La Basilica di San Benedetto è la principale chiesa di Gualdo Tadino e si erge nella piazza principale della città, dominandola con il suo caratteristico rosone divenuto nel tempo uno dei principali simboli cittadini.

La storia dell’abbazia di “San Benedetto Nuovo”, così chiamata per distinguerlo dal precedente situato nella piana ai piedi del colle Sant’Angelo, inizia nel 1256, come riporta una lapide inserita nel lato sinistro dell’edificio: A.D.MCCLVI.TPE.G.ABBATIS. H.CENOBIU. E.TRASLATU. IN. GUALDO. I monaci decisero infatti di trasferire all’interno il proprio monastero, a causa dell’insicurezza del luogo. La nuova basilica venne costruita in stile romanico e gotico, subendo poi numerose ristrutturazioni nel corso dei secoli.

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Duomo di San Benedetto, Gualdo Tadino

Nel 1875 iniziarono i lavori per l’ampliamento dell’interno della chiesa, resisi necessari per l’aumento continuo della popolazione. L’interno venne completamente rifatto su progetto dell’architetto Virginio Vespignani e portati poi avanti dal figlio e dal suo coadiutore; la decorazione pittorica, ad opera di Ulisse Ribustini, è datata invece 1924.

I lavori rispettarono comunque lo stile romanico-lombardo originario ancora visibile all’esterno, con i portali ed il rosone incastonati nella severa facciata che rimangono uno stupendo lavoro decorativo. Notevole è l’artisticità della scultura nelle colonne e nelle colonnine a spirale di varie fogge ancora ben visibili, con i capitelli intagliati e i molti fregi.

La struttura della Basilica è a tre navate, con logge sopra le navate laterali, volte a crociera e abside. Al di sotto è collocata l’antica cripta, risalente al XIX secolo. All’interno della chiesa si trova la cappella dedicata al Beato Angelo in cui sono conservate le spoglie dell’eremita gualdese protettore della città, la cui festa si celebra il 15 gennaio.

Di notevole pregio inoltre le opere di Avanzino Nucci (1552-1629) conservate in San Benedetto, così come l’altare maggiore del XIV sec. opera di Guglielmo Ciani da Perugia. Adiacente l’ingresso della chiesa è collocata una fontana di Antonio Sangallo il vecchio di notevole bellezza, nel cui centro spicca uno stemma con le insegne di Boldovino Ciocchi del Monte, luogotenente del Cardinal Legato Antonio Ciocchi del Monte.

>> Se desideri visitare Gualdo Tadino, ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze

The cathedral of St. Benedict is the most important church in Gualdo Tadino, and it dominates the main square, with its rose-window, which for long time has been the symbol of the town.

In 1875 due to the increase of the population in the town the works for enlarging the church keeping the same romanic-longobard style, started. The history of the abbey of the New St.Benedict, that called to dintinguish it from the other situated at the slope of Sant’Angelo hill,start as it is reminded by a grave on the church: A.D.MCCLVI.TPE.G.ABBATIS. H.CENOBIU. E.TRASLATU. IN. GUALDO.

Athough the inside has been rebuilt recently, the doors and the rose-window, on the main facade, remain a beautiful example of sculpture into the twisted columns with capitals. Inside there is a chapel dedicated to the Beato Angelo where the rests of this Saint from Gualdo, whose feast is celabrated the 15th of January are burried. Remarkable the works of Avanzino Nucci(1552,1629) stared in St.Benedict and the remarkable altar dating XIV centur, realized by Guglielmo Ciani da Perugia. At one side of the entrance there is the fountain of Antonio Sangallo the old, of remarkable beauty, on which center there is evedient the logo with the insignias of Boldovino Ciocchi del Monte, amployee of Cardinal Legato Antonio Ciocchi del Monte.


The cathedral of St. Benedict is the most important church in Gualdo Tadino, and it dominates the main square, with its rose-window, which for long time has been the symbol of the town.

In 1875 due to the increase of the population in the town the works for enlarging the church keeping the same romanic-longobard style, started. The history of the abbey of the New St.Benedict, that called to dintinguish it from the other situated at the slope of Sant’Angelo hill,start as it is reminded by a grave on the church: A.D.MCCLVI.TPE.G.ABBATIS. H.CENOBIU. E.TRASLATU. IN. GUALDO.

Athough the inside has been rebuilt recently, the doors and the rose-window, on the main facade, remain a beautiful example of sculpture into the twisted columns with capitals. Inside there is a chapel dedicated to the Beato Angelo where the rests of this Saint from Gualdo, whose feast is celabrated the 15th of January are burried. Remarkable the works of Avanzino Nucci(1552,1629) stared in St.Benedict and the remarkable altar dating XIV centur, realized by Guglielmo Ciani da Perugia. At one side of the entrance there is the fountain of Antonio Sangallo the old, of remarkable beauty, on which center there is evedient the logo with the insignias of Boldovino Ciocchi del Monte, amployee of Cardinal Legato Antonio Ciocchi del Monte.


The cathedral of St. Benedict is the most important church in Gualdo Tadino, and it dominates the main square, with its rose-window, which for long time has been the symbol of the town.

In 1875 due to the increase of the population in the town the works for enlarging the church keeping the same romanic-longobard style, started. The history of the abbey of the New St.Benedict, that called to dintinguish it from the other situated at the slope of Sant’Angelo hill,start as it is reminded by a grave on the church: A.D.MCCLVI.TPE.G.ABBATIS. H.CENOBIU. E.TRASLATU. IN. GUALDO.

Athough the inside has been rebuilt recently, the doors and the rose-window, on the main facade, remain a beautiful example of sculpture into the twisted columns with capitals. Inside there is a chapel dedicated to the Beato Angelo where the rests of this Saint from Gualdo, whose feast is celabrated the 15th of January are burried. Remarkable the works of Avanzino Nucci(1552,1629) stared in St.Benedict and the remarkable altar dating XIV centur, realized by Guglielmo Ciani da Perugia. At one side of the entrance there is the fountain of Antonio Sangallo the old, of remarkable beauty, on which center there is evedient the logo with the insignias of Boldovino Ciocchi del Monte, amployee of Cardinal Legato Antonio Ciocchi del Monte.


The cathedral of St. Benedict is the most important church in Gualdo Tadino, and it dominates the main square, with its rose-window, which for long time has been the symbol of the town.

In 1875 due to the increase of the population in the town the works for enlarging the church keeping the same romanic-longobard style, started. The history of the abbey of the New St.Benedict, that called to dintinguish it from the other situated at the slope of Sant’Angelo hill,start as it is reminded by a grave on the church: A.D.MCCLVI.TPE.G.ABBATIS. H.CENOBIU. E.TRASLATU. IN. GUALDO.

Athough the inside has been rebuilt recently, the doors and the rose-window, on the main facade, remain a beautiful example of sculpture into the twisted columns with capitals. Inside there is a chapel dedicated to the Beato Angelo where the rests of this Saint from Gualdo, whose feast is celabrated the 15th of January are burried. Remarkable the works of Avanzino Nucci(1552,1629) stared in St.Benedict and the remarkable altar dating XIV centur, realized by Guglielmo Ciani da Perugia. At one side of the entrance there is the fountain of Antonio Sangallo the old, of remarkable beauty, on which center there is evedient the logo with the insignias of Boldovino Ciocchi del Monte, amployee of Cardinal Legato Antonio Ciocchi del Monte.