Dal 20 al 30 Giugno 2019, il Mercato delle Gaite torna ad animare le strade e le piazze del borgo medievale di Bevagna.
Il Mercato delle Gaite è certamente una delle più importanti manifestazioni storiche dell’Umbria, in cui la vita quotidiana degli abitanti della cittadina in epoca medievale è ricostruita con dovizia di particolari e massima attenzione alla fedeltà storica.
Come sempre, i dieci giorni di eventi e rievocazioni saranno anticipati dal Banchetto Medievale previsto per Sabato 8 Giugno 2019. Si tratta di un’esperienza preziosa e unica: per una notte, la piazza principale di Bevagna si trasforma nella sala a cielo aperto di un castello medievale in festa.

>> Partecipa al Mercato delle Gaite e vivi l’emozione di un viaggi indietro nel tempo! Noi ti suggeriamo i migliori agriturismi di Bevagna e dintorni
Il Banchetto Medievale di Bevagna – 8 Giugno 2019
Piazza Silvestri con i suoi palazzi, considerati tra le più significative realizzazioni urbanistiche medievali in Umbria, divengono lo scenario perfetto per rivivere l’emozione di un viaggio nel tempo.
Il Palazzo dei Consoli, il Teatro, La Chiesa di San Silvestro, faranno da sfondo alle lunghe tavolate imbandite per l’occasione, dove si consumerà in compagnia un pasto tipico dell’antica tradizione e si assisterà ad un insolito e sorprendente spettacolo sui trampoli, con fiamme ed effetti pirici.

Ecco dunque il menu aggiornato per il Banchetto 2019:
I SERVIZIO Salat (insalata verde) e Frictata verde
II SERVIZIO Suppa de lenticchie e farro e Lasanis
III SERVIZIO Seymè di vitello ( Brodetto di vitello) e Torta de schalogne
IV SERVIZIO Crespes (Crespelle ) e Chiarea
(Costo a persona € 35,00)
Per l’occasione sarà possibile vestire in abiti medievali e sfilare con il corteo, per vivere un’ autentica ed esclusiva serata da nobiluomini e nobildonne! Per informazioni e prenotazioni, contattare l’associazione.

>> Ci sono tante offerte in scadenza per soggiornare in Umbria! Scoprile ora e organizza la tua vacanza nella regione!
Programma del Mercato delle Gaite di Bevagna 2019
Le botteghe medievali
Dal 20 al 30 Giugno 2019 riapriranno allora a Bevagna le antiche botteghe dei mestieri medievali, fiore all’occhiello della manifestazione. Nelle giornate dell’evento, le strade cittadine saranno popolate di figuranti in abiti d’epoca, che vivranno la quotidianità dei loro avi mangiando, lavorando e giocando proprio come loro.
Tra le Botteghe dei Mestieri Medievali, troverete quest’anno:
- La Cartiera di Mastro Cecco;
- La Cereria;
- In Dipintore;
- Il Setificio.
Le sfide tra Gaite
La città si divide in 4 Gaite, o quartieri, secondo l’antica divisione amministrativa medievale. Le Gaite rivaleggiano nel tentativo di dare un’interpretazione il più possibile attinente al ruolo che ognuna di esse rivestiva nel passato, e lo spirito di competizione si concretizza nello svolgimento di quattro gare: gara del mercato, gara dei mestieri, gara gastronomica, gara sportiva di tiro con l’arco.

