Dal 13 al 23 Giugno 2019, l’appuntamento è a Spello per Le Infiorate”, che si svolgono come ogni anno in occasione della festività del Corpus Domini (la nona domenica dopo Pasqua).

Il caratteristico borgo attira ogni anno centinaia di visitatori che giungono da ogni parte d’Italia e del mondo per ammirare le splendide “Infiorate”, i tappeti e quadri di fiori. Nel percorso floreale cittadino sono generalmente realizzate circa 70 infiorate, con tappeti tra i 12 e i 15 metri di lunghezza e quadri con dimensioni variabili tra i 25 e i 90 mq.

Una caratteristica unica della manifestazione è la scelta di utilizzare esclusivamente elementi vegetali non trattati da agenti chimici e conservanti, nè con coloranti artificiali. Uno spettacolo magnifico e profumato, che riempe di meraviglia e ammirazione!

 >> Prendi parte alle Infiorate e riempiti gli occhi della meraviglia e dei colori dei superbi tappeti floreali realizzati a Spello! Noi ti consigliamo i migliori agriturismi della zona


Speciale Infiorate a Spello

Le infiorate vengono realizzate alla vigilia della festa, con l’esecuzione dei disegni e l’opera certosina di deposito e posizionamento di milioni e milioni di fiori e petali variopinti.

La preparazione delle Infiorate è la fase più interessante e viva dell’evento: inizia nel primo pomeriggio del sabato – con l’allestimento delle protezioni e con la creazione o la riproduzione dei disegni sulle sezioni di manto stradale assegnate a ciascun gruppo – e si protrae per tutta la notte, quando gli “infioratori” dispongono con la massima precisione i petali sui disegni.

Eppure, il lavoro di preparazione è un processo che dura in realtà tutto l’anno, con le fasi preliminari della ricerca e raccolta dei fiori seguite dalla mondatura, la selezione e conservazione dei petali, separati per colore.

Nella stagione primaverile in particolare, squadre di “infioratori” di Spello si mobilitano per attraversare i campi e le vallate dell’Appennino umbro-marchegiano, in particolare in prossimità del Monte Subasio, e raccogliore i petali dei fiori necessari.

Le specie floreali utilizzate nelle infiorate sono numerosissime: fiordaliso, rosa, garofano, papavero, finocchio, veccia, iris, ginestra, sambuco, margherita, tarassico, cardo, serputello, planzago, viscaria, salvia, linaria, calendula, anemone, cicirilli, magnolia, cipollone, gaggia, fico, quercia, noce, cipresso, pino, orchidea selvatica.

Alle ore 11 di domenica 23 Giugno, la processione del Corpus Domini inizierà il suo percorso attraverso le vie cittadine. Dopo il passaggio del Corteo guidato dal Vescovo, sulle bellissime infiorate scorre dunque la processione. I preziosi tappeti possono ora essere calpestati e si dissolvono nell’aria.

>> Assistere alla creazione dei quadri e tappeti floreali delle Infiorate è uno spettacolo unico, non perderlo! Consulta ora gli hotel, b&b e agriturismi della zona e prenota le tue vacanze a Spello


Programma completo per le Infiorate 2019

La manifestazione delle Infiorate coinvolge tutta la popolazione locale, che già dalle settimane precedenti collabora nell’organizzazione, per assicurare ogni anno uno spettacolo d’eccellenza. Il borgo di Spello inizia a lavorare e sono previsti alcuni eventi particolari già dalla metà di Giugno:



Ore 16:30 Sala dell’Editto, Palazzo Comunale
Cerimonia di “investitura” dei gruppi infioratori speciali Accademia dei Boccioli (Scuola dell’infanzia) e Studenti in Fiore (Scuola secondaria di primo grado). Consegna delle maglie ufficiali e delle tessere socio.
Presentazione della Maglia d’autore Infiorate di Spello 2019 (una iniziativa nata dalla collaborazione con il Microbirrificio DieciNove).



