Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: piazze e centri storici dei più bei borghi dell’Umbria si animano di stand, decorazioni, luci e colori. Che sia per cercare il regalo perfetto, per andare alla ricerca di un oggetto sfizioso e particolare, per assaggiare qualche prodotto gastronomico della tradizione o semplicemente per respirare l’atmosfera natalizia più intensa, i mercatini di Natale possiedono sempre un fascino speciale.

Abbiamo preparato per voi un articolo con date e informazioni sui mercatini di Natale in Umbria per il Natale 2022, pronti a immergervi nella magia?!

Trascorri il Natale in Umbria, scopri le nostre offerte migliori

Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: tutto il fascino unico di Assisi

La Magia del Natale ad Assisi

8 Dicembre 2022 – 8 Gennaio 2023

Mercatini natalizi situati all’interno delle mura del centro storico della città, in particolare a Piazza del Comune e Piazza Santa Chiara. Circa un centinaio gli espositori presenti, dove si potranno ammirare addobbi per la casa, prodotti artigianali, oggettistica e creazioni artistiche. Presenti inoltre laboratori e spettacoli per bambini: merende, animazioni, letture, trucca bimbi, giocolieri, burattinai e il bellissimo Trenino di Babbo Natale.

Tutti gli alberghi e gli agriturismi di Assisi, una città speciale dove passare il Natale

Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: Perugia, Todi e dintorni

Natale alla Rocca – Mercatini di Natale di Perugia

17 Dicembre 2022 – 8 Gennaio 2023 (Lunedì – Venerdì dalle 10:00 alle 19:30, Sabato – Domenica – festivi dalle 10:00 alle 20:00, 25 Dicembre dalle 15:30 alle 20:00)

Mostra mercato tra arte e gastronomia, con produzioni di qualità dei mastri artigiani locali, situata nel suggestivo scenario della Rocca Paolina. Tanti gli stand tutti da scoprire all’interno delle sale e delle gallerie della Rocca, dove protagonista è il prodotto artigianale capace di esprimere al meglio cultura, creatività e storia. Tante anche le attività collaterali organizzate: la rocca si anima con i grandi classici natalizi e i cartoni animati per bambini, mentre nei weekend anche il teatro si aggiunge con divertenti rappresentazioni che vedranno protagonisti elfi, fate e tanti personaggi delle fiabe. Immancabile infine Babbo Natale, che accoglierà tutti i bambini per raccontargli le proprie avventure e lasciargli una foto ricordo. Vivi il Natale alla Rocca, l’unico suggestivo mercatino natalizio sotterraneo!

Todi Magic Christmas – Todi

in attesa date definitive

Mercatini di Natale nella suggestiva piazza centrale della cittadina, tra artigianato tipico e prodotti gastronomici locali. Nell’adiacente palazzo storico di Via San Lorenzo, i bambini potranno incontrare Babbo Natale e i suoi elfi nella Casa di Babbo Natale allestita per l’occasione. Da non perdere il meraviglioso gioco di luci, suoni e animazioni tridimensionali di Video Mapping 3D che sarà proiettato sulla facciata del Palazzo dei Priori. che proietterà sulla facciata del Palazzo dei Priori.

Il Paese del Natale – Monte Castello Vibio

1 Dicembre 2022 – 1 Gennaio 2023

Vivi l’emozione del Natale e dei mercatini natalizi in uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia. Lo splendido Monte Castello di Vibio si anima con intrattenimento per bambini e mercatini nelle vie del paese, dove immergersi completamente nell’atmosfera natalizia grazie alle decorazioni e alla musica in filodiffusione. Bellissima sarà la giornata di Giovedì 8 Dicembre, quando è prevista la sfilata a tema Disney degli artisti della Parata ValdichianaDisney-Foiana. Sono allestite inoltre la Casa di Babbo Natale, al quale i bambini potranno fare visita per consegnargli personalmente le proprie letterine, la Fabbrica dei Giocattoli dove esplorare il laboratorio di regali degli elfi e la Casa della Befana. Da non perdere inoltre il presepe artistico di 40 mq, con statue in movimento e riproduzione della vita dell’epoca. Ingresso gratuito per ragazzi fino ai 12 anni.

