La festività del 1° Novembre si avvicina, e forse qualcuno di voi è pronto a godersi un ponte lungo nella nostra amata Umbria. L’autunno è ormai arrivato, pronto a colorare le campagne umbre di sfumature rosso arancio e di toni caldi. Lo stesso calore che si prova davanti ai camini che iniziano ad essere accesi, tra un bicchiere di vino, una bruschetta all’olio e un cartoccio di caldarroste fumanti.
Novembre è infatti il mese per eccellenza della raccolta delle olive e della produzione dell’olio nuovo, ma anche della castagne e di altri prodotti tipici della regione. Sono tante gli eventi e le feste legate alla gastronomia umbra: approfittate del Ponte del 1° Novembre per partecipare a una delle iniziative previste e gustare la buona tavola della regione.
Noi vi consigliamo alcuni degli appuntamenti assolutamente da non perdere!

>> Scopri l’Umbra in occasione del Ponte del 1° Novembre, ci sono tante offerte in scadenza per te
Il Re della tavola umbra: il Tartufo
Il Tartufo è uno dei prodotti più pregiati e rinomati dell’Umbria. Il dolce paesaggio collinare umbro infatti, di cui il bosco costituisce una parte predominante, cela un’immensa tartufaia che produce tartufi di varie tipologie, dalla fine sapidità del rugoso tartufo nero, all’inconfondibile acutezza di profumi dell’aristocratico tartufo bianco. Durante il Ponte del Primo Novembre, partecipa a una delle caratteristiche mostre mercato dedicate a questo prodotto e alle altre eccellenze gastronomiche umbre.
“Il Tartufo Bianco” CITTA’ DI CASTELLO
Dal 1° al 4 Novembre 2018, Città di Castello
Quattro giorni intensi, dedicati alle eccellenze gastronomiche e ai prodotti del bosco. Ma anche spettacoli, musica, show cooking ed eventi speciali che coinvolgeranno tutto il centro storico, per appassionati, curiosi e famiglie. Tre i mercati allestiti: Sapori di Tartufo (Commercianti di tartufo, Piazza Matteotti), Sapori d’Italia (Commercianti agroalimentari d’Italia, Piazza Gabriotti) e Sapori del Territorio (Produttori agricoli del Territorio, con ospiti i produttori del Radicchio di Treviso IGP e dell’Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP del Comune di San Prospero di Modena, Loggiato Gildoni).
Quest’anno vi saranno inoltre cinque Saloni: 11° Salone del Vino (a cura di AIS Umbria Delegazione Città di Castello, Piazza Gabriotti); 11° Salone dell’Olio (a cura della Confraternita dell’Olivo e dell’Olio dell’Alta Valle del Tevere, con la partecipazione di Aicoo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palazzo Lignani Marchesani) al cui interno sarà presente il Progetto “Visit Alta Umbria: un’opportunità di promozione turistica integrata”: 4° Salone della Biodiversità (a cura dell’Associazione Pro Bio, Piazza Matteotti, Palazzo Facchinetti) e certamente il Salone Laboratorio del Gusto dedicato al Tartufo.
“Mostra Nazionale del Tartufo Bianco”, GUBBIO
Dal 31 Ottobre al 4 Novembre 2018, Gubbio
Gubbio si profuma dell’intenso odore del prezioso tartufo bianco, per l’appuntamento con la 37esima edizione della mostra mercato nazionale dedicata al tartufo e ai prodotti agroalimentari della regione. Stand gastronomici e botteghe artigiane, aperti tutti i giorni dalle 9:00 alle 19:30 circa in Piazza Martiri 40, arricchiscono il centro storico di uno dei più bei borghi medievali umbri.

