Orvieto, città millenaria sospesa quasi per magia tra cielo e terra, ha svelato un altro degli aspetti che la rendono unica ed eccezionale: un dedalo di oltre mille grotte è nascosto nell’oscurità silenziosa della rupe. Scavato dagli antichi abitanti nel corso di circa 2500 anni, questo sotterraneo labirinto, rimasto immutato nel tempo, è un prezioso serbatoio di informazioni storiche ed archeologiche, studiato solo recentemente in modo organico e scientifico.
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La visita guidata alla Orvieto Underground rappresenta lo strumento più appropriato per entrare in contatto con questo nuovo, particolarissimo aspetto culturale di una città estremamente ricca di storia e di “gioielli” artistici: echi misteriosi ed affascinanti raccontano dell’etrusca Velzna, mentre dall’umida ombra traspaiono fantasmi della città medievale e rinascimentale. Nei cunicoli, nelle scale, nelle ampie sale sovrapposte, nei passaggi inattesi si può leggere la secolare avventura della nascita di questa “città sotterranea”. E’ uno straordinario viaggio nel tempo, un percorso emozionante ed agevole nel cuore di Orvieto che qui affonda le proprie radici e conserva, quasi intatta, una insospettata e suggestiva memoria.
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La visita guidata ad “Orvieto Underground” si effettua con partenza dall’ufficio Informazioni Turistiche, Piazza Duomo n.24.
– dal 1°marzo al 31 gennaio – tutti i giorni alle ore 11,00; 12,15; 16,00; 17,15 (nei periodi di maggiore affluenza turistica, ogni 15 minuti)
– nel mese di febbraio – agli stessi orari, solo nei giorni di sabato e domenica
– chiuso il 25 dicembre
In tutti i giorni sopra indicati, le visite si effettuano in italiano ed in inglese.
Nei periodi di maggiore affluenza turistica anche in tedesco. Possono essere prenotate visite guidate in altre lingue (francese, spagnolo, russo). Le visite guidate alle comitive organizzate, per le quali è sempre consigliabile la prenotazione, si possono effettuare tutti i giorni dell’anno, a qualsiasi ora.
– Intero € 6
– Ridotto per comitive (oltre 20 personae) € 5
– Ridotto per studenti e ultra 65enni € 5
– Laboratori € 12
– Area Pic Nic € 2
>>Se hai deciso di visitare Orvieto ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
Orvieto, an ancient city suspended halfway between heaven and earth, has long kept secret the labyrinth of caves and tunnels hidden in the silent darkness of the cliff. Those who lived on the top of this high plateau, dug this hidden labyrinth left unaltered over the past 2500 years; it is an invaluable reservoir of historical and archeological information which has only recently been the object of organic scientific studies.
A guided tour of Orvieto Underground is therefore the best way to become acqainted with this new, unusual aspect of the culture of a city that abounds in history and outstanding art treasures. Mysterious fascinating echoes tell the tale of the Etruscan Velzna, while ghosts of medieval d renaissance Orvieto seem to lingerin the humid shadows. The endless succession of tunnels, stairs, unespected passageways, superimposed rooms bear witness to the creation over the centuries of this “city underground”.
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It is an extraordinary journey in time, an exciting itinerary that takes you, with a minimum of effort, to the roots of the city and where the memories of its past are still “alive”.
The tour of “Orvieto Underground” leaves from the tourist information office on Piazza Duomo n°24 (opposite the cathedral)
– from March 1st to January 31st : every day at 11,00 – 12,15 – 16,00 – 17,15 (during the holiday seasons every 15 minutes)
– in February: only on Saturday and Sunday with the same timetable.
– Closed on December 25th.
In the above mentioned periods we take italian and english speaking tours.
During the tourist seasons we have German speaking tours and we can also arrange tours in other languages (French, Spanish, Russian). Regarding private tours for groups, it is advisable to book in advance for any day of the year and at any hour of the day you need.
The guided tour takes place in Orvieto Underground, starting from Piazza Duomo 23 from 1st January to 31th December. Every day at 11:00 am, 12.15; 16.00, 17.15 (during periods of increased tourist numbers, every 15 minutes).
Closed December 25
– Full price € 6
– Reduced-rate for groups (more than 20 people) € 5
– Reduced rate for students and over 65 years old € 5
– Laboratories € 12
– Pic Nic Area € 2
>> If you’ve decided to visit Orvieto you should contact now hotels in its vicinity >> click this link.
Orvieto, ville millénaire, suspedue comme par magie entre ciel et terre, nous a dévoilé un autre de ses aspects qui la rendent unique et exceptionelle: un dédale de grottes cachées dans l’obscurité silencieuse du rocher.
Creusé par les ancients habitants au cours de 2500 ans, ce labyrinthe souterrain, restè inchangé dans le temps, représent une précieuse source de reinseignements historiques et archéologique, étudiées seulementdepuis peu, d’une façon methodique et scientifique.
La visite guidée à Orvieto Underground représent, par conséquent, le moyen le plus approprié pour entrer en contact avec ce nouvel aspect culturel inédit d’une ville déjà très riche en histoire et en « joyaux » artistiques : des échoes mystérieux et fascinants nous parlent de l’étrusque Velzna, tandis que les fatômes de la ville médiévale et de la ville de la Renaissance transparaissent par l’humide ombre. Dans les galeries, les escaliers, les passages inattendus, chambres superposées on peut lire l’aventure séculaire de la naissance de cette « ville souterraine ».
