Cosa vedere a Spello in un giorno? Ecco una mini-guida per sapere cosa vedere a Spello, chiamata la splendidissima Colonia Julia ai tempi dei romani quando fu fondata.
Spello è conosciuta soprattutto per le magnifiche Infiorate, composizioni floreali create ogni anno in occasione del Corpus Domini. Dei quadri di petali e fiori che sono delle vere e proprie opere d’arte, realizzate da artisti e abitanti del borgo, in collaborazione con i tanti turisti che si recano a Spello per partecipare a questo evento unico e ammirare quadri e decorazioni floreali.
Ma Spello è un borgo incantevole da visitare tutto l’anno, difatti da parte dei Borghi più Belli d’Italia. Tra vicoli e scorci unici, immergiti nella sua atmosfera pronto a viverne le bellezze.

Iniziamo la nostra visita dalla sua parte più bassa, ancora cinta dalle Mura Romane ben conservate, nelle quali si aprono tre porte: sulla Via Roma, la Porta Urbica e, sulla Piazza del Mercato, la grandiosa Porta Consolare, del I sec. a. Cristo. La terza porta, chiamata Porta Venere, presenta due belle torri a base dodecagonale, le caratteristiche Torri di Properzio.
Nella nostra miniguida su cosa vedere a Spello non può mancare la Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore, con la famosa Cappella Baglioni con il pavimento maiolicato di Deruta e gli affreschi del Pinturicchio che sono considerati la sua migliore produzione ed il suo autoritratto.
Vale una visita sicuramente la Casa romana, risalente al I secolo d. C.: già restaurata nel II secolo, fu riportata alla luce nel 1885 grazie agli scavi eseguiti sotto il Municipio. L’iscrizione presente sulle mura dell’edificio fa ritenere che lo stesso fosse di proprietà di Vespasia Polla (madre di Vespasiano): sono ancora ben visibili l’atrio con la pavimentazione originaria a mosaico a tessere bianche e nere, l’impluvium, decorato con un mosaico ad onda, le quattro stanze laterali all’atrio e il grande ambiente in cui si svolgevano le riunioni familiari, con il triclinio sul lato destro e il peristilio a sinistra.
Il nostro tour prosegue con la chiesa di S. Andrea, edificata nel 1258 e sede di una comunità di Frati minori fondata da Andrea Caccioli, seguace di San Francesco e la chiesa di S. Lorenzo che presenta una facciata veramente suggestiva, con loggia del XII secolo, rosoni del XVI ed elementi decorativi del VIII.

Non perdetevi l’evento più rappresentativo di Spello, l’Infiorata del Corpus Domini che si tiene tra Maggio e Giugno. Ogni anno le strade del borgo medioevale si trasformano in un meraviglioso, spettacolare, immenso tappeto di fiori che supera 1,5 km. Le vie del centro vengono decorate da quadri di arte sacra composti con petali di fiori, un evento unico per il turismo religioso che ha trasformato Spello nella “capitale dei fiori”.
Vi consigliamo di vivere “la notte dei Fiori” di Spello, la nottata precedente alla domenica del Corpus Domini, quando potrete ammirare e partecipare al lavoro frenetico e spettacolare degli infioratori, oltre ad assistere ai numerosi spettacoli di musica e visitare le mostre mercato.
In occasione delle Infiorate, Sistema Museo organizza “Infiorart”, una visita speciale al borgo, ai tappeti floreali e alla magnifica Villa dei Mosaici (visita tematica esclusiva nel mese di Giugno, su prenotazione).

Se non riuscite ad essere a Spello per questo evento, potete comunque immergervi completamente nelle bellezze del borgo in ogni momento, alla scoperta dei suoi vicoli addobbati e fioriti nel corso di tutto l’anno.
Vi suggeriamo di prendere parte al tour “Spello di Vicolo in Vicolo” organizzato da Sistema Museo: con questo speciale itinerario di trekking urbano potrete ammirare affacci panoramici, beni artistici e monumentali, vicoli silenziosi e romantici i cui muri, dall’armonico insieme di bianco e rose delle pietre del Subasio, trasudano secoli di storia. La visita guidata si tiene tutte le domeniche con partenza alle ore 11:30 e ha una durata di 1:30 circa.

