Scopri cosa vedere a Norcia in un giorno con la nostra miniguida! La città natale di San Benedetto, patria del Tartufo Nero e dell’arte norcina ti catturerà in uno spettacolo unico e indimenticabile di colori, profumi e sapori!
Sorta a ridosso dei Monti Sibillini e considerata il centro più suggestivo della Valnerina, Norcia offre splendidi scenari di natura incontaminata! Soprattutto durante il periodo della Fioritura, quando l’altopiano di Castelluccio mostra il suo spettacolo naturale migliore, molti visitatori giungono a Norcia per ammirare il tappeto di colori e profumi che si stende di fronte ai loro occhi! Altri profumi che non dimenticherete sono quelli gastronomia, dal tartufo alla norcineria!
>>Vuoi visitare Norcia? Consulta ora le offerte dei migliori agriturismi a Norcia.

Cosa vedere a Norcia appena arrivati? Giunti nella piazza principale potrete visitare la Chiesa di San Benedetto, sorta sopra la casa natale del santo. La tipica facciata a capanna con il grande rosone centrale con i simboli dei quattro evangelisti sovrasta il portale abbellito da fasci di colonne e dal gruppo scultoreo rappresentante la Madonna con il Bambino tra due angeli con ai lati le statue dei santi Benedetto e Scolastica. Marmi policromi intarsiati, spezzano il biancore della facciata. Edificata su base di croce latina e navata unica, la chiesa originaria del 1200 si divide su due piani: quello inferiore della cripta dove è possibile osservare i resti delle mura romane, e quello superiore della chiesa principale. Uscendo dalla porta principale e volgendo a sinistra, sotto un portico del 1500 si allineano le antiche “Misure” (XIV sec.), grossi recipienti di pietra, usate durante i mercati come unità di misura per le merci.
>>Vuoi visitare i luoghi di San Benedetto e la sua storia? Contatta ora i migliori agriturismi a Norcia e scopri le offerte!
Rimanendo nella piazza potrete ammirare il Palazzo Comunale del XIII secolo con Loggia, Scalinata e Torre Campanaria. All’interno sono da visitare la Sala del Consiglio Maggiore, la Sala Sertoriana o dei Quaranta conservatori della pace e la Cappella dei Priori, di struttura settecentesca, dove si conserva il prezioso reliquario di San Benedetto, uno degli ultimi in stile gotico. Residenza fortificata sede dei governatori apostolici, la Castellina, fu edificata per volontà del Pontefice Giulio III per garantire allo Stato della Chiesa un maggiore controllo sul Comune di Norcia. Restaurata nel XVIII in seguito a numerosi terremoti, divenne sede degli uffici pubblici del Comune, per poi essere destinata all’allestimento del Museo Civico e Diocesano.
Di origini molto antiche anche il Duomo di Santa Maria Argentea. Costruito tra il 1556-1570 in stile rinascimentale con grandi arconi in pietra e cappelle gentilizie. L’interno conserva numerose opere d’arte, tra cui l’affresco in cui sono ritratti i Santi Benedetto e Scolastica con al centro la Madonna ed il Bambino, e il Crocifisso. L’affresco del XVI secolo raffigurante san Nicola da Tolentino con una colomba sulla spalla, la Madonna col Bambino benedicente al centro e S. Agostino domina il portale della Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, molto simile a quello di San Benedetto. Altro esempio di arte gotica, attuale sede dell’auditorium, della biblioteca comunale e dell’archivio storico, è il Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco. Tra gli affreschi interni del XV e XVI secolo è possibile apprezzare la maestosa pala con l’Incoronazione della Vergine eseguita da Jacopo Siculo (1541).
Cosa vedere a Norcia in un giorno terminato il tour delle chiese? Così come la valle è racchiusa dai Monti sibillini, anche la cittadina di Norcia è raccolta al’interno delle mura di cinta completamente intatte. Nel tratto più depresso, dell’altopiano, per un’estensione di circa 70 ettari, si trovano una serie di prati, conosciuti con il nome di Marcite, sistemi di irrigazione creati dai monaci benedettini tra il ‘400 e il ‘500 che consentivano di allagare ampie zone di terreno in maniera continuativa e controllata per lunghi periodi dell’anno, consentendo la raccolta di un fieno abbondante.
Cosa Fare a Norcia
Dopo aver visitato le chiese e gli edifici storici, vi suggeriamo una rilassante passeggiata nella natura in direzione di Castelluccio di Norcia, un piccolo borgo sferzato dal vento, sorto su una collina nel cuore dei Monti Sibillini. Molteplici le alternative offerte ai turisti più avventurosi e sportivi: trekking, equitazione, escursionismo, rafting, canoa, mountain bike.. Riconosciuta come sede internazionale di ritiro estivo per le società sportive più prestigiose, la zona montana di Forca Canapine ad una altezza di 1542 metri, è luogo ideale per lo sci alpino e sede della migliore scuola di volo libero d’Europa. A inizio estate, solitamente tra la seconda metà di giugno e i primi di luglio, è possibile ammirare la famosa fioritura della Piana, spettacolo naturale che ogni anno attira centinaia di turisti da tutto il mondo.
>> Ci sono offerte in scadenza! Clicca e consulta la lista dei migliori agriturismi a Norcia

