Alla sua 63esima edizione, il Festival Dei 2 Mondi si svolge per quest’anno dal 20 al 23, e dal 27 al 30 agosto 2020. Il celebre festival di Spoleto si ripropone come evento intriso d’arte a 360° e come palcoscenico d’eccezione per artisti affermati così come emergenti.
L’attesissimo Festival dei Due Mondi è senza dubbio l’evento d’eccellenza della città di Spoleto, dell’Umbria e potremmo dire non solo, in virtù della sua vocazione all’originalità e all’internazionalità riaffermata anno dopo anno. Storico luogo di incontro tra culture diverse, il Festival è da sempre attento ad offrire una programmazione d’eccellenza e a farsi promotore di nuove creazioni.
Il manifesto di questa 63esima edizione del festival è firmato da Paolo Roversi, celebre fotografo di moda noto per i suoi ritratti: si tratta di un’immagine in bianco e nero estremamente suggestiva, che ritrae l’attrice Adriana Asti sulle gradinate del Teatro Romano di Spoleto.

Sotto la guida di Giorgio Ferrara, direttore artistico decennale della manifestazione, il Festival di Spoleto è cresciuto fortemente: dalle 5000 presenze del 2007, si è passati alle 80.000 del 2016 e ancora alle 90.000 del 2017. Ciò ha contribuito a rafforzare l’attenzione delle istituzioni, degli artisti, degli operatori, delle aziende, dei media nei confronti della manifestazione che si è affermata quale evento di risonanza mondiale e appuntamento da non perdere.

>> Vivi gli spettacoli e gli eventi del Festival dei Due Mondi, nella cornice unica della splendida Spoleto… Consulta ora gli hotel della zona!
Il programma del Festival dei Due Mondi 2020
Il Festival dei Due Mondi si presenta quest’anno in un formato ridotto rispetto a quello usuale, a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria degli ultimi mesi. Ecco cosa ha detto in proposito il direttore artistico Giorgio Ferrara:
“Siamo davvero felici di ritrovare il nostro pubblico dopo questo lungo e oscuro periodo. Nel tempo trascorso, non abbiamo mai smesso di lavorare, tenendoci pronti, ogni giorno, ad affrontare i cambiamenti e le sorti imprevedibili legate all’emergenza COVID. Non potremo mettere in scena il programma già annunciato a marzo, ma le nuove date e gli spettacoli che presenteremo potranno garantire la sicurezza di tutti, oltre che, naturalmente, la qualità artistica e l’eccellenza che contraddistinguono la manifestazione.”
Il programma, articolato nei due week-end dal 20 al 23 agosto 2020, e dal 27 al 30 agosto 2020, è comunque denso e ricco di appuntamenti imperdibili: otto diversi spettacoli che uniscono teatro, musica e moda, e coinvolgono nomi di prestigio e nuove promesse del panorama artistico italiano.