>> Soggiorna in un agriturismo nella zona di Gubbio, tra natura e splendidi borghi
Caldarroste e profumo d’autunno
Per molti secoli, le castagne sono state il principale alimento delle popolazioni montane, tanto che il castagno ha meritato l’appellattivo di ‘albero del pane’. Ancora oggi, sono tanti i produttori impegnati nella coltivazione e raccolta delle castagne nel territorio, con eccellenze come “il marrone di Melezzole”, che ha ottenuto il riconoscimento IGP. Ecco allora qualche informazione in più per degustare le migliori caldarroste, sempre accompagnate da un bicchiere di buon vino novello.
“Fiera della Castagna e dei Prodotti Tipici della Montagna” MELEZZOLE
Dal 27 al 28 Ottobre 2018, Melezzole (TR)
XXXII edizione della celebre fiera che si svolge nel piccolo borgo di Melezzole, castello del XII secolo caratterizzato dall’antica e tipica struttura medievale e situato tra i Monti Amerini. Le vie e la piazza centrale del borgo si riempiono dei profumi tipici dell’autunno con caldarroste e vino, oltre a degustazioni di prodotti locali come funghi, miele e salumi.
L’autunno è una stagione ricca di prodotti tipici, dai sapori intensi. In questo periodo le popolazioni agricole si dedicavano alla raccolta dei prodotti spontanei del bosco: tartufi, castagne, funghi e non solo! Ancora oggi tanti piccoli produttori e aziende familiari umbre si dedicano a questi prodotti, che spiccano tra le prelibatezze della gastronomia locale per la loro genuinità e la loro stagionalità, che li rende ancor più apprezzabili. Per ritrovare tutto questo, ecco qualche informazione in più su un evento specialmente dedicato proprio ai prodotti del bosco.
“Festa del Bosco” MONTONE
Dal 1° al 4 Novembre 2018, Montone (PG)
31esima edizione di questa manifestazione specialmente dedicata ai prodotti del bosco e del sottobosco, nella magnifica cornice del centro storico medievale di Montone, uno dei Borghi più Belli d’Italia. Stand gastronomici e degustazioni, ma anche artigianato locale, ceramiche artistiche, ricami, oggettistica e molto altro.

>> Consulta ora hotel, b&b e agriturismi dell’area di Perugia, e trova quello giusto per trascorrere il Ponte del 1° Novembre in Umbria
Novembre tra uliveti e frantoi
L’olio extravergine di oliva DOP Umbria rappresenta uno dei prodotti più tipici e genuini del territorio, ottenuto grazie al puntale e costante lavoro di tanti piccoli produttori umbri. Per omaggiare il loro lavoro e per celebrare la produzione di olio nuovo, in tutti i fine settimana del mese di Novembre di ogni anno si tiene la manifestazione Frantoi Aperti, con tantissimi eventi organizzati nei borghi e nelle campagne umbre. Soprattutto, i Frantoi aderenti aprono le porte ai visitatori, che possono approfittare per vedere con i propri occhi la spremitura e la lavorazione delle olive, e per trascorrere delle giornate a contatto con la natura più incontaminata.
Il fine settimana del Ponte di Ognissanti coincide quest’anno con il primo weekend di iniziative, e tanti borghi hanno organizzato un ricco cartellone di iniziative ed eventi concentrati tra il 31 Ottobre e il 4 Novembre. Un’occasione speciale per scoprire il territorio umbro, le sue tradizioni e i suoi prodotti gastronomici, tra visite guidate e degustazioni. Ecco allora le manifestazioni principali:

>> Partecipa a una delle tantissime iniziative dedicate all’olio, trascorri qualche giorno nella natura in uno degli agriturismi dell’area di Foligno, Trevi e Montefalco
Lo Zafferano Purissimo di Cascia
Chiudiamo con una piccola chicca: Cascia, città nota in tutto il mondo per aver dato i natali a Santa Rita, è anche un centro di produzione del pregiato “oro rosso”, lo zafferano. In occasione di questa speciale mostra mercato, dal 1° al 4 Novembre 2018, vie e piccoli negozi della città si addobbano a festa, mentre stand gastronomici e ristoranti locali propongono degustazioni e piatti con ricette tradizionali a base di zafferano.
Per maggiori informazioni, leggi anche Mostra Mercato dello Zafferano Purissimo di Cascia

>> I nostri suggeriementi sui migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi a Cascia, per un magnifico Ponte del 1° Novembre
1st November Holidays are coming and perhaps you are thinking about a long weekend to spend in Umbria. Aautumn is already arrived, ready to color the Umbrian countryside with red-orange nuances and warm tones. The same warmth that you can feel in front of a fireplace turned on, with a glass of wine, an olive oil bruschetta and a paper cornet of roasted chestnuts steaming.
In fact, November is the month for excellence of the olive harvest and of the new olive oil production, but also of chestnuts and other typical products of the region. There are many events and festivals related to the Umbrian gastronomy: participate in one of the initiatives planned during the 1st November Holidays and enjoy the best food of the region.
We recommend you some appointments not to be missed!

