Scopri cosa vedere in Valnerina in un giorno con la nostra mini-guida! La verde vallata attraversata dal fiume Nera è un territorio ricco di storia, cultura e tradizione ottimo per una rigenerante gita fuori porta lontano dai rumori e dai ritmi frenetici della città! In un giorno.

Il comprensorio turistico della Valnerina si estende nell’area sud-orientale dell’Umbria, ai confini con le Marche e dominato dai Monti Sibillini. La natura incontaminata offre uno spettacolo suggestivo in tutte le stagioni dell’anno!
La principale attrattiva naturalistica è senz’altro l’Area Naturale Protetta Regionale Parco Fluviale del Nera e la maestosa Cascata delle Marmore, uno spettacolare salto d’acqua di 165 metri, tappa fondamentale per chiunque voglia visitare le bellezze naturali dell’Umbria. Inseriti in questo affascinante contesto ambientale incontreremo tanti numerosi paesini, ognuno caratterizzato da bellezze artistiche e culturali indimenticabili: la Basilica di San Benedetto a Norcia, la basilica e il monastero di S. Rita a Cascia, il borgo medioevale di Vallo di Nera, l’Abbazia di Sant’Eutizio a Preci, la Chiesa dell’Annunziata e il Santuario della Madonna della Stella a Cerreto di Spoleto, o gli splendidi Castelli, arroccati sopra i colli dai quali ancora dominano e proteggono le valli sottostanti.
Altro borgo significativo dal punto di vista paesaggistico è sicuramente Castelluccio di Norcia, paesino noto in tutto il mondo per la coltivazione della lenticchia. A inizio estate l’altopiano si ricopre di un’esplosione in occasione della festa della fioritura, quando migliaia di turisti si riversano sotto ai piedi del monte Vettore per ammirare questo spettacolo.
Cosa vedere in Valnerina in un giorno? Tra gli eventi da non perdere suggeriamo le manifestazioni storiche che durante tutto l’anno evocano le suggestioni, i suoni e i colori dell’arte, della storia passata e della cultura popolare.
>>Vuoi vedere la Valnerina? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori hotel in zona.
Cosa Fare in Valnerina
Per gli amanti dello sport all’aria aperta (acquatici e non), qui ce n’è davvero per tutti i gusti! Il paesaggio offre la possibilità di fare magnifiche passeggiate a piedi, in mountain bike, con i muli o a cavallo oltre che il volo libero nell’altopiano di Castelluccio. Con le sue strette gole e le valli fluviali, la Valnerina è il territorio ideale anche per chi pratica canottaggio, canyoning e rafting!
A circa 8 km dalla Cascate delle Marmore, immerso nel Parco Fluviale del Nera, il parco avventura Nahar dove adulti e bambini possono cimentarsi in totale sicurezza su percorsi sospesi realizzati su alberi secolari formati da ponti tibetani, passerelle tirolesi, cavi laschi, liane, teleferiche, tronchi mobili e una parete di arrampicata alta oltre sette metri. Ragazzi e bambini avranno inoltre la possibilità di partecipare ai percorsi proposti dalla fattoria didattica interna dove potranno imparare a preparare il pane cotto a legna, mungere le capre e realizzare il formaggio, lavorare la lana di alpaca, raccogliere le olive o l’uva, conoscere gli alveari e la produzione del miele.
Cosa fare in Valnerina per rigenerare oltre al corpo anche la mente? Oltre alle possibilità offerte dalle bellezze paesaggistiche, la zona è anche nota per la sua profonda spiritualità legata ai luoghi di San Benedetto, Santa Rita e gli antichi spechi francescani ed è per questo meta costante di pellegrini desiderosi di trovare spazi di meditazione e riflessione.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza! Clicca e consulta la lista dei migliori B&B in Valnerina!

Cosa mangiare in Valnerina
Per terminare, un assaggio dei prodotti enogastronomici tipici della zona non può mancare! Un’idea su cosa mangiare in Valnerina? Il tartufo nero e il prosciutto di Norcia, i salumi, i formaggi, il farro, le lenticchie di Castelluccio e lo zafferano di Cascia. E ancora le trote e i gamberi di fiume, la selvaggina, il miele, i funghi, gli asparagi e i frutti di bosco..senza dimenticare i vini doc e igt!
Consulta i migliori ristoranti nella zona di Norcia! >> Clicca e prenota
Non perdete l’opportunità di visitare le aziende agricole e biologiche, le fattorie didattiche ed i piccoli allevamenti ovini sparsi sul territorio.