Si comincia giovedì 20 agosto alle 20.30 con l’Orfeo di Claudio Monteverdi, in una nuova produzione firmata da Pier Luigi Pizzi, che ne cura regia, scene e costumi. Un cast di giovani e talentuosi cantanti e ballerini interpreterà una storia senza tempo, che a distanza di secoli continua a mantenere il suo fascino grazie ai suoi temi universali. Sarà il Duomo di Spoleto a fare da cornice alla rappresentazione, che si svolgerà nella piazza davanti alla chiesa.
Venerdì 21 agosto alle 20.30, al Teatro Romano, si prosegue con I Messaggeri, spettacolo-concerto della regista Emma Dante, su musiche dei Fratelli Mancuso. In un parallelo di enorme attualità, la regista accosta i messaggeri delle opere di Sofocle ed Euripide, che giungono in scena a descrivere per filo e per segno al pubblico gli accadimenti più cruenti, ai bollettini di questi ultimi mesi che ci hanno accompagnato raccontandoci delle nuove vittime.
Di nuovo in Piazza Duomo e di nuovo alle 20.30, sabato 22 agosto sarà possibile assistere a uno spettacolo che vede protagonista Isabella Ferrari. Tre monodrammi per attrice, coro femminile e orchestra, ispirati ad altrettante figure di donne mitiche: Arianna, Fedra, Didone. Il filo conduttore è l’Amore, espresso dalle protagoniste in struggenti e nostalgiche lettere immaginarie rivolte all’amato ormai lontano. Le loro storie vengono così raccontate non più dalla prospettiva dell’eroe, ma da quella dell’eroina abbandonata.
Chiude il primo week-end la giovane pianista Beatrice Rana, vincitrice nel 2016 del Premio Abbiati come miglior solista, con il suo concerto di domenica 23 agosto alle 20.30 al Teatro Romano. Eseguirà una selezione di pezzi di Chopin, Albéniz e Ravel.
Il secondo week-end si apre giovedì 27, alle 20.30, al Teatro Romano, con un ricordo dedicato a una delle più grandi artiste del ventesimo secolo: Maria Callas, Lettere e memorie, che vede la protagonista interpretata da Monica Bellucci. I testi e la regia sono di Tom Volf, già regista del documentario Maria by Callas. Attraverso scritti autobiografici e materiali d’archivio, Monica Bellucci ripercorre la vita della grande cantante, indossando un abito realmente appartenuto a lei.
Venerdì 28 agosto sarà la volta di Le creature di Prometeo/Le creature di Capucci, concerto in forma scenica che si terrà alle 20.30 in Piazza Duomo. L’unica opera del grande Ludwig van Beethoven nata per il balletto incontra la moda dello stilista Roberto Capucci, che propone 15 costumi di grande impatto visivo. Parteciperà l’orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova.
Ci sarà anche Luca Zingaretti a Spoleto, sabato 29 agosto alle 20.30: nello spettacolo La Sirena, che si svolge al Teatro Romano, l’attore presta la propria voce a un testo tratto dal racconto Lighea di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Ambientato nella Torino del 1938, vede il confronto tra due uomini, entrambi siciliani. Zingaretti cura anche la drammaturgia, mentre le musiche sono di Germano Mazzocchetti.
La conclusione del Festival è affidata al maestro Riccardo Muti, che domenica 30 agosto alle 20.30 in Piazza Duomo dirigerà l’orchestra giovanile Luigi Cherubini in un maestoso concerto di chiusura.
Alcuni tra gli appuntamenti del Festival saranno disponibili anche in streaming: consulta il sito ufficiale per scoprire quali!

Biglietti, prezzi e riduzioni per il Festival dei Due Mondi
Quest’anno, in accordo con le direttive riguardanti il coronavirus, la vendita dei biglietti per il Festival dei Due Mondi avverrà esclusivamente online; non sarà possibile acquistarli né tramite call center, né presso i punti vendita. I biglietti possono essere acquistati seguendo questo link.
Inoltre si dovranno rispettare le seguenti regole:
- Il biglietto è nominativo e non cedibile. È obbligatorio portare con sé un documento d’identità, che potrà essere richiesto all’ingresso per dimostrare di avere diritto a eventuali riduzioni.
È consentito l’accesso solo nella fascia oraria e nell’ingresso dedicato indicati nel biglietto.
All’ingresso è obbligatorio presentare il biglietto in formato cartaceo o in formato elettronico visibile sul proprio smartphone.
Non sarà consentito l’accesso con una temperatura corporea superiore ai 37.5°
Sono previste due tipologie di biglietti: quelli riservati ai congiunti (familiari, conviventi e tutte le persone che, in base alle disposizioni vigenti, non siano soggette al distanziamento interpersonale), che potranno sedersi uno accanto all’altro in posti contigui, e quelli riservati ai singoli, che dovranno invece rispettare il distanziamento. Attenzione a scegliere la giusta tipologia di biglietto al momento dell’acquisto!
Questi i prezzi dei biglietti per gli eventi che si svolgono in Piazza Duomo:
- I Settore – Piazza – € 160,00
- II Settore – Piazza – € 130,00
- I Settore – Scalinata – € 80,00
- II Settore – Scalinata – € 50,00
Per gli eventi che si svolgono al Teatro Romano il costo del biglietto è di € 60,00.
Saranno inoltre previste, dove applicabili, le seguenti riduzioni:
- Ridotto 20% per gli over 65 e per chi alloggia in hotel convenzionati
- Ridotto 30% per i residenti a Spoleto
- Ridotto 50% per gli under 30
Non aspettare oltre, e acquista subito il tuo biglietto!

