Dal 3 all’11 marzo 2018 torna Expo Casa, il Salone Nazionale dell’Arredamento e dell’Edilizia che si svolge da oltre 35 anni a Bastia Umbra, presso il polo fieristico di Umbria Fiere. Con un percorso rinnovato in cui il visitatore si troverà immersi in “allestimenti esperienziali”, Expo Casa ci porterà oltre i confini stessi della casa.
Perchè la casa parla di noi, dei nostri gusti e della nostra personalità, coniugando il bello al funzionale ed adattandosi al meglio alle esigenze di chi la vive, con soluzioni adattabili ad ogni esigenza e ogni ambiente.

>> Vieni a visitare Expo Casa! Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi di Bastia Umbra
Stand e novità di Expo Casa 2018
Anche quest’anno, la rassegna si conferma evento leader del Centro-Italia con oltre 500 stand espositivi dove è possibile trovare il meglio del living home! L’evento 2018 sarà in particolare incentrato sulla tematica del rinnovamento e degli spazi di relazione, seguendo lo slogan “Less Things More Links – per abitare dovunque e comunque”.
Expo Casa si riconferma inoltre green-friendly: si veste di verde e diventa un vero e proprio cantiere di idee ed innovazioni sostenibili, per costruire secondo natura e con un occhio di riguardo alle tecniche di nuova generazione.
Ben 10 padiglioni tematici, su circa 28.000 mq, tra i quali curiosare per soddisfare ogni esigenza e rendere unica e perfetta la nostra casa. Un’occasione unica per trovare il giusto complemento d’arredo per ogni spazio, o per scegliere i migliori materiali e infissi per la costruzione e il restyling delle nostre case.
Inoltre nell’area centrale dello spazio espositivo, denominata Piazza Tecla, si svolgeranno eventi ed incontri a tema. Expo Casa propone un ricco programma culturale molto stimolante, che vedrà la partecipazione di artisti, designer, case madri, operatori e professionisti del settore.

Saloni Tematici di Expo Casa 2018
Ecco allora tutti i padiglioni a tema:
– Salone Fuoco, con impianti in funzione (riscaldamento, sistemi, caldaie, rivestimenti) per conoscere la tradizione del calore in tutte le sue forme;
– Salone Risparmio Energetico, l’efficienza e il risparmio in un percorso attraverso proposte costruttive e sistemi a consumi ridotti, tra termoidraulica e costruzioni sostenibili;
– Abitare il Verde, salone dedicato a chi ama il verde domestico, il giardinaggio, l’orticoltura hobbistica, ma anche a chi cerca nuove idee per arredare e impreziosire gli spazi verdi della propria casa, dal giardino al balcone, dall’orto al terrazzo;
– Salone Arredo Bagno, tutto il mondo degli accessori, dei rivestimenti e dell’edilizia del nuovo ambiente bagno (vasche, docce, sanitari, illuminazione, rubinetteria, colori, materiali, rivestimenti), con tante novità e idee originali;
– Salone Arredamento, tutto l’arredamento contemporaneo, moderno e di design con cucine, mobili, divani, aree living e notte, alla ricerca della soluzione più adatta per ogni ambiente;
– Salone Edilizia, una panoramica a 360° nel mondo dell’edilizia, degli infissi e dei camini, ma anche per trovare soluzioni e opportunità per l’outdoor, il terrazzo, la piscina e il wellness in casa; inoltre, un punto di riferimento per chi è alla ricerca di soluzioni per la sicurezza, attiva e passiva, della propria abitazione con: sistemi antiintrusione, videosorveglianza, domotica, serramenti di sicurezza, allarmi, antifurti, assicurazioni e molto altro ancora;
– Salone Artquake, spazio dedicato alla ricostruzione post-sisma e ai nuovi materiali edilizi (come il legno e la canapa), con varie installazioni artistico-architettoniche;
– Salone Casa & Disabilità, tecnologie e arredi dedicati ad abbattere le barriere architettoniche e garantire l’autonomia e la protezione adatta alle persone con disabilità;
– Salone Complementi, tutti i complementi d’arredo per arricchire la propria abitazione (decorazioni, oggettistica, casalinghi, tessile, illuminazione, artigianato artistico);
– Salone Vivere Dovunque, idee e soluzioni innovative per garantire l’abitabilità nei più vari contesti geografici e urbani, affinché ci si senta a casa propria ovunque.

Informazioni pratiche per Expo Casa
Umbriafiere, Bastia Umbra (Perugia) – Sede Espositiva
Ingresso giorni feriali 15:00 – 21:00
Ingresso Sabato & Domenica 10:00 – 21:00
A pagamento: Biglietto Intero € 8,00
Ingresso ridotto € 3,00 con coupon. E’ possibile scaricare il proprio coupon direttamente nel sito ufficiale dell’evento, compilando l’apposito form, per poi stamparlo e pr
esentarlo in biglietteria insieme al proprio documento d’identità.
Servizi interni all’area fieristica
Noleggio Allestimenti
Pronto Soccorso
At Bastia Umbra, in the Umbrian Fair Center, from 5th to 13th March there will be the 34th edition of Home Expo, the National Exhibition of Furniture and Building.
Over then thirty years ago, Home Expo has started to bring us beyond the confines of the home, offering solutions adapted to every need and environment.
Because the home tells about us, about our tastes and personalities, combining beauty with functionality and adapting to the needs of those who live it.

