I frantoi dell’Umbria vi aspettano nei fine settimana dal 1 al 25 Novembre 2018, nel mese dunque per eccellenza della raccolta delle olive, per festeggiare insieme l’Olio Nuovo e accogliervi nelle campagne umbre.
Frantoi Aperti 2018, festeggia quest’anno la sua XXIesima edizione proponendo quattro weekend da trascorrere tra gli uliveti e nei frantoi della regione, alla scoperta di tutti i segreti della produzione dell’olio e non solo.
Tanti eventi speciali, visite a borghi medievali e siti minori, laboratori di artigianato, giochi per bambini e famiglie… e ovviamente degustazioni del vero sapore dell’olio extravergine di oliva DOP Umbria e degli altri prodotti della terra umbra.
>> Scopri ora tutte le offerte per soggiornare in Umbria durante Frantoi Aperti!
Porta a casa con te un po’ di Umbria
Frantoi Aperti propone allora quattro appuntamenti in campagna, nelle date del Ponte del 1-4 Novembre e nei fine settimana del 10 e 11 Novembre, 17 e 18 Novembre, 24 e 25 Novembre. Protagonisti della manifestazione, come sempre, tanti frantoi umbri, che saranno raggiungibili grazie ai servizi navetta gratuiti in partenza dalle piazze centrali dei borghi aderenti.
Curiosità, amore per la natura e voglia di festeggiare e condividere insieme un’esperienza unica, questi gli ingredienti chiave di Frantoi Aperti… e la festa sarà particolarmente speciale in alcuni castelli di quei comuni in cui sono state organizzate le “Feste della Bonfita”. Si tratta di momenti conviviali tipici dell’antica vita di campagna, quando tutti i partecipanti alla raccolta e lavorazione delle olive celebrano la “fine dei lavori” mangiando e divertendosi insieme.
>> Partecipa a Frantoi Aperti alla scoperta dell’olio umbro, noi ti suggeriamo i migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi di Assisi e dintorni
Programma 2018: gli eventi nei borghi
Ecco allora le iniziative in programma nei borghi umbri a più alta vocazione olivicola. Controlla le date, dai un’occhiata ai singoli programmi e vieni a scoprire l’Umbria minore, fatta di frantoi immersi nelle campagne e agriturismi a conduzione familiare, di borghi medievali e piccoli musei.
Assisi – Dal 28 Ottobre al 26 Novembre
“UNTO – Unesco, Natura, Territorio, Olio in Assisi”
Nel Ponte del 1 Novembre è previsto un ciclo di degustazioni guidate in varie cantine del territorio assisano, dove assaporare in meglio della produzione locale di vino accompagnata da bruschette con olio extravergine e vari prodotti tipici locali abbinati di volta in volta ai vini.
Per informazioni tel. +39 075 8138660/ +39 320 4322906
Campello sul Clitunno 4 Novembre
“Festa dei Frantoi”
Per informazioni tel. +39 0743 271922
A breve tutti i dettagli
Giano dell’Umbria
1 – 5 Novembre “Mangiaunta” XIV edizione
Per informazioni tel. +39 392 6781072
Gualdo Cattaneo
3 e 4 Novembre “Sapore di Pane Sapore di Olio”
Trevi – 3 e 4 Novembre
“Festivol, Trevi tra olio arte musica e papille”
Per informazioni tel. +39 0742 332269
- 2° Weekend 10-11 Novembre
Castel Ritaldi
10 e 11 Novembre “Frantotipico”
Passignano sul Trasimeno
10 e 11 Novembre “Oliamo 2018”
10 e 11 Novembre a breve tutti i dettagli
- 3° Weekend 17-18 Novembre
Foligno – Autunno a Foligno
Dal 16 al 18 Novembre “Frantoi Aperti e Miele in Umbria”
17 e 18 Novembre “Olivagando 2018”
Spello – Dal 16 al 18 Novembre
“L’Oro di Spello 57° ed. Festa dell’Olio e Sagra della Bruschetta”
Per informazioni tel. +39 0742 301009 / 0742 300064
info@prospello.it; info@comune.spello.pg.it
www.prospello.it; www.comune.spello.pg.it
- 4° Weekend 24-25 Novembre
24 e 25 Novembre “Collazzolio”
Giano dell’Umbria
24 e 25 Novembre “Rievocazione della Festa della Frasca”
>> Per trascorrere qualche giorno nella natura, tra uliveti e verdi campagne, scegli uno dei tanti agriturismi dell’area di Spoleto
Infine, vi suggeriamo di dare un’occhiata ai corsi e laboratori organizzati, per scegliere quello che più si adatta a voi! Dai pani in abbinamento agli oli ai dolci della tradizione umbra, dalle ricette tradizionali alle composizioni per decorare la tavola… e molto altro!