>>Se hai deciso di vedere la Valnerina e di assaggiare le sue specialità ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
Discover with us the most interesting things to do in Valnerina ! The green valley of the Nera River is a land full of history, culture and tradition, great for a relaxing trip out of town far from the noise and the frenetic pace of the city!

The tourist area of the Nera Valley extends in southeastern Umbria, on the border with the Marches and dominated by the Monti Sibillini. The pristine nature offers a striking sight in all seasons of the year!
The main natural attraction is certainly the Marmore’s Fall with the Nera River Park, a milestone for anyone who wants to visit the natural beauty of Umbria. In this fascinating environment you can explore many small villages, each characterized by unforgettable cultural beauties: the St. Benedict’s Basilica in Norcia, the basilica and the monastery of St. Rita in Cascia, the medieval village of Vallo di Nera, the St Eutizio’s Abbey in Preci, the Church of the Annunciation and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella in Cerreto di Spoleto, or the beautiful castles perched above the hills from which still dominate and protect the valleys below. Another interesting destination for its landscape is certainly Castelluccio di Norcia, a small village famous throughout the world for the cultivation of lentil. In early summer the plateau is covered with an explosion on the feast of flowering, when thousands of tourists flock under the foot of Mount Carrier to see this show.
Among the things to do in the Nera Valley, we suggest you see the pageants: they evoke the charm, the sounds and colors of art, past history and popular culture.
>> Do you want to visit the Nera Valley? Check it out now of the best hotels in this area
Things To Do in Valnerina, Italy
For the outdoor sports lovers (in water or out), here there is something to do for everyone! Nature offers the opportunity to make beautiful walks on foot, by mountain bike, by mule or horse as well as the free flight in the plateau of Castelluccio. With its narrow gorges, the Nera Valley is the ideal territory for those who practice free climbing, canyoning and rafting!
Located 8 km from Marmore’s Fall, there is Nahar adventure park where children and adults can enjoy suspended pathways made of trees formed by bridges, boardwalks Tyrolean loose cables, lianas, cable cars, log furniture and a climbing wall high over seven meters. Teens and children will also have the opportunity to participate in courses offered by the educational farm, where they will learn how to prepare the bread baked in a wood, milk the goats and make cheese, work the alpaca wool, pick olives or grapes, know hives and honey production.
Are you looking for other things to do in Valnerina? In addition to the possibilities offered by the beautiful naturalistic scenery, this area is also known for its spirituality related to the places of St. Benedict, St. Rita and the ancients franciscan convents. For this reason it is constant destination of pilgrims who wish to find spaces for reflection and meditation.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of the Nera Valley! Click Consult them and immediately

Valnerina’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
To finish, a taste of food and wine typical of the area can not miss! An idea about what you can eat in Valnerina? The black truffle, the ham and the sausages of Norcia, cheese, spelled, Castelluccio lentils and the saffron of Cascia. And yet .. trout and crayfish, venison, honey, mushrooms, asparagus and berries .. without forgetting DOC and IGT wines!
>>View the best restaurants in the area of the Nera Valley! >> Click here and book.
Then do not miss the opportunity to visit the farms and biological, educational farms and small sheep farms scattered throughout the territory.

Discover with us the most interesting things to do in Valnerina ! The green valley of the Nera River is a land full of history, culture and tradition, great for a relaxing trip out of town far from the noise and the frenetic pace of the city!

