Torna la splendida e fiorita Festa della Lavanda, manifestazione organizzata dal Lavandeto di Castelnuovo di Assisi nei fine settimana tra Giugno e Luglio 2018.
Le date previste per questa 9° Edizione sono: 23 e 24 Giugno, 30 Giugno e 1° Luglio, 7 e 8 Luglio.
La Festa della Lavanda rappresenta un’occasione unica per trascorrere un weekend ad Assisi, immersi nella natura e nella spiritualità che solo questa luogo speciale riesce a trasmettere.
Tra giugno e luglio, con la bellissima Assisi stagliata sullo sfondo, si potranno ammirare i campi dell’incantevole Lavandeto di Castelnuovo, coltivati con varie varietà di lavanda: filari viola, bianchi, blu, lilla, rosa… Uno spettacolo di colori e sfumature molto particolare che sembra quasi catapultarci nel sud della Francia, in quella Provenza da sempre associata ai grandi campi di filari violetti.

>> Prenota subito la tua vacanza ad Assisi e vivi l’emozione della Festa della Lavanda! Qui tutti gli agriturismi di Assisi e dintorni
Profumi e colori di Provenza al Lavandeto di Assisi
Nei tre weekend della festa, potrete sostare nei campi per osservare e fotografare la fioritura e i suoi cambiamenti. L’ingresso è libero, e saranno organizzate quattro visite guidate gratuite per ciascun giorno di festa (indicativamente, due al mattino alle 10:30 e alle 11:30, più due nel pomeriggio alle 17:00 e alle 18:30).
Fotografi professionisti e non, potranno partecipare al concorso fotografico organizzato in collaborazione con il circolo Cine Fotoamatori Hispellum: oltre alla vincita del contest per la foto migliore, le più belle saranno utilizzate per realizzare il “Calendario 2018 del Lavandeto”.
Per i più curiosi, sarà possibile assistere alla distillazione della lavanda e scoprire come avviene l’estrazione dell’olio essenziale da essa ricavato. Si tratta di un prodotto dalle numerose proprietà benefiche, dall’azione riequilibratrice del sistema nervoso (calma l’ansia e il nervosismo, allevia il mal di testa e i disturbi causati dallo stress, aiuta a prendere sonno in caso di insonnia) all’utilizzo nel trattamento dei sintomi di raffreddore, tosse o influenza. Inoltre, sono previsti laboratori per realizzare unguenti, di preparazione di tisane, di coltivazione delle rose.
Sarà poi allestita una mostra di floravivaismo specialmente dedicata agli amanti del giardinaggio, con espositori di piante più o meno rare. Non mancherà un piccolo mercatino di prodotti alla lavanda e artigiani di qualità.
Grande novità di quest’anno sarà l’area dedicata alle cerimonie a tema lavanda: troverete bomboniere artigianali personalizzate e profumate, composizioni con fiori essiccati e addobbi adatti ad ogni periodo dell’anno, allestimento con piante vive ideali anche per addobbi fai da te e molto altro, per assecondare i gusti più diversi e soprattutto quelli dei futuri sposi!

>> Ci sono tante offerte in scadenza per i migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi in Umbria… Trova quella più adatta a te e regalati un weekend magico ad Assisi in occasione della Festa della Lavanda
Le Cene del Sabato a Tema Lavanda
Nelle serate di sabato 23 e 30 Giugno e del 1 Luglio sarà possibile prenotare delle Cene a Tema Lavanda e Piante Aromatiche presso tre dei più bei agriturismi della zona. Vivi l’emozione di una cena speciale all’aperto, sotto il cielo stellato e con vista panoramica su Assisi.
Ognuna della cene sarà dedicata alla Lavanda, con piatti unici appositamente pensati per l’evento. Qualche esempio? Gnocchi ai quattro formaggi al profumo di lavanda, risotto con zucchine e fiori di zucca e lavanda, maiale croccante al profumo di timo e lavanda, bavarese alle fragole con fiori di lavanda, creme brulée ai fiori di lavanda con i lavandini di frolla, crema di panna cotta alla lavanda e coulis di fragole… e molto altro!
Durante l’evento, inoltre, presso il lavandeto sarà disponibile un punto ristoro e per il pranzo su potrà prenotare tutto l’occorrente per un Pranzo a Pic Nic da consumare nei campi e giardini.
Per maggiori informazioni 3293332609 o scrivere a

>> Scopri tutti gli eventi previsti in Umbria la prossima estate e organizza le tue vacanze nel cuore verde d’Italia
17th-18th and 24th-25th June, 1st-2nd July 2017 !
These are the dates scheduled for the 8th Edition of “Festa della Lavanda” (Festival of Lavender), the famous event organized by the “Lavandeto” of Castelnuovo di Assisi.
The Festival of Lavender is a unique opportunity to spend a weekend in Assisi, immersed in nature and in the spirituality that only this special place is able to convey.
Between June and July, with the beautiful Assisi in the background, you can admire the enchanting “Lavandeto” fields of Castelnuovo, with its many varieties of lavender: purple, white, blue, lilac, pink…
A very particular spectacle of colors and shades that looks almost bring us in southern France, in that Provence typically associated with large purple rows fields.