C’est un extraordinaire voyage à travers le temps passé, un parcours simple et fascinants dans les entrailles de la ville qui conserve, presque intacts, des souvenirs insoupçonnés et mysterieux.
La visite guidée d’Orvieto Undergound part du bureau de renseignements, place Duomo n°24,
– 1er Mars – 31 Janvier : tous les jours à 11,00 – 12,15 – 16,00 – 17,15 (dans la période touristique toutes les 15 minutes)
– au mois de Février avec le même horaire mais seulement samedi et dimanche
– fermé pour la fête de Noël
Tous les jours susdits on peut faire la visite en italien et en anglais.
Dans la période touristique il y a des visites en allemagne, mais on peut réserver des visites guidées aussi en français, en espagnol et en russe.
Pour ce qui concerne les visites guidées pour les groups on peut réserver tous les jours à toute heure qu’on préfère.
Billets d’entrée
– Entière: € 6
– Réduit (pour les groups avec plus de 20 personnes): € 5
– Réduit pur les étidiants et les retraités € 5
– Laboratoires € 12
– Aire de pique nique € 2
Orvieto, an ancient city suspended halfway between heaven and earth, has long kept secret the labyrinth of caves and tunnels hidden in the silent darkness of the cliff.
Those who lived on the top of this high plateau, dug this hidden labyrinth left unaltered over the past 2500 years; it is an invaluable reservoir of historical and archeological information which has only recently been the object of organic scientific studies.
A guided tour of Orvieto Underground is therefore the best way to become acqainted with this new, unusual aspect of the culture of a city that abounds in history and outstanding art treasures. Mysterious fascinating echoes tell the tale of the Etruscan Velzna, while ghosts of medieval d renaissance Orvieto seem to lingerin the humid shadows. The endless succession of tunnels, stairs, unespected passageways, superimposed rooms bear witness to the creation over the centuries of this “city underground”.
It is an extraordinary journey in time, an exciting itinerary that takes you, with a minimum of effort, to the roots of the city and where the memories of its past are still “alive”.
The tour of “Orvieto Underground” leaves from the tourist information office on Piazza Duomo n°24 (opposite the cathedral)
– from March 1st to January 31st : every day at 11,00 – 12,15 – 16,00 – 17,15 (during the holiday seasons every 15 minutes)
– in February: only on Saturday and Sunday with the same timetable.
– Closed on December 25th.
In the above mentioned periods we take italian and english speaking tours.
During the tourist seasons we have German speaking tours and we can also arrange tours in other languages (French, Spanish, Russian). Regarding private tours for groups, it is advisable to book in advance for any day of the year and at any hour of the day you need.
– Full price € 6
– Reduced-rate for groups (more than 20 people) € 5
– Reduced rate for students and over 65 years old € 5
– Laboratories € 12
– Pic Nic Area € 2
Orvieto, jahrtausendealte Stadt, wie durch Zauberkraft zwischen Himmel und Erde schwebend, hat ein weiteres seiner Gesichter, dank deren es aussergewöhnlich und einzigartig erscheint, offenbart: ein Wirrsal von mehr als tausend Grotten verbirgt sich im stillen Dunkel des Felsens.
Dieses, von den alten Bewohnern der Stadt im Laufe von ungefähr 2500 Jahren gegrabene Labyrinth, stellt ein wertvolles Reservoir geschichtlicher und archäologischer Auskünfte dar, welches erst seit kurzem einheitlich und wissenschaftlich erforscht wurde.
Die Führung Orvieto Underground ist der beste Weg um diesem neuartigen und sehr aussergewöhnlichen Aspekt, einer an Geschichte und an “Perlen” der Künste schon so reichen Stadt, zu begegnen. Hier hallt faszinierend das etruskische Velzna wider, und im feuchten Dunkel schimmert gespenstisch die Stadt des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Gänge, Treppen, grosse übereinander liegende Säle, unerwartete Durchgänge erzählen von der Geburt dieser “unterirdischen Stadt”.
Es handelt sich um eine einzigartige Reise durch die Zeit, um einen atemberaubenden und doch bequemen Gang durch das Herz Orvietos, das hier wurzelt und hier ein unerwartetes und beindruckendes Gedächtnis fast unversehrt bewahrt.
Die Führung “Orvieto Underground” beginnt am
Touristeninformationsbüro, Piazza Duomo Nr. 24.
– vom 1. März bis zum 31. Januar: jeden Tag um 11.00, 12.15, 16.00, 17.15 Uhr (während der Perioden starken Fremdenverkehrs, alle 15 Minuten)
– im Februar nur Samstags und Sonntags, zu den gleichen Uhrzeiten
– am 25. Dezember geschlossen
An allen oben aufgeführten Tagen sind die Führungen in italienischer und englischer Sprache angeboten.
Während der Hochsaison und den Perioden starken Fremdenverkehrs auch in Deutsch.
Für weitere Sprachen (Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch) können Führungen vorbestellt werden.
Für Gruppen (Vorbestellung immer empfohlen) können Führungen für jeden Tag des Jahres und für jede Uhrzeit, in allen angegebenen Sprachen vereinbart werden.
Eintrittskarten, pro Pers.:
– Voller Preis € 6
– Gruppenpreis (mehr als 20 Pers.) € 5
– Schüler, Studenten, über 65jährige € 5
– Werkstätten € 12
– Picknickgelände € 2
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