Dal 6 Ottobre 2012, e fino al 6 Gennaio 2013, il Palazzo Trinci di Foligno accoglierà la mostra dedicata alla Beata Angela da Foligno (1248-1309), considerata la più grande mistica italiana e beatificata dal popolo (non esiste alcuna bolla pontificia riguardante la beatificazione di Angela, papa Clemente XI nel 1701 ne autorizzò ufficialmente il culto pubblico visto l’enorme seguito di fedeli, ndr), dal titolo “Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno“.

L’esposizione si può dividere in 2 sezioni: la prima, il “visibile”, riguarda le varie immagini, i dipinti, raffiguranti Cristo crocifisso. I quadri ebbero un ruolo molto importante nella vita di Angela, aiutandola ad avere visioni intense ed impressionanti, fino ad arrivare all’estasi. E la figura più stimolante per la Beata fu proprio il sofferente Figlio di Dio.
10 le tele presenti (7 Crocifissioni, 2 Deposizioni dalla croce ed un Compianto), comprese nel periodo che va dal XII secolo al XII e scelte perchè, molto probabilmente, sono le stesse opere che osservò ed influenzarono la Beata.

La seconda parte, “l’indicibile”, riguarda i Codici, i manoscritti medievali che compongono il Liber (primo Trecento-primo Quattrocento), il racconto dell’esperienza mistica di Angela tramite il francescano “frater A.”.
Il loro umile e dimesso aspetto non deve trarre in inganno ed anzi, visto che la censura era molto forte all’epoca, specie nei primi anni del XIV secolo, proprio il sembrare ordinari e modesti ha permesso loro di arrivare fino ai nostri giorni, passando di mano in mano.

Orari di apertura: dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 15:00 alle 19:00. Chiuso i lunedì non festivi, il 25 Dicembre 2012 ed il 1° Gennaio 2013.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From October 6th, 2012, until January 6th, 2013, the Palazzo Trinci of Foligno will host an exhibition dedicated to the Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), considered the greatest Italian mystic and beatified by the people (there is no papal bull concerning the Angela’s beatification, Pope Clement XI in 1701 officially authorized the public worship given the huge following of believers, ed), entitled ”Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno” (“From the visible to the unspeakable. Crucifixes and mystical experience in Angela of Foligno”).

The exhibition is divided into two sections: the first, the “visible“, concerns the various pictures, paintings, depicting crucified Christ. The paintings had a very important role in the life of Angela, helping her to have intense and impressive visions, until to reach the ecstasy.
10 canvases (7 Crucifixion, 2 Deposition from the Cross and a Lamentation), included in the period from the twelfth century to the twelfth and chosen because, most likely, are the same works that are observed and influenced the Blessed. And the figure more stimulating for the Blessed was precisely the suffering Son of God.

The second part, “the unspeakable“, focuses on the Codes, the medieval manuscripts that make up the Liber (early fourteenth-early fifteenth century), the story of the mystical experience of Angela by the Franciscan “frater A.”.
Their humble and resigned appearance must not to mislead and indeed, since the censorship was very strong at that time, especially in the early years of the fourteenth century, just the ordinary and modest look allowed them to get to this day, passing from hand to hand.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Closed on Mondays, December 25th, 2012 and January 1st, 2013.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From October 6th, 2012, until January 6th, 2013, the Palazzo Trinci of Foligno will host an exhibition dedicated to the Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), considered the greatest Italian mystic and beatified by the people (there is no papal bull concerning the Angela’s beatification, Pope Clement XI in 1701 officially authorized the public worship given the huge following of believers, ed), entitled ”Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno” (“From the visible to the unspeakable. Crucifixes and mystical experience in Angela of Foligno”).

The exhibition is divided into two sections: the first, the “visible“, concerns the various pictures, paintings, depicting crucified Christ. The paintings had a very important role in the life of Angela, helping her to have intense and impressive visions, until to reach the ecstasy.
10 canvases (7 Crucifixion, 2 Deposition from the Cross and a Lamentation), included in the period from the twelfth century to the twelfth and chosen because, most likely, are the same works that are observed and influenced the Blessed. And the figure more stimulating for the Blessed was precisely the suffering Son of God.

The second part, “the unspeakable“, focuses on the Codes, the medieval manuscripts that make up the Liber (early fourteenth-early fifteenth century), the story of the mystical experience of Angela by the Franciscan “frater A.”.
Their humble and resigned appearance must not to mislead and indeed, since the censorship was very strong at that time, especially in the early years of the fourteenth century, just the ordinary and modest look allowed them to get to this day, passing from hand to hand.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Closed on Mondays, December 25th, 2012 and January 1st, 2013.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From October 6th, 2012, until January 6th, 2013, the Palazzo Trinci of Foligno will host an exhibition dedicated to the Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), considered the greatest Italian mystic and beatified by the people (there is no papal bull concerning the Angela’s beatification, Pope Clement XI in 1701 officially authorized the public worship given the huge following of believers, ed), entitled ”Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno” (“From the visible to the unspeakable. Crucifixes and mystical experience in Angela of Foligno”).

The exhibition is divided into two sections: the first, the “visible“, concerns the various pictures, paintings, depicting crucified Christ. The paintings had a very important role in the life of Angela, helping her to have intense and impressive visions, until to reach the ecstasy.
10 canvases (7 Crucifixion, 2 Deposition from the Cross and a Lamentation), included in the period from the twelfth century to the twelfth and chosen because, most likely, are the same works that are observed and influenced the Blessed. And the figure more stimulating for the Blessed was precisely the suffering Son of God.

The second part, “the unspeakable“, focuses on the Codes, the medieval manuscripts that make up the Liber (early fourteenth-early fifteenth century), the story of the mystical experience of Angela by the Franciscan “frater A.”.
Their humble and resigned appearance must not to mislead and indeed, since the censorship was very strong at that time, especially in the early years of the fourteenth century, just the ordinary and modest look allowed them to get to this day, passing from hand to hand.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Closed on Mondays, December 25th, 2012 and January 1st, 2013.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

From October 6th, 2012, until January 6th, 2013, the Palazzo Trinci of Foligno will host an exhibition dedicated to the Blessed Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), considered the greatest Italian mystic and beatified by the people (there is no papal bull concerning the Angela’s beatification, Pope Clement XI in 1701 officially authorized the public worship given the huge following of believers, ed), entitled ”Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno” (“From the visible to the unspeakable. Crucifixes and mystical experience in Angela of Foligno”).

The exhibition is divided into two sections: the first, the “visible“, concerns the various pictures, paintings, depicting crucified Christ. The paintings had a very important role in the life of Angela, helping her to have intense and impressive visions, until to reach the ecstasy.
10 canvases (7 Crucifixion, 2 Deposition from the Cross and a Lamentation), included in the period from the twelfth century to the twelfth and chosen because, most likely, are the same works that are observed and influenced the Blessed. And the figure more stimulating for the Blessed was precisely the suffering Son of God.

The second part, “the unspeakable“, focuses on the Codes, the medieval manuscripts that make up the Liber (early fourteenth-early fifteenth century), the story of the mystical experience of Angela by the Franciscan “frater A.”.
Their humble and resigned appearance must not to mislead and indeed, since the censorship was very strong at that time, especially in the early years of the fourteenth century, just the ordinary and modest look allowed them to get to this day, passing from hand to hand.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Closed on Mondays, December 25th, 2012 and January 1st, 2013.

Fabrizio Galeazzi