The tourist area of the Nera Valley extends in southeastern Umbria, on the border with the Marches and dominated by the Monti Sibillini. The pristine nature offers a striking sight in all seasons of the year!
The main natural attraction is certainly the Marmore’s Fall with the Nera River Park, a milestone for anyone who wants to visit the natural beauty of Umbria. In this fascinating environment you can explore many small villages, each characterized by unforgettable cultural beauties: the St. Benedict’s Basilica in Norcia, the basilica and the monastery of St. Rita in Cascia, the medieval village of Vallo di Nera, the St Eutizio’s Abbey in Preci, the Church of the Annunciation and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella in Cerreto di Spoleto, or the beautiful castles perched above the hills from which still dominate and protect the valleys below. Another interesting destination for its landscape is certainly Castelluccio di Norcia, a small village famous throughout the world for the cultivation of lentil. In early summer the plateau is covered with an explosion on the feast of flowering, when thousands of tourists flock under the foot of Mount Carrier to see this show.
Among the things to do in the Nera Valley, we suggest you see the pageants: they evoke the charm, the sounds and colors of art, past history and popular culture.
>> Do you want to visit the Nera Valley? Check it out now of the best hotels in this area
Things To Do in Valnerina, Italy
For the outdoor sports lovers (in water or out), here there is something to do for everyone! Nature offers the opportunity to make beautiful walks on foot, by mountain bike, by mule or horse as well as the free flight in the plateau of Castelluccio. With its narrow gorges, the Nera Valley is the ideal territory for those who practice free climbing, canyoning and rafting!
Located 8 km from Marmore’s Fall, there is Nahar adventure park where children and adults can enjoy suspended pathways made of trees formed by bridges, boardwalks Tyrolean loose cables, lianas, cable cars, log furniture and a climbing wall high over seven meters. Teens and children will also have the opportunity to participate in courses offered by the educational farm, where they will learn how to prepare the bread baked in a wood, milk the goats and make cheese, work the alpaca wool, pick olives or grapes, know hives and honey production.
Are you looking for other things to do in Valnerina? In addition to the possibilities offered by the beautiful naturalistic scenery, this area is also known for its spirituality related to the places of St. Benedict, St. Rita and the ancients franciscan convents. For this reason it is constant destination of pilgrims who wish to find spaces for reflection and meditation.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of the Nera Valley! Click Consult them and immediately

Valnerina’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
To finish, a taste of food and wine typical of the area can not miss! An idea about what you can eat in Valnerina? The black truffle, the ham and the sausages of Norcia, cheese, spelled, Castelluccio lentils and the saffron of Cascia. And yet .. trout and crayfish, venison, honey, mushrooms, asparagus and berries .. without forgetting DOC and IGT wines!
>>View the best restaurants in the area of the Nera Valley! >> Click here and book.
Then do not miss the opportunity to visit the farms and biological, educational farms and small sheep farms scattered throughout the territory.

Discover with us the most interesting things to do in Valnerina ! The green valley of the Nera River is a land full of history, culture and tradition, great for a relaxing trip out of town far from the noise and the frenetic pace of the city!

The tourist area of the Nera Valley extends in southeastern Umbria, on the border with the Marches and dominated by the Monti Sibillini. The pristine nature offers a striking sight in all seasons of the year!
The main natural attraction is certainly the Marmore’s Fall with the Nera River Park, a milestone for anyone who wants to visit the natural beauty of Umbria. In this fascinating environment you can explore many small villages, each characterized by unforgettable cultural beauties: the St. Benedict’s Basilica in Norcia, the basilica and the monastery of St. Rita in Cascia, the medieval village of Vallo di Nera, the St Eutizio’s Abbey in Preci, the Church of the Annunciation and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella in Cerreto di Spoleto, or the beautiful castles perched above the hills from which still dominate and protect the valleys below. Another interesting destination for its landscape is certainly Castelluccio di Norcia, a small village famous throughout the world for the cultivation of lentil. In early summer the plateau is covered with an explosion on the feast of flowering, when thousands of tourists flock under the foot of Mount Carrier to see this show.
Among the things to do in the Nera Valley, we suggest you see the pageants: they evoke the charm, the sounds and colors of art, past history and popular culture.
>> Do you want to visit the Nera Valley? Check it out now of the best hotels in this area
Things To Do in Valnerina, Italy
For the outdoor sports lovers (in water or out), here there is something to do for everyone! Nature offers the opportunity to make beautiful walks on foot, by mountain bike, by mule or horse as well as the free flight in the plateau of Castelluccio. With its narrow gorges, the Nera Valley is the ideal territory for those who practice free climbing, canyoning and rafting!
Located 8 km from Marmore’s Fall, there is Nahar adventure park where children and adults can enjoy suspended pathways made of trees formed by bridges, boardwalks Tyrolean loose cables, lianas, cable cars, log furniture and a climbing wall high over seven meters. Teens and children will also have the opportunity to participate in courses offered by the educational farm, where they will learn how to prepare the bread baked in a wood, milk the goats and make cheese, work the alpaca wool, pick olives or grapes, know hives and honey production.
Are you looking for other things to do in Valnerina? In addition to the possibilities offered by the beautiful naturalistic scenery, this area is also known for its spirituality related to the places of St. Benedict, St. Rita and the ancients franciscan convents. For this reason it is constant destination of pilgrims who wish to find spaces for reflection and meditation.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of the Nera Valley! Click Consult them and immediately