>> Cosa aspetti, sei pronto ad assistere alla magia e all’atmosfera unica degli spettacoli ed eventi del Festival dei Due Mondi?! Scopri subito tutte le offerte in scadenza in Umbria e organizza il tuo soggiorno!
On its 63rd edition, the Festival of Two Worlds takes place this year from August 20 to 23, and 27 to 30. The famous Spoleto festival is the event par excellence dedicated to the art at 360 degrees, a special stage for established artists as well as emerging ones from all over the world.
The awaited Festival of Two Worlds is certainly the most excellent event of the city of Spoleto, of Umbria region and not only, thanks to its original spirit and its international vocation. Historically speaking, it has always been a meeting place for different cultures, offering a cared and high quality program and promoting new creations.
This year’s official poster has been designed by Paolo Roversi, fashion photographer of international fame, well known for his portraits: it’s an evocative black and white shot depicting actress Adriana Asti on the Teatro Romano’s steps, in Spoleto.

Under the guidance of Giorgio Ferrara, in his tenth year as artistic director, the Festival of Spoleto has grown immensely: from an attendance of 5,000 in 2007, passing to the 80,000 in 2016 and also to the 90,000 of last year. This has contributed to strengthening the focus of the institutions, artists, operators, companies, and the media towards the event that has established itself as a world-renowned event and an occasion not to be missed.

>> Do not miss the shows and the events of the Festival of Two Worlds, in the unique frame of the wonderful Spoleto… Look at the hotels in this area!
The events scheduled at the Festival of Two Worlds 2020
This year’s Festival of Two Worlds will be shorter than the usual, because of last months’ health emergency. This is what director Giorgio Ferrara said about it:
“We’re so happy to meet our audience again after this long, dark period. We never stopped working in the meantime, and we kept ourselves ready to face the everyday changes and unpredictable outcomes of the COVID emergency. We won’t be able to stage the scheduled program of events that we had announced last March, but the new shows will guarantee safety for everyone, and the artistic quality and excellence that set our festival apart.”
The program will be divided into two separate weekends, from August 20 to 23, and 27 to 30, and it’s still packed with appointments you don’t want to miss: eight differents shows combining theatre, music and fashion, with prestigious names as well as newcomers of the italian artistic scene.

We start on Thursday, August 20, with Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo, in a new production with direction, scenes and costumes by Pier Luigi Pizzi. A cast of young and talented singers and dancers will perform a timeless tale with universal themes, still retaining its charm even after centuries. The show will take place in the scenery of the Spoleto Cathedral, in the church square (Piazza Duomo).
Friday, August 21, at the Teatro Romano, we go on with I Messaggeri, concert-show directed by Emma Dante, with music by the Mancuso Brothers. In a very topical work, Dante traces a parallel between the messengers in Sofocle’s and Euripide’s plays, coming on stage to describe in details the most gruesome happenings, and the daily bullettins of these last months that recounted the new victims.
In Piazza Duomo, Saturday, August 22, a show starring Isabella Ferrari: three monodramas for Actress, Female Choir and Orchestra, inspired by three mytical women: Arianna, Fedra and Didone. Love is the common theme, and the three protagonists express it in imaginary, yearning letters to their loved ones. Their stories are thus told no longer from the hero’s perspective, but from the abandoned heroine’s one.
The young pianist Beatrice Rana, winnrer of the 2016 Abbiati Prize for best soloist, closes the first weekend with her concert on Sunday, August 23, at the Teatro Romano. She will perform a selection of pieces by Chopin, Albéniz and Ravel.
The second weekend opens on Thursday, August 27, at the Teatro Romano, with a memoir dedicated to one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century: Maria Callas, Lettere e Memorie, with Monica Bellucci playing the protagonist. Texts and direction are by Tom Volf, also director of the documentary Maria by Callas. Through autobiographical writings and archival materials, Monica Bellucci retraces the great singer’s life, wearing a dress that really belonged to her.
Friday, August 28, the concert in scenic form Le creature di Prometeo/ Le creature di Capucci will be held in Piazza Duomo. The only ballet by the great Ludwig van Beethoven meets the fashion of stylist Roberto Capucci, who designed 15 costumes of great visual impact. With the Orchestra of the Carlo Felice Theater in Genoa.
Luca Zingaretti will also be in Spoleto, Saturday, August 29: in the show La Sirena, taking place at Teatro Romano, the actor lends his voice to a text from Lighea by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Set in Turin in 1938, it’s a confrontation between two men, both Sicilians. Dramaturgy is by Zingaretti himself, while music is by Germano Mazzocchetti.
The Festival conclusion is entrusted to Maestro Riccardo Muti, who on Sunday, August 30, in Piazza Duomo, will conduct the Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra in a majestic closing concert.
More infos about the shows are availlable on the official site.