Ore 21:00 Piazza Vallegloria
M’Ama Non M’Ama (i vari gruppi di infioratori si incontrano per la capatura dei fiori nella pubblica piazza). Musica dal vivo, animazione e… birra Etica ai fiori di sambuco.



Ore 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Apertura Museo delle Infiorate

Ore 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Premiazione concorso “Il Fiore ricamato e…” con esibizione del piccolo coro della Scuola di Musica AlaMIrè

Ore 16:00, Via Torri di Properzio – Casa Beato Andrea Caccioli
Inaugurazione Mostra Fotografica Storica, A cura del Circolo Cinefoto Amatori Hispellum



Ore 18:30, Chiesa S. Lorenzo Martire
Santa Messa degli Infioratori

A seguire, il calendario completo delle 3 giornate più intense delle Infiorate, che avranno il loro clou come sempre nella giornata di domenica. Ecco allora il programma aggiornato per l’edizione 2019:



Ore 10:30-12:00, Museo delle Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. I ragazzi della scuola secondaria di primo grado dell’I.C. G. Ferraris di Spello illustrano ai turisti come si realizza un’infiorata, in italiano, inglese e francese

Ore 20:00, per le vie di Spello
Kick Off. Montaggio delle tendostrutture per la realizzazione delle infiorate, tra musica e degustazione della birra Etica ai fiori di sambuco

Ore 20.00, Taverna degli Infioratori – Centro storico
Menù a base di fiori



Ore 10:00, Giardini Pubblici
Inaugurazione della XII mostra mercato di Florovivaismo “Spello in Fiore”

Ore 10:30-12:00, Museo delle Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. I ragazzi della scuola secondaria di primo grado dell’I.C. G. Ferraris di Spello illustrano ai turisti come si realizza un’infiorata, in italiano, inglese e francese

Ore 11:00, Palazzo Comunale – Sala dell’Editto
Inaugurazione Mostra di Bonsai, a cura del Club Amici del Bonsai

Ore 12.00, Taverna degli Infioratori, Centro storico
Menù a base di fiori

Ore 16:00 Centro Storico
“Disegnatori all’opera”. Inizio dei lavori di realizzazione delle opere sul selciato delle strade

Ore 20.00 Taverna degli Infioratori, Centro storico
Menù a base di fiori

Ore 20:00
INFIORART. Visite guidate alla città, ai tappeti floreali e alla Villa dei Mosaici di Spello. Gruppi di massimo 40 persone. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Aperta dalle 10.30 alle 13.00, dalle 15.00 alle 20.00 e dalle 22.00 alle 01.00.

Aperta dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.30
Straordinaria Apertura Notturna dalle 22.00 alle 01.00


Dalle ore 21:00, Centro Storico

Nel centro storico sarà allestita un’area interamente riservata a turisti e visitatori che vorranno cimentarsi nella realizzazione di un’infiorata, con il supporto di storici infioratori. Verrà allestita anche un’infiorata per i bambini.



Ore 06:00 InfiorArt
Visite guidate alla città, ai tappeti floreali e alla Villa dei Mosaici di Spello. A partire dalle 06.00. Gruppi di massimo 40 persone. Info:spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742/301497



Aperta dalle 08.00 alle 18.30

Aperta dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.30

Aperta dalle 08.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 17.00


Ore 08:00
Termine dei Quadri e dei Tappeti floreali. Inizio delle selezioni della giuria

Ore 08:00, Piazza della Repubblica
Annullo filatelico “Infiorate di Spello 2019”

Ore 08:00-18:00 Palazzo Comunale
Mostra di Bonsai, a cura del Club Amici del Bonsai

Ore 10:00 Chiesa di San Lorenzo Martire
Celebrazione della Santa Messa. Presieduta da S.E. Mons. Gualtiero Sigismondi, Vescovo della Diocesi di Foligno

Ore 11:00 Uscita dalla Chiesa di San Lorenzo Martire
Solenne processione del Corpus Domini

Ore 12:00 Taverna degli Infioratori, Centro storico
Menù a base di fiori

Ore 17:00
Aspettando la premiazione. Musica dal vivo con i Four Seasons Swing-Soul Quartet

Ore 18.00
Premiazione 59° Concorso Infiorate 2019

 >> Ci sono molte offerte in scadenza per soggiornare in Umbria e a Spello, trova quella più adatta a te e partecipa all’imperdibile appuntamento con le Infiorate di Spello!


