Umbria Jazz Winter celebra quest’anno la sua 26esima edizione con un programma ancora più ricco e di qualità, tra novità e grandi ritorni. Partecipa a questo anniversario e inaugurare il nuovo anno all’insegna della musica, festeggiando il 2019 con Umbria Jazz Winter, nella splendida cornice di Orvieto.
Quello con la musica Jazz in versione invernale è un appuntamento come sempre da non perdere, i cui eventi e concerti sono organizzati nella città umbra per 5 giornate davvero speciali dal 28 Dicembre 2018 al 1° Gennaio 2019.

>> Vivi la magia di Umbria Jazz Winter, soggiorna nei migliori hotel e agriturismi di Orvieto
Umbria Jazz Winter #26
Umbria Jazz Winter #26, come da tradizione, accompagna l’anno nuovo orvietano fin del 1993, anno della prima edizione. Nelle 5 giornate previste, la città sarà ricca di concerti e spettacoli, con tantissimi musicisti e un’originale miscela di generi: dal jazz al blues, dal gospel al soul.
La formula del festival è infatti quella di proporre eventi diffusi in tutto il centro storico, oltre che in diverse location suggestive ed importanti, tra cui il Teatro Mancinelli, il Palazzo del Popolo, il Palazzo dei Sette, il Museo Emilio Greco, il Duomo e il centro storico stesso di Orvieto.

Umbria Jazz Winter #26: gli appuntamenti più interessanti
Enrico Rava, Roberto Gatto e Danilo Rea insieme sul palco con il contrabbassista e compositore Giovanni Tommaso per festeggiare i suoi sessant’anni di carriera. Uno spettacolo che ripercorre il suo vissuto artistico in una dimensione di festa, riportando sul palco un gruppo di grandi artisti e prima ancora di amici, nonché riproponendo i brani di uno dei dischi italiani più balli e celebri.
28 Dicembre, ore 21:00 Teatro Mancinelli
29 Dicembre, ore 16:00 Palazzo del Popolo
30 Dicembre, ore 19:00 Palazzo del Popolo
Un sentito tributo al cinema italiano, il quale ha certamente contribuito a far conoscere parte della cultura del nostro paese ovunque nel mondo. La formazione è una all star di musicisti italiani : Rosario Giuliani al sax, Luciano Biondini alla fisarmonica, Enzo Pietropaoli al contrabbasso e l’eclettico Michele Rabbia alle percussioni, batteria ed elettronica.
29 Dicembre, ore 12:00 Museo Emilio Greco
30 Dicembre, ore 12:00 Museo Emilio Greco
31 Dicembre, ore 12:00 Museo Emilio Greco
01 Gennaio, ore 12:00 Museo Emilio Greco
Il trombettista sardo Paolo Fresu, il fisarmonicista francese Richard Galliano ed il pianista svedese Jan Lundgren, pur senza mai dimenticare le rispettive radici, offrono allo spettatore di tuffarsi in un mare grande come il Mediterraneo dove si affacciano culture, genti, identità diverse ma destinate all’incontro, non alla disgiunzione.
28 Dicembre, ore 21:00 Teatro Mancinelli
29 Dicembre, ore 19:00 Palazzo del Popolo
30 Dicembre, ore 16:00 Palazzo del Popolo
31 Dicembre, ore 19:00 Palazzo del Popolo
Interessante trio nato dall’incontro artistico tra la voce di Karima, il trombonista Mauro Ottolini e il pianoforte di Oscar Marchioni. Un progetto dedicato alla musica blues e R&B, fino a ripercorrere le tappe del Jazz dalle origini ad oggi.
31 Dicembre, ore 12:00 Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
31 Dicembre, ore 23:15 Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
Dopo il prestigioso primo premio al National Choir Explosion in Louisville (Kentucky) nel 2015, il coro gospel della Tennessee State University sbarca a Orvieto per regalare un momento musicale unico. Gospel contemporaneo e tradizionale, spiritual, inni in stile classico per questa formazione di giovani musicisti e solisti di altissimi livello fondata nel 1997 da Travis Bryan e diretto oggi da Justin Butler.
30 Dicembre, ore 22:30 Teatro Mancinelli
1° Gennaio, ore 01:00 Teatro Mancinelli
1° Gennaio, ore 17:00 Duomo di Orvieto, Messa della Pace & Gospel