>> The Festival of Spoleto is ready to give you all of its emotions. Be a part of it: we suggest you the best farmhouses of the area!
Festival of Two Worlds: Tickets and promotions
This year, in accordance with the coronavirus directive, the Festival of Two World tickets will be sold exclusively online; it won’t be possible to purchase them through the call center or at any other sale point. Tickets can be purchased by following this link.
Furthermore, the following rules must be respected:
- The ticket is nominative and non-transferable. It’s mandatory to bring an identity document, which can be requested at the entrance to prove that you are entitled to any reductions.
- Access is allowed only in the time slot and in the dedicated entrance indicated on the ticket.
- At the entrance it is mandatory to exhibit either the printed ticket, or the electronic ticket on your smartphone.
- Access with a body temperature above 37.5° will not be allowed
There are two types of tickets: those reserved for relatives (family members, cohabitants and all people who, according to the directive in force, are not subject to interpersonal distancing), who can sit next to each other in adjoining places, and those reserved to individuals, who must instead respect the distancing. Be careful to choose the right ticket!
For further information you can also read the ticket rules (italian only) on the official website.
Here are the ticket prices for the Piazza Duomo events:
- Sector I – Piazza – € 160.00
- Sector II – Piazza – € 130.00
- Sector I – Stairwell – € 80.00
- Sector II – Stairwell – € 50.00
For events taking place at the Teatro Romano the ticket price is € 60.00.
Where applicable, the following reductions will also be provided:
- 20% discount for people over 65 years of age and for those staying in partner hotels
- 30% discount for Spoleto residents
- 50% discount for people under 30 years of age
Don’t wait any longer, and buy your ticket now!

>> What are waiting for, come to participate in the magical atmosphere of the events of the Festival of Two Worlds! Discover now all the offers in Umbria and organize your holiday!
On its 61th Edition, the awaited Festival of 2 Worlds takes place this year from 29th June to 15th July 2018. Music, opera, lyric, theater, dance, exhibits … the famous Festival of 2 Worlds of Spoleto is the event par excellence dedicated to the art at 360 degrees, a special stage for established artists as well as emerging ones from all over the world. A showcase of international prestige with its 17 intense days of great entertainment, with over 90 titles and more than 170 curtain openings.
The awaited Festival of Two Worlds is certainly the most excellent event of the city of Spoleto, of Umbria region and not only, thanks to its original spirit and its international vocation. Historically speaking, it has always been a meeting place for different cultures, offering a cared and high quality program and promoting new creations.

Under the guidance of Giorgio Ferrara, in his tenth year as artistic director, the Festival of Spoleto has grown immensely: from an attendance of 5,000 in 2007, passing to the 80,000 in 2016 and also to the 90,000 of last year. This has contributed to strengthening the focus of the institutions, artists, operators, companies, and the media towards the event that has established itself as a world-renowned event and an occasion not to be missed. These are the words that the artistic director has dedicated to the manifestation:
“The Spoleto Festival of the Two Worlds crossed the threshold of 60 years and today lives a phase of new splendor, confirmed by qualitative results and numbers of great satisfaction. A defeated challenge, which makes us look at the triennium that is about to begin with increasing confidence and urges us to continue our journey in the Arts with the awareness of those who believe in the courage and effectiveness of culture. “