Infioratore per un Giorno a Spello: per partecipare alle Infiorate

Diventa “Infioratore” anche tu! Una piccola curiosità: grazie al progetto “Infioratori per un giorno” è possibile unirsi agli infioratori locali nei lavori di raccolta e capatura dei fiori, oltre che a contribuire alla realizzazione stessa delle infiorate. Per saperne di più, scrivete a info@infioratespello.it

Inoltre, non perdere la cucina locale più tipica e genuina presso le “Taverne degli Infioratori”, menu’ vari e diversi ogni giorno! Per informazioni sulle Infiorate di Spello, visita il sito ufficiale!


From 13th to 23rd June 2019, the appointment is in Spello where there are being the “Infiorate”, the special flower festival that takes place in occasion of the “Corpus Domini” (on 9th Sunday after Easter, as every year).

The picturesque town annually attracts hundreds of visitors who come from all over Italy and world to admire the splendid “Infiorate”, that means carpets and paintings of flowers. Along the floreal city path, about 70 “Infiorate” are generally made, with carpets between 12 and 15 meters of lenght and pictures with a size between 25 and 90 square meters.

A unique characteristic of the event is the choice of using only vegetable items, not treated by chemicals products or preservatives, nor artificial dyes. A magnificent and fragrant show, which fills with wonder and admiration!

>> Be part of “Infiorate” looking at the wonderful colors of the magnificent floral carpets realized in Spello! We suggest you the best farmhouses of this area, click here


Special Infiorate of Spello 

The floral decorations are made on the eve of the festival, with the execution of the drawings and the painstaking work of deposit and placement of millions and millions of colorful flowers and petals.

The preparation of Infiorate is the most interesting part of the event: it starts in the early afternoon of Saturday – with the staging of the protections and the creation or reproduction of drawings on pavement sections assigned to each group – and it lasts throughout the night, when the “infioratori” (the ones who make the floral decorations) arrange with the maximum precision the petals on the drawings.

And yet they have worked at the preparation of decorations for all the year, with the preliminary stages of research and collection of flowers, followed by selecting and preserving of petals, separated by color.

In particular for the Spring season, teams of “infioratori” from Spello are mobilizing to cross fields and valley of the Umbrian Apennine, especially near to Subasio Mount, and to pick up the petals of flowers needed.

The species of flowers used for the “Infiorate” are numerous: cornflower, rose, carnation, poppy, fennel, iris, broom, elder, daisy, dandelion, thistle, sage, marigold, anemone, magnolia , turnip, sweet acacia, fig, oak, walnut, cypress, pine, wild orchid…

At 11 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June, the procession will begin its journey through the city streets. After the passage of the procession led by the Bishop, the procession runs on the beautiful floral decorations. The precious carpets can be now be trampled and they dissolve in the air.

>> Looking at the creation of floral carpets and pictures is a unique show, do not miss it! Choose your hotel, b&b or farmhouses between our suggestions for your holiday in the area of Spello



Infiorate , 2019 Complete Program 

The Infiorate Event involves all the local people, who started some time before to collaborate for ensuring a great show. The town of Spello there are some special events also at the middle of June:


13th JUNE 2019

At 16:30 Sala dell’Editto, Palazzo Comunale
“Investiture Ceremony” of special infioratori groups of Accademia dei Boccioli and Students & Flowers. Delivery of official jerseys and membership cards.

Presentation of the Spello 2019 Infiorate jersey (an initiative born from the collaboration with the DieciNove Microbrewery).


14th JUNE 2019

At 21:00 Piazza Vallegloria
M’Ama Non M’Ama. Meeting of the various groups of flower makers for the capturing of flowers in the public square. Live music, entertainment and … “Etica” beer with elder flowers.


