Novembre è il mese per eccellenza dedicato alla raccolta delle olive e all’olio, il prezioso oro verde.
E come ogni anno torna la manifestazione Frantoi Aperti, prevista dal 31 ottobre al 29 novembre 2015 nella formula dei weekend.
Tanti i borghi aderenti all’iniziativa: Campello sul Clitunnio, Spello, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Castiglione del Lago e la Valtopina; cui si aggiungono le cittadine di Assisi, Foligno e Spoleto.

Ogni fine settimana del mese, infatti, i numerosi frantoi dell’Umbria aprono le porte ai visitatori !
Qui, nel cuore delle campagne umbre, si svolgeranno degustazioni, visite guidate, trekking tra gli ulivi, laboratori, approfondimenti e conferenze a tema.
Dopo la difficile annata del 2014, questo sembra essere l’anno della rivincita per la produzione dell’Olio Extravergine di Oliva: niente di meglio che celebrarlo partecipando alla raccolta e agli altri eventi, alla scoperta dei bellissimi borghi a vocazione olivicola e delle loro campagne.

Divertimento per grandi e piccini
Prendi parte alle “Feste della Bonfita”, che si svolgeranno in alcuni meravigliosi castelli. In questo tipico momento conviviale, che segue la raccolta e la lavorazione delle olive, tutti i partecipanti mangiano insieme per festeggiare in allegria e spensieratezza la fine dei lavori negli oliveti.
Inoltre, tante iniziative anche per i più piccoli: giochi popolari nelle piazze dei borghi, intrattenimento, caccia al tesoro tra gli olivi e laboratori creativi, in primis quello di pittura con olio d’oliva.

Un’altra importante iniziativa legata a Frantoi Aperti, è la rassegna di arte contemporanea Chiave Umbra. Una mostra itinerante speciale, allestita proprio nei vari borghi aderenti e nei luoghi più suggestivi del territorio.
Cascine, chiese rupestri, castelli e altri luoghi immersi negli oliveti, saranno aperti e raggiungibili per l’occasione grazie a delle speciali navette gratuite, in collegamento diretto con i frantoi aderenti.
15 borghi medievali e altrettanti luoghi inediti, siti solitamente chiusi al pubblico, che saranno invece aperti e permetteranno ai visitatori di ammirare 15 opere uniche di artisti contemporanei umbri.
Gli artisti, giovani e meno giovani, espongono opere d’arte di diversa natura, dalla pittura ai video alla scultura, legate però da una stessa vocazione: la riscoperta di luoghi incantevoli ma difficilmente accessibili, da salvaguardare e far conoscere.
A breve il programma completo nel sito ufficiale di Frantoi Aperti 2015
November is the month expecially dedicated to the olives and the oil, the precious green gold.
Like every year, the event Open Mills 2015 returns from the 31th October to the 29th November 2015 during the weekends.
A lot of typical umbrian villages are involved in the event: Campello sul Clitunnio, Spello, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Castiglion del Lago e Valtopina; plus the cities of Assisi, Spoleto and Foligno.

Every weekend of the month, in fact, the numerous mills of Umbria open their doors to the visitors !
Here, in the heart of the umbrian countryside, there will be a lot of tasting, guided tours, visits, trekking among the olive trees, workshops and themed conferences.
After the difficult year of 2014, now it seems to be the year of revenge for the production of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil: nothing better than celebrate it, by participating in the harvest and the other events. You will have also the possibility to discover some wonderful towns with a vocation about the olive growing and theirs countryside.

Fun for youngs and adults
Take part in the “Bonfita Parties”, some festivals that there will be in splendid castles. During this typical convivial moment, who follows the harvest and the production of the olives, all the participants eat togheter and they celebrate with glee and carefreeness the end of the works in the olive groves.
In addiction, many initiatives also for children: popular games in the squares of the villages, entertainment, treasure hunt among the olive trees and creative workshops, expecially the painting with olive oil.

Moreover, along with the events linked to Open Mills 2015, there will be the exhibition of contemporary art Chiave Umbra (Umbrian Key). A special itinerant exhibition, staged in the various villages and in the most evocative places of the area.
Farms, rural churches, castles and other places immersed in the olive groves. They will be reached for the occasion thanks to some special shuttles, in direct connection with the open mills members of the event.
15 medieval villages and original places, usually closed to the public, instead will be open and the visitors will admire 15 unique works of contemporary artists from Umbria.
The artists, young and old, show works of art of various kinds, from painting to sculpture or video, but all of them have the same vocation: the rediscovery of lovely places of difficult access, to safeguard them and make them known .
November is the month expecially dedicated to the olives and the oil, the precious green gold.
Like every year, the event Open Mills 2015 returns from the 31th October to the 29th November 2015 during the weekends.
A lot of typical umbrian villages are involved in the event: Campello sul Clitunnio, Spello, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Castiglion del Lago e Valtopina; plus the cities of Assisi, Spoleto and Foligno.

Every weekend of the month, in fact, the numerous mills of Umbria open their doors to the visitors !
Here, in the heart of the umbrian countryside, there will be a lot of tasting, guided tours, visits, trekking among the olive trees, workshops and themed conferences.
After the difficult year of 2014, now it seems to be the year of revenge for the production of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil: nothing better than celebrate it, by participating in the harvest and the other events. You will have also the possibility to discover some wonderful towns with a vocation about the olive growing and theirs countryside.