Vieni a Perugia per un Natale indimenticabile ! Puoi trovare qui i migliori hotel e agriturismi della zona

Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: a passeggio presso il Lago Trasimeno

Il Paese del Natale – Castiglione del Lago

8 Dicembre 2022 – 8 Gennaio 2023

Tanti appuntamenti sulle rive del Lago Trasimeno, tra mercatini di Natale e intrattenimento.  Potrete trovare prodotti tipici della nostra regione, decorazioni natalizie, lavorazioni artigianali di pelle stoffe, accessori lavorati a mano, prodotti vintage e molto altro ancora. Gli orari di apertura sono i seguenti:

Da lunedì a venerdì 15:00 – 20:00
Sabato, Domenica e Festivi 10:00 – 22:00

Mercatini di Natale a Castel Rigone

26/27 Novembre, 3/4 Dicembre, 8/10/11 Dicembre, 17/18 Dicembre 2022

Tradizionali mercatini di Natale, musica dal vivo e cori natalizi, stand di gastronomia e di artigianato locale, intrattenimento per grandi e piccoli: tutto questo nella magnifica cornice del borgo medievale di Castel Rigone, alle porte del Lago Trasimeno

Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: Terni, Narni e Valnerina

Mercatini di Natale a Terni

in attesa di date definitive

Tantissimi stand allestiti in piazza tra piazza Solferino e Piazza Europa, nel cuore di Terni, aperti tutta la giornata per il tradizionale mercatino natalizio. Originali idee regalo, prodotti gastronomici tipici e l’immancabile trenino di Babbo Natale.

Narnia Natalis 2022 – Narni

1° Dicembre 2022 – 8 gennaio 2023

Programma ricco di appuntamenti a Narni, dove la magia e la spiritualità del Natale coinvolgono tutta la cittadina medievale. Per l’occasione, il centro storico brillerà di una splendida nuova illuminazione, che renderà l’atmosfera ancora più suggestiva. Allestimenti e addobbi lungo le vie e nelle vetrine dei negozi, mercatini di Natale specialmente dedicati alle eccellenze locali, percorsi gastronomici e degustazioni, tombola e intrattenimento per bambini, appuntamenti religiosi, concerti gospel e canti natalizi.

Mercatini di Natale in Umbria: Gubbio e dintorni

Gubbio è… Natale – Mercatini natalizi a Gubbio

19/20 Novembre, 26/27 Novembre , 3/4 Dicembre, 7/8/9/10/11 Dicembre, 17/18 Dicembre, in modo continuativo dal 24 Dicembre 2022 al 8 Gennaio 2023 (dalle 10.00 alle 20.00)

Bellissimo mercatino di Natale con tradizionali stand in legno, allestiti nella suggestiva cornice dei giardini di Piazza 40 Martiri. Oltre alla passeggiata tra stand gastronomici e espositori artigianali con tante idee per i vostri regali natalizi, non perdete il Trenino di Babbo Natale per i più piccoli e la Slitta di Babbo Natale per un caratteristico tour delle vie del centro storico. Inoltre, quest’anno i mercatini sono inseriti all’interno di un vero e proprio circuito natalizio denominato Christmas Land, che coinvolge tutta Gubbio trasformandola in una città del Natale a 360 gradi.

Mercatini di Natale nel Cuore del Parco – Parco del Monte Cucco

Lo splendido scenario naturale del Parco del Monte Cucco è la cornice di una serie di iniziative natalizie che coinvolgono i borghi del territorio. Ogni fine settimana una località diversa e suggestiva, con mercatini di Natale e eventi speciali nei borghi del circuito del Monte Cucco, nel cuore del parco. Di seguito il programma dei mercatini:

3 /4 dicembre 2022 – Costacciaro con i Babbi Natale Volanti

17 / 18 dicembre 2022 – Sigillo con il Meeting dei Babbi Natale Volanti;

17 / 18 dicembre 2022 – Pascelupo con il Concorso di Scrittura Creativa

8 dicembre  2022 – Fossato di Vico con il caratteristico Presepio Vivente

Buona visita ai Mercatini di Natale in Umbria

Mercatini: dove e quando in sintesi


Searching the perfect gift, looking for the most fanciful or particular object, or simply breathing the Christmas atmosphere more intense, the Christmas open-air markets have always a really special charm.