Cosa fare a Spello se siete amanti della storia e dell’arte? Sicuramente una visita al Museo Civico e alla Pinacoteca di Spello. Il Museo è allestito nel Palazzo dei Canonici (XVI sec.), e conserva importanti opere d’arte comprese tra il XIII e XVIII sec., tra cui la Madonna in trono con il Bambino, scultura lignea policroma del XIII-XVI sec., il grande trittico del Maestro dell’Assunta di Amelia, Madonna con Bambino e Santi di Marcantonio Grecchi, il dittico di Cola Petruccioli del 1391 e la croce astile di Paolo Vanni del 1398, la tavola del Cristo Crocifisso di Niccolò Alunno e Pietro di Mazzaforte. Inoltre oreficerie, tessuti e oggetti sacri e l’urna di San Felice del XVIII sec.
Notevole è anche Villa Costanzi, meglio conosciuta come Villa Fidelia: creata sulle rovine di un santuario romano, presenta una struttura a terrazzamenti e fu voluta dalla famiglia Urbani nel Cinquecento. Oltre ad ospitare ogni anno eventi culturali e concerti di qualità racchiude al suo interno uno splendido parco con alberi secolari e un palazzo settecentesco in cui è allestita una mostra dedicata ad artisti contemporanei come Tamburi, Guttuso, Mangù e Ligabue ed un’ altra dedicata ad artisti classici come Tiziano, Carracci e Fattori.

Se dopo questa immersione nella storia e nell’arte avvertite un languorino allo stomaco, la nostra minuguida vi consiglia cosa mangiare a Spello, per scoprire il territorio anche attraverso il suo cibo.
Assaggiate gli gnocchi di patate rosse di Colfiorito al ragù d’oca, l’insalata di rapunzoli (ravanelli), ma non dimenticate i legumi, che a Spello la fanno da padroni. Sulle bruschette con l’ottimo olio di Spello o in zuppa, se avete dei dubbi su cosa mangiare a Spello vi consigliamo: la risina, una varietà di fagiolo dall’ occhio (o dolico) caratterizzata dalla mancanza dell’ occhio nero, i ceci di Spello e la cicerchia una leguminosa dalle origini è molto antiche abbastanza simile ai ceci, da provare assolutamente, sia in insalata che in zuppa.
>> Consulta i ristoranti migliori nella zona di Spello! Clicca e prenota
Are you curious to find out the best things to do in Spello? Our mini-guide will show you the best things to do, typical foods to eat and places to visit in in Spello , ” Splendidissima Colonia Julia “.
Let’s start our tour from its lower part, still surrounded by the well-preserved Roman Walls, in which you will see three gates. Enter in Spello and discover the best things to do in Spello: visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore with its famous Cappella Baglioni that has a ceramic Deruta’s floor and Pinturicchio’s frescoes (considered his best production and his self-portrait).
>> Do you want to visit Spello? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spello, Italy

Take a visit to the Roman House, dating from the first century AD , whose walls inscriptions suggest that it was owned by the mother of the roman emperor Vespasiano. Our tour continues with the church of S. Andrea built in 1258 and the church of S. Lorenzo with its impressive facade, a twelfth century loggia, rosettes and decorative elements.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love both art and flowers ? Do not miss the most representative event of Spello, the Infiorata, a Flower Festival of Corpus Christi held between May and June . Every year the streets of Spello turn into a wonderful , spectacular, huge carpet of flowers that exceeds 1.5 km. The downtown streets are decorated with paintings of sacred art made with flower petals, a unique event for the religious tourism that has turned Spello in the ” capital of the flowers”.
>> Do you want to visit Spello and discover its treasures? Check it out now the best Farm-Houses in Spello
Things to do in Spello
If you’re wondering what are the best things to do in Spello, we advise you to live “the night of Flowers “, admiring the spectacular work made to prepare the flowers and enjoy both musical performances and market exhibitions.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love history and art ? Visit the Museum and the Pinacoteca; housed in Palazzo dei Canonici (XVI sec . ) it preserves important works of art between the thirteenth and eighteenth century. , jewelery, fabrics, sacred objects and the urn of St. Felix of the eighteenth century.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spello! Click and Consult them immediately.

You should visit also Villa Costanzi, better known as Villa Fidelia : created on the ruins of a Roman sanctuary , has a structure with terraces and was wanted by the Urbani family in the sixteenth century . It hosts cultural events and concerts and inside has a beautiful park with old trees and a palace with exhibitions of contemporary artists.
Spello’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If you’re wondering what to eat in Spello, what are the typical dishes of Spello and Umbrian cuisine, our mini-guide is here to help you!
See the best restaurants in the area of Spello! >> Click here and book.