>> Vivi l’esperienza di Umbria Jazz Winter in uno dei migliori agriturismi di Orvieto e dintorni
Umbria Jazz Winter #26 per un Capodanno in musica
Il Festival è molto di più, con tantissimi eventi che fanno di Orvieto una location unica dove trascorrere le festività natalizie ed il Capodanno.
La musica inoltre spazia tra generi e sonorità diverse, Umbria Jazz propone infatti una visione aperta della musica, per tutti i gusti, purché di qualità. Oltre ai concerti già suggeriti, si segnano anche il concerto delle 21:00 al Bistrot “Il Malandrino” con “The Hose Quintet” (Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino ed Anthony Pinciotti) ed il gran concerto con inizio alle 22:00 al Palazzo dei Sette, e che vedrà alternarsi “Claudio JR De Rosa Quartet”, “Nick The nightfly quintet” e “Filippo Bianchini Quintet”.
Per scoprire il programma dettagliato, visita il sito ufficiale di Umbria Jazz Winter o scarica l’allegato qui sotto!
To introduce a new year dedicated to the music, come to celebrate 2019 with Umbria Jazz Winter, in the magnificent scenery of Orvieto. A program with an even richer and more quality program, including news and great returns.
Do not miss this appointment with the jazz music in Winter version, enjoy its events and concerts in the Umbrian city of Orvieto from the 28th December 2018 to the 1st January 2019.

>> Discover Umbria Jazz Winter and spend some days in one of the best hotels or farmhouses in Orvieto
Umbria Jazz Winter #26
As the tradition, Umbria Jazz Winter has been coming with the New Year in Orvieto since 1993, year of the first edition. During the 5 days of the event, the city will be full of initiatives, with many musicians and a unique mix of genres: from jazz to blues, from gospel to soul.
The festival is proposing to the guest many events in all its historic center, and of course in its most important and suggestive locations as Teatro Mancinelli, Palazzo del Popolo, Palazzo dei Sette, Emilio Greco Museum, the Cathedral and the historic centre of Orvieto.

>> There are many offers in Umbria, click here to look at them
The most interesting events of Umbria Jazz Winter #26
Enrico Rava, Roberto Gatto and Danilo Rea together on stage with the double bass player and composer Giovanni Tommaso to celebrate his sixty year career. A show that traces its artistic experience in a festive dimension, bringing back to the stage a group of great artists and even before friends, as well as re-proposing the songs of one of the most famous and dances Italian records.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
A heartfelt tribute to Italian cinema, which has certainly helped to make known part of the culture of our country throughout the world. The group on stage is an all star of Italian musicians: Rosario Giuliani on sax, Luciano Biondini on accordion, Enzo Pietropaoli on double bass and the eclectic Michele Rabbia on percussion, drums and electronics.
29th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
30th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
31th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
1st January, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
The Sardinian trumpeter Paolo Fresu, the French accordionist Richard Galliano and the Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, while never forgetting their respective roots, offer the public to dive itself into a sea as large as the Mediterranean, where cultures, peoples and different identities are destined for the meeting, not disjunction.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
31th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
Interesting trio born from the artistic encounter between the voice of Karima, the trombonist Mauro Ottolini and the piano by Oscar Marchioni. A project dedicated to blues and R & B music, to retrace the stages of Jazz from its origins to today.
31 December, at 12:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
31 December, at 11:15 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
After the prestigious first prize at the National Choir Explosion in Louisville (Kentucky) in 2015, the gospel choir of the Tennessee State University lands in Orvieto to give a unique musical moment. Contemporary and traditional gospel, spiritual, classical style hymns for this training of young musicians and soloists of the highest level founded in 1997 by Travis Bryan and directed today by Justin Butler.
30th December, at 10:30 pm Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 01:00 am Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 5:00 Cathedral of Orvieto, Mass of Peace & Gospel