Il Programma 2019 completo
Taverne e Locande aperte dalle ore 19.30. Nei fine settimana del 22 e 23 / e del 29 e 30 aperte anche a pranzo.
GIOVEDÌ 20.06.2019
Artifices de la cittade de Mevania – Evento inaugurale in occasione del 30° anniversario del Mercato delle Gaite
Che la Festa abbia inizio! Iuramentum Potestatis
ore 21.30 Piazza Filippo Silvestri
(prenotazione obbligatoria)
VENERDÌ 21.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
“Errabundi Musici”
dalle ore 20.30 Piazza Silvestri e a seguire itineranti nelle vie del borgo e nelle taverne delle Gaite
30 anni di Mercato delle Gaite proiezione video mapping celebrativo della manifestazione
dalle ore 22.00 Piazza Silvestri
“Ensamble MusiCanti Potestatis”presentano Quando m’apparve Amore. Notte della musica romantica medievale*
dalle ore 22.15 chiesa di San Silvestro, Piazza Silvestri
SABATO 22.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 12.30; dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00; dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
“Giullari Teatro” presenta Tilopia e il contorno del Diavolo, I musici di Lilliput e La Confraternita di fra Diavolo
“Teatro Leonida” presenta Uranius, spettacolo di fuoco e acrobatica
“Teatro Teonico” presenta Giullarate medievali, spettacolo di equilibrio e giocoleria
dalle ore 10.30 Piazza Silvestri, Corso Matteotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Gramsci (itineranti)
Prove generali della Gara Mestieri medievali (animazioni aperte al pubblico)
ore 15.30 Gaita Santa Maria, ore 16.30 Gaita San Giorgio
“Ensemble MusiCanti Potestatis” e “Trobadores” itineranti nelle vie e nelle piazze del borgo.
dalle ore 17.00
“Ensemble MusiCanti Potestatis” e “Trobadores” itineranti nelle vie e nelle piazze del borgo. Notte romantica medievale*
dalle ore 21.00
Tenzone d’amore e battaglie a cura de “La Compagnia del Grifoncello”
ore 21.30 Piazza Silvestri
DOMENICA 23.06.2019
Disfida di tiro con l’arco storico. Gara Nazionale
dalle ore 9.00 gara itinerante nelle vie del borgo
FINALE: ore 15.00 Piazza Silvestri
“Giullari Teatro” presenta Tilopia e il contorno del Diavolo, I musici di Lilliput e La Confraternita di fra Diavolo
“Teatro Leonida” presenta Uranius, spettacolo di fuoco e acrobatica
“Teatro Teonico” presenta Giullarate medievali, spettacolo di equilibrio e giocoleria
dalle ore 10.30 Piazza Silvestri, Corso Matteotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Gramsci (itineranti)
Messa solenne in canto gregoriano eseguito da “Gruppo Polifonico F. Coradini di Arezzo”
ore 11.00 chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo, Piazza Silvestri
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 12.30; dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00; dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
Prove generali della Gara dei Mestieri medievali (animazioni aperte al pubblico)
ore 15.30 Gaita San Giovanni, ore 16.30 Gaita San Pietro
LUNEDÌ 24.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte in Gaita San Giorgio e in Gaita San Giovanni
dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
“Ensemble MusiCanti Potestatis” itineranti nelle vie e nelle piazze del borgo
dalle ore 20.30
Artes Guaitarum: Gara dei Mestieri
(riservata alla giuria)
Gaita Santa Maria e Gaita San Pietro
“Giullari del Diavolo”
dalle ore 21 Piazza Silvestri
MARTEDÌ 25.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte in Gaita Santa Maria e in Gaita San Pietro
dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
Artes Guaitarum: Gara dei Mestieri
(riservata alla giuria)
