>> Would you like to partecipate in Wine, Taste and Solidarity? Contact now the best Farm Houses of Perugia and its surroundings!

The destinations proposed for the event from the House of Umbrian wine are two Turita and Torgiano of Montefalco. In Torgiano, the land of Rubesco, wine tourists and wine lovers can taste the new wine with local seasonal produce.
The meeting is for 11:00 am on 16 November to visit the winery, for a closer look at the stages of the vinification and maturation that involve the transformation of grapes into wine quality. During this occasion, the winery will be transformed into a photo gallery, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Institute of Design of Perugia, which will exhibit a selection of photographs of the project ‘Divine Moment’.
>> Wine, Taste and Solidarity waiting for you. There are offers for stays in Perugia and surroundings! Click and Consult them immediately..

After the drink a toast, with the new wine, accompanied by bruschetta with the new oil, Cantine Aperte during St. Martin moves to the Wine Museum in Torgiano (at 12:30), where there is a permanent exhibition that tells since 40 years 5 thousand years of history wine. The event will conclude with a brunch at the L’U Wine Bar of Torgiano.
For the lovers of Sagrantino, however, the rendezvous is to the Lungarotti’s winery of Turita in Montefalco where, starting from 11, by appointment, you can taste the other great Red Wine of this land.
The cost of the cup is € 5 and will be donated to the Committee for Life “Daniele Chianelli”, a volunteering Onlus Association, based in Perugia, which raises money for research and treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and cancers of adults and children.
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