16th JUNE 2019

At 10:00, Museum of Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Opening of Infiorate Museum

At 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Prize-giving contest “The embroidered flower and …” with performance by the small choir of the AlaMIrè Music School

Ore 16:00, Via Torri di Properzio – Casa Beato Andrea Caccioli
Inauguration of the Historical Photo Exhibition, organized by the Circolo Cinefoto Amatori Hispellum


20th JUNE 2019

At 18:30, Chiesa S. Lorenzo Martire
Holy Mass of Infioratori

Here the complete program of the 2019 Edition of  the 3 main days of Infiorate:


FRIDAY 21st JUNE, 2019

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French.

20:00, Through the streets of Spello
Kick Off. Mounting of the structures for the realization of the Infiorate, listening to music and tasting Ethics elderflower beer

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers


SATURDAY 22nd JUNE, 2019

10:00, Public gardens, Piazza Kennedy
Opening 12th show-market of flowers and plants “Spello in Flower”

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French

11:00, Palazzo Comunale – Sala dell’Editto
Opening exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

12.00,  Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

16:00, City center
“Artists at work”. Beginning of the works on the pavement of the streets

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-20.00 and 22.00-01.00

Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-18.30 and 22.00-01.00


From 21:00, City center

In the City center an area will be set up entirely reserved to tourists and visitors who want to try their hand at creating an Infiorata, with the support of local infioratori. There will also be an Infiorata reserved to children.


SUNDAY 23th JUNE 2019

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 08.00-18.30

Opening time 10.30-13.00 and 15.00-18.30

Opening time 08.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00


Finishing the flower carpets (Infiorate). Beginning of judges evaluation

08:00, Piazza della Repubblica
Postcard obliteration “Infiorate di Spello 2019” by Poste Italiane

08:00-18:00, Spello Town Hall
Exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

10:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Foligno Diocese, Mons. Gualtiero Sigismondi

11:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Beginning of the Corpus Domini procession

12:00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Awaiting for the Award Ceremony. Live music

Award Ceremony 59th Competition Infiorate 2019

 >> There are many offers to stay in Umbria and Spello, find the best one for you and participate to the appointment with “Infiorate” in Spello!


Becoming “Infioratore” in Spello

Become “Infioratore” just for one day! Thanks to the “Infioratori for a Day” project, you can join the local habitants during works of floral sectioning as well as contributing to the creation of “Infiorate” decorations. For more information, please write to info@infioratespello.it

Also do not miss the most typical and genuine local cuisine at the “Infioratori” Taverns, with various special menu’!

For informations on “Infiorate” of Spello, visit the official event website


From 13th to 23rd June 2019, the appointment is in Spello where there are being the “Infiorate”, the special flower festival that takes place in occasion of the “Corpus Domini” (on 9th Sunday after Easter, as every year).

The picturesque town annually attracts hundreds of visitors who come from all over Italy and world to admire the splendid “Infiorate”, that means carpets and paintings of flowers. Along the floreal city path, about 70 “Infiorate” are generally made, with carpets between 12 and 15 meters of lenght and pictures with a size between 25 and 90 square meters.

A unique characteristic of the event is the choice of using only vegetable items, not treated by chemicals products or preservatives, nor artificial dyes. A magnificent and fragrant show, which fills with wonder and admiration!

>> Be part of “Infiorate” looking at the wonderful colors of the magnificent floral carpets realized in Spello! We suggest you the best farmhouses of this area, click here


Special Infiorate of Spello 

The floral decorations are made on the eve of the festival, with the execution of the drawings and the painstaking work of deposit and placement of millions and millions of colorful flowers and petals.

The preparation of Infiorate is the most interesting part of the event: it starts in the early afternoon of Saturday – with the staging of the protections and the creation or reproduction of drawings on pavement sections assigned to each group – and it lasts throughout the night, when the “infioratori” (the ones who make the floral decorations) arrange with the maximum precision the petals on the drawings.

And yet they have worked at the preparation of decorations for all the year, with the preliminary stages of research and collection of flowers, followed by selecting and preserving of petals, separated by color.