Gaita San Giovanni e Gaita San Giorgio
“Giullari del Diavolo”
dalle ore 21 Piazza Silvestri
MERCOLEDÌ 26.10.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
Coquina Guaitarum: Gara Gastronomica
(riservata alla giuria)
Gaita Santa Maria e Gaita San Pietro
“Giullari del Diavolo”
dalle ore 21 Piazza Silvestri
GIOVEDÌ 27.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
Coquina Guaitarum: Gara Gastronomica
(riservata alla giuria)
Gaita San Giovanni e Gaita San Giorgio
“Giullari del Diavolo”
dalle ore 21 Piazza Silvestri
Disfide e contese a cura de “La Compagnia del Grifoncello”
ore 21.30 Piazza Silvestri
VENERDÌ 28.06.2019
“Giullari Teatro” presenta Tilopia e il contorno del Diavolo, I musici di Lilliput e La Confraternita di fra Diavolo
“Teatro Leonida” presenta Uranius, spettacolo di fuoco e acrobatica
“Teatro Teonico” presenta Giullarate medievali, spettacolo di equilibrio e giocoleria
dalle ore 19.00 Piazza Silvestri, Corso Matteotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Gramsci (itineranti)
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
“Ensemble MusiCanti Potestatis” itineranti nelle vie e nelle piazze del borgo
dalle ore 21.00
SABATO 29.06.2019
I Mestieri delle Gaite: botteghe delle Arti aperte nelle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 12.30; dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 19.00; dalle ore 21.00 alle ore 23.30
“Giullari Teatro” presenta Tilopia e il contorno del Diavolo, I musici di Lilliput e La Confraternita di fra Diavolo
“Teatro Leonida” presenta Uranius, spettacolo di fuoco e acrobatica
“Teatro Teonico” presenta Giullarate medievali, spettacolo di equilibrio e giocoleria
“Errabundi Musici”
dalle ore 10.30 Piazza Silvestri, Corso Matteotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Gramsci (itineranti)
Apertura dei Mercati Medievali delle 4 Gaite
dalle ore 16.00 fino al crepuscolo
“Cantoria Mevaniae” presenta Donna, per qual virtude. Amore sacro e amor profano nel Medioevo
dalle ore 18.00 Chiostro di San Domenico, Corso Matteotti
Armoniche cadenze esibizione dei “Tamburini della Nobilissima Parte de Sopra” di Assisi
dalle ore 20.00 itineranti nelle vie del borgo e nelle taverne delle Gaite
ore 22.30 Piazza Silvestri
“Ensemble MusiCanti Potestatis” itineranti nelle vie e nelle piazze del borgo
dalle ore 21.00
DOMENICA 30.06.2019
Mercatores Guaitarum in gara: Gara Mercato (riservata alla giuria)
Mattina: Gaita San Giorgio e Gaita Santa Maria
Pomeriggio: Gaita San Pietro e Gaita San Giovanni
Apertura dei Mercati della Gaita San Pietro e della Gaita San Giovanni
dalle ore 9.30
Prove generali della Gara Mercato medievale (animazione aperta al pubblico)
ore 10.00 Gaita San Pietro
ore 11.15 Gaita San Giovanni
“Giullari Teatro” presenta Tilopia e il contorno del Diavolo, I musici di Lilliput e La Confraternita di fra Diavolo
“Teatro Leonida” presenta Uranius, spettacolo di fuoco e acrobatica
“Teatro Teonico” presenta Giullarate medievali, spettacolo di equilibrio e giocoleria
“Errabundi Musici”
dalle ore 10.30 Piazza Silvestri, Corso Matteotti, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Gramsci (itineranti)
Apertura dei Mercati della Gaita San Giorgio e della Gaita Santa Maria
dalle ore 14.00
Prove generali della Gara Mercato medievale (animazione aperta al pubblico)
ore 16.00 Gaita San Giorgio
ore 17.30 Gaita Santa Maria
Arcatores Guaitarum: gara di tiro con l’arco storico
Cerimonia di chiusura: proclamazione della Gaita vincitrice e assegnazione del Palio 2019
ore 22.00 Piazza Silvestri
(prenotazione obbligatoria)