Here is a little list of the most beautiful open-air markets in Umbria !

Spend Christmas in Umbria, discover our best offers

Do not miss the open-air markets during the 8th December week end

The Magic of Christmas in Assisi

4th – 8th December  2015

The open-air markets are located inside the walls of the historical center of the city, expecially in Piazza del comune and Piazza Santa Chiara. About one hundred exhibitors will be present, and you will have the occasion to admire home decorations, handmade products, objects and artistic creations. There will be also some workshops and performances for children: snacks, activities, readings, face painting, jugglers, puppeteers and the beautiful train of Santa Claus.

Christmas Markets in Massa Martana

4th – 8th December 2015

7th edition of the traditional open-air markets of Massa Martana, characterized by the typical wooden houses stands where you will find many handmade products, wooden toys, local artworks and more. In addiction, space to the gastronomy with the Village of Tasting ! It serves only the best local food and beverage: wine, oil, meats, vegetables and sweets, especially the Nociata Massetana, a typical white nougat packaged with leaves of laurel. Music and entertainment, with many initiatives for children in the colorful and funny Santa Claus’s Village.

Waiting for Christmas in Guardea

6th – 8th December 2015

Typical open-air markets in Piazza Panfili, in the town of Guardea, with many exhibitors who will be open from 4:00 pm. In addiction, workshops for children at the library, tasting of local products and, subsequently, live music in the square !

All the hotels and the farmhouses of Assisi, a special city to stay for Christmas

Take a look at the markets set up during the Christmas time !

Perugia Special Christmas

5th – 23th December 2015

A real Handcrafted Market Exhibition of Christmas, organised in the streets of the historical center: Piazza IV Novembre, Via Fani and Piazza Matteotti. Walking throught this Christmas village you will find handmade objects of quality and unique creations from all over the Italy and also from others european countries. Special regard for the children, who will be protagonists with a lot of activities, first of all the Santa Claus’s Home, where they will have the possibility to collaborate with the Santa’s helpers and to have fun by making decorations, letters and greeting cards. Many activities also for the adults, from the workshop of Christmas decorations to the decorations of cakes and biscuits.

And there is more !

Christmas at the Fortress, Christmas Markets in Perugia

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Market show with quality products of the master craftsmen, situated in the picturesque scenery of the Rocca Paolina. Many stands to be discovered within the halls and the galleries of the fortress, where the protagonist is the well-made object, the handmade product that can best express culture, creativity and history. There will be also many others events, with workshops for adults and for children to experience themselves as artists and artisans first-hand !

Come to Perugia for a unique Christmas, you can find here the best hotels and farmhouses of this area

Christmas Markets in Terni

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Many stands set up in the Piazza dei Bambini e delle Bambine, in the heart of Terni, will be open throughout the day for the traditional Christmas market. Original gifts, typical products and the inevitable train of Santa Claus !

Narnia Natalis 2015 – Narni

6th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

A program full of events in Narni, where the Christmas atmosphere involves the whole town. Staging and decorations along the streets and in the shop windows, open-air markets especially dedicated to the local excellences, food tastings, religious and music events.

Live Christmas in Monte Castello di Vibio

8th December 2015 – 6th January  2016

The town of Monte Castello Vibio is wrapped in a Christmas atmosphere with the Santa Claus’s home ! The children will visit Santa Claus for handing their letters personally to him and explore the workshop of the elves. Entertainment and a lot of surprises, with many local products for tasting, as the famous “cresciole”. Do not miss the Nativity Artistic Scene of about 50mq realized by the local artist Tentellini: in every environment and atelier, the characters change position depending on the change of light during the passage from day to night. A unique and exciting scene !

Christmas Markets in the Heart of the Park 2015

Costacciaro, 28th and 29th November

Scheggia, 5th and 6th December

Pascelupo, 6th – 8th December

Sigillo, 12th and 13th December

Fossato di Vico, 19th and 20th December

A new edition of the open-air markets in the villages of the circuit of the Cucco Mountain, in the heart of the park. Every Christmas week end, a different and charming scenery ! Many surprises and fun for young and old.


Searching the perfect gift, looking for the most fanciful or particular object, or simply breathing the Christmas atmosphere more intense, the Christmas open-air markets have always a really special charm.

