L’Umbria è piena di presepi. Di tutti i tipi e dimensioni. Ma quello che per la prima volta ospiterà Pale di Foligno, borgo medioevale alle pendici del Monte di Pale, Valle del Menotre, sarà speciale. Infatti il 26 Dicembre 2012 ed il 6 Gennaio 2013, dalle 17:00 alle 19:00 con rappresentazioni continuative e ad ingresso libero, Presepe Vivente recitato dai Bambini nel paese Presepe (Pale viene chiamato “Il paese presepe dell’Umbria”, ndr).

Saranno circa 40 gli “attori in miniatura”, in costumi fatti a mano, a rappresentare per le vie del piccolo agglomerato 3 scene della nascita di Gesù:

  • l’annuncio dell’Angelo a Maria. Osservabile entrando dalla prima porta delle mura castellane, all’interno dell’antico borgo ed in un ambiente naturale;
  • Maria che visita la cugina Elisabetta. Presso la piazza della Chiesa Maria andrà a trovare la cugina Elisabetta e, in una ambientazione di vita paesana, la piazza sarà allestita per sembrare il quanto di più possibile fedele ad Ain Karem, secondo la tradizione il villaggio in cui vivevano Elisabetta e Zaccaria;
  • lasciata la piazza della Chiesa, ed Ain Karem, il visitatore raggiungerà piazza Elisei e Betlemme nella sera della Natività. 2 bambini busseranno a due locande per chiedere di passare la notte, ma saranno respinti e dovranno rifugiarsi in una vecchia capanna, allestita al centro della piazza. Poco più in là i pastori, che si scaldano al fuoco che divampa nella notte, verranno invitati dall’Angelo a recarsi alla capanna. Seguiti a ruota dai tre Re Magi che, scendendo dalla via adiacente, si recheranno anch’essi ad adorare il Bambino.

Come già anticipato, le piazze e le vie verranno allestite seguendo una meticolosa ricostruzione storica anche per quanto riguarda gli oggetti tipici, i rumori ed i suoni. Inoltre per tutto il borgo si diffonderà un incantevole tappeto musicale.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare il GUESIA VILLAGE HOTEL e SPA**** Loc. Ponte Santa Lucia, 46 (Foligno). Sito internet guesia.com, mail info@guesia.com, Tel. (+39) 0742 311515, Fax (+39) 0742 660216.


The Umbria is full of Christmas cribs. Of all types and sizes. But that which for the first time will host Pale of Foligno, a medieval village at the foot of the Mount of Pale, Menotre Valley, will be special. In fact, on December 26th, 2012 and January 6th, 2013, from 17:00 to 19:00 with continuous representations and free entry, Presepe Vivente recitato dai Bambini nel paese Presepe (Living Nativity scene recited by the children in the Crib village. Pale is called “The crib village” of the Umbria, ed).

Will be about 40 the “actors in miniature“, in handmade costumes, to represent through the streets of the little agglomerate 3 scenes of Jesus’ birth:

  • the Angel’s announcement to Mary. Observable entering the first door of the castle walls, within the ancient borgo and in a natural environment;
  • Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. In the square of the Chiesa Maria will go and see her cousin Elizabeth and, in an atmosphere of country life, the square will be set up to look like the most faithful as possible to Ain Karem, according to tradition the village where lived Elizabeth and Zechariah;
  • left the Church square, and Ain Karem, the visitor will reach piazza Elisei and Bethlehem in the evening of the Nativity. 2 children will knock at two taverns to ask to spend the night, but will be rejected and will have to take refuge in an old hut, set up at the center of the square. Little farther on the shepherds, who bask in the glowing fire in the night, will be invited by the Angel to go to the hut. Closely followed by The Three Wise Men who, descending from the adjacent street, they too will go to adore the Child.

As already mentioned, the squares and the streets will be set up following a meticulous historical reconstruction even in the case of typical objects, noises and sounds. In addition for the whole village will spread an enchanting musical carpet.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

For more information contact the GUESIA VILLAGE HOTEL & SPA**** Ponte Santa Lucia, 46 (Foligno). Website guesia.com, mail info@guesia.com, Ph. (+39) 0742 311515, Fax (+39) 0742 660216.


The Umbria is full of Christmas cribs. Of all types and sizes. But that which for the first time will host Pale of Foligno, a medieval village at the foot of the Mount of Pale, Menotre Valley, will be special. In fact, on December 26th, 2012 and January 6th, 2013, from 17:00 to 19:00 with continuous representations and free entry, Presepe Vivente Recitato dai Bambini nel paese Presepe (Living Nativity scene recited by the children in the Crib village. Pale is called “The crib village” of the Umbria, ed).