>> Se non vuoi perdere un evento unico e affascinante come il Mercato delle Gaite, consulta subito i migliori hotel, b&b e agriturismi della zona di Bevagna!
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the Mercato delle Gaite will take place in the city center of the Medieval town of Bevagna.
It is certainly one of the most important historical events of Umbria, where the daily life of the inhabitants of the town in the Middle Ages is reconstructed with a wealth of details and the maximum attention to historical loyalty.
As always, the ten days of events and reenactments will be anticipated by the Medieval Banquet, scheduled for Saturday 9th June 2018. It is a precious and unique experience: for one night, the main square of Bevagna turns into an open-air hall of a medieval castle just for the celebration.

>> Take part in the Mercato delle Gaite and experience the emotion of travelling back in time! We suggest you the best farmhouse of Bevagna and its area
The Medieval Banquet of Bevagna – 9th June 2018
Piazza Silvestri with its buildings, considered among the most significant medieval urban architecture in Umbria, becomes the perfect setting to relive the thrill of a journey through time.
The Palazzo dei Consoli, the Theater, The Church of San Silvestro, will be the frame of the long tables set up for the occasion, where all the guests will eat in company a typical meal of ancient tradition and will witness an unusual and surprising show, with flames and pyrical effects.

Here the 2018 Menu of the special Medieval dinner:
I SERVIZIO Salat (insalata verde) e Frictata verde
II SERVIZIO Suppa de lenticchie e farro e Lasanis
III SERVIZIO Seymè di vitello ( Brodetto di vitello) e Torta de schalogne
IV SERVIZIO Crespes (Crespelle ) e Chiarea
(Price per person € 35,00)
For this night, guests will have the possibility of wearing medieval clothes and of being part of the historical parade, an authentic and exclusive experience! For more informations and reservations, please contact the association.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out more and organize your travel!
2018 Mercato delle Gaite of Bevagna 2018
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the medieval crafts shops that are the pride of the event will re-open in Bevagna. On the days of the manifestation, the city streets will be populated with figures in period clothes, who will live the daily life of their ancestors eating, working and playing just like them.
The city will be divided into 4 Gaite, or districts, according to the ancient medieval administrative division. The Gaite are in a competition to attempt to give an interpretation as much as possible pertaining to the role that each of them played in the past, and the spirit of competition takes the form of four races: market shop competition, competition of the crafts, gastronomic competition, sports competition by archery.

The complete 2018 Program
Taverns will be open from 8 PM (on Saturdays from 4 PM to 11 PM / on Sundays from 5 PM to Midnight and for lunch too)
At 10 PM Piazza F. Silvestri
E SIA FESTA, SIA FESTA GRANDE, Opening Cerimony; Iuramentum potestatis and Artis Guaitarum Parade
Opening Cerimony, “Zoè il principio della vita” by Theatre Piccolo Nuovo
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Giorgio: Zeccherius and Ars Canepis
At 4.30 PM / Gaita San Giovanni: Ars Chartaria and Ars Biccherorum
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
National Challenge of Historical Archery
From 9 AM Challenge in the city streets
At 11 AM / Chiesa di San Michele, Solemn Mass with chants by Cantoria Mevaniae
At 3 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri, Final Challenge of Historical Archery
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Pietro: Scriptorium and Ars tinctoria
At 4.30 PM / Gaita Santa Maria: Ars sete and Magistri lignamis
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Gaita San Giorgio vs Gaita Santa Maria
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria in gara
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Pietro vs San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria
ROMANTIC MEDIEVAL MUSIC NIGHT* at 10 PM / Chiesa di San Silvestro: Medieval Music Concert by Orientis Partibus
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Program of 23th and 24th June, the last weekend of Gaite Events
For the weekend, there will be a tickets entrance of € 2,00 as following:
On Saturday 23th June from 3 PM to 8 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and to the markets until the end of the day; without the ticket, guests will visit them after 8 PM by the usual payment required.
On Saturday 24th June from 9 AM to 7 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and the entertainment inside the city center.
From 4 PM Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite
From 4 PM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 AM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 Opening of the 4 Medieval Markets
Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite: opening time with entertainment by Popoli
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Giorgio
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Pietro
Mercatores Guaitarum Challenge: closed markets during 1 hour and re-opening after the jury time
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Pietro
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Giorgio
At 10.30 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri Medieval Romantic Night*
Historical Archery Challenge (tickets and reservations 0742.361847)
Proclamation of the winning Gaita and award of the Palio 2018
***Entertainment by: le Lame di Albornoz, Folet D’La Marga, Manipura Fire, Compagnia Due di Due, Ensemble Musicanti Potestatis, I Buffoni di Corte, Mirko Revoyera e i Giullari del Diavolo.
*event in collaboration with I Borghi più belli d’Italia