Here is a little list of the most beautiful open-air markets in Umbria !

Spend Christmas in Umbria, discover our best offers

Do not miss the open-air markets during the 8th December week end

The Magic of Christmas in Assisi

4th – 8th December  2015

The open-air markets are located inside the walls of the historical center of the city, expecially in Piazza del comune and Piazza Santa Chiara. About one hundred exhibitors will be present, and you will have the occasion to admire home decorations, handmade products, objects and artistic creations. There will be also some workshops and performances for children: snacks, activities, readings, face painting, jugglers, puppeteers and the beautiful train of Santa Claus.

Christmas Markets in Massa Martana

4th – 8th December 2015

7th edition of the traditional open-air markets of Massa Martana, characterized by the typical wooden houses stands where you will find many handmade products, wooden toys, local artworks and more. In addiction, space to the gastronomy with the Village of Tasting ! It serves only the best local food and beverage: wine, oil, meats, vegetables and sweets, especially the Nociata Massetana, a typical white nougat packaged with leaves of laurel. Music and entertainment, with many initiatives for children in the colorful and funny Santa Claus’s Village.

Waiting for Christmas in Guardea

6th – 8th December 2015

Typical open-air markets in Piazza Panfili, in the town of Guardea, with many exhibitors who will be open from 4:00 pm. In addiction, workshops for children at the library, tasting of local products and, subsequently, live music in the square !

All the hotels and the farmhouses of Assisi, a special city to stay for Christmas

Take a look at the markets set up during the Christmas time !

Perugia Special Christmas

5th – 23th December 2015

A real Handcrafted Market Exhibition of Christmas, organised in the streets of the historical center: Piazza IV Novembre, Via Fani and Piazza Matteotti. Walking throught this Christmas village you will find handmade objects of quality and unique creations from all over the Italy and also from others european countries. Special regard for the childrenwho will be protagonists with a lot of activities, first of all the Santa Claus’s Home, where they will have the possibility to collaborate with the Santa’s helpers and to have fun by making decorations, letters and greeting cards. Many activities also for the adults, from the workshop of Christmas decorations to the decorations of cakes and biscuits.

And there is more !

Christmas at the Fortress, Christmas Markets in Perugia

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Market show with quality products of the master craftsmen, situated in the picturesque scenery of the Rocca Paolina. Many stands to be discovered within the halls and the galleries of the fortress, where the protagonist is the well-made object, the handmade product that can best express culture, creativity and history. There will be also many others events, with workshops for adults and for children to experience themselves as artists and artisans first-hand !

Come to Perugia for a unique Christmas, you can find here the best hotels and farmhouses of this area

Christmas Markets in Terni

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Many stands set up in the Piazza dei Bambini e delle Bambine, in the heart of Terni, will be open throughout the day for the traditional Christmas market. Original gifts, typical products and the inevitable train of Santa Claus !

Narnia Natalis 2015 – Narni

6th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

A program full of events in Narni, where the Christmas atmosphere involves the whole town. Staging and decorations along the streets and in the shop windows, open-air markets especially dedicated to the local excellences, food tastings, religious and music events.

Live Christmas in Monte Castello di Vibio

8th December 2015 – 6th January  2016

The town of Monte Castello Vibio is wrapped in a Christmas atmosphere with the Santa Claus’s home ! The children will visit Santa Claus for handing their letters personally to him and explore the workshop of the elves. Entertainment and a lot of surprises, with many local products for tasting, as the famous “cresciole”Do not miss the Nativity Artistic Scene of about 50mq realized by the local artist Tentellini: in every environment and atelier, the characters change position depending on the change of light during the passage from day to night. A unique and exciting scene !

Christmas Markets in the Heart of the Park 2015

Costacciaro, 28th and 29th November

Scheggia, 5th and 6th December

Pascelupo, 6th – 8th December

Sigillo, 12th and 13th December

Fossato di Vico, 19th and 20th December

A new edition of the open-air markets in the villages of the circuit of the Cucco Mountain, in the heart of the park. Every Christmas week end, a different and charming scenery ! Many surprises and fun for young and old.