In particular for the Spring season, teams of “infioratori” from Spello are mobilizing to cross fields and valley of the Umbrian Apennine, especially near to Subasio Mount, and to pick up the petals of flowers needed.

The species of flowers used for the “Infiorate” are numerous: cornflower, rose, carnation, poppy, fennel, iris, broom, elder, daisy, dandelion, thistle, sage, marigold, anemone, magnolia , turnip, sweet acacia, fig, oak, walnut, cypress, pine, wild orchid…

At 11 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June, the procession will begin its journey through the city streets. After the passage of the procession led by the Bishop, the procession runs on the beautiful floral decorations. The precious carpets can be now be trampled and they dissolve in the air.

>> Looking at the creation of floral carpets and pictures is a unique show, do not miss it! Choose your hotel, b&b or farmhouses between our suggestions for your holiday in the area of Spello



Infiorate , 2019 Complete Program 

The Infiorate Event involves all the local people, who started some time before to collaborate for ensuring a great show. The town of Spello there are some special events also at the middle of June:


13th JUNE 2019

At 16:30 Sala dell’Editto, Palazzo Comunale
“Investiture Ceremony” of special infioratori groups of Accademia dei Boccioli and Students & Flowers. Delivery of official jerseys and membership cards.

Presentation of the Spello 2019 Infiorate jersey (an initiative born from the collaboration with the DieciNove Microbrewery).


14th JUNE 2019

At 21:00 Piazza Vallegloria
M’Ama Non M’Ama. Meeting of the various groups of flower makers for the capturing of flowers in the public square. Live music, entertainment and … “Etica” beer with elder flowers.


16th JUNE 2019

At 10:00, Museum of Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Opening of Infiorate Museum

At 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Prize-giving contest “The embroidered flower and …” with performance by the small choir of the AlaMIrè Music School

Ore 16:00, Via Torri di Properzio – Casa Beato Andrea Caccioli
Inauguration of the Historical Photo Exhibition, organized by the Circolo Cinefoto Amatori Hispellum


20th JUNE 2019

At 18:30, Chiesa S. Lorenzo Martire
Holy Mass of Infioratori

Here the complete program of the 2019 Edition of  the 3 main days of Infiorate:


FRIDAY 21st JUNE, 2019

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French.

20:00, Through the streets of Spello
Kick Off. Mounting of the structures for the realization of the Infiorate, listening to music and tasting Ethics elderflower beer

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers


SATURDAY 22nd JUNE, 2019

10:00, Public gardens, Piazza Kennedy
Opening 12th show-market of flowers and plants “Spello in Flower”

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French

11:00, Palazzo Comunale – Sala dell’Editto
Opening exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

12.00,  Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

16:00, City center
“Artists at work”. Beginning of the works on the pavement of the streets

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-20.00 and 22.00-01.00

Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-18.30 and 22.00-01.00


From 21:00, City center

In the City center an area will be set up entirely reserved to tourists and visitors who want to try their hand at creating an Infiorata, with the support of local infioratori. There will also be an Infiorata reserved to children.


SUNDAY 23th JUNE 2019

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 08.00-18.30

Opening time 10.30-13.00 and 15.00-18.30

Opening time 08.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00


Finishing the flower carpets (Infiorate). Beginning of judges evaluation

08:00, Piazza della Repubblica
Postcard obliteration “Infiorate di Spello 2019” by Poste Italiane

08:00-18:00, Spello Town Hall
Exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

10:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Foligno Diocese, Mons. Gualtiero Sigismondi

11:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Beginning of the Corpus Domini procession

12:00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Awaiting for the Award Ceremony. Live music

Award Ceremony 59th Competition Infiorate 2019

 >> There are many offers to stay in Umbria and Spello, find the best one for you and participate to the appointment with “Infiorate” in Spello!


Becoming “Infioratore” in Spello

Become “Infioratore” just for one day! Thanks to the “Infioratori for a Day” project, you can join the local habitants during works of floral sectioning as well as contributing to the creation of “Infiorate” decorations. For more information, please write to info@infioratespello.it

Also do not miss the most typical and genuine local cuisine at the “Infioratori” Taverns, with various special menu’!