The King of Umbrian table: the Truffle
The Truffle is one of the most precious and renowned product of Umbria. The sweet Umbrian hills, in fact, of which the forest is a predominant part, conceals an immense truffle-producing terrain, from the fine and intence flavor of black truffle to the unmistakable perfumes of the aristocratic white truffle. During the 1st November Holidays, participate in one of the market exhibits dedicated to this product and to the other Umbrian culinary excellences.
- “The White Truffle” CITTA’ DI CASTELLO
From 27th October to 1st November 2017, Città di Castello
Some intense days dedicated to the gastronomic excellences and to the forest products. But also entertainment, music, cooking shows and special events that will involve all the historical center, for lovers, curious and families. Three markets will be set up: Truffle Flavors (Truffle Traders, Piazza Matteotti), Flavors of Italy (Agri-food Traders of Italy, Largo Gildoni) and Tastes of Land (Local agricultural producers, Loggiato Gildoni). The pavilion this year will be four: 10° Wine and Cigar Tasting Pavilion (by AIS Umbria Città di Castello Delegation, Piazza Gabriotti), Olive Oil Pavilion (Palazzo Lignani Marchesani), Biodiversity Pavilion – legumes, cereals, olive oil, wine, vegetables (guided tasting by Pro.Bio Association, Palazzo Matteotti, Palazzo Facchinetti).
- “National Exhibit of White Truffle” GUBBIO
From 28th October to 1st November, Gubbio
Gubbio will smell of the intense flavors of the precious white truffle, for the appointment with the 36th edition of the exhibition dedicated to the national market exhibition of truffles and agri-food products in the region. Food stands and craft shops, open daily from 9 am to 7:30 pm in Piazza Martiri 40, enrich the center of one of the most beautiful medieval towns of Umbria.

Chestnuts and Scent of Autumn
For many centuries, chestnuts have been the main food of mountain populations, so that the chestnut tree earned the title of “bread tree”. Even today, there are many producers engaged in the cultivation and the harvesting of chestnuts in the territory, with excellences as the “Brown chestnut of Melezzone” that obtained the IGP recognition. We suggest you this fair where you can taste the best roasted chestnuts, always accompanied by a glass of fine local wines.
- “Fair of Chestnut and Mountain Products” MELEZZOLE
From 28th to 29th October 2017, Melezzole (Tr)
31° edition of the famous fair in the small town of Melezzole, a castel of the 12° century characterized by the ancient and typical medieval structure and situated between Amerini Mounts. The streets and the central square of the village will be full of the typical scents of autumn with chestnuts and wine, as well as tastings of local products such as mushrooms, honey and salamis.
Autumn is a season rich of typical products, with their intense tastes. In that period, agricultural population dedicated themselves to the harvest of spontaneous products of wood: truffle, chestnuts, mushrooms and so on. Also today, many little producers and family business farm are dealing with these products, among the delicious specialities of the local gastronomy. To refind this, here some informations about a special event, focused on them.
From 28th October to 1° November 2017, Montone (PG)
30th edition of this initiative especially dedicated to the wood products, in the wonderful frame of the historical medieval center of Montone, one of the Most Beautiful “Borgo” of Italy. Gastronomic stands, tasting and also local craftsmen, ceramics, objects and much more.

November between olive trees and olive oil mills
Extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria is one of the most typical and genuine product of the area, achieved thanks to the constant work of many small Umbrian producers. To celebrate their work and the production of the new olive oil, every weekend of the month of November of each year is held the festival Open Olive Oil Mills, with many events organized in the villages and in the countryside of Umbria. Above all, the olive oil mills open their doors to visitors, who can admire with their own eyes the pressing and the processing of olives, and can spend a day in contact with uncontaminated nature.
The 1st November Holidays coincides with the first weekend of events and many towns will organize a rich program of initiatives between 28th October and 1st November. A special opportunity to discover the Umbrian territory, its traditions and its gourmet products, including guided tours and tastings. Here the main events scheduled:

The Pure Saffron of Cascia
We conclude with a small gem: Cascia, city wellknown all over the world for being the birthplace of Saint Rita, is also a center of production of the precious “red gold”, the saffron. In the occasion of this special exhibition market, from 28th October to 1st November, streets and small shops of the city center will be festively adorned, while local restaurants and food stands will offer tasting and meals with traditional recipes made with saffron.
For more information, look at post Market Exhibit of the Saffron of Cascia

1st November Holidays are coming, while autumn is already arrived, ready to color the Umbrian countryside with red-orange nuances and warm tones. the same warmth that you feel in front of a fireplace turned on, with a glass of wine, an olive oil bruschetta and a paper cornet of roasted chestnuts steaming.
In fact, November is the month for excellence of the olive harvest and of the new olive oil production, but also of chestnuts and other typical products of the region. There are many events and festivals related to the Umbrian gastronomy: participate in one of the initiatives planned during the 1st November Holidays and enjoy the best food of the region !
We recommend you some appointments not to be missed.