>> Live the experience of Umbria Jazz Winter in one of the best famhouse of the area of Orvieto
Spend a different New Year’s Eve in Orvieto with Umbria Jazz #26
This Festival will propose many events and Orvieto will be a unique location to spend your Christmas holidays and the New Year Eve.
Music offered is also really various, with different genres and sound richness. Umbria Jazz has in fact an open vision of the music, as long as quality music.
In addition to the concerts already suggested, there is also a concert of 9:00 pm at the Bistrot “Il Malandrino” with “The Hose Quintet” (Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino and Anthony Pinciotti) and the grand concert with 10:00 pm at the Palazzo dei Sette, and that will see alternate “Claudio JR De Rosa Quartet”, “Nick The nightfly quintet” and “Filippo Bianchini Quintet”.
To discover the details of the program, look at the official site of Umbria Jazz Winter
To introduce a new year dedicated to the music, come to celebrate 2019 with Umbria Jazz Winter, in the magnificent scenery of Orvieto. A program with an even richer and more quality program, including news and great returns.
Do not miss this appointment with the jazz music in Winter version, enjoy its events and concerts in the Umbrian city of Orvieto from the 28th December 2018 to the 1st January 2019.

>> Discover Umbria Jazz Winter and spend some days in one of the best hotels or farmhouses in Orvieto
Umbria Jazz Winter #26
As the tradition, Umbria Jazz Winter has been coming with the New Year in Orvieto since 1993, year of the first edition. During the 5 days of the event, the city will be full of initiatives, with many musicians and a unique mix of genres: from jazz to blues, from gospel to soul.
The festival is proposing to the guest many events in all its historic center, and of course in its most important and suggestive locations as Teatro Mancinelli, Palazzo del Popolo, Palazzo dei Sette, Emilio Greco Museum, the Cathedral and the historic centre of Orvieto.

>> There are many offers in Umbria, click here to look at them
The most interesting events of Umbria Jazz Winter #26
Enrico Rava, Roberto Gatto and Danilo Rea together on stage with the double bass player and composer Giovanni Tommaso to celebrate his sixty year career. A show that traces its artistic experience in a festive dimension, bringing back to the stage a group of great artists and even before friends, as well as re-proposing the songs of one of the most famous and dances Italian records.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
A heartfelt tribute to Italian cinema, which has certainly helped to make known part of the culture of our country throughout the world. The group on stage is an all star of Italian musicians: Rosario Giuliani on sax, Luciano Biondini on accordion, Enzo Pietropaoli on double bass and the eclectic Michele Rabbia on percussion, drums and electronics.
29th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
30th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
31th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
1st January, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
The Sardinian trumpeter Paolo Fresu, the French accordionist Richard Galliano and the Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, while never forgetting their respective roots, offer the public to dive itself into a sea as large as the Mediterranean, where cultures, peoples and different identities are destined for the meeting, not disjunction.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
31th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
Interesting trio born from the artistic encounter between the voice of Karima, the trombonist Mauro Ottolini and the piano by Oscar Marchioni. A project dedicated to blues and R & B music, to retrace the stages of Jazz from its origins to today.
31 December, at 12:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
31 December, at 11:15 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
After the prestigious first prize at the National Choir Explosion in Louisville (Kentucky) in 2015, the gospel choir of the Tennessee State University lands in Orvieto to give a unique musical moment. Contemporary and traditional gospel, spiritual, classical style hymns for this training of young musicians and soloists of the highest level founded in 1997 by Travis Bryan and directed today by Justin Butler.
30th December, at 10:30 pm Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 01:00 am Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 5:00 Cathedral of Orvieto, Mass of Peace & Gospel

