Un incrocio di dimensioni musicali e di ambienti diversi
. Una passione viva e pulsante che da sempre spinge i protagonisti e chi sta dietro le quinte, un’atmosfera unica al mondo che solo Umbria Jazz è in grado di farti vivere.
Torna a Perugia, nell’estate 2014, il Festival più importante dell’Umbria, in una nuova rinnovata edizione che ci terrà col fiato sospeso e gli occhi sgranati per ben 9 giornate, dall’11 al 20 Luglio.

Il Festival, che rinnova la collaborazione con lo Yang Jazz di Foligno e si contraddistingue anche quest’anno per essere Multiutility, un evento al “100% energia pulita”, nelle piazze e nei luoghi più rappresentativi della città, farà risuonare la sua anima a suon di jazz, soul, rthythm & blues, blues, gospel, pop song, salsa.
Il 10 luglio anticiperà e aprirà il Festival “La partita del Jazz per la solidarietà”, allo stadio Renato Curi, con protagonisti in campo la Nazionale Italiana Cantanti e la Nazionale Italiana Jazzisti. L’incasso sarà devoluto ad associazioni regionali per la lotta contro il cancro.
Dall’11 Luglio in poi, un incessante susseguirsi di concerti, spettacoli ed eventi collaterali.

Il Programma in pillole:
11 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – The Daptone Super Soul Revue
12 luglio, Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 16:00 – Ralf presenta 12 ore di musica, dalle 16.00 alle 4.00, con i migliori interpreti della dance ( R.Ha.R.F., Ellen Allien, Dj Ralf,…)
13 luglio, Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – Ray Gelato e i Giants, swing e divertimento
14 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – Eliane Elias e Stefano Bollani con Hamilton de Holanda. Special guest della serata la clarinettista Anat Cohen.
15 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – ” I Galactic e poi Dr John, che coniugò la civiltà hippy con il pittoresco folklore del Mardi Gras, ad interpretare Louis Armstrong.
16 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – ” Hancock, Wayne Shorter e Monty Alexander
17 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – ” Volcan, Hiromi e Camilo
18 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – ” Natalie Cole e fiorella Mannoia
19 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 21:00 – ” The Roots
20 luglio Arena Santa Giuliana, ore 18:30 – ” TAKE 6, Al Jarreau, Mario Biondi
Oltre a tutto il jazz e il blues del mondo, il festival regalerà momenti d’arte e cultura in generale, con mostre ed eventi collaterali, nonchè spazi enogastronomici dove gustare al meglio l’evento!
Per tutti i dettagli dell’edizione 2014 di Umbria Jazz visita il sito ufficiale dell’evento!
An intersection of musical dimensions and different environments . A passion alive and pulsating that always pushes the protagonists and those behind the scenes, a unique atmosphere that only the Umbria Jazz is able to create.
Back in Perugia, in the summer of 2014, the most important festival in Umbria, in a new, renewed edition that will keep us breathless and wide-eyed for 9 days, from 11th to 20th of July.

The Festival, which renews its collaboration with the Yang Jazz di Foligno and also stands out this year to be multi-utility, an event at the “100% clean energy”, in the squares and the most representative places of the city, will resonate in his soul the sound of jazz, soul, rithythm & blues, blues, gospel, pop song sauce.
The July 10 will open the Festival “Jazz for the game of Solidarity,” at Renato Curi, starring in the field of Italian National Singers and the Italian National Jazz Musicians. The proceeds will be donated to regional associations for the fight against cancer.
From 11 July onwards, a relentless series of concerts, shows and events.

Program in a nutshell:
July 11 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Daptone Super Soul Revue
July 12, Arena Santa Giuliana, 16:00 – Ralf with 12 hours of music, from 16.00 to 4.00, with the best performers of the dance (R.Ha.RF, Ellen Allien, Dj Ralf, …)
July 13, Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Ray Gelato and the Giants, swing and fun
July 14 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Eliane Elias and Stefano Bollani with Hamilton de Holanda. Special guest of the evening clarinetist Anat Cohen.
July 15 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Galactic and then Dr. John, who combined the hippie culture of the picturesque folklore of Mardi Gras, to interpret Louis Armstrong.
July 16 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Monty Alexander
July 17 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Volcan, Hiromi and Camilo
July 18 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Natalie Cole and Fiorella Mannoia
July 19 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Roots
July 20 Arena Santa Giuliana, 18:30 – Take 6, Al Jarreau, Mario Biondi
For all the details 2014 edition of Umbria Jazz visit the official website of the event!
An intersection of musical dimensions and different environments . A passion alive and pulsating that always pushes the protagonists and those behind the scenes, a unique atmosphere that only the Umbria Jazz is able to create.
Back in Perugia, in the summer of 2014, the most important festival in Umbria, in a new, renewed edition that will keep us breathless and wide-eyed for 9 days, from 11th to 20th of July.