The King of Umbrian table: the Truffle
The Truffle is one of the most precious and renowned product of Umbria. The sweet Umbrian hills, in fact, of which the forest is a predominant part, conceals an immense truffle-producing terrain, from the fine and intence flavor of black truffle to the unmistakable perfumes of the aristocratic white truffle. During the 1st November Holidays, participate in one of the market exhibits dedicated to this product and to the other Umbrian culinary excellences.
From 28th October to 1st November, Città di Castello
Three intense days dedicated to the gastronomic excellences and to the forest products. But also entertainment, music, cooking shows and special events that will involve all the historical center, for lovers, curious and families. Three markets will be set up: Truffle Flavors (Truffle Traders, Largo Gildoni), Flavors of Italy (Agri-food Traders of Italy, Piazza Matteotti) and Tastes of Land (Local agricultural producers, Loggiato Gildoni); while the pavilion this year will be four: Wine and Cigar Tasting Pavilion (by AIS Umbria Città di Castello Delegation, Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion (Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion and competition “homemade olive oil” (opening of registration by AICOO and Confraternita dell’olivo e dell’olio dell’Alta Valle del Tevere, Piazza Fanti) e Biodiversity Pavilion – legumes, cereals, olive oil, wine, vegetables (guided tasting by AIAB association and Pro.Bio, Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
- “National Exhibit of White Truffle”
From 28th October to 1st November, Gubbio
Gubbio will smell of the intense flavors of the precious white truffle, for the appointment with the 35th edition of the exhibition dedicated to the national market exhibition of truffles and agri-food products in the region. Food stands and craft shops, open daily from 9 am to 7:30 pm, enrich the center of one of the most beautiful medieval towns of Umbria.

Chestnuts and good wine
For many centuries, chestnuts have been the main food of mountain populations, so that the chestnut tree earned the title of “bread tree”. Even today, there are many producers engaged in the cultivation and the harvesting of chestnuts in the territory, with excellences as the “Brown chestnut of Melezzone” that obtained the IGP recognition. We suggest you some festivals where you can taste the best roasted chestnuts, always accompanied by a glass of fine local wines.
- “Fair of Chestnut and Mountain Products”
From 29th to 30th October, Melezzole (Tr)
30° edition of the famous fair in the small town of Melezzole, a castel of the 12° century characterized by the ancient and typical medieval structure and situated between Amerini Mounts. The streets and the central square of the village will be full of the typical scents of autumn with chestnuts and wine, as well as tastings of local products such as mushrooms, honey and salamis.
- “Feast of Brown Chestnut”
From 28th October to 1st November and from 4th to 6th November, Strettura (Pg)
Second edition of this festival which proposes traditional autumn flavors, such as roast chestnuts and new wine! Gastronomic stands, tasting, live music, craft market and special events …

November between olive trees and olive oil mills
Extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria is one of the most typical and genuine product of the area, achieved thanks to the constant work of many small Umbrian producers. To celebrate their work and the production of the new olive oil, every weekend of the month of November of each year is held the festival Open Olive Oil Mills, with many events organized in the villages and in the countryside of Umbria. Above all, the olive oil mills open their doors to visitors, who can admire with their own eyes the pressing and the processing of olives, and can spend a day in contact with uncontaminated nature.
The first weekend of November this year coincides with the 1st November Holidays, and many towns will organize a rich program of initiatives and events concentrated between 29th October and 1st November. A special opportunity to discover the Umbrian territory, its traditions and its gourmet products, including guided tours and tastings. Here the main events scheduled:

The Pure Saffron of Cascia
We conclude with a small gem: Cascia, city wellknown all over the world for being the birthplace of Saint Rita, is also a center of production of the precious “red gold”, the saffron. In the occasion of this special exhibition market, from 29th October to 1st November, streets and small shops of the city center will be festively adorned, while local restaurants and food stands will offer tasting and meals with traditional recipes made with saffron.
Do not miss the guided tours to the saffron fields of the area, to find out more closely the secrets of this renowned Umbrian product.