Try the Colfiorito potatoes gnocchi with goose or rapunzoli salad ( radishes) but do not forget the legumes, which are the masters in Spello. On a bruschetta with the excellent Spello olive oil or made in soup, if you have doubts about what to eat in Spello we recommend: risina, Spello’s chickpeas Spello and cicerchia which is a legume from very ancient origins quite similar to the chickpeas . Try it in a salad or in soup and…enjoy your meal!
If you’ve decided to visit Spello and taste the delicious Umbrian cuisine you should contact now Farm-Houses near Spello >> click this link.
Are you curious to find out the best things to do in Spello? Our mini-guide will show you the best things to do, typical foods to eat and places to visit in in Spello , ” Splendidissima Colonia Julia “.
Let’s start our tour from its lower part, still surrounded by the well-preserved Roman Walls, in which you will see three gates. Enter in Spello and discover the best things to do in Spello: visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore with its famous Cappella Baglioni that has a ceramic Deruta’s floor and Pinturicchio’s frescoes (considered his best production and his self-portrait).
>> Do you want to visit Spello? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spello, Italy

Take a visit to the Roman House, dating from the first century AD , whose walls inscriptions suggest that it was owned by the mother of the roman emperor Vespasiano. Our tour continues with the church of S. Andrea built in 1258 and the church of S. Lorenzo with its impressive facade, a twelfth century loggia, rosettes and decorative elements.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love both art and flowers ? Do not miss the most representative event of Spello, the Infiorata, a Flower Festival of Corpus Christi held between May and June . Every year the streets of Spello turn into a wonderful , spectacular, huge carpet of flowers that exceeds 1.5 km. The downtown streets are decorated with paintings of sacred art made with flower petals, a unique event for the religious tourism that has turned Spello in the ” capital of the flowers”.
>> Do you want to visit Spello and discover its treasures? Check it out now the best Farm-Houses in Spello
Things to do in Spello
If you’re wondering what are the best things to do in Spello, we advise you to live “the night of Flowers “, admiring the spectacular work made to prepare the flowers and enjoy both musical performances and market exhibitions.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love history and art ? Visit the Museum and the Pinacoteca; housed in Palazzo dei Canonici (XVI sec . ) it preserves important works of art between the thirteenth and eighteenth century. , jewelery, fabrics, sacred objects and the urn of St. Felix of the eighteenth century.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spello! Click and Consult them immediately.

You should visit also Villa Costanzi, better known as Villa Fidelia : created on the ruins of a Roman sanctuary , has a structure with terraces and was wanted by the Urbani family in the sixteenth century . It hosts cultural events and concerts and inside has a beautiful park with old trees and a palace with exhibitions of contemporary artists.
Spello’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If you’re wondering what to eat in Spello, what are the typical dishes of Spello and Umbrian cuisine, our mini-guide is here to help you!
See the best restaurants in the area of Spello! >> Click here and book.

Try the Colfiorito potatoes gnocchi with goose or rapunzoli salad ( radishes) but do not forget the legumes, which are the masters in Spello. On a bruschetta with the excellent Spello olive oil or made in soup, if you have doubts about what to eat in Spello we recommend: risina, Spello’s chickpeas Spello and cicerchia which is a legume from very ancient origins quite similar to the chickpeas . Try it in a salad or in soup and…enjoy your meal!
If you’ve decided to visit Spello and taste the delicious Umbrian cuisine you should contact now Farm-Houses near Spello >> click this link.
Are you curious to find out the best things to do in Spello? Our mini-guide will show you the best things to do, typical foods to eat and places to visit in in Spello , ” Splendidissima Colonia Julia “.
Let’s start our tour from its lower part, still surrounded by the well-preserved Roman Walls, in which you will see three gates. Enter in Spello and discover the best things to do in Spello: visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore with its famous Cappella Baglioni that has a ceramic Deruta’s floor and Pinturicchio’s frescoes (considered his best production and his self-portrait).
>> Do you want to visit Spello? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spello, Italy

Take a visit to the Roman House, dating from the first century AD , whose walls inscriptions suggest that it was owned by the mother of the roman emperor Vespasiano. Our tour continues with the church of S. Andrea built in 1258 and the church of S. Lorenzo with its impressive facade, a twelfth century loggia, rosettes and decorative elements.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love both art and flowers ? Do not miss the most representative event of Spello, the Infiorata, a Flower Festival of Corpus Christi held between May and June . Every year the streets of Spello turn into a wonderful , spectacular, huge carpet of flowers that exceeds 1.5 km. The downtown streets are decorated with paintings of sacred art made with flower petals, a unique event for the religious tourism that has turned Spello in the ” capital of the flowers”.
>> Do you want to visit Spello and discover its treasures? Check it out now the best Farm-Houses in Spello
Things to do in Spello
If you’re wondering what are the best things to do in Spello, we advise you to live “the night of Flowers “, admiring the spectacular work made to prepare the flowers and enjoy both musical performances and market exhibitions.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love history and art ? Visit the Museum and the Pinacoteca; housed in Palazzo dei Canonici (XVI sec . ) it preserves important works of art between the thirteenth and eighteenth century. , jewelery, fabrics, sacred objects and the urn of St. Felix of the eighteenth century.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spello! Click and Consult them immediately.