Valnerina’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
To finish, a taste of food and wine typical of the area can not miss! An idea about what you can eat in Valnerina? The black truffle, the ham and the sausages of Norcia, cheese, spelled, Castelluccio lentils and the saffron of Cascia. And yet .. trout and crayfish, venison, honey, mushrooms, asparagus and berries .. without forgetting DOC and IGT wines!
>>View the best restaurants in the area of the Nera Valley! >> Click here and book.
Then do not miss the opportunity to visit the farms and biological, educational farms and small sheep farms scattered throughout the territory.

Discover with us the most interesting things to do in Valnerina ! The green valley of the Nera River is a land full of history, culture and tradition, great for a relaxing trip out of town far from the noise and the frenetic pace of the city!

The tourist area of the Nera Valley extends in southeastern Umbria, on the border with the Marches and dominated by the Monti Sibillini. The pristine nature offers a striking sight in all seasons of the year!
The main natural attraction is certainly the Marmore’s Fall with the Nera River Park, a milestone for anyone who wants to visit the natural beauty of Umbria. In this fascinating environment you can explore many small villages, each characterized by unforgettable cultural beauties: the St. Benedict’s Basilica in Norcia, the basilica and the monastery of St. Rita in Cascia, the medieval village of Vallo di Nera, the St Eutizio’s Abbey in Preci, the Church of the Annunciation and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella in Cerreto di Spoleto, or the beautiful castles perched above the hills from which still dominate and protect the valleys below. Another interesting destination for its landscape is certainly Castelluccio di Norcia, a small village famous throughout the world for the cultivation of lentil. In early summer the plateau is covered with an explosion on the feast of flowering, when thousands of tourists flock under the foot of Mount Carrier to see this show.
Among the things to do in the Nera Valley, we suggest you see the pageants: they evoke the charm, the sounds and colors of art, past history and popular culture.
>> Do you want to visit the Nera Valley? Check it out now of the best hotels in this area
Things To Do in Valnerina, Italy
For the outdoor sports lovers (in water or out), here there is something to do for everyone! Nature offers the opportunity to make beautiful walks on foot, by mountain bike, by mule or horse as well as the free flight in the plateau of Castelluccio. With its narrow gorges, the Nera Valley is the ideal territory for those who practice free climbing, canyoning and rafting!
Located 8 km from Marmore’s Fall, there is Nahar adventure park where children and adults can enjoy suspended pathways made of trees formed by bridges, boardwalks Tyrolean loose cables, lianas, cable cars, log furniture and a climbing wall high over seven meters. Teens and children will also have the opportunity to participate in courses offered by the educational farm, where they will learn how to prepare the bread baked in a wood, milk the goats and make cheese, work the alpaca wool, pick olives or grapes, know hives and honey production.
Are you looking for other things to do in Valnerina? In addition to the possibilities offered by the beautiful naturalistic scenery, this area is also known for its spirituality related to the places of St. Benedict, St. Rita and the ancients franciscan convents. For this reason it is constant destination of pilgrims who wish to find spaces for reflection and meditation.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of the Nera Valley! Click Consult them and immediately

Valnerina’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
To finish, a taste of food and wine typical of the area can not miss! An idea about what you can eat in Valnerina? The black truffle, the ham and the sausages of Norcia, cheese, spelled, Castelluccio lentils and the saffron of Cascia. And yet .. trout and crayfish, venison, honey, mushrooms, asparagus and berries .. without forgetting DOC and IGT wines!
>>View the best restaurants in the area of the Nera Valley! >> Click here and book.
Then do not miss the opportunity to visit the farms and biological, educational farms and small sheep farms scattered throughout the territory.

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