Cosa Mangiare a Norcia
Di prodotti tipici e genuini da assaggiare a Norcia ce ne sono per tutti i gusti! Iniziando con i prelibati piatti cucinati con pregiato Tartufo Nero e proseguendo con formaggi di pecora, farro, zafferano, lenticchie di Castelluccio e funghi, in particolare i porcini. Nei boschi è inoltre possibile raccogliere una grande quantità di frutti di bosco.
Consulta i migliori ristoranti nella zona di Norcia! >> Clicca e prenota
Qui nasce l’arte del norcino, una vera specializzazione nella lavorazione delle carni di maiale. Nelle numerosissime norcinerie potrete assaggiare e acquistare il prosciutto di Norcia IGP e i saporiti salumi.

Per gli amanti del pesce suggeriamo di provare le trote del Nera e i gamberi di fiume. E per finire la birra prodotta dai frati benedettini!
>>Se hai deciso di vedere Norcia in un giorno e assaggiare i suoi piatti tipici a base di tartufo, ti consigliamo di contattare ora gli agriturismi nelle sue vicinanze >> clicca questo link.
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
Sort close to the Sibillini Mountains and considered the center of the most charming of the Nera Valley, Norcia offers wonderful scenery of nature! Especially during the period of flowering, when the plateau of Castelluccio shows its best natural spectacle, many visitors come to Norcia to see the carpet of colors and scents that lies in front of their eyes! Other scents that you will not forget are the ones gastronomy, from the nose to the butchery!
>> Do you want to visit Norcia? Check it out now of the best hotels in Norcia, Italy.

Things to do in Norcia just arrived? Once in the main square you can visit the Church of St. Benedetto, built over the birthplace of the saint. Built on the basis of a Latin cross and nave, the original church in 1200 is on two floors: the lower the crypt where you can see the remains of Roman walls and the top of the main church. Outside the main entrance and turning to the left, under a porch in 1500 will align the ancient “Measures” (XIV c.), Large vessels of stone, used in markets as a unit of measurement for the goods.
>> Do you want to visit St. Benedetto’s places? Check it out now of the best farmhouse in Norcia
Staying in the square you can see the Town Hall of the thirteenth century, Loggia, Staircase and Bell Tower. Inside you can visit the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala Sertoriana or Quaranta conservatori della pace and the Cappella dei Priori, which contains the precious reliquary of St. Benedict, one of the last in the Gothic style. Fortified residence apostolic seat of the governors , the Castellina was built by the Pope Julius III to ensure the Papal more control over the town of Norcia. Restored in the eighteenth after several earthquakes, it became the seat of the government offices of the City, only to be destined to the preparation of the Civic and Diocesan Museum.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Argentea was built between 1556-1570 in Renaissance style with large stone arcs and chapels. The interior contains numerous works of art. St. Fracis’s Monumental Complex is a further example of Gothic art. Today it is the seat of the auditorium, public library and the historical archive
When you have finished the tour of the churches, what other things can you do? Other things to do in Norcia is the visit to Marcite, an irrigation systems created by Benedictine monks between the ‘400 and ‘500 which allowed flood large areas of land in a continuous and controlled for long periods of the year, allowing the collection of an abundant hay.
Things To Do In Norcia, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Norcia? You can take a relaxing nature walk in the direction of Castelluccio di Norcia, a small windswept village, built on a hill in the heart of the Monti Sibillini. A lot of alternatives are offered to the most adventurous tourist: trekking, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking.. At a height of 1542 meters the mountain area of Forca Canapine is the ideal place for alpine skiing and home of the best free flight school in Europe. At the beginning of summer, usually between the second half of June and early July, you can admire the famous fioritura of the plain, a natural spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of Castelluccio! Click Consult them and immediately