>> Participate in this unique and charming event, look at the best hotels, b&b and farm house of the area of Bevagna!
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the Mercato delle Gaite will take place in the city center of the Medieval town of Bevagna.
It is certainly one of the most important historical events of Umbria, where the daily life of the inhabitants of the town in the Middle Ages is reconstructed with a wealth of details and the maximum attention to historical loyalty.
As always, the ten days of events and reenactments will be anticipated by the Medieval Banquet, scheduled for Saturday 9th June 2018. It is a precious and unique experience: for one night, the main square of Bevagna turns into an open-air hall of a medieval castle just for the celebration.

>> Take part in the Mercato delle Gaite and experience the emotion of travelling back in time! We suggest you the best farmhouse of Bevagna and its area
The Medieval Banquet of Bevagna – 9th June 2018
Piazza Silvestri with its buildings, considered among the most significant medieval urban architecture in Umbria, becomes the perfect setting to relive the thrill of a journey through time.
The Palazzo dei Consoli, the Theater, The Church of San Silvestro, will be the frame of the long tables set up for the occasion, where all the guests will eat in company a typical meal of ancient tradition and will witness an unusual and surprising show, with flames and pyrical effects.

Here the 2018 Menu of the special Medieval dinner:
I SERVIZIO Salat (insalata verde) e Frictata verde
II SERVIZIO Suppa de lenticchie e farro e Lasanis
III SERVIZIO Seymè di vitello ( Brodetto di vitello) e Torta de schalogne
IV SERVIZIO Crespes (Crespelle ) e Chiarea
(Price per person € 35,00)
For this night, guests will have the possibility of wearing medieval clothes and of being part of the historical parade, an authentic and exclusive experience! For more informations and reservations, please contact the association.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out more and organize your travel!
2018 Mercato delle Gaite of Bevagna 2018
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the medieval crafts shops that are the pride of the event will re-open in Bevagna. On the days of the manifestation, the city streets will be populated with figures in period clothes, who will live the daily life of their ancestors eating, working and playing just like them.
The city will be divided into 4 Gaite, or districts, according to the ancient medieval administrative division. The Gaite are in a competition to attempt to give an interpretation as much as possible pertaining to the role that each of them played in the past, and the spirit of competition takes the form of four races: market shop competition, competition of the crafts, gastronomic competition, sports competition by archery.