Per maggiori informazioni su Frantoi Aperti:
info@stradaoliodopumbria.it / www.frantoiaperti.net Tel. +39 0742332269
Segui l’evento su Facebook: @frantoiaperti su Twitter: #frantoiaperti e instagram #Frantoiaperti
The oil mills of Umbria are waiting for you from 1st to 25th November 2018, during the month thus par excellence of the olive harvest, to celebrate the together the New Oil and welcome you in the Umbrian countryside.
Open Oil Mills 2018 is celebrating this year its XX° edition. It will propose four weekends for spending a day among the olive groves and the oil mills of the region, to discover all the secrets of olive oil production and beyond.
Many special events, visits to medieval villages and to the most particular sites, craft workshops, games for children and families… and of course tasting of the true flavors of extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria and other products of Umbria.
>> Discover all the offers to stay in Umbria during Open Oil Miles!
Take home with you a bit of Umbria
So, Open Oil Mills offers five weekends in the countryside, in the period of 28 – 29th October, 5th – 6th November, 11th – 12th November, 18th – 19th November, 25th – 26th November. Protagonists of the event, as always, many mills in Umbria, which will be accessible thanks to the free shuttle services departing from the central squares of the participating villages.
Curiosity, love of nature and desire to celebrate and share together a unique experience, these are the key ingredients of Open Oil Mills… and the feast will be particularly special in some castles of those municipalities where the “Festivals of Bonfita” will be organized. It is a typical convivial moment of the ancient country life, when all the participants in the gathering and processing of olives celebrate the “end of works” by eating and having fun together.
In addition, this year there will be a pleasant news for all participants: a tribute of Umbria! Visitors who will take part in the planned events will receive as a gift some typical products of the territory.
>> Take part of Open Oil Mills to discover the olive oil of Umbria, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses of the area of Assisi
2018 Program among the little Umbrian “borghi”
Here you will find the events planned by the main Umbrian cities who participated at the initiative. Check your dates, look each single manifestation and find the best event for you. Then come to discover the less known Umbria, made by olive oil mills immersed into the countryside, family-farmhouses business, medieval towns and little museums.
- 1° Weekend 1st and 4th November
Assisi – From 1st to 4th November
“UNTO – Unesco, Natura, Territorio, Olio in Assisi”
For informations tel. +39 075 8138660/ +39 320 4322906
Campello Sul Clitunno – From 28th October to 1st November
4th November “Feast of Mills”
For informations tel. +39 0743 271922
Details are coming
Giano dell’Umbria
From 1st to 5th November “La Mangiaunta” XV edition
For informations tel. +39 392 6781072
Gualdo Cattaneo
3th and 4th November “Flavor of Bread Flavor of Oil”
3th and 4th November “Festivol, Trevi tra olio arte musica e papille”
For informations tel. +39 0742 332269
- 2° Weekend 10th and 11th November
Castel Ritaldi
10th and 11th November “Frantotipico”
Passignano sul Trasimeno
10th and 11th November “Oliamo 2018”
10th and 11th November details are coming
- 3° Weekend 17th – 18th November
Foligno – Autumn in Foligno
From 16th to 18th November “Open Oil Mills and Honey in Umbria”
17th and 18th November “Olivagando 2018”
Spello – From 16th to 18th November
“L’Oro di Spello 57° ed. Festa dell’Olio e Sagra della Bruschetta”
For informations tel. +39 0742 301009 / 0742 300064
info@prospello.it; info@comune.spello.pg.it
www.prospello.it; www.comune.spello.pg.it
- 4° Weekend 24th and 25th November
24th and 25th November “Collazzolio”
Giano dell’Umbria
24th and 25th November “Rievocazione della Festa della Frasca”
>> To spend some days into the nature, among olive trees and the green of countryside, choose one of the many farmhouses in the area of Spoleto
And finally, we suggest you to take a look at the courses and workshops organized during the manifestation, to choose the one that suits you! From the best bread to combinate with olive oils to the Umbrian desserts dishes, from the traditional recipes to the compositions to decorate your table … and much more!