Atmosphere of Provence in Umbria
During the three weekends of the festival, you can walk through the fields to observe and photograph the bloom and its changes. Admission is free, and they will organize four free guided tours for each festival day (approximately two in the morning and two in the afternoon).
Professional photographers and not, can participate at the photo contest organized in collaboration with Cine Fotoamatori Hispellum: in addition to the contest winner for Best Picture, the most beautiful photos will be used to achieve the “2018 Calendar of the Lavandeto”.
For the most curious, it will be possible to watch the distillation of lavender and discover how do the essential oil extracted from it. It is a product with many beneficial properties, by the action rebalancing the nervous system (the oil calms anxiety and nervousness, relieves headaches and disorders caused by stress, helps you get to sleep in case of insomnia) to the use in treatments of symptoms of colds, coughs or flu. In addition, there will be workshops to create ointments, of tea preparation, of cultivation of roses.
There will then be an exhibition of “floravivaismo” especially dedicated to gardening lovers, with stands of more or less rare plants. Do not miss the small market of lavender products and quality craftsmen.

Saturday Night Dinners dedicated to Lavanda
On Saturday 18th and 24th June and 1st July, you can reserve your special dinner dedicated to the Lavanda in three farm houses among the most beautiful of the area. Enjoy the emotion of am outdoor dinner, immersed into the Umbrian countryside, under a starry sky with a panoramic view of Assisi.
Each dinner will be focused on Lavanda ingredient, with unique dishes like: Gnocchi at four cheeses with the fragrance of lavanda, rice with courgette and courgette and lavanda flowers, crispy pork with the fragrance of lavanda and thyme, bavarese with strawberries and lavanda flowers, creme brulée with lavanda flowers and lavandini of frolla, cream of panna cotta of lavanda and coulis of strawberries.. and much more!
During the event at the lavandeto a food stand will be available, too. In addiction, for lunch you can reserve a special PicNic Lunch for eating in the garden and the fields.
For more information 3293332609 or

17th-18th and 24th-25th June, 1st-2nd July 2017 !
These are the dates scheduled for the 8th Edition of “Festa della Lavanda” (Festival of Lavender), the famous event organized by the “Lavandeto” of Castelnuovo di Assisi.
The Festival of Lavender is a unique opportunity to spend a weekend in Assisi, immersed in nature and in the spirituality that only this special place is able to convey.
Between June and July, with the beautiful Assisi in the background, you can admire the enchanting “Lavandeto” fields of Castelnuovo, with its many varieties of lavender: purple, white, blue, lilac, pink…
A very particular spectacle of colors and shades that looks almost bring us in southern France, in that Provence typically associated with large purple rows fields.

Atmosphere of Provence in Umbria
During the three weekends of the festival, you can walk through the fields to observe and photograph the bloom and its changes. Admission is free, and they will organize four free guided tours for each festival day (approximately two in the morning and two in the afternoon).
Professional photographers and not, can participate at the photo contest organized in collaboration with Cine Fotoamatori Hispellum: in addition to the contest winner for Best Picture, the most beautiful photos will be used to achieve the “2018 Calendar of the Lavandeto”.
For the most curious, it will be possible to watch the distillation of lavender and discover how do the essential oil extracted from it. It is a product with many beneficial properties, by the action rebalancing the nervous system (the oil calms anxiety and nervousness, relieves headaches and disorders caused by stress, helps you get to sleep in case of insomnia) to the use in treatments of symptoms of colds, coughs or flu. In addition, there will be workshops to create ointments, of tea preparation, of cultivation of roses.
There will then be an exhibition of “floravivaismo” especially dedicated to gardening lovers, with stands of more or less rare plants. Do not miss the small market of lavender products and quality craftsmen.

Saturday Night Dinners dedicated to Lavanda
On Saturday 18th and 24th June and 1st July, you can reserve your special dinner dedicated to the Lavanda in three farm houses among the most beautiful of the area. Enjoy the emotion of am outdoor dinner, immersed into the Umbrian countryside, under a starry sky with a panoramic view of Assisi.
Each dinner will be focused on Lavanda ingredient, with unique dishes like: Gnocchi at four cheeses with the fragrance of lavanda, rice with courgette and courgette and lavanda flowers, crispy pork with the fragrance of lavanda and thyme, bavarese with strawberries and lavanda flowers, creme brulée with lavanda flowers and lavandini of frolla, cream of panna cotta of lavanda and coulis of strawberries.. and much more!
During the event at the lavandeto a food stand will be available, too. In addiction, for lunch you can reserve a special PicNic Lunch for eating in the garden and the fields.
For more information 3293332609 or

17th-18th and 24th-25th June, 1st-2nd July 2017 !
These are the dates scheduled for the 8th Edition of “Festa della Lavanda” (Festival of Lavender), the famous event organized by the “Lavandeto” of Castelnuovo di Assisi.
The Festival of Lavender is a unique opportunity to spend a weekend in Assisi, immersed in nature and in the spirituality that only this special place is able to convey.
Between June and July, with the beautiful Assisi in the background, you can admire the enchanting “Lavandeto” fields of Castelnuovo, with its many varieties of lavender: purple, white, blue, lilac, pink…
A very particular spectacle of colors and shades that looks almost bring us in southern France, in that Provence typically associated with large purple rows fields.