The complete 2018 Program
Taverns will be open from 8 PM (on Saturdays from 4 PM to 11 PM / on Sundays from 5 PM to Midnight and for lunch too)
At 10 PM Piazza F. Silvestri
E SIA FESTA, SIA FESTA GRANDE, Opening Cerimony; Iuramentum potestatis and Artis Guaitarum Parade
Opening Cerimony, “Zoè il principio della vita” by Theatre Piccolo Nuovo
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Giorgio: Zeccherius and Ars Canepis
At 4.30 PM / Gaita San Giovanni: Ars Chartaria and Ars Biccherorum
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
National Challenge of Historical Archery
From 9 AM Challenge in the city streets
At 11 AM / Chiesa di San Michele, Solemn Mass with chants by Cantoria Mevaniae
At 3 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri, Final Challenge of Historical Archery
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Pietro: Scriptorium and Ars tinctoria
At 4.30 PM / Gaita Santa Maria: Ars sete and Magistri lignamis
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Gaita San Giorgio vs Gaita Santa Maria
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria in gara
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Pietro vs San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria
ROMANTIC MEDIEVAL MUSIC NIGHT* at 10 PM / Chiesa di San Silvestro: Medieval Music Concert by Orientis Partibus
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Program of 23th and 24th June, the last weekend of Gaite Events
For the weekend, there will be a tickets entrance of € 2,00 as following:
On Saturday 23th June from 3 PM to 8 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and to the markets until the end of the day; without the ticket, guests will visit them after 8 PM by the usual payment required.
On Saturday 24th June from 9 AM to 7 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and the entertainment inside the city center.
From 4 PM Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite
From 4 PM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 AM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 Opening of the 4 Medieval Markets
Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite: opening time with entertainment by Popoli
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Giorgio
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Pietro
Mercatores Guaitarum Challenge: closed markets during 1 hour and re-opening after the jury time
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Pietro
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Giorgio
At 10.30 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri Medieval Romantic Night*
Historical Archery Challenge (tickets and reservations 0742.361847)
Proclamation of the winning Gaita and award of the Palio 2018
***Entertainment by: le Lame di Albornoz, Folet D’La Marga, Manipura Fire, Compagnia Due di Due, Ensemble Musicanti Potestatis, I Buffoni di Corte, Mirko Revoyera e i Giullari del Diavolo.
*event in collaboration with I Borghi più belli d’Italia

>> Participate in this unique and charming event, look at the best hotels, b&b and farm house of the area of Bevagna!
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the Mercato delle Gaite will take place in the city center of the Medieval town of Bevagna.
It is certainly one of the most important historical events of Umbria, where the daily life of the inhabitants of the town in the Middle Ages is reconstructed with a wealth of details and the maximum attention to historical loyalty.
As always, the ten days of events and reenactments will be anticipated by the Medieval Banquet, scheduled for Saturday 9th June 2018. It is a precious and unique experience: for one night, the main square of Bevagna turns into an open-air hall of a medieval castle just for the celebration.

>> Take part in the Mercato delle Gaite and experience the emotion of travelling back in time! We suggest you the best farmhouse of Bevagna and its area
The Medieval Banquet of Bevagna – 9th June 2018
Piazza Silvestri with its buildings, considered among the most significant medieval urban architecture in Umbria, becomes the perfect setting to relive the thrill of a journey through time.
The Palazzo dei Consoli, the Theater, The Church of San Silvestro, will be the frame of the long tables set up for the occasion, where all the guests will eat in company a typical meal of ancient tradition and will witness an unusual and surprising show, with flames and pyrical effects.

Here the 2018 Menu of the special Medieval dinner:
I SERVIZIO Salat (insalata verde) e Frictata verde
II SERVIZIO Suppa de lenticchie e farro e Lasanis
III SERVIZIO Seymè di vitello ( Brodetto di vitello) e Torta de schalogne
IV SERVIZIO Crespes (Crespelle ) e Chiarea
(Price per person € 35,00)
For this night, guests will have the possibility of wearing medieval clothes and of being part of the historical parade, an authentic and exclusive experience! For more informations and reservations, please contact the association.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out more and organize your travel!
2018 Mercato delle Gaite of Bevagna 2018
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the medieval crafts shops that are the pride of the event will re-open in Bevagna. On the days of the manifestation, the city streets will be populated with figures in period clothes, who will live the daily life of their ancestors eating, working and playing just like them.
The city will be divided into 4 Gaite, or districts, according to the ancient medieval administrative division. The Gaite are in a competition to attempt to give an interpretation as much as possible pertaining to the role that each of them played in the past, and the spirit of competition takes the form of four races: market shop competition, competition of the crafts, gastronomic competition, sports competition by archery.

