Il Cityplex Politeama Lucioli di Terni si trova in centro, proprio dietro al palazzo comunale. Un tempo unica sala con oltre 500 posti, ha subito una trasformazione per consentire una maggior affluenza di pubblico, sono state realizzate 7 sale per accontentare ogni gusto e il prezzo del biglietto è più basso rispetto al multisala concorrente, il mercoledì e tutti i pomeriggi feriali il biglietto costa 4 euro.

The Cityplex Politeama Lucioli of Terni is located downtown, just behind the town hall.One time only hall with over 500 people, has undergone a transformation to enable a greater number of visitors, have been made ​​to satisfy every taste 7 meeting and the ticket price is lower than the multiplex competitor, on Wednesday afternoons and all working the ticket costs 4 euros.

The Cityplex Politeama Lucioli of Terni is located downtown, just behind the town hall.One time only hall with over 500 people, has undergone a transformation to enable a greater number of visitors, have been made ​​to satisfy every taste 7 meeting and the ticket price is lower than the multiplex competitor, on Wednesday afternoons and all working the ticket costs 4 euros.

The Cityplex Politeama Lucioli of Terni is located downtown, just behind the town hall.One time only hall with over 500 people, has undergone a transformation to enable a greater number of visitors, have been made ​​to satisfy every taste 7 meeting and the ticket price is lower than the multiplex competitor, on Wednesday afternoons and all working the ticket costs 4 euros.

The Cityplex Politeama Lucioli of Terni is located downtown, just behind the town hall.One time only hall with over 500 people, has undergone a transformation to enable a greater number of visitors, have been made ​​to satisfy every taste 7 meeting and the ticket price is lower than the multiplex competitor, on Wednesday afternoons and all working the ticket costs 4 euros.