>> Live the experience of Umbria Jazz Winter in one of the best famhouse of the area of Orvieto
Spend a different New Year’s Eve in Orvieto with Umbria Jazz #26
This Festival will propose many events and Orvieto will be a unique location to spend your Christmas holidays and the New Year Eve.
Music offered is also really various, with different genres and sound richness. Umbria Jazz has in fact an open vision of the music, as long as quality music.
In addition to the concerts already suggested, there is also a concert of 9:00 pm at the Bistrot “Il Malandrino” with “The Hose Quintet” (Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino and Anthony Pinciotti) and the grand concert with 10:00 pm at the Palazzo dei Sette, and that will see alternate “Claudio JR De Rosa Quartet”, “Nick The nightfly quintet” and “Filippo Bianchini Quintet”.
To discover the details of the program, look at the official site of Umbria Jazz Winter
To introduce a new year dedicated to the music, come to celebrate 2019 with Umbria Jazz Winter, in the magnificent scenery of Orvieto. A program with an even richer and more quality program, including news and great returns.
Do not miss this appointment with the jazz music in Winter version, enjoy its events and concerts in the Umbrian city of Orvieto from the 28th December 2018 to the 1st January 2019.

>> Discover Umbria Jazz Winter and spend some days in one of the best hotels or farmhouses in Orvieto
Umbria Jazz Winter #26
As the tradition, Umbria Jazz Winter has been coming with the New Year in Orvieto since 1993, year of the first edition. During the 5 days of the event, the city will be full of initiatives, with many musicians and a unique mix of genres: from jazz to blues, from gospel to soul.
The festival is proposing to the guest many events in all its historic center, and of course in its most important and suggestive locations as Teatro Mancinelli, Palazzo del Popolo, Palazzo dei Sette, Emilio Greco Museum, the Cathedral and the historic centre of Orvieto.

>> There are many offers in Umbria, click here to look at them
The most interesting events of Umbria Jazz Winter #26
Enrico Rava, Roberto Gatto and Danilo Rea together on stage with the double bass player and composer Giovanni Tommaso to celebrate his sixty year career. A show that traces its artistic experience in a festive dimension, bringing back to the stage a group of great artists and even before friends, as well as re-proposing the songs of one of the most famous and dances Italian records.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
A heartfelt tribute to Italian cinema, which has certainly helped to make known part of the culture of our country throughout the world. The group on stage is an all star of Italian musicians: Rosario Giuliani on sax, Luciano Biondini on accordion, Enzo Pietropaoli on double bass and the eclectic Michele Rabbia on percussion, drums and electronics.
29th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
30th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
31th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
1st January, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
The Sardinian trumpeter Paolo Fresu, the French accordionist Richard Galliano and the Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, while never forgetting their respective roots, offer the public to dive itself into a sea as large as the Mediterranean, where cultures, peoples and different identities are destined for the meeting, not disjunction.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
31th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
Interesting trio born from the artistic encounter between the voice of Karima, the trombonist Mauro Ottolini and the piano by Oscar Marchioni. A project dedicated to blues and R & B music, to retrace the stages of Jazz from its origins to today.
31 December, at 12:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
31 December, at 11:15 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
After the prestigious first prize at the National Choir Explosion in Louisville (Kentucky) in 2015, the gospel choir of the Tennessee State University lands in Orvieto to give a unique musical moment. Contemporary and traditional gospel, spiritual, classical style hymns for this training of young musicians and soloists of the highest level founded in 1997 by Travis Bryan and directed today by Justin Butler.
30th December, at 10:30 pm Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 01:00 am Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 5:00 Cathedral of Orvieto, Mass of Peace & Gospel

>> Live the experience of Umbria Jazz Winter in one of the best famhouse of the area of Orvieto
Spend a different New Year’s Eve in Orvieto with Umbria Jazz #26
This Festival will propose many events and Orvieto will be a unique location to spend your Christmas holidays and the New Year Eve.
Music offered is also really various, with different genres and sound richness. Umbria Jazz has in fact an open vision of the music, as long as quality music.
In addition to the concerts already suggested, there is also a concert of 9:00 pm at the Bistrot “Il Malandrino” with “The Hose Quintet” (Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino and Anthony Pinciotti) and the grand concert with 10:00 pm at the Palazzo dei Sette, and that will see alternate “Claudio JR De Rosa Quartet”, “Nick The nightfly quintet” and “Filippo Bianchini Quintet”.
To discover the details of the program, look at the official site of Umbria Jazz Winter
To introduce a new year dedicated to the music, come to celebrate 2019 with Umbria Jazz Winter, in the magnificent scenery of Orvieto. A program with an even richer and more quality program, including news and great returns.
Do not miss this appointment with the jazz music in Winter version, enjoy its events and concerts in the Umbrian city of Orvieto from the 28th December 2018 to the 1st January 2019.