For more informations on Open Oil Mills:
info@stradaoliodopumbria.it / www.frantoiaperti.net Tel. +39 0742332269
Follow the event on Facebook: @frantoiaperti on Twitter: #frantoiaperti and instagram #Frantoiaperti
The oil mills of Umbria are waiting for you from 1st to 25th November 2018, during the month thus par excellence of the olive harvest, to celebrate the together the New Oil and welcome you in the Umbrian countryside.
Open Oil Mills 2018 is celebrating this year its XX° edition. It will propose four weekends for spending a day among the olive groves and the oil mills of the region, to discover all the secrets of olive oil production and beyond.
Many special events, visits to medieval villages and to the most particular sites, craft workshops, games for children and families… and of course tasting of the true flavors of extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria and other products of Umbria.
>> Discover all the offers to stay in Umbria during Open Oil Miles!
Take home with you a bit of Umbria
So, Open Oil Mills offers five weekends in the countryside, in the period of 28 – 29th October, 5th – 6th November, 11th – 12th November, 18th – 19th November, 25th – 26th November. Protagonists of the event, as always, many mills in Umbria, which will be accessible thanks to the free shuttle services departing from the central squares of the participating villages.
Curiosity, love of nature and desire to celebrate and share together a unique experience, these are the key ingredients of Open Oil Mills… and the feast will be particularly special in some castles of those municipalities where the “Festivals of Bonfita” will be organized. It is a typical convivial moment of the ancient country life, when all the participants in the gathering and processing of olives celebrate the “end of works” by eating and having fun together.
In addition, this year there will be a pleasant news for all participants: a tribute of Umbria! Visitors who will take part in the planned events will receive as a gift some typical products of the territory.
>> Take part of Open Oil Mills to discover the olive oil of Umbria, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses of the area of Assisi
2018 Program among the little Umbrian “borghi”
Here you will find the events planned by the main Umbrian cities who participated at the initiative. Check your dates, look each single manifestation and find the best event for you. Then come to discover the less known Umbria, made by olive oil mills immersed into the countryside, family-farmhouses business, medieval towns and little museums.
- 1° Weekend 1st and 4th November
Assisi – From 1st to 4th November
“UNTO – Unesco, Natura, Territorio, Olio in Assisi”
For informations tel. +39 075 8138660/ +39 320 4322906
Campello Sul Clitunno – From 28th October to 1st November
4th November “Feast of Mills”
For informations tel. +39 0743 271922
Details are coming
Giano dell’Umbria
From 1st to 5th November “La Mangiaunta” XV edition
For informations tel. +39 392 6781072
Gualdo Cattaneo
3th and 4th November “Flavor of Bread Flavor of Oil”
3th and 4th November “Festivol, Trevi tra olio arte musica e papille”
For informations tel. +39 0742 332269
- 2° Weekend 10th and 11th November
Castel Ritaldi
10th and 11th November “Frantotipico”
Passignano sul Trasimeno
10th and 11th November “Oliamo 2018”
10th and 11th November details are coming
- 3° Weekend 17th – 18th November
Foligno – Autumn in Foligno
From 16th to 18th November “Open Oil Mills and Honey in Umbria”
17th and 18th November “Olivagando 2018”
Spello – From 16th to 18th November
“L’Oro di Spello 57° ed. Festa dell’Olio e Sagra della Bruschetta”
For informations tel. +39 0742 301009 / 0742 300064
info@prospello.it; info@comune.spello.pg.it
www.prospello.it; www.comune.spello.pg.it
- 4° Weekend 24th and 25th November
24th and 25th November “Collazzolio”
Giano dell’Umbria
24th and 25th November “Rievocazione della Festa della Frasca”
>> To spend some days into the nature, among olive trees and the green of countryside, choose one of the many farmhouses in the area of Spoleto
And finally, we suggest you to take a look at the courses and workshops organized during the manifestation, to choose the one that suits you! From the best bread to combinate with olive oils to the Umbrian desserts dishes, from the traditional recipes to the compositions to decorate your table … and much more!