2016 Stands and News
Also this year, the event is confirmed leading event in central Italy, with over 500 exhibition stands where you will find the best of living home!
In addiction, with this edition, the fair will be green-friendly, it will dress in green and will become a real yard of ideas and sustainable innovations, to build according to the nature and with an eye to the techniques of the new generation. After the success of 2015, the new exhibition area dedicated to ecogreen buildings fits in a major and qualifying exhibition .
6 thematic pavilions, on around 28,000 square meters, where you will browse and enjoy every need, to make unique and perfect our home.
An important opportunity to find the right piece of furniture for each space, or to choose the best materials and fixtures for the construction or the redesign of our homes.

So, here the thematic areas:
– Salone Fuoco, Fire Hall (outdoor): with operating plants to know the tradition of the heat in all its forms;
– Salone Energia & Risparmio, Salon & Energy Savings (Hall 4): efficiency and savings, in a journey through constructive proposals and systems at low power consumption;
– Abitare il Verde, Living the Green (Hall 5 and 6), show dedicated to those who love green home, gardening, horticulture, but also to those who are looking for new ideas to decorate and embellish the green spaces of thier home, from the garden to the balcony, from the garden to the terrace;
– Salone “Total Bath” Edilizia e Complementi, “Total Bath” Construction and Equipment (Hall 7): the world of the accessories, coatings and interior buildings encased in a single hall, with many new and original ideas;
– Salone Arredi, furnitures (Hall 8): kitchens, furnitures, sofas and bathroom furnitures in search of the best solution for each environment;
– Salone Casa Sicura e Arredi Outdoor, Safe House and Outdoor Equipment (Hall 9): a 360° trip in the industry of construction, frames and chimneys, but also a way to find solutions and opportunities for the outdoor, the terrace, the pool and the wellness at home; Furthermore, a reference point for those who are looking for security solutions, actives and passives, for their home, with: anti-intrusion systems, video surveillance, home automation, security doors, alarms, car alarms, insurance and much more.

Practical informations
Umbria Fiere, Bastia Umbra (Pg)
Opening time
Monday to Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Full ticket 7,00 €
Internal services
Information point
First aid
At Bastia Umbra, in the Umbrian Fair Center, from 5th to 13th March there will be the 34th edition of Home Expo, the National Exhibition of Furniture and Building.
Over then thirty years ago, Home Expo has started to bring us beyond the confines of the home, offering solutions adapted to every need and environment.
Because the home tells about us, about our tastes and personalities, combining beauty with functionality and adapting to the needs of those who live it.

2016 Stands and News
Also this year, the event is confirmed leading event in central Italy, with over 500 exhibition stands where you will find the best of living home!
In addiction, with this edition, the fair will be green-friendly, it will dress in green and will become a real yard of ideas and sustainable innovations, to build according to the nature and with an eye to the techniques of the new generation. After the success of 2015, the new exhibition area dedicated to ecogreen buildings fits in a major and qualifying exhibition .
6 thematic pavilions, on around 28,000 square meters, where you will browse and enjoy every need, to make unique and perfect our home.
An important opportunity to find the righ
t piece of furniture for each space, or to choose the best materials and fixtures for the construction or the redesign of our homes.

So, here the thematic areas:
– Salone Fuoco, Fire Hall (outdoor): with operating plants to know the tradition of the heat in all its forms;
– Salone Energia & Risparmio, Salon & Energy Savings (Hall 4): efficiency and savings, in a journey through constructive proposals and systems at low power consumption;
– Abitare il Verde, Living the Green (Hall 5 and 6), show dedicated to those who love green home, gardening, horticulture, but also to those who are looking for new ideas to decorate and embellish the green spaces of thier home, from the garden to the balcony, from the garden to the terrace;
– Salone “Total Bath” Edilizia e Complementi, “Total Bath” Construction and Equipment (Hall 7): the world of the accessories, coatings and interior buildings encased in a single hall, with many new and original ideas;
– Salone Arredi, furnitures (Hall 8): kitchens, furnitures, sofas and bathroom furnitures in search of the best solution for each environment;
– Salone Casa Sicura e Arredi Outdoor, Safe House and Outdoor Equipment (Hall 9): a 360° trip in the industry of construction, frames and chimneys, but also a way to find solutions and opportunities for the outdoor, the terrace, the pool and the wellness at home; Furthermore, a reference point for those who are looking for security solutions, actives and passives, for their home, with: anti-intrusion systems, video surveillance, home automation, security doors, alarms, car alarms, insurance and much more.