The complete 2018 Program
Taverns will be open from 8 PM (on Saturdays from 4 PM to 11 PM / on Sundays from 5 PM to Midnight and for lunch too)
At 10 PM Piazza F. Silvestri
E SIA FESTA, SIA FESTA GRANDE, Opening Cerimony; Iuramentum potestatis and Artis Guaitarum Parade
Opening Cerimony, “Zoè il principio della vita” by Theatre Piccolo Nuovo
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Giorgio: Zeccherius and Ars Canepis
At 4.30 PM / Gaita San Giovanni: Ars Chartaria and Ars Biccherorum
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
National Challenge of Historical Archery
From 9 AM Challenge in the city streets
At 11 AM / Chiesa di San Michele, Solemn Mass with chants by Cantoria Mevaniae
At 3 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri, Final Challenge of Historical Archery
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Pietro: Scriptorium and Ars tinctoria
At 4.30 PM / Gaita Santa Maria: Ars sete and Magistri lignamis
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Gaita San Giorgio vs Gaita Santa Maria
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria in gara
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Pietro vs San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria
ROMANTIC MEDIEVAL MUSIC NIGHT* at 10 PM / Chiesa di San Silvestro: Medieval Music Concert by Orientis Partibus
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Program of 23th and 24th June, the last weekend of Gaite Events
For the weekend, there will be a tickets entrance of € 2,00 as following:
On Saturday 23th June from 3 PM to 8 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and to the markets until the end of the day; without the ticket, guests will visit them after 8 PM by the usual payment required.
On Saturday 24th June from 9 AM to 7 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and the entertainment inside the city center.
From 4 PM Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite
From 4 PM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 AM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 Opening of the 4 Medieval Markets
Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite: opening time with entertainment by Popoli
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Giorgio
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Pietro
Mercatores Guaitarum Challenge: closed markets during 1 hour and re-opening after the jury time
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Pietro
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Giorgio
At 10.30 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri Medieval Romantic Night*
Historical Archery Challenge (tickets and reservations 0742.361847)
Proclamation of the winning Gaita and award of the Palio 2018
***Entertainment by: le Lame di Albornoz, Folet D’La Marga, Manipura Fire, Compagnia Due di Due, Ensemble Musicanti Potestatis, I Buffoni di Corte, Mirko Revoyera e i Giullari del Diavolo.
*event in collaboration with I Borghi più belli d’Italia

>> Participate in this unique and charming event, look at the best hotels, b&b and farm house of the area of Bevagna!
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the Mercato delle Gaite will take place in the city center of the Medieval town of Bevagna.
It is certainly one of the most important historical events of Umbria, where the daily life of the inhabitants of the town in the Middle Ages is reconstructed with a wealth of details and the maximum attention to historical loyalty.
As always, the ten days of events and reenactments will be anticipated by the Medieval Banquet, scheduled for Saturday 9th June 2018. It is a precious and unique experience: for one night, the main square of Bevagna turns into an open-air hall of a medieval castle just for the celebration.

>> Take part in the Mercato delle Gaite and experience the emotion of travelling back in time! We suggest you the best farmhouse of Bevagna and its area
The Medieval Banquet of Bevagna – 9th June 2018
Piazza Silvestri with its buildings, considered among the most significant medieval urban architecture in Umbria, becomes the perfect setting to relive the thrill of a journey through time.
The Palazzo dei Consoli, the Theater, The Church of San Silvestro, will be the frame of the long tables set up for the occasion, where all the guests will eat in company a typical meal of ancient tradition and will witness an unusual and surprising show, with flames and pyrical effects.

Here the 2018 Menu of the special Medieval dinner:
I SERVIZIO Salat (insalata verde) e Frictata verde
II SERVIZIO Suppa de lenticchie e farro e Lasanis
III SERVIZIO Seymè di vitello ( Brodetto di vitello) e Torta de schalogne
IV SERVIZIO Crespes (Crespelle ) e Chiarea
(Price per person € 35,00)
For this night, guests will have the possibility of wearing medieval clothes and of being part of the historical parade, an authentic and exclusive experience! For more informations and reservations, please contact the association.