For more informations on Open Oil Mills:
info@stradaoliodopumbria.it / www.frantoiaperti.net Tel. +39 0742332269
Follow the event on Facebook: @frantoiaperti on Twitter: #frantoiaperti and instagram #Frantoiaperti
The oil mills of Umbria are waiting for you from 1st to 25th November 2018, during the month thus par excellence of the olive harvest, to celebrate the together the New Oil and welcome you in the Umbrian countryside.
Open Oil Mills 2018 is celebrating this year its XX° edition. It will propose four weekends for spending a day among the olive groves and the oil mills of the region, to discover all the secrets of olive oil production and beyond.
Many special events, visits to medieval villages and to the most particular sites, craft workshops, games for children and families… and of course tasting of the true flavors of extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria and other products of Umbria.
>> Discover all the offers to stay in Umbria during Open Oil Miles!
Take home with you a bit of Umbria
So, Open Oil Mills offers five weekends in the countryside, in the period of 28 – 29th October, 5th – 6th November, 11th – 12th November, 18th – 19th November, 25th – 26th November. Protagonists of the event, as always, many mills in Umbria, which will be accessible thanks to the free shuttle services departing from the central squares of the participating villages.
Curiosity, love of nature and desire to celebrate and share together a unique experience, these are the key ingredients of Open Oil Mills… and the feast will be particularly special in some castles of those municipalities where the “Festivals of Bonfita” will be organized. It is a typical convivial moment of the ancient country life, when all the participants in the gathering and processing of olives celebrate the “end of works” by eating and having fun together.
In addition, this year there will be a pleasant news for all participants: a tribute of Umbria! Visitors who will take part in the planned events will receive as a gift some typical products of the territory.
>> Take part of Open Oil Mills to discover the olive oil of Umbria, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses of the area of Assisi
2018 Program among the little Umbrian “borghi”
Here you will find the events planned by the main Umbrian cities who participated at the initiative. Check your dates, look each single manifestation and find the best event for you. Then come to discover the less known Umbria, made by olive oil mills immersed into the countryside, family-farmhouses business, medieval towns and little museums.
- 1° Weekend 1st and 4th November
Assisi – From 1st to 4th November
“UNTO – Unesco, Natura, Territorio, Olio in Assisi”
For informations tel. +39 075 8138660/ +39 320 4322906
Campello Sul Clitunno – From 28th October to 1st November
4th November “Feast of Mills”
For informations tel. +39 0743 271922
Details are coming
Giano dell’Umbria
From 1st to 5th November “La Mangiaunta” XV edition
For informations tel. +39 392 6781072
Gualdo Cattaneo
3th and 4th November “Flavor of Bread Flavor of Oil”
3th and 4th November “Festivol, Trevi tra olio arte musica e papille”
For informations tel. +39 0742 332269
- 2° Weekend 10th and 11th November
Castel Ritaldi
10th and 11th November “Frantotipico”
Passignano sul Trasimeno
10th and 11th November “Oliamo 2018”
10th and 11th November details are coming
- 3° Weekend 17th – 18th November
Foligno – Autumn in Foligno
From 16th to 18th November “Open Oil Mills and Honey in Umbria”
17th and 18th November “Olivagando 2018”
Spello – From 16th to 18th November
“L’Oro di Spello 57° ed. Festa dell’Olio e Sagra della Bruschetta”
For informations tel. +39 0742 301009 / 0742 300064
info@prospello.it; info@comune.spello.pg.it
www.prospello.it; www.comune.spello.pg.it
- 4° Weekend 24th and 25th November
24th and 25th November “Collazzolio”
Giano dell’Umbria
24th and 25th November “Rievocazione della Festa della Frasca”
>> To spend some days into the nature, among olive trees and the green of countryside, choose one of the many farmhouses in the area of Spoleto
And finally, we suggest you to take a look at the courses and workshops organized during the manifestation, to choose the one that suits you! From the best bread to combinate with olive oils to the Umbrian desserts dishes, from the traditional recipes to the compositions to decorate your table … and much more!
