Dal 26 Luglio al 4 Agosto 2019, naso all’insù nei cieli umbri!

Torna l’appuntamento con la Sagrantino International Challenge Cup e le sue tantissime mongolfiere, in un 2019 che segna la 31esima edizione della manifestazione per una settimana piena di festa, divertimento e occhi al cielo, pronti ad avvistare una delle tante mongolfiere che attraverseranno i cieli di tutta la regione. Come per lo scorso anno, confermato il raddoppio dei siti di lancio: il Parco Acquarossa di Gualdo Cattaneo e Todi, sia nel lato sud a Ponte Naia sia nel lato nord a Pantalla, utilizzati con successo in passato e riproposti per valorizzare al meglio la zona di volo al di sopra delle valli del Sagrantino e tuderte.
I team potranno scegliere quotidianamente da quale base effettuare volo e rifornimento: decine e decine di variopinte mongolfiere si alzeranno in volo ogni giorno, regalando un vero e proprio spettacolo che colorerà i cieli umbri.

>> Ci sono tante offerte in scadenza in Umbria! Trova ora quella perfetta per te
Mongolfiere nei cieli tra Todi e Gualdo Cattaneo
Sono attese circa 100 – 150 mongolfiere, addirittura un numero triplo rispetto all’edizione precedente, ed equipaggi provenienti da tutto il mondo per partecipare a questo evento unico, il più grande raduno mongolfieristico d’Italia.
La mongolfiere partiranno dagli spazi del Parco Acquarossa di Gualdo Cattaneo o di Todi al sorgere del sole, alle 6:45 di mattina circa. Le mongolfiere effettueranno inizialmente dei voli liberi, per permettere agli equipaggi di familiarizzare e prendere confidenza con il volo prima delle gare vere e proprie. La competizione ricalca il mondo delle barche a vela e dell’America’s Cup, con tre possibili voli che vedranno il vincitore, vale a dire chi realizzerà il punteggio più alto, sfidare in una prova singola l’attuale detentore della Sagrantino Cup, l’equipaggio uscito vincitore lo scorso anno.
Una giornata speciale sarà il 30 Luglio, quando la partenza delle mongolfiere è eccezionalmente prevista da Trevi.

Ecco allora di seguito il programma dei voli per questo 2019:
Venerdì 26 Luglio 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Sabato 27 Luglio 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Domenica 28 Luglio 06.45 TODI Prima Competizione di Volo
Lunedì 29 Luglio 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Martedì 30 Luglio 06.45 TREVI
Mercoledì 31 Luglio 06.45 TODI Seconda Competizione di Volo
Giovedì 1 Agosto 06.45 TODI Terza Competizione di Volo
Venerdì 2 Agosto 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Sabato 3 Agosto 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Domenica 4 Agosto 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI

Appassionati e curiosi potranno recarsi in zona fin dal mattino per ammirare le mongolfiere alzarsi in volo… e non solo!
Gli amanti della fotografia potranno partecipare ad uno speciale concorso fotografico a tema:
“La bellezza, la suggestività e la maestosità del volo in mongolfiera con tutti i suoi preparativi”
Il concorso è aperto a tutti e vedrà premiate le foto che meglio avranno catturato i colori delle mongolfiere nella cornice paesaggistica dell’Umbria.

>> Se stai pensando ad un soggiorno a Gualdo Cattaneo, guarda ora i nostri consigli sui migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi della zona!
From 26th July to 4th August 2019 in Umbria, looking skyward!

Here we are with the annual appointment with the Sagrantino International Challenge Cup and its many hot-air balloons, for a super 2019 edition of one week. The launching sites are also doubling: the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo plus the city of Todi (the south point of Ponte Naia and the north point of Pantalla) already successfully used in the past and re-proposed to enhance the area of flight above the valleys of Sagrantino and Todi.
The teams will be able to choose daily from which base to fly and to refuel: dozens and dozens of colorful hot air balloons will fly up every day, giving a real show that will color the Umbrian skies.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out the best for you!
Hot-air balloons between the skies of Todi and Gualdo Cattaneo
About 100 – 150 hot-air balloons are expected, even a triple number compared to the previous edition, with their crews who coming from all over the world to take part in this unique event, the biggest hot-air balloons gathering in Italy.
The hot air balloons will depart from the spaces of the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo or from Todi at sunrise, at around 7:00 am. The balloons will initially make free flights, to allow the crews to familiarize and to get comfortable with the flight before the actual races. The competition follows the world of sailing boats and of the America’s Cup, with three possible flights that will see the winner, who will achieve the highest score, challenge the current holder of the Sagrantino Cup – meaning the crew came out last year – in a single test.