You should visit also Villa Costanzi, better known as Villa Fidelia : created on the ruins of a Roman sanctuary , has a structure with terraces and was wanted by the Urbani family in the sixteenth century . It hosts cultural events and concerts and inside has a beautiful park with old trees and a palace with exhibitions of contemporary artists.
Spello’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If you’re wondering what to eat in Spello, what are the typical dishes of Spello and Umbrian cuisine, our mini-guide is here to help you!
See the best restaurants in the area of Spello! >> Click here and book.

Try the Colfiorito potatoes gnocchi with goose or rapunzoli salad ( radishes) but do not forget the legumes, which are the masters in Spello. On a bruschetta with the excellent Spello olive oil or made in soup, if you have doubts about what to eat in Spello we recommend: risina, Spello’s chickpeas Spello and cicerchia which is a legume from very ancient origins quite similar to the chickpeas . Try it in a salad or in soup and…enjoy your meal!
If you’ve decided to visit Spello and taste the delicious Umbrian cuisine you should contact now Farm-Houses near Spello >> click this link.
Are you curious to find out the best things to do in Spello? Our mini-guide will show you the best things to do, typical foods to eat and places to visit in in Spello , ” Splendidissima Colonia Julia “.
Let’s start our tour from its lower part, still surrounded by the well-preserved Roman Walls, in which you will see three gates. Enter in Spello and discover the best things to do in Spello: visit the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore with its famous Cappella Baglioni that has a ceramic Deruta’s floor and Pinturicchio’s frescoes (considered his best production and his self-portrait).
>> Do you want to visit Spello? Check it out now of the best hotels in Spello, Italy

Take a visit to the Roman House, dating from the first century AD , whose walls inscriptions suggest that it was owned by the mother of the roman emperor Vespasiano. Our tour continues with the church of S. Andrea built in 1258 and the church of S. Lorenzo with its impressive facade, a twelfth century loggia, rosettes and decorative elements.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love both art and flowers ? Do not miss the most representative event of Spello, the Infiorata, a Flower Festival of Corpus Christi held between May and June . Every year the streets of Spello turn into a wonderful , spectacular, huge carpet of flowers that exceeds 1.5 km. The downtown streets are decorated with paintings of sacred art made with flower petals, a unique event for the religious tourism that has turned Spello in the ” capital of the flowers”.
>> Do you want to visit Spello and discover its treasures? Check it out now the best Farm-Houses in Spello
Things to do in Spello
If you’re wondering what are the best things to do in Spello, we advise you to live “the night of Flowers “, admiring the spectacular work made to prepare the flowers and enjoy both musical performances and market exhibitions.
What are the best things to do in Spello if you love history and art ? Visit the Museum and the Pinacoteca; housed in Palazzo dei Canonici (XVI sec . ) it preserves important works of art between the thirteenth and eighteenth century. , jewelery, fabrics, sacred objects and the urn of St. Felix of the eighteenth century.
There are offers for vacation rentals and hotels in the areas of Spello! Click and Consult them immediately.

You should visit also Villa Costanzi, better known as Villa Fidelia : created on the ruins of a Roman sanctuary , has a structure with terraces and was wanted by the Urbani family in the sixteenth century . It hosts cultural events and concerts and inside has a beautiful park with old trees and a palace with exhibitions of contemporary artists.
Spello’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
If you’re wondering what to eat in Spello, what are the typical dishes of Spello and Umbrian cuisine, our mini-guide is here to help you!
See the best restaurants in the area of Spello! >> Click here and book.

Try the Colfiorito potatoes gnocchi with goose or rapunzoli salad ( radishes) but do not forget the legumes, which are the masters in Spello. On a bruschetta with the excellent Spello olive oil or made in soup, if you have doubts about what to eat in Spello we recommend: risina, Spello’s chickpeas Spello and cicerchia which is a legume from very ancient origins quite similar to the chickpeas . Try it in a salad or in soup and…enjoy your meal!
If you’ve decided to visit Spello and taste the delicious Umbrian cuisine you should contact now Farm-Houses near Spello >> click this link.
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