Il 24 Settembre 2014 iniziano ad Assisi gli appuntamenti del programma religioso e civile legato alla Festività di San Francesco, Patrono d’Italia: questo per tutta la comunità francescana, per la città di Assisi e per i milioni di pellegrini che venerano il Santo rappresenta uno degli eventi più attesi.

Appuntamenti di fede e devozione si alterneranno a manifestazioni civili e si potrarranno fino al 4 Ottobre 2014, giorno dell’anno in cui viene celebrata la memoria liturgica del Santo in tutta la Chiesa cattolica.
Per il 2014 i Comuni d’Italia, nell’offerta dell’olio per la lampada votiva per San Francesco, Patrono d’Italia, sono rappresentati dalla Regione Lazio. Istituzioni e fedeli si recheranno in pellegrinaggio alla Porziuncola, alla Cappella del Transito e alla Tomba che conserva il corpo di San Francesco.
In allegato in Programma completo della Celebrazione Nazionale di San Frnacesco, Patrono d’Italia per l’edizione 2014.
The September 24, 2014 will start in Assisi the appointments of civil and religious program linked to the Feast of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy: this for all the Franciscan community, for the city of Assisi and for the millions of pilgrims who worship The Holy represents one the most anticipated events.

Appointments of faith and devotion will take turns to civic events and will last until October 4, 2014, the day of the year in which it is celebrated the liturgical memorial of Saint Francesco in whole Catholic Church.
For 2014, the towns of Italy, offering oil for the votive lamp for St. Francis, Patron of Italy, are represented by the Lazio Region. Institutions and faithful will go on pilgrimage to the Porziuncula, to the Chapel of the Transit and to the tomb that contains the body of St. Francesco.
Full program of the National Celebration of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy for the 2014 edition in the attached pdf.
The September 24, 2014 will start in Assisi the appointments of civil and religious program linked to the Feast of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy: this for all the Franciscan community, for the city of Assisi and for the millions of pilgrims who worship The Holy represents one the most anticipated events.

Appointments of faith and devotion will take turns to civic events and will last until October 4, 2014, the day of the year in which it is celebrated the liturgical memorial of Saint Francesco in whole Catholic Church.
For 2014, the towns of Italy, offering oil for the votive lamp for St. Francis, Patron of Italy, are represented by the Lazio Region. Institutions and faithful will go on pilgrimage to the Porziuncula, to the Chapel of the Transit and to the tomb that contains the body of St. Francesco.
Full program of the National Celebration of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy for the 2014 edition in the attached pdf.
The September 24, 2014 will start in Assisi the appointments of civil and religious program linked to the Feast of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy: this for all the Franciscan community, for the city of Assisi and for the millions of pilgrims who worship The Holy represents one the most anticipated events.

Appointments of faith and devotion will take turns to civic events and will last until October 4, 2014, the day of the year in which it is celebrated the liturgical memorial of Saint Francesco in whole Catholic Church.
For 2014, the towns of Italy, offering oil for the votive lamp for St. Francis, Patron of Italy, are represented by the Lazio Region. Institutions and faithful will go on pilgrimage to the Porziuncula, to the Chapel of the Transit and to the tomb that contains the body of St. Francesco.
Full program of the National Celebration of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy for the 2014 edition in the attached pdf.
The September 24, 2014 will start in Assisi the appointments of civil and religious program linked to the Feast of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy: this for all the Franciscan community, for the city of Assisi and for the millions of pilgrims who worship The Holy represents one the most anticipated events.

Appointments of faith and devotion will take turns to civic events and will last until October 4, 2014, the day of the year in which it is celebrated the liturgical memorial of Saint Francesco in whole Catholic Church.
For 2014, the to
wns of Italy, offering oil for the votive lamp for St. Francis, Patron of Italy, are represented by the Lazio Region. Institutions and faithful will go on pilgrimage to the Porziuncula, to the Chapel of the Transit and to the tomb that contains the body of St. Francesco.
Full program of the National Celebration of St. Francesco, Patron of Italy for the 2014 edition in the attached pdf.
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