1st November Holidays are coming, while autumn is already arrived, ready to color the Umbrian countryside with red-orange nuances and warm tones. the same warmth that you feel in front of a fireplace turned on, with a glass of wine, an olive oil bruschetta and a paper cornet of roasted chestnuts steaming.
In fact, November is the month for excellence of the olive harvest and of the new olive oil production, but also of chestnuts and other typical products of the region. There are many events and festivals related to the Umbrian gastronomy: participate in one of the initiatives planned during the 1st November Holidays and enjoy the best food of the region !
We recommend you some appointments not to be missed.

The King of Umbrian table: the Truffle
The Truffle is one of the most precious and renowned product of Umbria. The sweet Umbrian hills, in fact, of which the forest is a predominant part, conceals an immense truffle-producing terrain, from the fine and intence flavor of black truffle to the unmistakable perfumes of the aristocratic white truffle. During the 1st November Holidays, participate in one of the market exhibits dedicated to this product and to the other Umbrian culinary excellences.
From 28th October to 1st November, Città di Castello
Three intense days dedicated to the gastronomic excellences and to the forest products. But also entertainment, music, cooking shows and special events that will involve all the historical center, for lovers, curious and families. Three markets will be set up: Truffle Flavors (Truffle Traders, Largo Gildoni), Flavors of Italy (Agri-food Traders of Italy, Piazza Matteotti) and Tastes of Land (Local agricultural producers, Loggiato Gildoni); while the pavilion this year will be four: Wine and Cigar Tasting Pavilion (by AIS Umbria Città di Castello Delegation, Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion (Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion and competition “homemade olive oil” (opening of registration by AICOO and Confraternita dell’olivo e dell’olio dell’Alta Valle del Tevere, Piazza Fanti) e Biodiversity Pavilion – legumes, cereals, olive oil, wine, vegetables (guided tasting by AIAB association and Pro.Bio, Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
- “National Exhibit of White Truffle”
From 28th October to 1st November, Gubbio
Gubbio will smell of the intense flavors of the precious white truffle, for the appointment with the 35th edition of the exhibition dedicated to the national market exhibition of truffles and agri-food products in the region. Food stands and craft shops, open daily from 9 am to 7:30 pm, enrich the center of one of the most beautiful medieval towns of Umbria.

Chestnuts and good wine
For many centuries, chestnuts have been the main food of mountain populations, so that the chestnut tree earned the title of “bread tree”. Even today, there are many producers engaged in the cultivation and the harvesting of chestnuts in the territory, with excellences as the “Brown chestnut of Melezzone” that obtained the IGP recognition. We suggest you some festivals where you can taste the best roasted chestnuts, always accompanied by a glass of fine local wines.
- “Fair of Chestnut and Mountain Products”
From 29th to 30th October, Melezzole (Tr)
30° edition of the famous fair in the small town of Melezzole, a castel of the 12° century characterized by the ancient and typical medieval structure and situated between Amerini Mounts. The streets and the central square of the village will be full of the typical scents of autumn with chestnuts and wine, as well as tastings of local products such as mushrooms, honey and salamis.
- “Feast of Brown Chestnut”
From 28th October to 1st November and from 4th to 6th November, Strettura (Pg)
Second edition of this festival which proposes traditional autumn flavors, such as roast chestnuts and new wine! Gastronomic stands, tasting, live music, craft market and special events …

November between olive trees and olive oil mills
Extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria is one of the most typical and genuine product of the area, achieved thanks to the constant work of many small Umbrian producers. To celebrate their work and the production of the new olive oil, every weekend of the month of November of each year is held the festival Open Olive Oil Mills, with many events organized in the villages and in the countryside of Umbria. Above all, the olive oil mills open their doors to visitors, who can admire with their own eyes the pressing and the processing of olives, and can spend a day in contact with uncontaminated nature.
The first weekend of November this year coincides with the 1st November Holidays, and many towns will organize a rich program of initiatives and events concentrated between 29th October and 1st November. A special opportunity to discover the Umbrian territory, its traditions and its gourmet products, including guided tours and tastings. Here the main events scheduled:

The Pure Saffron of Cascia
We conclude with a small gem: Cascia, city wellknown all over the world for being the birthplace of Saint Rita, is also a center of production of the precious “red gold”, the saffron. In the occasion of this special exhibition market, from 29th October to 1st November, streets and small shops of the city center will be festively adorned, while local restaurants and food stands will offer tasting and meals with traditional recipes made with saffron.
Do not miss the guided tours to the saffron fields of the area, to find out more closely the secrets of this renowned Umbrian product.

