Il cinema Perla si trova ad Amelia (TR), vicino alla Porta Romana. Il cinema è dotato di una sala con impianto audio JBL Dolby Surround e comode poltrone. Prima e dopo gli spettacoli vengono proiettati brevi spot dove è possibile pubblicizzare la propria azienda.

I biglietti si possono prenotare tramite il sito internet o direttamente alla casse del cinema.

The Cinema Perla is located in Amelia (TR), near the Porta Romana. The film has a room with JBL audio system Dolby Surround. Before and after the shows are projected short spots where you can advertise your company.
Tickets can be booked via the website or directly to the coffers of the film.

The Cinema Perla is located in Amelia (TR), near the Porta Romana. The film has a room with JBL audio system Dolby Surround. Before and after the shows are projected short spots where you can advertise your company.
Tickets can be booked via the website or directly to the coffers of the film.

The Cinema Perla is located in Amelia (TR), near the Porta Romana. The film has a room with JBL audio system Dolby Surround. Before and after the shows are projected short spots where you can advertise your company.
Tickets can be booked via the website or directly to the coffers of the film.

The Cinema Perla is located in Amelia (TR), near the Porta Romana. The film has a room with JBL audio system Dolby Surround. Before and after the shows are projected short spots where you can advertise your company.
Tickets can be booked via the website or directly to the coffers of the film.