>> Do not miss the shows and the events of the Festival of Two Worlds, in the unique frame of the wonderful Spoleto… Look at the hotels in this area!
The events scheduled at the Festival dei 2 Mondi 2018 in brief
This 2018 edition of the Festival opens with the new production of Il Minotauro, a lyric opera in 10 paintings commissioned to the composer Silvia Colasanti, with the Italian Youth Orchestra conducted by Maestro Jonathan Webb. In the show, the myth centered on the terrifying monster is transformed into a “human” drama: that of a being that has to do with himself, or rather with the infinity of himself reflected in the mirrors of the labyrinth.
Likewise, another important production is the dramatic oratorio in 11 scenes and 1 prologue of Jeanne d’Arc au Bucher by Arthur Honegger and Paul Claudel, at the end of the Festival in the traditional Piazza del Duomo. The show will feature for the first time in Spoleto the Oscar winner Marion Cotillard together with Benoit Jacquot, one of the most refined authors of French cinema.

Between the two dates, a calendar full of events, among which we will highlight some particularly relevant.
Every day, a Noon Concert for a total of 14 intense events with which the Festival intends to promote and enhance young people who are entering the concert career, in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, Afam and Conservatories. The shows will feature various instrumentalists and 3 Orchestras made up of young students from the Conservatories identified through national selections, which will alternate with the ensemble of strings of the National Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Orchestra and the Jazz Orchestra.
Each day of the Festival will also feature a Concert of the Evening, for a total of 14 concerts that will see the students of the major Umbrian musical institutions engage in different performances, from the evening dedicated to Opera and Bel Canto in opening until the closing with the concert of the Conservatory Jazz Orchestra.
Spoleto will also be the stage of the summer tour of Francesco De Gregori, well-known singer-songwriter and one of the most important and committed of the Italian “popular” music scene. He will perform at the Festival on 7th July, alternating the great classics of his career with real hidden gems, less known pieces rarely performed live in recent years.
The international co-production features the new version of The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay and Johann Christoph Pepusch, with the musical idea of William Christie and the direction of Robert Carsen.
The dance is represented by choreographers as Lucinda Childs, Jean-Claude Gallotta and John Neumeier, while the Theater section, among others, by Adriana Asti, Corrado Augias, Alessandro Baricco, Franco Branciaroli, Lucia Calamaro, Romeo Castellucci, Victoria Chaplin Thierrée and Aurélia Thierrée, Rezo Gabriadze, Emilio Gentile, Marco Tullio Giordana, Manuela Kustermann, Silvio Orlando, Ugo Pagliai, Massimo Popolizio, Letizia Renzini, Daniele Salvo.
The Spoleto Festival also does not forget the scientific disciplines, which pays tribute to the historical-scientific exhibition “The Mystery of Origins, Myths, Transfigurations and Science” presented by the Carla Fendi Foundation and with the Fendi Prize to be awarded to distinguished scientists such as the winners of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, Peter Higgs and François Englert, and the particles physicist and Director of CERN in Geneva Fabiola Gianotti

>> The Festival of Spoleto is ready to give emotions thanks to his prestigious program… Take part of it, we suggest you the best farmhouses of the area
Tickets, promotions and free admissions
Wonderful initiative of the Festival consists in the promotion “Bring an Adult to the Theater”, dedicated to children and teenagers up to 13 years old and, moreover, to all high school students residing in Spoleto. Therefore with this promotion kids will “invite” one adult to the theater and the cost of two tickets will be only € 11,00 (limited places subject to availability – maximum 6 shows).
For young aged 14 up to 30 years, there will be a 50% discount on all shows, while for those people over 65 there will be a 20% reduction (limited places subject to availability). *
The Festival is attentive to the territorial dimension and for this reason it always intends to encourage the participation of the inhabitants of the territory: a special reduction of 30% is reserved to residents of the municipality of Spoleto. In addition, for those who will stay in a hotel in Umbria because of coming from outside the area, a 20% discount on tickets is reserved. *
For the most passionate people of the Festival who want to participate in many various shows, there will be different kind of Festival Cards for various types of season tickets:
- Passpartour € 500,00 including all the show of the festival*
- I Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 29.06-01.07*
- II Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 06.07-08.07*
- III Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 13.07-15.07*
- Daily € 70,00 including all the shows of a single day (in one of the following days 30th june – 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 july 2018)*
For further information about tickets, it is possible to contact the Festival booking office at the following number +39 0743 77 64 44 or at the email
* The concert of De Gregori on 7th July and the Jeanne d’Arc show on 15th July are excluded from the mentioned discounts, while the show The Minotaur on 29th June will have a lower reduction

