Gli oliveti dell’azienda agraria San Potente sono situati tra Assisi e Spello, alle pendici del monte Subasio. In un ambiente incontaminato e nel rispetto delle tradizioni viene prodotto un olio extra vergine d’oliva di grande pregio.

L’olio San Potente si distingue per un’acidità molto bassa,  inferiore allo 0,2%, e si presenta all’olfatto con il caratteristico profumo di olive verdi e di erba fesca, mentre al gusto rivela il classico sapore amaro e piccante tipico dell’olio umbro.

Se volete scoprire come vengono raccolte le olive, come vengono “pettinati” i rami e come le reti si riempiono dei preziosi frutti, allora vi consigliamo di venire a trovarci

The olive groves of the farm San Potente are located between Assisi and Spello, the slopes of Mount Subasio. In a pristine environment and respecting thetraditions is produced extra virgin olive oil of great value.

A distinctive characteristic of San Potente olive oil is its very low acidity, generally lower than 0.2%. Its scent is the characteristic perfume of green olives and fresh grass and it boasts the the classic bitter, spicy flavour typical of Umbrian olive oil.

If you are interested in olive oil production in Italy and wish to come and discover how the olives are harvested, the branches are “combed” and the nets are filled with our plants’ precious fruit, we invite you to come and visit us

The olive groves of the farm San Potente are located between Assisi and Spello, the slopes of Mount Subasio. In a pristine environment and respecting thetraditions is produced extra virgin olive oil of great value.

A distinctive characteristic of San Potente olive oil is its very low acidity, generally lower than 0.2%. Its scent is the characteristic perfume of green olives and fresh grass and it boasts the the classic bitter, spicy flavour typical of Umbrian olive oil.

If you are interested in olive oil production in Italy and wish to come and discover how the olives are harvested, the branches are “combed” and the nets are filled with our plants’ precious fruit, we invite you to come and visit us

The olive groves of the farm San Potente are located between Assisi and Spello, the slopes of Mount Subasio. In a pristine environment and respecting thetraditions is produced extra virgin olive oil of great value.

A distinctive characteristic of San Potente olive oil is its very low acidity, generally lower than 0.2%. Its scent is the characteristic perfume of green olives and fresh grass and it boasts the the classic bitter, spicy flavour typical of Umbrian olive oil.

If you are interested in olive oil production in Italy and wish to come and discover how the olives are harvested, the branches are “combed” and the nets are filled with our plants’ precious fruit, we invite you to come and visit us

The olive groves of the farm San Potente are located between Assisi and Spello, the slopes of Mount Subasio. In a pristine environment and respecting thetraditions is produced extra virgin olive oil of great value.

A distinctive characteristic of San Potente olive oil is its very low acidity, generally lower than 0.2%. Its scent is the characteristic perfume of green olives and fresh grass and it boasts the the classic bitter, spicy flavour typical of Umbrian olive oil.

If you are interested in olive oil production in Italy and wish to come and discover how the olives are harvested, the branches are “combed” and the nets are filled with our plants’ precious fruit, we invite you to come and visit us