Norcia’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
In the area of Norcia you can taste many typical and genuine products: there is something for everyone! Starting with the delicious dishes cooked with black truffles and continuing with goat cheese, barley, saffron, Castelluccio lentils and mushrooms, especially porcini. In the woods you can also collect a large amount of berries.
Here was born the art of norcino-butcher, a real specialization in the processing of pork meat. In the many norcinerie you can taste and buy the prosciutto di Norcia IGP and a lot of different kind of sausages.
View the best restaurants in the area of Norcia! >> Click here and book.

Other things to eat in Norcia? For seafood lovers suggest you try the trout of the Nera river and crayfish. And finally you have to taste a glass of beer produced by Benedictine monks!
>> If you’ve decided to see Norcia and enjoy the local culinary specialties based on truffle, you should contact now farm houses in its vicinity >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
Sort close to the Sibillini Mountains and considered the center of the most charming of the Nera Valley, Norcia offers wonderful scenery of nature! Especially during the period of flowering, when the plateau of Castelluccio shows its best natural spectacle, many visitors come to Norcia to see the carpet of colors and scents that lies in front of their eyes! Other scents that you will not forget are the ones gastronomy, from the nose to the butchery!
>> Do you want to visit Norcia? Check it out now of the best hotels in Norcia, Italy.

Things to do in Norcia just arrived? Once in the main square you can visit the Church of St. Benedetto, built over the birthplace of the saint. Built on the basis of a Latin cross and nave, the original church in 1200 is on two floors: the lower the crypt where you can see the remains of Roman walls and the top of the main church. Outside the main entrance and turning to the left, under a porch in 1500 will align the ancient “Measures” (XIV c.), Large vessels of stone, used in markets as a unit of measurement for the goods.
>> Do you want to visit St. Benedetto’s places? Check it out now of the best farmhouse in Norcia
Staying in the square you can see the Town Hall of the thirteenth century, Loggia, Staircase and Bell Tower. Inside you can visit the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala Sertoriana or Quaranta conservatori della pace and the Cappella dei Priori, which contains the precious reliquary of St. Benedict, one of the last in the Gothic style. Fortified residence apostolic seat of the governors , the Castellina was built by the Pope Julius III to ensure the Papal more control over the town of Norcia. Restored in the eighteenth after several earthquakes, it became the seat of the government offices of the City, only to be destined to the preparation of the Civic and Diocesan Museum.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Argentea was built between 1556-1570 in Renaissance style with large stone arcs and chapels. The interior contains numerous works of art. St. Fracis’s Monumental Complex is a further example of Gothic art. Today it is the seat of the auditorium, public library and the historical archive
When you have finished the tour of the churches, what other things can you do? Other things to do in Norcia is the visit to Marcite, an irrigation systems created by Benedictine monks between the ‘400 and ‘500 which allowed flood large areas of land in a continuous and controlled for long periods of the year, allowing the collection of an abundant hay.
Things To Do In Norcia, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Norcia? You can take a relaxing nature walk in the direction of Castelluccio di Norcia, a small windswept village, built on a hill in the heart of the Monti Sibillini. A lot of alternatives are offered to the most adventurous tourist: trekking, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking.. At a height of 1542 meters the mountain area of Forca Canapine is the ideal place for alpine skiing and home of the best free flight school in Europe. At the beginning of summer, usually between the second half of June and early July, you can admire the famous fioritura of the plain, a natural spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of Norcia! Click Consult them and immediately