For informations on “Infiorate” of Spello, visit the official event website


From 13th to 23rd June 2019, the appointment is in Spello where there are being the “Infiorate”, the special flower festival that takes place in occasion of the “Corpus Domini” (on 9th Sunday after Easter, as every year).

The picturesque town annually attracts hundreds of visitors who come from all over Italy and world to admire the splendid “Infiorate”, that means carpets and paintings of flowers. Along the floreal city path, about 70 “Infiorate” are generally made, with carpets between 12 and 15 meters of lenght and pictures with a size between 25 and 90 square meters.

A unique characteristic of the event is the choice of using only vegetable items, not treated by chemicals products or preservatives, nor artificial dyes. A magnificent and fragrant show, which fills with wonder and admiration!

>> Be part of “Infiorate” looking at the wonderful colors of the magnificent floral carpets realized in Spello! We suggest you the best farmhouses of this area, click here


Special Infiorate of Spello 

The floral decorations are made on the eve of the festival, with the execution of the drawings and the painstaking work of deposit and placement of millions and millions of colorful flowers and petals.

The preparation of Infiorate is the most interesting part of the event: it starts in the early afternoon of Saturday – with the staging of the protections and the creation or reproduction of drawings on pavement sections assigned to each group – and it lasts throughout the night, when the “infioratori” (the ones who make the floral decorations) arrange with the maximum precision the petals on the drawings.

And yet they have worked at the preparation of decorations for all the year, with the preliminary stages of research and collection of flowers, followed by selecting and preserving of petals, separated by color.

In particular for the Spring season, teams of “infioratori” from Spello are mobilizing to cross fields and valley of the Umbrian Apennine, especially near to Subasio Mount, and to pick up the petals of flowers needed.

The species of flowers used for the “Infiorate” are numerous: cornflower, rose, carnation, poppy, fennel, iris, broom, elder, daisy, dandelion, thistle, sage, marigold, anemone, magnolia , turnip, sweet acacia, fig, oak, walnut, cypress, pine, wild orchid…

At 11 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June, the procession will begin its journey through the city streets. After the passage of the procession led by the Bishop, the procession runs on the beautiful floral decorations. The precious carpets can be now be trampled and they dissolve in the air.

>> Looking at the creation of floral carpets and pictures is a unique show, do not miss it! Choose your hotel, b&b or farmhouses between our suggestions for your holiday in the area of Spello



Infiorate , 2019 Complete Program 

The Infiorate Event involves all the local people, who started some time before to collaborate for ensuring a great show. The town of Spello there are some special events also at the middle of June:


13th JUNE 2019

At 16:30 Sala dell’Editto, Palazzo Comunale
“Investiture Ceremony” of special infioratori groups of Accademia dei Boccioli and Students & Flowers. Delivery of official jerseys and membership cards.

Presentation of the Spello 2019 Infiorate jersey (an initiative born from the collaboration with the DieciNove Microbrewery).


14th JUNE 2019

At 21:00 Piazza Vallegloria
M’Ama Non M’Ama. Meeting of the various groups of flower makers for the capturing of flowers in the public square. Live music, entertainment and … “Etica” beer with elder flowers.


16th JUNE 2019

At 10:00, Museum of Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Opening of Infiorate Museum

At 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Prize-giving contest “The embroidered flower and …” with performance by the small choir of the AlaMIrè Music School

Ore 16:00, Via Torri di Properzio – Casa Beato Andrea Caccioli
Inauguration of the Historical Photo Exhibition, organized by the Circolo Cinefoto Amatori Hispellum


20th JUNE 2019

At 18:30, Chiesa S. Lorenzo Martire
Holy Mass of Infioratori

Here the complete program of the 2019 Edition of  the 3 main days of Infiorate:


FRIDAY 21st JUNE, 2019

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French.