Will be about 40actors in miniature“, in handmade costumes, to represent through the streets of the little agglomerate 3 scenes of Jesus’ birth:

  • the Angel’s announcement to Mary. Observable entering the first door of the castle walls, within the ancient borgo and in a natural environment;
  • Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. In the square of the Chiesa Maria will go and see her cousin Elizabeth and, in an atmosphere of country life, the square will be set up to look like the most faithful as possible to Ain Karem, according to tradition the village where lived Elizabeth and Zechariah;
  • left the Church square, and Ain Karem, the visitor will reach piazza Elisei and Bethlehem in the evening of the Nativity. 2 children will knock at two taverns to ask to spend the night, but will be rejected and will have to take refuge in an old hut, set up at the center of the square. Little farther on the shepherds, who bask in the glowing fire in the night, will be invited by the Angel to go to the hut. Closely followed by The Three Wise Men who, descending from the adjacent street, they too will go to adore the Child.

As already mentioned, the squares and the streets will be set up following a meticulous historical reconstruction even in the case of typical objects, noises and sounds. In addition for the whole village will spread an enchanting musical carpet.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

For more information contact the GUESIA VILLAGE HOTEL & SPA**** Ponte Santa Lucia, 46 (Foligno). Website guesia.com, mail info@guesia.com, Ph. (+39) 0742 311515, Fax (+39) 0742 660216.


The Umbria is full of Christmas cribs. Of all types and sizes. But that which for the first time will host Pale of Foligno, a medieval village at the foot of the Mount of Pale, Menotre Valley, will be special. In fact, on December 26th, 2012 and January 6th, 2013, from 17:00 to 19:00 with continuous representations and free entry, Presepe Vivente Recitato dai Bambini nel paese Presepe (Living Nativity scene recited by the children in the Crib village. Pale is called “The crib village” of the Umbria, ed).

Will be about 40actors in miniature“, in handmade costumes, to represent through the streets of the little agglomerate 3 scenes of Jesus’ birth:

  • the Angel’s announcement to Mary. Observable entering the first door of the castle walls, within the ancient borgo and in a natural environment;
  • Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. In the square of the Chiesa Maria will go and see her cousin Elizabeth and, in an atmosphere of country life, the square will be set up to look like the most faithful as possible to Ain Karem, according to tradition the village where lived Elizabeth and Zechariah;
  • left the Church square, and Ain Karem, the visitor will reach piazza Elisei and Bethlehem in the evening of the Nativity. 2 children will knock at two taverns to ask to spend the night, but will be rejected and will have to take refuge in an old hut, set up at the center of the square. Little farther on the shepherds, who bask in the glowing fire in the night, will be invited by the Angel to go to the hut. Closely followed by The Three Wise Men who, descending from the adjacent street, they too will go to adore the Child.

As already mentioned, the squares and the streets will be set up following a meticulous historical reconstruction even in the case of typical objects, noises and sounds. In addition for the whole village will spread an enchanting musical carpet.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

For more information contact the GUESIA VILLAGE HOTEL & SPA**** Ponte Santa Lucia, 46 (Foligno). Website guesia.com, mail info@guesia.com, Ph. (+39) 0742 311515, Fax (+39) 0742 660216.


The Umbria is full of Christmas cribs. Of all types and sizes. But that which for the first time will host Pale of Foligno, a medieval village at the foot of the Mount of Pale, Menotre Valley, will be special. In fact, on December 26th, 2012 and January 6th, 2013, from 17:00 to 19:00 with continuous representations and free entry, Presepe Vivente Recitato dai Bambini nel paese Presepe (Living Nativity scene recited by the children in the Crib village. Pale is called “The crib village” of the Umbria, ed).

Will be about 40actors in miniature“, in handmade costumes, to represent through the streets of the little agglomerate 3 scenes of Jesus’ birth:

  • the Angel’s announcement to Mary. Observable entering the first door of the castle walls, within the ancient borgo and in a natural environment;
  • Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. In the square of the Chiesa Maria will go and see her cousin Elizabeth and, in an atmosphere of country life, the square will be set up to look like the most faithful as possible to Ain Karem, according to tradition the village where lived Elizabeth and Zechariah;
  • left the Church square, and Ain Karem, the visitor will reach piazza Elisei and Bethlehem in the evening of the Nativity. 2 children will knock at two taverns to ask to spend the night, but will be rejected and will have to take refuge in an old hut, set up at the center of the square. Little farther on the shepherds, who bask in the glowing fire in the night, will be invited by the Angel to go to the hut. Closely followed by The Three Wise Men who, descending from the adjacent street, they too will go to adore the Child.

As already mentioned, the squares and the streets will be set up following a meticulous historical reconstruction even in the case of typical objects, noises and sounds. In addition for the whole village will spread an enchanting musical carpet.

Fabrizio Galeazzi

For more information contact the GUESIA VILLAGE HOTEL & SPA**** Ponte Santa Lucia, 46 (Foligno). Website guesia.com, mail info@guesia.com, Ph. (+39) 0742 311515, Fax (+39) 0742 660216.