The Festival, which renews its collaboration with the Yang Jazz di Foligno and also stands out this year to be multi-utility, an event at the “100% clean energy”, in the squares and the most representative places of the city, will resonate in his soul the sound of jazz, soul, rithythm & blues, blues, gospel, pop song sauce.
The July 10 will open the Festival “Jazz for the game of Solidarity,” at Renato Curi, starring in the field of Italian Nationa
l Singers and the Italian National Jazz Musicians. The proceeds will be donated to regional associations for the fight against cancer.
From 11 July onwards, a relentless series of concerts, shows and events.

Program in a nutshell:
July 11 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Daptone Super Soul Revue
July 12, Arena Santa Giuliana, 16:00 – Ralf with 12 hours of music, from 16.00 to 4.00, with the best performers of the dance (R.Ha.RF, Ellen Allien, Dj Ralf, …)
July 13, Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Ray Gelato and the Giants, swing and fun
July 14 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Eliane Elias and Stefano Bollani with Hamilton de Holanda. Special guest of the evening clarinetist Anat Cohen.
July 15 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Galactic and then Dr. John, who combined the hippie culture of the picturesque folklore of Mardi Gras, to interpret Louis Armstrong.
July 16 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Monty Alexander
July 17 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Volcan, Hiromi and Camilo
July 18 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Natalie Cole and Fiorella Mannoia
July 19 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Roots
July 20 Arena Santa Giuliana, 18:30 – Take 6, Al Jarreau, Mario Biondi
For all the details 2014 edition of Umbria Jazz visit the official website of the event!
An intersection of musical dimensions and different environments . A passion alive and pulsating that always pushes the protagonists and those behind the scenes, a unique atmosphere that only the Umbria Jazz is able to create.
Back in Perugia, in the summer of 2014, the most important festival in Umbria, in a new, renewed edition that will keep us breathless and wide-eyed for 9 days, from 11th to 20th of July.

The Festival, which renews its collaboration with the Yang Jazz di Foligno and also stands out this year to be multi-utility, an event at the “100% clean energy”, in the squares and the most representative places of the city, will resonate in his soul the sound of jazz, soul, rithythm & blues, blues, gospel, pop song sauce.
The July 10 will open the Festival “Jazz for the game of Solidarity,” at Renato Curi, starring in the field of Italian National Singers and the Italian National Jazz Musicians. The proceeds will be donated to regional associations for the fight against cancer.
From 11 July onwards, a relentless series of concerts, shows and events.

Program in a nutshell:
July 11 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Daptone Super Soul Revue
July 12, Arena Santa Giuliana, 16:00 – Ralf with 12 hours of music, from 16.00 to 4.00, with the best performers of the dance (R.Ha.RF, Ellen Allien, Dj Ralf, …)
July 13, Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Ray Gelato and the Giants, swing and fun
July 14 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Eliane Elias and Stefano Bollani with Hamilton de Holanda. Special guest of the evening clarinetist Anat Cohen.
July 15 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Galactic and then Dr. John, who combined the hippie culture of the picturesque folklore of Mardi Gras, to interpret Louis Armstrong.
July 16 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Monty Alexander
July 17 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Volcan, Hiromi and Camilo
July 18 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Natalie Cole and Fiorella Mannoia
July 19 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Roots
July 20 Arena Santa Giuliana, 18:30 – Take 6, Al Jarreau, Mario Biondi
For all the details 2014 edition of Umbria Jazz visit the official website of the event!
An intersection of musical dimensions and different environments . A passion alive and pulsating that always pushes the protagonists and those behind the scenes, a unique atmosphere that only the Umbria Jazz is able to create.
Back in Perugia, in the summer of 2014, the most important festival in Umbria, in a new, renewed edition that will keep us breathless and wide-eyed for 9 days, from 11th to 20th of July.

The Festival, which renews its collaboration with the Yang Jazz di Foligno and also stands out this year to be multi-utility, an event at the “100% clean energy”, in the squares and the most representative places of the city, will resonate in his soul the sound of jazz, soul, rithythm & blues, blues, gospel, pop song sauce.
The July 10 will open the Festival “Jazz for the game of Solidarity,” at Renato Curi, starring in the field of Italian National Singers and the Italian National Jazz Musicians. The proceeds will be donated to regional associations for the fight against cancer.
From 11 July onwards, a relentless series of concerts, shows and events.

Program in a nutshell:
July 11 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Daptone Super Soul Revue
July 12, Arena Santa Giuliana, 16:00 – Ralf with 12 hours of music, from 16.00 to 4.00, with the best performers of the dance (R.Ha.RF, Ellen Allien, Dj Ralf, …)
July 13, Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Ray Gelato and the Giants, swing and fun
July 14 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Eliane Elias and Stefano Bollani with Hamilton de Holanda. Special guest of the evening clarinetist Anat Cohen.
July 15 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Galactic and then Dr. John, who combined the hippie culture of the picturesque folklore of Mardi Gras, to interpret Louis Armstrong.
July 16 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Hancock, Wayne Shorter and Monty Alexander
July 17 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Volcan, Hiromi and Camilo
July 18 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – Natalie Cole and Fiorella Mannoia
July 19 Arena Santa Giuliana, 21:00 – The Roots
July 20 Arena Santa Giuliana, 18:30 – Take 6, Al Jarreau, Mario Biondi
For all the details 2014 edition of Umbria Jazz visit the official website of the event!
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