Il Ronnie Scott’s è un locale, ristorante e pub che si trova a Terni, a due passi dalla stazione. Questo locale nasce come tipico “English pub” nell’ottobre del 1997, viene arredato con cura per riproporre il classico pub inglese, con birre superlative,cibo ricercato e serate a tema.

Dal 2004 il Ronnie Scott’s ha subito un’ampliamento e si è evoluto a locale contemporaneo ibrido polivalente, con la creazione di grandi cucine e forno per abbracciare una maggiore fascia di persone. Il locale è dotato di una grande sala, un soppalco, un grande bancone e una pedana esterna per il periodo estivo, il tutto arredato con raffinatezza e stile moderno.

Ogni sera il Ronnie Scott’s è un luogo di riferimento a cena con menu alla carta che và dagli antipastoni, ai piatti dietetici, insalatone, grigliate miste, carni irlandesi e argentine, primipiatti e pizza al piatto con forno a vista ma anche nel dopocena, quando la serata si accende grazie alla musica dal vivo, discoteca e ogni altro genere di eventi e feste.

The Ronnie Scott’s is a local restaurant and pub situated in Terni near the station. This place started as a typical “English pub” in October of 1997, is decorated with care to revive the classic english pub, with superb beers, sophisticated food and theme nights.

Since 2004 Ronnie Scott’s has been extension and evolved to local contemporary versatile hybrid, with the creation of large kitchen and oven to embrace a greater range of people. The restaurant has a large room, a loft, a large bar and a platform outside for the summer, all furnished with elegance and modern style.

Each evening, the Ronnie Scott’s is a place of reference to dinner with a la menu that goes from appetizers, to diet foods, salads, grilled meats, Irish and Argentine and pizza dish with oven sight but also after dinner, when the night lights up with live music, disco and all other types of events and parties.

The Ronnie Scott’s is a local restaurant and pub situated in Terni near the station. This place started as a typical “English pub” in October of 1997, is decorated with care to revive the classic english pub, with superb beers, sophisticated food and theme nights.

Since 2004 Ronnie Scott’s has been extension and evolved to local contemporary versatile hybrid, with the creation of large kitchen and oven to embrace a greater range of people. The restaurant has a large room, a loft, a large bar and a platform outside for the summer, all furnished with elegance and modern style.

Each evening, the Ronnie Scott’s is a place of reference to dinner with a la menu that goes from appetizers, to diet foods, salads, grilled meats, Irish and Argentine and pizza dish with oven sight but also after dinner, when the night lights up with live music, disco and all other types of events and parties.

The Ronnie Scott’s is a local restaurant and pub situated in Terni near the station. This place started as a typical “English pub” in October of 1997, is decorated with care to revive the classic english pub, with superb beers, sophisticated food and theme nights.

Since 2004 Ronnie Scott’s has been extension and evolved to local contemporary versatile hybrid, with the creation of large kitchen and oven to embrace a greater range of people. The restaurant has a large room, a loft, a large bar and a platform outside for the summer, all furnished with elegance and modern style.

Each evening, the Ronnie Scott’s is a place of reference to dinner with a la menu that goes from appetizers, to diet foods, salads, grilled meats, Irish and Argentine and pizza dish with oven sight but also after dinner, when the night lights up with live music, disco and all other types of events and parties.

The Ronnie Scott’s is a local restaurant and pub situated in Terni near the station. This place started as a typical “English pub” in October of 1997, is decorated with care to revive the classic english pub, with superb beers, sophisticated food and theme nights.

Since 2004 Ronnie Scott’s has been extension and evolved to local contemporary versatile hybrid, with the creation of large kitchen and oven to embrace a greater range of people. The restaurant has a large room, a loft, a large bar and a platform outside for the summer, all furnished with elegance and modern style.

Each evening, the Ronnie Scott’s is a place of reference to dinner with a la menu that goes from appetizers, to diet foods, salads, grilled meats, Irish and Argentine and pizza dish with oven sight but also after dinner, when the night lights up with live music, disco and all other types of events and parties.