Il Teatro Secci si trova Terni nell’area dell’ex stabilimento Siri, e appartiene al complesso CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri); il teatro è  intitolato a Sergio Secci, giovane ternano morto in seguito alle ferite riportate nella strage della stazione di Bologna del 1980. S

Il Teatro Secci è stato costruito nel 2010 ed inaugurato il 22 maggio 2010; la struttura è stata edificata su uno dei capannoni appartenenti all’ex Siri ed è stata costruita con un’architettura moderna e funzionale. Il teatro dispone di 300 posti a sedere e grazie alle moderne tecniche strutturali offre un’acustica ottimale.

The Secci Theatre is located in the former Ex Siri, and belongs to the complex CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri), the theater is named to Sergio Secci a boy of Terni died after injuries sustained in the massacre of the Bologna train station of 1980.’s.

The Secci Theatre was built in 2010 and opened on May 22, 2010, the structure was built on one of the sheds belonging to the formerEx Siri and was built with modern and functional architecture. The theater has 300 seats and thanks to modern structural techniques offer an excellent acoustics.

The Secci Theatre is located in the former Ex Siri, and belongs to the complex CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri), the theater is named to Sergio Secci a boy of Terni died after injuries sustained in the massacre of the Bologna train station of 1980.’s.

The Secci Theatre was built in 2010 and opened on May 22, 2010, the structure was built on one of the sheds belonging to the formerEx Siri and was built with modern and functional architecture. The theater has 300 seats and thanks to modern structural techniques offer an excellent acoustics.

The Secci Theatre is located in the former Ex Siri, and belongs to the complex CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri), the theater is named to Sergio Secci a boy of Terni died after injuries sustained in the massacre of the Bologna train station of 1980.’s.

The Secci Theatre was built in 2010 and opened on May 22, 2010, the structure was built on one of the sheds belonging to the formerEx Siri and was built with modern and functional architecture. The theater has 300 seats and thanks to modern structural techniques offer an excellent acoustics.

The Secci Theatre is located in the former Ex Siri, and belongs to the complex CAOS (Centro Arti Opificio Siri), the theater is named to Sergio Secci a boy of Terni died after injuries sustained in the massacre of the Bologna train station of 1980.’s.

The Secci Theatre was built in 2010 and opened on May 22, 2010, the structure was built on one of the sheds belonging to the formerEx Siri and was built with modern and functional architecture. The theater has 300 seats and thanks to modern structural techniques offer an excellent acoustics.