Practical informations
Umbria Fiere, Bastia Umbra (Pg)
Opening time
Monday to Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Full ticket 7,00 €
Internal services
Information point
First aid
At Bastia Umbra, in the Umbrian Fair Center, from 5th to 13th March there will be the 34th edition of Home Expo, the National Exhibition of Furniture and Building.
Over then thirty years ago, Home Expo has started to bring us beyond the confines of the home, offering solutions adapted to every need and environment.
Because the home tells about us, about our tastes and personalities, combining beauty with functionality and adapting to the needs of those who live it.

2016 Stands and News
Also this year, the event is confirmed leading event in central Italy, with over 500 exhibition stands where you will find the best of living home!
In addiction, with this edition, the fair will be green-friendly, it will dress in green and will become a real yard of ideas and sustainable innovations, to build according to the nature and with an eye to the techniques of the new generation. After the success of 2015, the new exhibition area dedicated to ecogreen buildings fits in a major and qualifying exhibition .
6 thematic pavilions, on around 28,000 square meters, where you will browse and enjoy every need, to make unique and perfect our home.
An important opportunity to find the right piece of furniture for each space, or to choose the best materials and fixtures for the construction or the redesign of our homes.

So, here the thematic areas:
– Salone Fuoco, Fire Hall (outdoor): with operating plants to know the tradition of the heat in all its forms;
– Salone Energia & Risparmio, Salon & Energy Savings (Hall 4): efficiency and savings, in a journey through constructive proposals and systems at low power consumption;
– Abitare il Verde, Living the Green (Hall 5 and 6), show dedicated to those who love green home, gardening, horticulture, but also to those who are looking for new ideas to decorate and embellish the green spaces of thier home, from the garden to the balcony, from the garden to the terrace;
– Salone “Total Bath” Edilizia e Complementi, “Total Bath” Construction and Equipment (Hall 7): the world of the accessories, coatings and interior buildings encased in a single hall, with many new and original ideas;
– Salone Arredi, furnitures (Hall 8): kitchens, furnitures, sofas and bathroom furnitures in search of the best solution for each environment;
– Salone Casa Sicura e Arredi Outdoor, Safe House and Outdoor Equipment (Hall 9): a 360° trip in the industry of construction, frames and chimneys, but also a way to find solutions and opportunities for the outdoor, the terrace, the pool and the wellness at home; Furthermore, a reference point for those who are looking for security solutions, actives and passives, for their home, with: anti-intrusion systems, video surveillance, home automation, security doors, alarms, car alarms, insurance and much more.

Practical informations
Umbria Fiere, Bastia Umbra (Pg)
Opening time
Monday to Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Full ticket 7,00 €
Internal services
Information point
First aid
At Bastia Umbra, in the Umbrian Fair Center, from 5th to 13th March there will be the 34th edition of Home Expo, the National Exhibition of Furniture and Building.
Over then thirty years ago, Home Expo has started to bring us beyond the confines of the home, offering solutions adapted to every need and environment.
Because the home tells about us, about our tastes and personalities, combining beauty with functionality and adapting to the needs of those who live it.

2016 Stands and News
Also this year, the event is confirmed leading event in central Italy, with over 500 exhibition stands where you will find the best of living home!
In addiction, with this edition, the fair will be green-friendly, it will dress in green and will become a real yard of ideas and sustainable innovations, to build according to the nature and with an eye to the techniques of the new generation. After the success of 2015, the new exhibition area dedicated to ecogreen buildings fits in a major and qualifying exhibition .
6 thematic pavilions, on around 28,000 square meters, where you will browse and enjoy every need, to make unique and perfect our home.
An important opportunity to find the right piece of furniture for each space, or to choose the best materials and fixtures for the construction or the redesign of our homes.

So, here the thematic areas:
– Salone Fuoco, Fire Hall (outdoor): with operating plants to know the tradition of the heat in all its forms;
– Salone Energia & Risparmio, Salon & Energy Savings (Hall 4): efficiency and savings, in a journey through constructive proposals and systems at low power consumption;
– Abitare il Verde, Living the Green (Hall 5 and 6), show dedicated to those who love green home, gardening, horticulture, but also to those who are looking for new ideas to decorate and embellish the green spaces of thier home, from the garden to the balcony, from the garden to the terrace;
– Salone “Total Bath” Edilizia e Complementi, “Total Bath” Construction and Equipment (Hall 7): the world of the accessories, coatings and interior buildings encased in a single hall, with many new and original ideas;
– Salone Arredi, furnitures (Hall 8): kitchens, furnitures, sofas and bathroom furnitures in search of the best solution for each environment;
– Salone Casa Sicura e Arredi Outdoor, Safe House and Outdoor Equipment (Hall 9): a 360° trip in the industry of construction, frames and chimneys, but also a way to find solutions and opportunities for the outdoor, the terrace, the pool and the wellness at home; Furthermore, a reference point for those who are looking for security solutions, actives and passives, for their home, with: anti-intrusion systems, video surveillance, home automation, security doors, alarms, car alarms, insurance and much more.

Practical informations
Umbria Fiere, Bastia Umbra (Pg)
Opening time
Monday to Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Full ticket 7,00 €
Internal services
Information point
First aid
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