Fun for youngs and adults
Take part in the “Bonfita Parties”, some festivals that there will be in splendid castles. During this typical convivial moment, who follows the harvest and the production of the olives, all the participants eat togheter and they celebrate with glee and carefreeness the end of the works in the olive groves.
In addiction, many initiatives also for children: popular games in the squares of the villages, entertainment, treasure hunt among the olive trees and creative workshops, expecially the painting with olive oil.

Moreover, along with the events linked to Open Mills 2015, there will be the exhibition of contemporary art Chiave Umbra (Umbrian Key). A special itinerant exhibition, staged in the various villages and in the most evocative places of the area.
Farms, rural churches, castles and other places immersed in the olive groves. They will be reached for the occasion thanks to some special shuttles, in direct connection with the open mills members of the event.
15 medieval villages and original places, usually closed to the public, instead will be open and the visitors will admire 15 unique works of contemporary artists from Umbria.
The artists, young and old, show works of art of various kinds, from painting to sculpture or video, but all of them have the same vocation: the rediscovery of lovely places of difficult access, to safeguard them and make them known .
A breve il programma completo nel sito ufficiale di Frantoi Aperti 2015
November is the month expecially dedicated to the olives and the oil, the precious green gold.
Like every year, the event Open Mills 2015 returns from the 31th October to the 29th November 2015 during the weekends.
A lot of typical umbrian villages are involved in the event: Campello sul Clitunnio, Spello, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Castiglion del Lago e Valtopina; plus the cities of Assisi, Spoleto and Foligno.

Every weekend of the month, in fact, the numerous mills of Umbria open their doors to the visitors !
Here, in the heart of the umbrian countryside, there will be a lot of tasting, guided tours, visits, trekking among the olive trees, workshops and themed conferences.
After the difficult year of 2014, now it seems to be the year of revenge for the production of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil: nothing better than celebrate it, by participating in the harvest and the other events. You will have also the possibility to discover some wonderful towns with a vocation about the olive growing and theirs countryside.

Fun for youngs and adults
Take part in the “Bonfita Parties”, some festivals that there will be in splendid castles. During this typical convivial moment, who follows the harvest and the production of the olives, all the participants eat togheter and they celebrate with glee and carefreeness the end of the works in the olive groves.
In addiction, many initiatives also for children: popular games in the squares of the villages, entertainment, treasure hunt among the olive trees and creative workshops, expecially the painting with olive oil.

Moreover, along with the events linked to Open Mills 2015, there will be the exhibition of contemporary art Chiave Umbra (Umbrian Key). A special itinerant exhibition, staged in the various villages and in the most evocative places of the area.
Farms, rural churches, castles and other places immersed in the olive groves. They will be reached for the occasion thanks to some special shuttles, in direct connection with the open mills members of the event.
15 medieval villages and original places, usually closed to the public, instead will be open and the visitors will admire 15 unique works of contemporary artists from Umbria.
The artists, young and old, show works of art of various kinds, from painting to sculpture or video, but all of them have the same vocation: the rediscovery of lovely places of difficult access, to safeguard them and make them known .
A breve il programma completo nel sito ufficiale di Frantoi Aperti 2015
November is the month expecially dedicated to the olives and the oil, the precious green gold.
Like every year, the event Open Mills 2015 returns from the 31th October to the 29th November 2015 during the weekends.
A lot of typical umbrian villages are involved in the event: Campello sul Clitunnio, Spello, Castel Ritaldi, Trevi, Giano dell’Umbria, Gualdo Cattaneo, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Castiglion del Lago e Valtopina; plus the cities of Assisi, Spoleto and Foligno.

Every weekend of the month, in fact, the numerous mills of Umbria open their doors to the visitors !
Here, in the heart of the umbrian countryside, there will be a lot of tasting, guided tours, visits, trekking among the olive trees, workshops and themed conferences.
After the difficult year of 2014, now it seems to be the year of revenge for the production of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil: nothing better than celebrate it, by participating in the harvest and the other events. You will have also the possibility to discover some wonderful towns with a vocation about the olive growing and theirs countryside.

Fun for youngs and adults
Take part in the “Bonfita Parties”, some festivals that there will be in splendid castles. During this typical convivial moment, who follows the harvest and the production of the olives, all the participants eat togheter and they celebrate with glee and carefreeness the end of the works in the olive groves.
In addiction, many initiatives also for children: popular games in the squares of the villages, entertainment, treasure hunt among the olive trees and creative workshops, expecially the painting with olive oil.

Moreover, along with the events linked to Open Mills 2015, there will be the exhibition of contemporary art Chiave Umbra (Umbrian Key). A special itinerant exhibition, staged in the various villages and in the most evocative places of the area.
Farms, rural churches, castles and other places immersed in the olive groves. They will be reached for the occasion thanks to some special shuttles, in direct connection with the open mills members of the event.
15 medieval villages and original places, usually closed to the public, instead will be open and the visitors will admire 15 unique works of contemporary artists from Umbria.
The artists, young and old, show works of art of various kinds, from painting to sculpture or video, but all of them have the same vocation: the rediscovery of lovely places of difficult access, to safeguard them and make them known .
A breve il programma completo nel sito ufficiale di Frantoi Aperti 2015
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