Here the flight program 2019:
Friday 26th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Saturday 27th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Sunday 28th. July. 06.45 TODI Ist. Competition Flight**
Monday 29th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Tuesday 30th. July. 06.45 TREVI
Wednesday 31st. July. 06.45 TODI 2nd. Competition Flight**
Thursday 1st. August. 06.45 TODI 3rd. Competition Flight**
Friday 2nd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Saturday 3rd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Sunday 4th. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Launch fields: Parco Acquarossa: Ponte di Ferro, Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg).
TODI: Aviosuperficie di Pantalla* or Ponte Naia*
TREVI: Cannaiolo
* The Todi launch site will be decided each morning preflight according to wind direction in order to assure the flight will be conducted over the town of todi.
** Only one launch field will be used the mornings reserved for competition flights.
Duration of flights: 60/90 minutes.
Late afternoon flights will be scheduled for those few teams wishing to fly with refueling from 20.00 to 21.00 at TODI Ponte Naia.

Passionate and curious people can go to those area in the morning to admire the hot air balloons… and not only!
Lovers of photography can take part in a special themed photography contest:
“The beauty, the suggestiveness and the majesty of the hot air balloon flight with all its preparations”
The competition is open to all and will see awarded the best photos that have captured the colors of the balloons in the landscape of Umbria.

>> Look at the best accommodations in hotels, b&b or farmhouses in the area of Gualdo Cattaneo
From 26th July to 4th August 2019 in Umbria, looking skyward!

Here we are with the annual appointment with the Sagrantino International Challenge Cup and its many hot-air balloons, for a super 2019 edition of one week. The launching sites are also doubling: the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo plus the city of Todi (the south point of Ponte Naia and the north point of Pantalla) already successfully used in the past and re-proposed to enhance the area of flight above the valleys of Sagrantino and Todi.
The teams will be able to choose daily from which base to fly and to refuel: dozens and dozens of colorful hot air balloons will fly up every day, giving a real show that will color the Umbrian skies.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out the best for you!
Hot-air balloons between the skies of Todi and Gualdo Cattaneo
About 100 – 150 hot-air balloons are expected, even a triple number compared to the previous edition, with their crews who coming from all over the world to take part in this unique event, the biggest hot-air balloons gathering in Italy.
The hot air balloons will depart from the spaces of the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo or from Todi at sunrise, at around 7:00 am. The balloons will initially make free flights, to allow the crews to familiarize and to get comfortable with the flight before the actual races. The competition follows the world of sailing boats and of the America’s Cup, with three possible flights that will see the winner, who will achieve the highest score, challenge the current holder of the Sagrantino Cup – meaning the crew came out last year – in a single test.

Here the flight program 2019:
Friday 26th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Saturday 27th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Sunday 28th. July. 06.45 TODI Ist. Competition Flight**
Monday 29th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Tuesday 30th. July. 06.45 TREVI
Wednesday 31st. July. 06.45 TODI 2nd. Competition Flight**
Thursday 1st. August. 06.45 TODI 3rd. Competition Flight**
Friday 2nd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Saturday 3rd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Sunday 4th. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Launch fields: Parco Acquarossa: Ponte di Ferro, Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg).
TODI: Aviosuperficie di Pantalla* or Ponte Naia*
TREVI: Cannaiolo
* The Todi launch site will be decided each morning preflight according to wind direction in order to assure the flight will be conducted over the town of todi.
** Only one launch field will be used the mornings reserved for competition flights.
Duration of flights: 60/90 minutes.
Late afternoon flights will be scheduled for those few teams wishing to fly with refueling from 20.00 to 21.00 at TODI Ponte Naia.

Passionate and curious people can go to those area in the morning to admire the hot air balloons… and not only!
Lovers of photography can take part in a special themed photography contest:
“The beauty, the suggestiveness and the majesty of the hot air balloon flight with all its preparations”
The competition is open to all and will see awarded the best photos that have captured the colors of the balloons in the landscape of Umbria.

>> Look at the best accommodations in hotels, b&b or farmhouses in the area of Gualdo Cattaneo
From 26th July to 4th August 2019 in Umbria, looking skyward!

Here we are with the annual appointment with the Sagrantino International Challenge Cup and its many hot-air balloons, for a super 2019 edition of one week. The launching sites are also doubling: the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo plus the city of Todi (the south point of Ponte Naia and the north point of Pantalla) already successfully used in the past and re-proposed to enhance the area of flight above the valleys of Sagrantino and Todi.
The teams will be able to choose daily from which base to fly and to refuel: dozens and dozens of colorful hot air balloons will fly up every day, giving a real show that will color the Umbrian skies.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out the best for you!
Hot-air balloons between the skies of Todi and Gualdo Cattaneo
About 100 – 150 hot-air balloons are expected, even a triple number compared to the previous edition, with their crews who coming from all over the world to take part in this unique event, the biggest hot-air balloons gathering in Italy.
The hot air balloons will depart from the spaces of the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo or from Todi at sunrise, at around 7:00 am. The balloons will initially make free flights, to allow the crews to familiarize and to get comfortable with the flight before the actual races. The competition follows the world of sailing boats and of the America’s Cup, with three possible flights that will see the winner, who will achieve the highest score, challenge the current holder of the Sagrantino Cup – meaning the crew came out last year – in a single test.

