▌ Punti di interesse

Cosa Vedere a Norcia in un giorno

Scopri cosa vedere a Norcia con la nostra miniguida! La citté0 natale di San Benedetto, patria del Tartufo Nero e dell’arte norcina ti cattureré0 in uno spettacolo unico e indimenticabile di colori, profumi e sapori!
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
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Rafting Umbria

Scendere lungo le ripide del fiume Corno nel cuore della Valnerina a due passi da Norcia e vivere il silenzio della natura ascoltando solo il rumore dell’acqua

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Mostra Permanente degli Antichi Mestieri e della Civiltà Contadina

Adiacente all’agriturismo Casa Nuova di Assisi, poco distante  da Perugia, si trova la Mostra degli Antichi Mestieri e della Civiltà Contadina.

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Sant’Antonio Abate

Sant’Antonio abate (Coma, Qumans, Egitto 250/251 – deserto della Tebaide 17 gennaio 356/357)

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Parco Avventura Activo Park

Activo Park è la meta ideale per chi ama la vita a contatto con la natura, lo sport, e le attivité0 formative all?aria aperta, per i turisti sempre alla ricerca di nuove mete ed attivité0
Activo Park is the perfect destination for those who love life in contact with nature, sports, and educational activities in the open air, tourists are always looking for new destinations and activities
Activo Park is the perfect destination for those who love life in contact with nature, sports, and educational activities in the open air, tourists are always looking for new destinations and activities
Activo Park is the perfect destination for those who love life in contact with nature, sports, and educational activities in the open air, tourists are always looking for new destinations and activities
Activo Park is the perfect destination for those who love life in contact with nature, sports, and educational activities in the open air, tourists are always looking for new destinations and activities
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