Norcia’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
In the area of Norcia you can taste many typical and genuine products: there is something for everyone! Starting with the delicious dishes cooked with black truffles and continuing with goat cheese, barley, saffron, Castelluccio lentils and mushrooms, especially porcini. In the woods you can also collect a large amount of berries.
Here was born the art of norcino-butcher, a real specialization in the processing of pork meat. In the many norcinerie you can taste and buy the prosciutto di Norcia IGP and a lot of different kind of sausages.
View the best restaurants in the area of Norcia! >> Click here and book.

Other things to eat in Norcia? For seafood lovers suggest you try the trout of the Nera river and crayfish. And finally you have to taste a glass of beer produced by Benedictine monks!
>> If you’ve decided to see Norcia and enjoy the local culinary specialties based on truffle, you should contact now farm houses in its vicinity >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
Sort close to the Sibillini Mountains and considered the center of the most charming of the Nera Valley, Norcia offers wonderful scenery of nature! Especially during the period of flowering, when the plateau of Castelluccio shows its best natural spectacle, many visitors come to Norcia to see the carpet of colors and scents that lies in front of their eyes! Other scents that you will not forget are the ones gastronomy, from the nose to the butchery!
>> Do you want to visit Norcia? Check it out now of the best hotels in Norcia, Italy.

Things to do in Norcia just arrived? Once in the main square you can visit the Church of St. Benedetto, built over the birthplace of the saint. Built on the basis of a Latin cross and nave, the original church in 1200 is on two floors: the lower the crypt where you can see the remains of Roman walls and the top of the main church. Outside the main entrance and turning to the left, under a porch in 1500 will align the ancient “Measures” (XIV c.), Large vessels of stone, used in markets as a unit of measurement for the goods.
>> Do you want to visit St. Benedetto’s places? Check it out now of the best farmhouse in Norcia
Staying in the square you can see the Town Hall of the thirteenth century, Loggia, Staircase and Bell Tower. Inside you can visit the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala Sertoriana or Quaranta conservatori della pace and the Cappella dei Priori, which contains the precious reliquary of St. Benedict, one of the last in the Gothic style. Fortified residence apostolic seat of the governors , the Castellina was built by the Pope Julius III to ensure the Papal more control over the town of Norcia. Restored in the eighteenth after several earthquakes, it became the seat of the government offices of the City, only to be destined to the preparation of the Civic and Diocesan Museum.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Argentea was built between 1556-1570 in Renaissance style with large stone arcs and chapels. The interior contains numerous works of art. St. Fracis’s Monumental Complex is a further example of Gothic art. Today it is the seat of the auditorium, public library and the historical archive
When you have finished the tour of the churches, what other things can you do? Other things to do in Norcia is the visit to Marcite, an irrigation systems created by Benedictine monks between the ‘400 and ‘500 which allowed flood large areas of land in a continuous and controlled for long periods of the year, allowing the collection of an abundant hay.
Things To Do In Norcia, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Norcia? You can take a relaxing nature walk in the direction of Castelluccio di Norcia, a small windswept village, built on a hill in the heart of the Monti Sibillini. A lot of alternatives are offered to the most adventurous tourist: trekking, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking.. At a height of 1542 meters the mountain area of Forca Canapine is the ideal place for alpine skiing and home of the best free flight school in Europe. At the beginning of summer, usually between the second half of June and early July, you can admire the famous fioritura of the plain, a natural spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of Norcia! Click Consult them and immediately

Norcia’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
In the area of Norcia you can taste many typical and genuine products: there is something for everyone! Starting with the delicious dishes cooked with black truffles and continuing with goat cheese, barley, saffron, Castelluccio lentils and mushrooms, especially porcini. In the woods you can also collect a large amount of berries.
Here was born the art of norcino-butcher, a real specialization in the processing of pork meat. In the many norcinerie you can taste and buy the prosciutto di Norcia IGP and a lot of different kind of sausages.
View the best restaurants in the area of Norcia! >> Click here and book.