20:00, Through the streets of Spello
Kick Off. Mounting of the structures for the realization of the Infiorate, listening to music and tasting Ethics elderflower beer

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers


SATURDAY 22nd JUNE, 2019

10:00, Public gardens, Piazza Kennedy
Opening 12th show-market of flowers and plants “Spello in Flower”

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French

11:00, Palazzo Comunale – Sala dell’Editto
Opening exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

12.00,  Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

16:00, City center
“Artists at work”. Beginning of the works on the pavement of the streets

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-20.00 and 22.00-01.00

Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-18.30 and 22.00-01.00


From 21:00, City center

In the City center an area will be set up entirely reserved to tourists and visitors who want to try their hand at creating an Infiorata, with the support of local infioratori. There will also be an Infiorata reserved to children.


SUNDAY 23th JUNE 2019

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 08.00-18.30

Opening time 10.30-13.00 and 15.00-18.30

Opening time 08.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00


Finishing the flower carpets (Infiorate). Beginning of judges evaluation

08:00, Piazza della Repubblica
Postcard obliteration “Infiorate di Spello 2019” by Poste Italiane

08:00-18:00, Spello Town Hall
Exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

10:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Foligno Diocese, Mons. Gualtiero Sigismondi

11:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Beginning of the Corpus Domini procession

12:00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Awaiting for the Award Ceremony. Live music

Award Ceremony 59th Competition Infiorate 2019

 >> There are many offers to stay in Umbria and Spello, find the best one for you and participate to the appointment with “Infiorate” in Spello!


Becoming “Infioratore” in Spello

Become “Infioratore” just for one day! Thanks to the “Infioratori for a Day” project, you can join the local habitants during works of floral sectioning as well as contributing to the creation of “Infiorate” decorations. For more information, please write to info@infioratespello.it

Also do not miss the most typical and genuine local cuisine at the “Infioratori” Taverns, with various special menu’!

For informations on “Infiorate” of Spello, visit the official event website


From 13th to 23rd June 2019, the appointment is in Spello where there are being the “Infiorate”, the special flower festival that takes place in occasion of the “Corpus Domini” (on 9th Sunday after Easter, as every year).

The picturesque town annually attracts hundreds of visitors who come from all over Italy and world to admire the splendid “Infiorate”, that means carpets and paintings of flowers. Along the floreal city path, about 70 “Infiorate” are generally made, with carpets between 12 and 15 meters of lenght and pictures with a size between 25 and 90 square meters.

A unique characteristic of the event is the choice of using only vegetable items, not treated by chemicals products or preservatives, nor artificial dyes. A magnificent and fragrant show, which fills with wonder and admiration!

>> Be part of “Infiorate” looking at the wonderful colors of the magnificent floral carpets realized in Spello! We suggest you the best farmhouses of this area, click here


Special Infiorate of Spello 

The floral decorations are made on the eve of the festival, with the execution of the drawings and the painstaking work of deposit and placement of millions and millions of colorful flowers and petals.

The preparation of Infiorate is the most interesting part of the event: it starts in the early afternoon of Saturday – with the staging of the protections and the creation or reproduction of drawings on pavement sections assigned to each group – and it lasts throughout the night, when the “infioratori” (the ones who make the floral decorations) arrange with the maximum precision the petals on the drawings.

And yet they have worked at the preparation of decorations for all the year, with the preliminary stages of research and collection of flowers, followed by selecting and preserving of petals, separated by color.

In particular for the Spring season, teams of “infioratori” from Spello are mobilizing to cross fields and valley of the Umbrian Apennine, especially near to Subasio Mount, and to pick up the petals of flowers needed.

The species of flowers used for the “Infiorate” are numerous: cornflower, rose, carnation, poppy, fennel, iris, broom, elder, daisy, dandelion, thistle, sage, marigold, anemone, magnolia , turnip, sweet acacia, fig, oak, walnut, cypress, pine, wild orchid…

At 11 a.m. on Sunday 23rd June, the procession will begin its journey through the city streets. After the passage of the procession led by the Bishop, the procession runs on the beautiful floral decorations. The precious carpets can be now be trampled and they dissolve in the air.