>> Discover Umbria Jazz Winter and spend some days in one of the best hotels or farmhouses in Orvieto
Umbria Jazz Winter #26
As the tradition, Umbria Jazz Winter has been coming with the New Year in Orvieto since 1993, year of the first edition. During the 5 days of the event, the city will be full of initiatives, with many musicians and a unique mix of genres: from jazz to blues, from gospel to soul.
The festival is proposing to the guest many events in all its historic center, and of course in its most important and suggestive locations as Teatro Mancinelli, Palazzo del Popolo, Palazzo dei Sette, Emilio Greco Museum, the Cathedral and the historic centre of Orvieto.

>> There are many offers in Umbria, click here to look at them
The most interesting events of Umbria Jazz Winter #26
Enrico Rava, Roberto Gatto and Danilo Rea together on stage with the double bass player and composer Giovanni Tommaso to celebrate his sixty year career. A show that traces its artistic experience in a festive dimension, bringing back to the stage a group of great artists and even before friends, as well as re-proposing the songs of one of the most famous and dances Italian records.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
A heartfelt tribute to Italian cinema, which has certainly helped to make known part of the culture of our country throughout the world. The group on stage is an all star of Italian musicians: Rosario Giuliani on sax, Luciano Biondini on accordion, Enzo Pietropaoli on double bass and the eclectic Michele Rabbia on percussion, drums and electronics.
29th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
30th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
31th December, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
1st January, at 12:00 Emilio Greco Museum
The Sardinian trumpeter Paolo Fresu, the French accordionist Richard Galliano and the Swedish pianist Jan Lundgren, while never forgetting their respective roots, offer the public to dive itself into a sea as large as the Mediterranean, where cultures, peoples and different identities are destined for the meeting, not disjunction.
28th December, at 9:00 pm Teatro Mancinelli
29th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
30th December, at 4:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
31th December, at 7:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo
Interesting trio born from the artistic encounter between the voice of Karima, the trombonist Mauro Ottolini and the piano by Oscar Marchioni. A project dedicated to blues and R & B music, to retrace the stages of Jazz from its origins to today.
31 December, at 12:00 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
31 December, at 11:15 pm Palazzo del Popolo, Sala Expo
After the prestigious first prize at the National Choir Explosion in Louisville (Kentucky) in 2015, the gospel choir of the Tennessee State University lands in Orvieto to give a unique musical moment. Contemporary and traditional gospel, spiritual, classical style hymns for this training of young musicians and soloists of the highest level founded in 1997 by Travis Bryan and directed today by Justin Butler.
30th December, at 10:30 pm Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 01:00 am Teatro Mancinelli
1st January, at 5:00 Cathedral of Orvieto, Mass of Peace & Gospel

>> Live the experience of Umbria Jazz Winter in one of the best famhouse of the area of Orvieto
Spend a different New Year’s Eve in Orvieto with Umbria Jazz #26
This Festival will propose many events and Orvieto will be a unique location to spend your Christmas holidays and the New Year Eve.
Music offered is also really various, with different genres and sound richness. Umbria Jazz has in fact an open vision of the music, as long as quality music.
In addition to the concerts already suggested, there is also a concert of 9:00 pm at the Bistrot “Il Malandrino” with “The Hose Quintet” (Piero Odorici, Daniele Scannapieco, Andrea Pozza, Aldo Zunino and Anthony Pinciotti) and the grand concert with 10:00 pm at the Palazzo dei Sette, and that will see alternate “Claudio JR De Rosa Quartet”, “Nick The nightfly quintet” and “Filippo Bianchini Quintet”.
To discover the details of the program, look at the official site of Umbria Jazz Winter
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