>> What are waiting for, come to participate in the magical atmosphere of the events of the Festival of Two Worlds! Discover now all the offers in Umbria and organize your holiday!
Complete program in the official site of Festival
On its 61th Edition, the awaited Festival of 2 Worlds takes place this year from 29th June to 15th July 2018. Music, opera, lyric, theater, dance, exhibits … the famous Festival of 2 Worlds of Spoleto is the event par excellence dedicated to the art at 360 degrees, a special stage for established artists as well as emerging ones from all over the world. A showcase of international prestige with its 17 intense days of great entertainment, with over 90 titles and more than 170 curtain openings.
The awaited Festival of Two Worlds is certainly the most excellent event of the city of Spoleto, of Umbria region and not only, thanks to its original spirit and its international vocation. Historically speaking, it has always been a meeting place for different cultures, offering a cared and high quality program and promoting new creations.

Under the guidance of Giorgio Ferrara, in his tenth year as artistic director, the Festival of Spoleto has grown immensely: from an attendance of 5,000 in 2007, passing to the 80,000 in 2016 and also to the 90,000 of last year. This has contributed to strengthening the focus of the institutions, artists, operators, companies, and the media towards the event that has established itself as a world-renowned event and an occasion not to be missed. These are the words that the artistic director has dedicated to the manifestation:
“The Spoleto Festival of the Two Worlds crossed the threshold of 60 years and today lives a phase of new splendor, confirmed by qualitative results and numbers of great satisfaction. A defeated challenge, which makes us look at the triennium that is about to begin with increasing confidence and urges us to continue our journey in the Arts with the awareness of those who believe in the courage and effectiveness of culture. “

>> Do not miss the shows and the events of the Festival of Two Worlds, in the unique frame of the wonderful Spoleto… Look at the hotels in this area!
The events scheduled at the Festival dei 2 Mondi 2018 in brief
This 2018 edition of the Festival opens with the new production of Il Minotauro, a lyric opera in 10 paintings commissioned to the composer Silvia Colasanti, with the Italian Youth Orchestra conducted by Maestro Jonathan Webb. In the show, the myth centered on the terrifying monster is transformed into a “human” drama: that of a being that has to do with himself, or rather with the infinity of himself reflected in the mirrors of the labyrinth.
Likewise, another important production is the dramatic oratorio in 11 scenes and 1 prologue of Jeanne d’Arc au Bucher by Arthur Honegger and Paul Claudel, at the end of the Festival in the traditional Piazza del Duomo. The show will feature for the first time in Spoleto the Oscar winner Marion Cotillard together with Benoit Jacquot, one of the most refined authors of French cinema.

Between the two dates, a calendar full of events, among which we will highlight some particularly relevant.
Every day, a Noon Concert for a total of 14 intense events with which the Festival intends to promote and enhance young people who are entering the concert career, in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, Afam and Conservatories. The shows will feature various instrumentalists and 3 Orchestras made up of young students from the Conservatories identified through national selections, which will alternate with the ensemble of strings of the National Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Orchestra and the Jazz Orchestra.
Each day of the Festival will also feature a Concert of the Evening, for a total of 14 concerts that will see the students of the major Umbrian musical institutions engage in different performances, from the evening dedicated to Opera and Bel Canto in opening until the closing with the concert of the Conservatory Jazz Orchestra.
Spoleto will also be the stage of the summer tour of Francesco De Gregori, well-known singer-songwriter and one of the most important and committed of the Italian “popular” music scene. He will perform at the Festival on 7th July, alternating the great classics of his career with real hidden gems, less known pieces rarely performed live in recent years.
The international co-production features the new version of The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay and Johann Christoph Pepusch, with the musical idea of William Christie and the direction of Robert Carsen.
The dance is represented by choreographers as Lucinda Childs, Jean-Claude Gallotta and John Neumeier, while the Theater section, among others, by Adriana Asti, Corrado Augias, Alessandro Baricco, Franco Branciaroli, Lucia Calamaro, Romeo Castellucci, Victoria Chaplin Thierrée and Aurélia Thierrée, Rezo Gabriadze, Emilio Gentile, Marco Tullio Giordana, Manuela Kustermann, Silvio Orlando, Ugo Pagliai, Massimo Popolizio, Letizia Renzini, Daniele Salvo.
The Spoleto Festival also does not forget the scientific disciplines, which pays tribute to the historical-scientific exhibition “The Mystery of Origins, Myths, Transfigurations and Science” presented by the Carla Fendi Foundation and with the Fendi Prize to be awarded to distinguished scientists such as the winners of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, Peter Higgs and François Englert, and the particles physicist and Director of CERN in Geneva Fabiola Gianotti