1st November Holidays are coming, while autumn is already arrived, ready to color the Umbrian countryside with red-orange nuances and warm tones. the same warmth that you feel in front of a fireplace turned on, with a glass of wine, an olive oil bruschetta and a paper cornet of roasted chestnuts steaming.
In fact, November is the month for excellence of the olive harvest and of the new olive oil production, but also of chestnuts and other typical products of the region. There are many events and festivals related to the Umbrian gastronomy: participate in one of the initiatives planned during the 1st November Holidays and enjoy the best food of the region !
We recommend you some appointments not to be missed.

The King of Umbrian table: the Truffle
The Truffle is one of the most precious and renowned product of Umbria. The sweet Umbrian hills, in fact, of which the forest is a predominant part, conceals an immense truffle-producing terrain, from the fine and intence flavor of black truffle to the unmistakable perfumes of the aristocratic white truffle. During the 1st November Holidays, participate in one of the market exhibits dedicated to this product and to the other Umbrian culinary excellences.
From 28th October to 1st November, Città di Castello
Three intense days dedicated to the gastronomic excellences and to the forest products. But also entertainment, music, cooking shows and special events that will involve all the historical center, for lovers, curious and families. Three markets will be set up: Truffle Flavors (Truffle Traders, Largo Gildoni), Flavors of Italy (Agri-food Traders of Italy, Piazza Matteotti) and Tastes of Land (Local agricultural producers, Loggiato Gildoni); while the pavilion this year will be four: Wine and Cigar Tasting Pavilion (by AIS Umbria Città di Castello Delegation, Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion (Piazza Fanti), Olive Oil Pavilion and competition “homemade olive oil” (opening of registration by AICOO and Confraternita dell’olivo e dell’olio dell’Alta Valle del Tevere, Piazza Fanti) e Biodiversity Pavilion – legumes, cereals, olive oil, wine, vegetables (guided tasting by AIAB association and Pro.Bio, Corso Vittorio Emanuele).
- “National Exhibit of White Truffle”
From 28th October to 1st November, Gubbio
Gubbio will smell of the intense flavors of the precious white truffle, for the appointment with the 35th edition of the exhibition dedicated to the national market exhibition of truffles and agri-food products in the region. Food stands and craft shops, open daily from 9 am to 7:30 pm, enrich the center of one of the most beautiful medieval towns of Umbria.

Chestnuts and good wine
For many centuries, chestnuts have been the main food of mountain populations, so that the chestnut tree earned the title of “bread tree”. Even today, there are many producers engaged in the cultivation and the harvesting of chestnuts in the territory, with excellences as the “Brown chestnut of Melezzone” that obtained the IGP recognition. We suggest you some festivals where you can taste the best roasted chestnuts, always accompanied by a glass of fine local wines.
- “Fair of Chestnut and Mountain Products”
From 29th to 30th October, Melezzole (Tr)
30° edition of the famous fair in the small town of Melezzole, a castel of the 12° century characterized by the ancient and typical medieval structure and situated between Amerini Mounts. The streets and the central square of the village will be full of the typical scents of autumn with chestnuts and wine, as well as tastings of local products such as mushrooms, honey and salamis.
- “Feast of Brown Chestnut”
From 28th October to 1st November and from 4th to 6th November, Strettura (Pg)
Second edition of this festival which proposes traditional autumn flavors, such as roast chestnuts and new wine! Gastronomic stands, tasting, live music, craft market and special events …

November between olive trees and olive oil mills
Extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria is one of the most typical and genuine product of the area, achieved thanks to the constant work of many small Umbrian producers. To celebrate their work and the production of the new olive oil, every weekend of the month of November of each year is held the festival Open Olive Oil Mills, with many events organized in the villages and in the countryside of Umbria. Above all, the olive oil mills open their doors to visitors, who can admire with their own eyes the pressing and the processing of olives, and can spend a day in contact with uncontaminated nature.
The first weekend of November this year coincides with the 1st November Holidays, and many towns will organize a rich program of initiatives and events concentrated between 29th October and 1st November. A special opportunity to discover the Umbrian territory, its traditions and its gourmet products, including guided tours and tastings. Here the main events scheduled:

The Pure Saffron of Cascia
We conclude with a small gem: Cascia, city wellknown all over the world for being the birthplace of Saint Rita, is also a center of production of the precious “red gold”, the saffron. In the occasion of this special exhibition market, from 29th October to 1st November, streets and small shops of the city center will be festively adorned, while local restaurants and food stands will offer tasting and meals with traditional recipes made with saffron.
Do not miss the guided tours to the saffron fields of the area, to find out more closely the secrets of this renowned Umbrian product.

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