>> Looking at the creation of floral carpets and pictures is a unique show, do not miss it! Choose your hotel, b&b or farmhouses between our suggestions for your holiday in the area of Spello



Infiorate , 2019 Complete Program 

The Infiorate Event involves all the local people, who started some time before to collaborate for ensuring a great show. The town of Spello there are some special events also at the middle of June:


13th JUNE 2019

At 16:30 Sala dell’Editto, Palazzo Comunale
“Investiture Ceremony” of special infioratori groups of Accademia dei Boccioli and Students & Flowers. Delivery of official jerseys and membership cards.

Presentation of the Spello 2019 Infiorate jersey (an initiative born from the collaboration with the DieciNove Microbrewery).


14th JUNE 2019

At 21:00 Piazza Vallegloria
M’Ama Non M’Ama. Meeting of the various groups of flower makers for the capturing of flowers in the public square. Live music, entertainment and … “Etica” beer with elder flowers.


16th JUNE 2019

At 10:00, Museum of Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Opening of Infiorate Museum

At 10:00, Museo delle Infiorate – Piazza della Repubblica
Prize-giving contest “The embroidered flower and …” with performance by the small choir of the AlaMIrè Music School

Ore 16:00, Via Torri di Properzio – Casa Beato Andrea Caccioli
Inauguration of the Historical Photo Exhibition, organized by the Circolo Cinefoto Amatori Hispellum


20th JUNE 2019

At 18:30, Chiesa S. Lorenzo Martire
Holy Mass of Infioratori

Here the complete program of the 2019 Edition of  the 3 main days of Infiorate:


FRIDAY 21st JUNE, 2019

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French.

20:00, Through the streets of Spello
Kick Off. Mounting of the structures for the realization of the Infiorate, listening to music and tasting Ethics elderflower beer

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers


SATURDAY 22nd JUNE, 2019

10:00, Public gardens, Piazza Kennedy
Opening 12th show-market of flowers and plants “Spello in Flower”

10:30-12:00, Museum of Infiorate
Lectio Magistralis. Students of the G. Ferraris first level secondary school explain to the tourists how an “infiorata” is realized, in Italian, English and French

11:00, Palazzo Comunale – Sala dell’Editto
Opening exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

12.00,  Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

16:00, City center
“Artists at work”. Beginning of the works on the pavement of the streets

20.00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-20.00 and 22.00-01.00

Opening time 10.30-13.00, 15.00-18.30 and 22.00-01.00


From 21:00, City center

In the City center an area will be set up entirely reserved to tourists and visitors who want to try their hand at creating an Infiorata, with the support of local infioratori. There will also be an Infiorata reserved to children.


SUNDAY 23th JUNE 2019

Guided tours to monuments, flower carpets and Spello’s Villa of Mosaics. Max. 40 people. Reservation required. Info: spello@sistemamuseo.it; tel. 0742.301497



Opening time 08.00-18.30

Opening time 10.30-13.00 and 15.00-18.30

Opening time 08.00-13.00 and 15.00-17.00


Finishing the flower carpets (Infiorate). Beginning of judges evaluation

08:00, Piazza della Repubblica
Postcard obliteration “Infiorate di Spello 2019” by Poste Italiane

08:00-18:00, Spello Town Hall
Exhibition of Bonsai, by Club Amici del Bonsai

10:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Foligno Diocese, Mons. Gualtiero Sigismondi

11:00, St. Lorenzo Martyr Church
Beginning of the Corpus Domini procession

12:00, Infioratori’s Tavern, City center
Menu based on flowers

Awaiting for the Award Ceremony. Live music

Award Ceremony 59th Competition Infiorate 2019

 >> There are many offers to stay in Umbria and Spello, find the best one for you and participate to the appointment with “Infiorate” in Spello!


Becoming “Infioratore” in Spello

Become “Infioratore” just for one day! Thanks to the “Infioratori for a Day” project, you can join the local habitants during works of floral sectioning as well as contributing to the creation of “Infiorate” decorations. For more information, please write to info@infioratespello.it

Also do not miss the most typical and genuine local cuisine at the “Infioratori” Taverns, with various special menu’!

For informations on “Infiorate” of Spello, visit the official event website