For more informations on Open Oil Mills:
info@stradaoliodopumbria.it / www.frantoiaperti.net Tel. +39 0742332269
Follow the event on Facebook: @frantoiaperti on Twitter: #frantoiaperti and instagram #Frantoiaperti
The oil mills of Umbria are waiting for you from 1st to 25th November 2018, during the month thus par excellence of the olive harvest, to celebrate the together the New Oil and welcome you in the Umbrian countryside.
Open Oil Mills 2018 is celebrating this year its XX° edition. It will propose four weekends for spending a day among the olive groves and the oil mills of the region, to discover all the secrets of olive oil production and beyond.
Many special events, visits to medieval villages and to the most particular sites, craft workshops, games for children and families… and of course tasting of the true flavors of extra virgin olive oil DOP Umbria and other products of Umbria.
>> Discover all the offers to stay in Umbria during Open Oil Miles!
Take home with you a bit of Umbria
So, Open Oil Mills offers five weekends in the countryside, in the period of 28 – 29th October, 5th – 6th November, 11th – 12th November, 18th – 19th November, 25th – 26th November. Protagonists of the event, as always, many mills in Umbria, which will be accessible thanks to the free shuttle services departing from the central squares of the participating villages.
Curiosity, love of nature and desire to celebrate and share together a unique experience, these are the key ingredients of Open Oil Mills… and the feast will be particularly special in some castles of those municipalities where the “Festivals of Bonfita” will be organized. It is a typical convivial moment of the ancient country life, when all the participants in the gathering and processing of olives celebrate the “end of works” by eating and having fun together.
In addition, this year there will be a pleasant news for all participants: a tribute of Umbria! Visitors who will take part in the planned events will receive as a gift some typical products of the territory.
>> Take part of Open Oil Mills to discover the olive oil of Umbria, we suggest you the best hotels, b&b and farmhouses of the area of Assisi
2018 Program among the little Umbrian “borghi”
Here you will find the events planned by the main Umbrian cities who participated at the initiative. Check your dates, look each single manifestation and find the best event for you. Then come to discover the less known Umbria, made by olive oil mills immersed into the countryside, family-farmhouses business, medieval towns and little museums.
- 1° Weekend 1st and 4th November
Assisi – From 1st to 4th November
“UNTO – Unesco, Natura, Territorio, Olio in Assisi”
For informations tel. +39 075 8138660/ +39 320 4322906
Campello Sul Clitunno – From 28th October to 1st November
4th November “Feast of Mills”
For informations tel. +39 0743 271922
Details are coming
Giano dell’Umbria
From 1st to 5th November “La Mangiaunta” XV edition
For informations tel. +39 392 6781072
Gualdo Cattaneo
3th and 4th November “Flavor of Bread Flavor of Oil”
3th and 4th November “Festivol, Trevi tra olio arte musica e papille”
For informations tel. +39 0742 332269
- 2° Weekend 10th and 11th November
Castel Ritaldi
10th and 11th November “Frantotipico”
Passignano sul Trasimeno
10th and 11th November “Oliamo 2018”
10th and 11th November details are coming
- 3° Weekend 17th – 18th November
Foligno – Autumn in Foligno
From 16th to 18th November “Open Oil Mills and Honey in Umbria”
17th and 18th November “Olivagando 2018”
Spello – From 16th to 18th November
“L’Oro di Spello 57° ed. Festa dell’Olio e Sagra della Bruschetta”
For informations tel. +39 0742 301009 / 0742 300064
info@prospello.it; info@comune.spello.pg.it
www.prospello.it; www.comune.spello.pg.it
- 4° Weekend 24th and 25th November
24th and 25th November “Collazzolio”
Giano dell’Umbria
24th and 25th November “Rievocazione della Festa della Frasca”
>> To spend some days into the nature, among olive trees and the green of countryside, choose one of the many farmhouses in the area of Spoleto
And finally, we suggest you to take a look at the courses and workshops organized during the manifestation, to choose the one that suits you! From the best bread to combinate with olive oils to the Umbrian desserts dishes, from the traditional recipes to the compositions to decorate your table … and much more!
For more informations on Open Oil Mills:
info@stradaoliodopumbria.it / www.frantoiaperti.net Tel. +39 0742332269
Follow the event on Facebook: @frantoiaperti on Twitter: #frantoiaperti and instagram #Frantoiaperti
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