>> The Festival of Spoleto is ready to give emotions thanks to his prestigious program… Take part of it, we suggest you the best farmhouses of the area
Tickets, promotions and free admissions
Wonderful initiative of the Festival consists in the promotion “Bring an Adult to the Theater”, dedicated to children and teenagers up to 13 years old and, moreover, to all high school students residing in Spoleto. Therefore with this promotion kids will “invite” one adult to the theater and the cost of two tickets will be only € 11,00 (limited places subject to availability – maximum 6 shows).
For young aged 14 up to 30 years, there will be a 50% discount on all shows, while for those people over 65 there will be a 20% reduction (limited places subject to availability). *
The Festival is attentive to the territorial dimension and for this reason it always intends to encourage the participation of the inhabitants of the territory: a special reduction of 30% is reserved to residents of the municipality of Spoleto. In addition, for those who will stay in a hotel in Umbria because of coming from outside the area, a 20% discount on tickets is reserved. *
For the most passionate people of the Festival who want to participate in many various shows, there will be different kind of Festival Cards for various types of season tickets:
- Passpartour € 500,00 including all the show of the festival*
- I Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 29.06-01.07*
- II Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 06.07-08.07*
- III Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 13.07-15.07*
- Daily € 70,00 including all the shows of a single day (in one of the following days 30th june – 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 july 2018)*
For further information about tickets, it is possible to contact the Festival booking office at the following number +39 0743 77 64 44 or at the email
* The concert of De Gregori on 7th July and the Jeanne d’Arc show on 15th July are excluded from the mentioned discounts, while the show The Minotaur on 29th June will have a lower reduction

>> What are waiting for, come to participate in the magical atmosphere of the events of the Festival of Two Worlds! Discover now all the offers in Umbria and organize your holiday!
Complete program in the official site of Festival
On its 61th Edition, the awaited Festival of 2 Worlds takes place this year from 29th June to 15th July 2018. Music, opera, lyric, theater, dance, exhibits … the famous Festival of 2 Worlds of Spoleto is the event par excellence dedicated to the art at 360 degrees, a special stage for established artists as well as emerging ones from all over the world. A showcase of international prestige with its 17 intense days of great entertainment, with over 90 titles and more than 170 curtain openings.
The awaited Festival of Two Worlds is certainly the most excellent event of the city of Spoleto, of Umbria region and not only, thanks to its original spirit and its international vocation. Historically speaking, it has always been a meeting place for different cultures, offering a cared and high quality program and promoting new creations.

Under the guidance of Giorgio Ferrara, in his tenth year as artistic director, the Festival of Spoleto has grown immensely: from an attendance of 5,000 in 2007, passing to the 80,000 in 2016 and also to the 90,000 of last year. This has contributed to strengthening the focus of the institutions, artists, operators, companies, and the media towards the event that has established itself as a world-renowned event and an occasion not to be missed. These are the words that the artistic director has dedicated to the manifestation:
“The Spoleto Festival of the Two Worlds crossed the threshold of 60 years and today lives a phase of new splendor, confirmed by qualitative results and numbers of great satisfaction. A defeated challenge, which makes us look at the triennium that is about to begin with increasing confidence and urges us to continue our journey in the Arts with the awareness of those who believe in the courage and effectiveness of culture. “

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The events scheduled at the Festival dei 2 Mondi 2018 in brief
This 2018 edition of the Festival opens with the new production of Il Minotauro, a lyric opera in 10 paintings commissioned to the composer Silvia Colasanti, with the Italian Youth Orchestra conducted by Maestro Jonathan Webb. In the show, the myth centered on the terrifying monster is transformed into a “human” drama: that of a being that has to do with himself, or rather with the infinity of himself reflected in the mirrors of the labyrinth.
Likewise, another important production is the dramatic oratorio in 11 scenes and 1 prologue of Jeanne d’Arc au Bucher by Arthur Honegger and Paul Claudel, at the end of the Festival in the traditional Piazza del Duomo. The show will feature for the first time in Spoleto the Oscar winner Marion Cotillard together with Benoit Jacquot, one of the most refined authors of French cinema.