Searching the perfect gift, looking for the most fanciful or particular object, or simply breathing the Christmas atmosphere more intense, the Christmas open-air markets have always a really special charm.

Here is a little list of the most beautiful open-air markets in Umbria !

Spend Christmas in Umbria, discover our best offers

Do not miss the open-air markets during the 8th December week end

The Magic of Christmas in Assisi

4th – 8th December  2015

The open-air markets are located inside the walls of the historical center of the city, expecially in Piazza del comune and Piazza Santa Chiara. About one hundred exhibitors will be present, and you will have the occasion to admire home decorations, handmade products, objects and artistic creations. There will be also some workshops and performances for children: snacks, activities, readings, face painting, jugglers, puppeteers and the beautiful train of Santa Claus.

Christmas Markets in Massa Martana

4th – 8th December 2015

7th edition of the traditional open-air markets of Massa Martana, characterized by the typical wooden houses stands where you will find many handmade products, wooden toys, local artworks and more. In addiction, space to the gastronomy with the Village of Tasting ! It serves only the best local food and beverage: wine, oil, meats, vegetables and sweets, especially the Nociata Massetana, a typical white nougat packaged with leaves of laurel. Music and entertainment, with many initiatives for children in the colorful and funny Santa Claus’s Village.

Waiting for Christmas in Guardea

6th – 8th December 2015

Typical open-air markets in Piazza Panfili, in the town of Guardea, with many exhibitors who will be open from 4:00 pm. In addiction, workshops for children at the library, tasting of local products and, subsequently, live music in the square !

All the hotels and the farmhouses of Assisi, a special city to stay for Christmas

Take a look at the markets set up during the Christmas time !

Perugia Special Christmas

5th – 23th December 2015

A real Handcrafted Market Exhibition of Christmas, organised in the streets of the historical center: Piazza IV Novembre, Via Fani and Piazza Matteotti. Walking throught this Christmas village you will find handmade objects of quality and unique creations from all over the Italy and also from others european countries. Special regard for the childrenwho will be protagonists with a lot of activities, first of all the Santa Claus’s Home, where they will have the possibility to collaborate with the Santa’s helpers and to have fun by making decorations, letters and greeting cards. Many activities also for the adults, from the workshop of Christmas decorations to the decorations of cakes and biscuits.

And there is more !

Christmas at the Fortress, Christmas Markets in Perugia

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Market show with quality products of the master craftsmen, situated in the picturesque scenery of the Rocca Paolina. Many stands to be discovered within the halls and the galleries of the fortress, where the protagonist is the well-made object, the handmade product that can best express culture, creativity and history. There will be also many others events, with workshops for adults and for children to experience themselves as artists and artisans first-hand !

Come to Perugia for a unique Christmas, you can find here the best hotels and farmhouses of this area

Christmas Markets in Terni

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Many stands set up in the Piazza dei Bambini e delle Bambine, in the heart of Terni, will be open throughout the day for the traditional Christmas market. Original gifts, typical products and the inevitable train of Santa Claus !

Narnia Natalis 2015 – Narni

6th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

A program full of events in Narni, where the Christmas atmosphere involves the whole town. Staging and decorations along the streets and in the shop windows, open-air markets especially dedicated to the local excellences, food tastings, religious and music events.

Live Christmas in Monte Castello di Vibio

8th December 2015 – 6th January  2016

The town of Monte Castello Vibio is wrapped in a Christmas atmosphere with the Santa Claus’s home ! The children will visit Santa Claus for handing their letters personally to him and explore the workshop of the elves. Entertainment and a lot of surprises, with many local products for tasting, as the famous “cresciole”Do not miss the Nativity Artistic Scene of about 50mq realized by the local artist Tentellini: in every environment and atelier, the characters change position depending on the change of light during the passage from day to night. A unique and exciting scene !

Christmas Markets in the Heart of the Park 2015

Costacciaro, 28th and 29th November

Scheggia, 5th and 6th December

Pascelupo, 6th – 8th December

Sigillo, 12th and 13th December

Fossato di Vico, 19th and 20th December

A new edition of the open-air markets in the villages of the circuit of the Cucco Mountain, in the heart of the park. Every Christmas week end, a different and charming scenery ! Many surprises and fun for young and old.