>> There are many offers to stay in Umbria! Find out more and organize your travel!
2018 Mercato delle Gaite of Bevagna 2018
From 14th to 24th June 2018, the medieval crafts shops that are the pride of the event will re-open in Bevagna. On the days of the manifestation, the city streets will be populated with figures in period clothes, who will live the daily life of their ancestors eating, working and playing just like them.
The city will be divided into 4 Gaite, or districts, according to the ancient medieval administrative division. The Gaite are in a competition to attempt to give an interpretation as much as possible pertaining to the role that each of them played in the past, and the spirit of competition takes the form of four races: market shop competition, competition of the crafts, gastronomic competition, sports competition by archery.

The complete 2018 Program
Taverns will be open from 8 PM (on Saturdays from 4 PM to 11 PM / on Sundays from 5 PM to Midnight and for lunch too)
At 10 PM Piazza F. Silvestri
E SIA FESTA, SIA FESTA GRANDE, Opening Cerimony; Iuramentum potestatis and Artis Guaitarum Parade
Opening Cerimony, “Zoè il principio della vita” by Theatre Piccolo Nuovo
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Giorgio: Zeccherius and Ars Canepis
At 4.30 PM / Gaita San Giovanni: Ars Chartaria and Ars Biccherorum
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
National Challenge of Historical Archery
From 9 AM Challenge in the city streets
At 11 AM / Chiesa di San Michele, Solemn Mass with chants by Cantoria Mevaniae
At 3 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri, Final Challenge of Historical Archery
The arts of Gaite Show
At 3.30 PM / Gaita San Pietro: Scriptorium and Ars tinctoria
At 4.30 PM / Gaita Santa Maria: Ars sete and Magistri lignamis
From 7 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Gaita San Giorgio vs Gaita Santa Maria
Artes Guaitarum: Medieval Works Challenge
Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria in gara
Gaita San Pietro vs Gaita San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Pietro vs San Giovanni
Coquina Guaitarum: Gastronomic challenge Gaita San Giorgio vs Santa Maria
ROMANTIC MEDIEVAL MUSIC NIGHT* at 10 PM / Chiesa di San Silvestro: Medieval Music Concert by Orientis Partibus
From 9 PM Music and entertainments in the city streets and squares
Program of 23th and 24th June, the last weekend of Gaite Events
For the weekend, there will be a tickets entrance of € 2,00 as following:
On Saturday 23th June from 3 PM to 8 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and to the markets until the end of the day; without the ticket, guests will visit them after 8 PM by the usual payment required.
On Saturday 24th June from 9 AM to 7 PM: entrance to the medieval crafts shops and the entertainment inside the city center.
From 4 PM Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite
From 4 PM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 AM Music and entertainment in the city streets and squares
From 10.30 Opening of the 4 Medieval Markets
Exhibit of Mercato delle Gaite: opening time with entertainment by Popoli
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Giorgio
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Pietro
Mercatores Guaitarum Challenge: closed markets during 1 hour and re-opening after the jury time
• At 10.30 AM: Gaita Santa Maria
• At 11.30 AM: Gaita San Pietro
• At 4.30 PM: Gaita San Giovanni
• At 5.30 PM: Gaita San Giorgio
At 10.30 PM / Piazza F. Silvestri Medieval Romantic Night*
Historical Archery Challenge (tickets and reservations 0742.361847)
Proclamation of the winning Gaita and award of the Palio 2018
***Entertainment by: le Lame di Albornoz, Folet D’La Marga, Manipura Fire, Compagnia Due di Due, Ensemble Musicanti Potestatis, I Buffoni di Corte, Mirko Revoyera e i Giullari del Diavolo.
*event in collaboration with I Borghi più belli d’Italia

>> Participate in this unique and charming event, look at the best hotels, b&b and farm house of the area of Bevagna!
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