Here the flight program 2019:
Friday 26th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Saturday 27th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Sunday 28th. July. 06.45 TODI Ist. Competition Flight**
Monday 29th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Tuesday 30th. July. 06.45 TREVI
Wednesday 31st. July. 06.45 TODI 2nd. Competition Flight**
Thursday 1st. August. 06.45 TODI 3rd. Competition Flight**
Friday 2nd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Saturday 3rd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Sunday 4th. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Launch fields: Parco Acquarossa: Ponte di Ferro, Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg).
TODI: Aviosuperficie di Pantalla* or Ponte Naia*
TREVI: Cannaiolo
* The Todi launch site will be decided each morning preflight according to wind direction in order to assure the flight will be conducted over the town of todi.
** Only one launch field will be used the mornings reserved for competition flights.
Duration of flights: 60/90 minutes.
Late afternoon flights will be scheduled for those few teams wishing to fly with refueling from 20.00 to 21.00 at TODI Ponte Naia.

Passionate and curious people can go to those area in the morning to admire the hot air balloons… and not only!
Lovers of photography can take part in a special themed photography contest:
“The beauty, the suggestiveness and the majesty of the hot air balloon flight with all its preparations”
The competition is open to all and will see awarded the best photos that have captured the colors of the balloons in the landscape of Umbria.

>> Look at the best accommodations in hotels, b&b or farmhouses in the area of Gualdo Cattaneo
From 26th July to 4th August 2019 in Umbria, looking skyward!

Here we are with the annual appointment with the Sagrantino International Challenge Cup and its many hot-air balloons, for a super 2019 edition of one week. The launching sites are also doubling: the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo plus the city of Todi (the south point of Ponte Naia and the north point of Pantalla) already successfully used in the past and re-proposed to enhance the area of flight above the valleys of Sagrantino and Todi.
The teams will be able to choose daily from which base to fly and to refuel: dozens and dozens of colorful hot air balloons will fly up every day, giving a real show that will color the Umbrian skies.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out the best for you!
Hot-air balloons between the skies of Todi and Gualdo Cattaneo
About 100 – 150 hot-air balloons are expected, even a triple number compared to the previous edition, with their crews who coming from all over the world to take part in this unique event, the biggest hot-air balloons gathering in Italy.
The hot air balloons will depart from the spaces of the Acquarossa Park of Gualdo Cattaneo or from Todi at sunrise, at around 7:00 am. The balloons will initially make free flights, to allow the crews to familiarize and to get comfortable with the flight before the actual races. The competition follows the world of sailing boats and of the America’s Cup, with three possible flights that will see the winner, who will achieve the highest score, challenge the current holder of the Sagrantino Cup – meaning the crew came out last year – in a single test.

Here the flight program 2019:
Friday 26th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Saturday 27th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Sunday 28th. July. 06.45 TODI Ist. Competition Flight**
Monday 29th. July. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + Todi
Tuesday 30th. July. 06.45 TREVI
Wednesday 31st. July. 06.45 TODI 2nd. Competition Flight**
Thursday 1st. August. 06.45 TODI 3rd. Competition Flight**
Friday 2nd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Saturday 3rd. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Sunday 4th. August. 06.45 Parco Acquarossa + TODI
Launch fields: Parco Acquarossa: Ponte di Ferro, Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg).
TODI: Aviosuperficie di Pantalla* or Ponte Naia*
TREVI: Cannaiolo
* The Todi launch site will be decided each morning preflight according to wind direction in order to assure the flight will be conducted over the town of todi.
** Only one launch field will be used the mornings reserved for competition flights.
Duration of flights: 60/90 minutes.
Late afternoon flights will be scheduled for those few teams wishing to fly with refueling from 20.00 to 21.00 at TODI Ponte Naia.

Passionate and curious people can go to those area in the morning to admire the hot air balloons… and not only!
Lovers of photography can take part in a special themed photography contest:
“The beauty, the suggestiveness and the majesty of the hot air balloon flight with all its preparations”
The competition is open to all and will see awarded the best photos that have captured the colors of the balloons in the landscape of Umbria.

>> Look at the best accommodations in hotels, b&b or farmhouses in the area of Gualdo Cattaneo
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