Atmosphere of Provence in Umbria
During the three weekends of the festival, you can walk through the fields to observe and photograph the bloom and its changes. Admission is free, and they will organize four free guided tours for each festival day (approximately two in the morning and two in the afternoon).
Professional photographers and not, can participate at the photo contest organized in collaboration with Cine Fotoamatori Hispellum: in addition to the contest winner for Best Picture, the most beautiful photos will be used to achieve the “2018 Calendar of the Lavandeto”.
For the most curious, it will be possible to watch the distillation of lavender and discover how do the essential oil extracted from it. It is a product with many beneficial properties, by the action rebalancing the nervous system (the oil calms anxiety and nervousness, relieves headaches and disorders caused by stress, helps you get to sleep in case of insomnia) to the use in treatments of symptoms of colds, coughs or flu. In addition, there will be workshops to create ointments, of tea preparation, of cultivation of roses.
There will then be an exhibition of “floravivaismo” especially dedicated to gardening lovers, with stands of more or less rare plants. Do not miss the small market of lavender products and quality craftsmen.

Saturday Night Dinners dedicated to Lavanda
On Saturday 18th and 24th June and 1st July, you can reserve your special dinner dedicated to the Lavanda in three farm houses among the most beautiful of the area. Enjoy the emotion of am outdoor dinner, immersed into the Umbrian countryside, under a starry sky with a panoramic view of Assisi.
Each dinner will be focused on Lavanda ingredient, with unique dishes like: Gnocchi at four cheeses with the fragrance of lavanda, rice with courgette and courgette and lavanda flowers, crispy pork with the fragrance of lavanda and thyme, bavarese with strawberries and lavanda flowers, creme brulée with lavanda flowers and lavandini of frolla, cream of panna cotta of lavanda and coulis of strawberries.. and much more!
During the event at the lavandeto a food stand will be available, too. In addiction, for lunch you can reserve a special PicNic Lunch for eating in the garden and the fields.
For more information 3293332609 or

17th-18th and 24th-25th June, 1st-2nd July 2017 !
These are the dates scheduled for the 8th Edition of “Festa della Lavanda” (Festival of Lavender), the famous event organized by the “Lavandeto” of Castelnuovo di Assisi.
The Festival of Lavender is a unique opportunity to spend a weekend in Assisi, immersed in nature and in the spirituality that only this special place is able to convey.
Between June and July, with the beautiful Assisi in the background, you can admire the enchanting “Lavandeto” fields of Castelnuovo, with its many varieties of lavender: purple, white, blue, lilac, pink…
A very particular spectacle of colors and shades that looks almost bring us in southern France, in that Provence typically associated with large purple rows fields.

Atmosphere of Provence in Umbria
During the three weekends of the festival, you can walk through the fields to observe and photograph the bloom and its changes. Admission is free, and they will organize four free guided tours for each festival day (approximately two in the morning and two in the afternoon).
Professional photographers and not, can participate at the photo contest organized in collaboration with Cine Fotoamatori Hispellum: in addition to the contest winner for Best Picture, the most beautiful photos will be used to achieve the “2018 Calendar of the Lavandeto”.
For the most curious, it will be possible to watch the distillation of lavender and discover how do the essential oil extracted from it. It is a product with many beneficial properties, by the action rebalancing the nervous system (the oil calms anxiety and nervousness, relieves headaches and disorders caused by stress, helps you get to sleep in case of insomnia) to the use in treatments of symptoms of colds, coughs or flu. In addition, there will be workshops to create ointments, of tea preparation, of cultivation of roses.
There will then be an exhibition of “floravivaismo” especially dedicated to gardening lovers, with stands of more or less rare plants. Do not miss the small market of lavender products and quality craftsmen.

Saturday Night Dinners dedicated to Lavanda
On Saturday 18th and 24th June and 1st July, you can reserve your special dinner dedicated to the Lavanda in three farm houses among the most beautiful of the area. Enjoy the emotion of am outdoor dinner, immersed into the Umbrian countryside, under a starry sky with a panoramic view of Assisi.
Each dinner will be focused on Lavanda ingredient, with unique dishes like: Gnocchi at four cheeses with the fragrance of lavanda, rice with courgette and courgette and lavanda flowers, crispy pork with the fragrance of lavanda and thyme, bavarese with strawberries and lavanda flowers, creme brulée with lavanda flowers and lavandini of frolla, cream of panna cotta of lavanda and coulis of strawberries.. and much more!
During the event at the lavandeto a food stand will be available, too. In addiction, for lunch you can reserve a special PicNic Lunch for eating in the garden and the fields.
For more information 3293332609 or

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