Between the two dates, a calendar full of events, among which we will highlight some particularly relevant.
Every day, a Noon Concert for a total of 14 intense events with which the Festival intends to promote and enhance young people who are entering the concert career, in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, Afam and Conservatories. The shows will feature various instrumentalists and 3 Orchestras made up of young students from the Conservatories identified through national selections, which will alternate with the ensemble of strings of the National Symphony Orchestra, the Baroque Orchestra and the Jazz Orchestra.
Each day of the Festival will also feature a Concert of the Evening, for a total of 14 concerts that will see the students of the major Umbrian musical institutions engage in different performances, from the evening dedicated to Opera and Bel Canto in opening until the closing with the concert of the Conservatory Jazz Orchestra.
Spoleto will also be the stage of the summer tour of Francesco De Gregori, well-known singer-songwriter and one of the most important and committed of the Italian “popular” music scene. He will perform at the Festival on 7th July, alternating the great classics of his career with real hidden gems, less known pieces rarely performed live in recent years.
The international co-production features the new version of The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay and Johann Christoph Pepusch, with the musical idea of William Christie and the direction of Robert Carsen.
The dance is represented by choreographers as Lucinda Childs, Jean-Claude Gallotta and John Neumeier, while the Theater section, among others, by Adriana Asti, Corrado Augias, Alessandro Baricco, Franco Branciaroli, Lucia Calamaro, Romeo Castellucci, Victoria Chaplin Thierrée and Aurélia Thierrée, Rezo Gabriadze, Emilio Gentile, Marco Tullio Giordana, Manuela Kustermann, Silvio Orlando, Ugo Pagliai, Massimo Popolizio, Letizia Renzini, Daniele Salvo.
The Spoleto Festival also does not forget the scientific disciplines, which pays tribute to the historical-scientific exhibition “The Mystery of Origins, Myths, Transfigurations and Science” presented by the Carla Fendi Foundation and with the Fendi Prize to be awarded to distinguished scientists such as the winners of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, Peter Higgs and François Englert, and the particles physicist and Director of CERN in Geneva Fabiola Gianotti

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Tickets, promotions and free admissions
Wonderful initiative of the Festival consists in the promotion “Bring an Adult to the Theater”, dedicated to children and teenagers up to 13 years old and, moreover, to all high school students residing in Spoleto. Therefore with this promotion kids will “invite” one adult to the theater and the cost of two tickets will be only € 11,00 (limited places subject to availability – maximum 6 shows).
For young aged 14 up to 30 years, there will be a 50% discount on all shows, while for those people over 65 there will be a 20% reduction (limited places subject to availability). *
The Festival is attentive to the territorial dimension and for this reason it always intends to encourage the participation of the inhabitants of the territory: a special reduction of 30% is reserved to residents of the municipality of Spoleto. In addition, for those who will stay in a hotel in Umbria because of coming from outside the area, a 20% discount on tickets is reserved. *
For the most passionate people of the Festival who want to participate in many various shows, there will be different kind of Festival Cards for various types of season tickets:
- Passpartour € 500,00 including all the show of the festival*
- I Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 29.06-01.07*
- II Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 06.07-08.07*
- III Weekend € 150,00 including all the show of the weekend 13.07-15.07*
- Daily € 70,00 including all the shows of a single day (in one of the following days 30th june – 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 july 2018)*
For further information about tickets, it is possible to contact the Festival booking office at the following number +39 0743 77 64 44 or at the email
* The concert of De Gregori on 7th July and the Jeanne d’Arc show on 15th July are excluded from the mentioned discounts, while the show The Minotaur on 29th June will have a lower reduction

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Complete program in the official site of Festival
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