Il Quency lounge club è una discoteca di recente apertura che ha conquistato l’ambiente ternano, diventando il ritrovo preferito del venerdì sera per tantissimi ragazzi e ragazze.

Il venerdì notte del Queency ha un ritmo che seduce i sensi, che gioca con suoni e parole dei più grandi dj e vocalist. Una danza incessante che corteggia la notte più trendy in compagnia di grandi star dello spettacolo. Musica e animazione per una magia che non può essere immaginata, ma solo vissuta.

Queency lounge club apre il sabato sera più esclusivo, deliziando il palato attraverso sapori ricercati proposti dai migliori chef. Una cena rigorosamente su prenotazione che accompagna direttamente gli ospiti verso lo spettacolo aperto al pubblico. I migliori gruppi musicali italiani e stranieri danno poi movimento alla prima parte della serata ricreando le tipiche atmosfere degli anni 70, 80 e 90. A partire dall’1 di notte la regia torna nelle abili mani dei DJ per la liberazione dei suoni più cool del momento.

The Queency lounge club recently opened a nightclub that has conquered the environment Terni, becoming a favorite of the Friday night for many boys and girls.

On Friday night of Queency has a rhythm that seduces the senses, playing with soundsand words of the greatest DJ and vocalist. A relentless courting dance the night trendiestin the company of big stars of the show. Music and entertainment for a spell that can notbe imagined, but only lived.

Queency club lounge opens on Saturday evening, most exclusive, sought after delightingthe palate the flavors offered by the best chefs. Strictly a dinner reservation directlyaccompanying guests to the show open to the public. The best Italian and foreign musicalgroups then give movement to the first part of the evening recreates the typicalatmosphere of the 70, 80 and 90. As of 1st night the director back in the capable handsof DJ for the liberation of the coolest sounds.

The Queency lounge club recently opened a nightclub that has conquered the environment Terni, becoming a favorite of the Friday night for many boys and girls.

On Friday night of Queency has a rhythm that seduces the senses, playing with soundsand words of the greatest DJ and vocalist. A relentless courting dance the night trendiestin the company of big stars of the show. Music and entertainment for a spell that can notbe imagined, but only lived.

Queency club lounge opens on Saturday evening, most exclusive, sought after delightingthe palate the flavors offered by the best chefs. Strictly a dinner reservation directlyaccompanying guests to the show open to the public. The best Italian and foreign musicalgroups then give movement to the first part of the evening recreates the typicalatmosphere of the 70, 80 and 90. As of 1st night the director back in the capable handsof DJ for the liberation of the coolest sounds.

The Queency lounge club recently opened a nightclub that has conquered the environment Terni, becoming a favorite of the Friday night for many boys and girls.

On Friday night of Queency has a rhythm that seduces the senses, playing with soundsand words of the greatest DJ and vocalist. A relentless courting dance the night trendiestin the company of big stars of the show. Music and entertainment for a spell that can notbe imagined, but only lived.

Queency club lounge opens on Saturday evening, most exclusive, sought after delightingthe palate the flavors offered by the best chefs. Strictly a dinner reservation directlyaccompanying guests to the show open to the public. The best Italian and foreign musicalgroups then give movement to the first part of the evening recreates the typicalatmosphere of the 70, 80 and 90. As of 1st night the director back in the capable handsof DJ for the liberation of the coolest sounds.

The Queency lounge club recently opened a nightclub that has conquered the environment Terni, becoming a favorite of the Friday night for many boys and girls.

On Friday night of Queency has a rhythm that seduces the senses, playing with soundsand words of the greatest DJ and vocalist. A relentless courting dance the night trendiestin the company of big stars of the show. Music and entertainment for a spell that can notbe imagined, but only lived.

Queency club lounge opens on Saturday evening, most exclusive, sought after delightingthe palate the flavors offered by the best chefs. Strictly a dinner reservation directlyaccompanying guests to the show open to the public. The best Italian and foreign musicalgroups then give movement to the first part of the evening recreates the typicalatmosphere of the 70, 80 and 90. As of 1st night the director back in the capable handsof DJ for the liberation of the coolest sounds.