Other things to eat in Norcia? For seafood lovers suggest you try the trout of the Nera river and crayfish. And finally you have to taste a glass of beer produced by Benedictine monks!
>> If you’ve decided to see Norcia and enjoy the local culinary specialties based on truffle, you should contact now farm houses in its vicinity >> click this link.
What are the best things to do in Norcia? Come and discover it with our mini-guide! The birthplace of St. Benedict, the homeland of the famous Black Truffle and norcini butchers, will captivate you in a unique and unforgettable experience of colors, scents and flavors!
Sort close to the Sibillini Mountains and considered the center of the most charming of the Nera Valley, Norcia offers wonderful scenery of nature! Especially during the period of flowering, when the plateau of Castelluccio shows its best natural spectacle, many visitors come to Norcia to see the carpet of colors and scents that lies in front of their eyes! Other scents that you will not forget are the ones gastronomy, from the nose to the butchery!
>> Do you want to visit Norcia? Check it out now of the best hotels in Norcia, Italy.

Things to do in Norcia just arrived? Once in the main square you can visit the Church of St. Benedetto, built over the birthplace of the saint. Built on the basis of a Latin cross and nave, the original church in 1200 is on two floors: the lower the crypt where you can see the remains of Roman walls and the top of the main church. Outside the main entrance and turning to the left, under a porch in 1500 will align the ancient “Measures” (XIV c.), Large vessels of stone, used in markets as a unit of measurement for the goods.
>> Do you want to visit St. Benedetto’s places? Check it out now of the best farmhouse in Norcia
Staying in the square you can see the Town Hall of the thirteenth century, Loggia, Staircase and Bell Tower. Inside you can visit the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala Sertoriana or Quaranta conservatori della pace and the Cappella dei Priori, which contains the precious reliquary of St. Benedict, one of the last in the Gothic style. Fortified residence apostolic seat of the governors , the Castellina was built by the Pope Julius III to ensure the Papal more control over the town of Norcia. Restored in the eighteenth after several earthquakes, it became the seat of the government offices of the City, only to be destined to the preparation of the Civic and Diocesan Museum.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Argentea was built between 1556-1570 in Renaissance style with large stone arcs and chapels. The interior contains numerous works of art. St. Fracis’s Monumental Complex is a further example of Gothic art. Today it is the seat of the auditorium, public library and the historical archive
When you have finished the tour of the churches, what other things can you do? Other things to do in Norcia is the visit to Marcite, an irrigation systems created by Benedictine monks between the ‘400 and ‘500 which allowed flood large areas of land in a continuous and controlled for long periods of the year, allowing the collection of an abundant hay.
Things To Do In Norcia, Italy
After the cultural tour of the churches, what are the best Things To Do In Norcia? You can take a relaxing nature walk in the direction of Castelluccio di Norcia, a small windswept village, built on a hill in the heart of the Monti Sibillini. A lot of alternatives are offered to the most adventurous tourist: trekking, horseback riding, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking.. At a height of 1542 meters the mountain area of Forca Canapine is the ideal place for alpine skiing and home of the best free flight school in Europe. At the beginning of summer, usually between the second half of June and early July, you can admire the famous fioritura of the plain, a natural spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world.
There are offers >> deadline for farmhouses in the area of Castelluccio! Click Consult them and immediately

Norcia’s food, Umbrian cuisine, Italian food
In the area of Norcia you can taste many typical and genuine products: there is something for everyone! Starting with the delicious dishes cooked with black truffles and continuing with goat cheese, barley, saffron, Castelluccio lentils and mushrooms, especially porcini. In the woods you can also collect a large amount of berries.
Here was born the art of norcino-butcher, a real specialization in the processing of pork meat. In the many norcinerie you can taste and buy the prosciutto di Norcia IGP and a lot of different kind of sausages.
View the best restaurants in the area of Norcia! >> Click here and book.

Other things to eat in Norcia? For seafood lovers suggest you try the trout of the Nera river and crayfish. And finally you have to taste a glass of beer produced by Benedictine monks!
>> If you’ve decided to see Norcia and enjoy the local culinary specialties based on truffle, you should contact now farm houses in its vicinity >> click this link.
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