Searching the perfect gift, looking for the most fanciful or particular object, or simply breathing the Christmas atmosphere more intense, the Christmas open-air markets have always a really special charm.

Here is a little list of the most beautiful open-air markets in Umbria !

Spend Christmas in Umbria, discover our best offers

Do not miss the open-air markets during the 8th December week end

The Magic of Christmas in Assisi

4th – 8th December  2015

The open-air markets are located inside the walls of the historical center of the city, expecially in Piazza del comune and Piazza Santa Chiara. About one hundred exhibitors will be present, and you will have the occasion to admire home decorations, handmade products, objects and artistic creations. There will be also some workshops and performances for children: snacks, activities, readings, face painting, jugglers, puppeteers and the beautiful train of Santa Claus.

Christmas Markets in Massa Martana

4th – 8th December 2015

7th edition of the traditional open-air markets of Massa Martana, characterized by the typical wooden houses stands where you will find many handmade products, wooden toys, local artworks and more. In addiction, space to the gastronomy with the Village of Tasting ! It serves only the best local food and beverage: wine, oil, meats, vegetables and sweets, especially the Nociata Massetana, a typical white nougat packaged with leaves of laurel. Music and entertainment, with many initiatives for children in the colorful and funny Santa Claus’s Village.

Waiting for Christmas in Guardea

6th – 8th December 2015

Typical open-air markets in Piazza Panfili, in the town of Guardea, with many exhibitors who will be open from 4:00 pm. In addiction, workshops for children at the library, tasting of local products and, subsequently, live music in the square !

All the hotels and the farmhouses of Assisi, a special city to stay for Christmas

Take a look at the markets set up during the Christmas time !

Perugia Special Christmas

5th – 23th December 2015

A real Handcrafted Market Exhibition of Christmas, organised in the streets of the historical center: Piazza IV Novembre, Via Fani and Piazza Matteotti. Walking throught this Christmas village you will find handmade objects of quality and unique creations from all over the Italy and also from others european countries. Special regard for the childrenwho will be protagonists with a lot of activities, first of all the Santa Claus’s Home, where they will have the possibility to collaborate with the Santa’s helpers and to have fun by making decorations, letters and greeting cards. Many activities also for the adults, from the workshop of Christmas decorations to the decorations of cakes and biscuits.

And there is more !

Christmas at the Fortress, Christmas Markets in Perugia

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Market show with quality products of the master craftsmen, situated in the picturesque scenery of the Rocca Paolina. Many stands to be discovered within the halls and the galleries of the fortress, where the protagonist is the well-made object, the handmade product that can best express culture, creativity and history. There will be also many others events, with workshops for adults and for children to experience themselves as artists and artisans first-hand !

Come to Perugia for a unique Christmas, you can find here the best hotels and farmhouses of this area

Christmas Markets in Terni

5th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

Many stands set up in the Piazza dei Bambini e delle Bambine, in the heart of Terni, will be open throughout the day for the traditional Christmas market. Original gifts, typical products and the inevitable train of Santa Claus !

Narnia Natalis 2015 – Narni

6th December 2015 – 6th January 2016

A program full of events in Narni, where the Christmas atmosphere involves the whole town. Staging and decorations along the streets and in the shop windows, open-air markets especially dedicated to the local excellences, food tastings, religious and music events.

Live Christmas in Monte Castello di Vibio

8th December 2015 – 6th January  2016

The town of Monte Castello Vibio is wrapped in a Christmas atmosphere with the Santa Claus’s home ! The children will visit Santa Claus for handing their letters personally to him and explore the workshop of the elves. Entertainment and a lot of surprises, with many local products for tasting, as the famous “cresciole”Do not miss the Nativity Artistic Scene of about 50mq realized by the local artist Tentellini: in every environment and atelier, the characters change position depending on the change of light during the passage from day to night. A unique and exciting scene !

Christmas Markets in the Heart of the Park 2015

Costacciaro, 28th and 29th November

Scheggia, 5th and 6th December

Pascelupo, 6th – 8th December

Sigillo, 12th and 13th December

Fossato di Vico, 19th and 20th December

A new edition of the open-air markets in the villages of the circuit of the Cucco Mountain, in the heart of the park. Every Christmas week end, a different and charming scenery ! Many surprises and fun for young and old.