Le ceramiche italiane: produzione umbra
La maiolica artistica e l’arte della ceramica italiana sono rinomate nel mondo per la qualità del decoro e per la varietà delle forme. La più antica ceramica italiana veniva realizzata già nel periodo pre romano con tecniche così raffinate da permetterele di esprimere nella majolica e negli smalti antichi un arte ed un gusto per la rappresentazione tanto di scene di vita quotidiana quanto di decorazioni geometriche astratte.

Le ceramiche italiane nel periodo comunale
L’arte della ceramica italiana è segnata, inoltre, dall’evoluzione storica e sociale del paese; la ceramica così come le altre arti maggiori vede nel periodo comunale il moltiplicarsi di stili causato dall’ esigenza di ogni centro municipale di definire una propria identità tanto artistica quanto governativa.

La ceramica italiana rinascimentale
Probabilmente, per la maiolica e per le ceramiche italiane in genere, il momento evolutivo più forte è segnato dalla ceramica italiana rinascimentale; essa infatti, in conseguenza dello sviluppo della filosofia e quindi del modo di considerare i rapporti fra immanente e spirituale, vede irrompere sugli smalti della ceramica italiana e della majolica artistica, colori, scene, forme vivaci e variopinte.
(Nota: Per la precisione quando si parla di “majolica” (o maiolica) vanno intesi quei prodotti ceramici formati da paste porose a base di argilla e di piccole quantità di carbonato di calcio cotto al forno e ricoperto di uno smalto metallico specialmente a base di biossido di stagno.)
L’antica ceramica rinascimentale italiana, tuttavia, non dimentica nemmeno il retroterra classico per ciò che riguarda lo studio degli spazi e l’organicità degli impianti rappresentativi. Oggi l’antica ceramica italiana vede nuovo splendore tanto per l’ opera di aziende che vanno recuperando in tutta Italia gli stampi originali d’epoca per realizzare gli stessi decori che impreziosirono le terraglie dei secoli scorsi, quanto per l’ interesse nell’uso della ceramica e della majolica di alcuni famosi architetti (fra cui anche Renzo Piano). Quindi è assolutamente il caso, per colui che ha la fortuna di visitare l’Umbria, di fermarsi nelle aziende e nelle botteghe specializzate in questo tipo di produzione.
Coloro che, invece, non possono concedersi adesso una vacanza in questa regione, trovano un valido e fornito shop online nel nostro sito, in modo che pur non potendo scoprire dal vero i segreti dell’arte della modellazione e della cottura dell’argilla, potranno almeno ammirarla direttamente nelle proprie case.

Umbrian production
The antique Italian pottery and the art of Italian ceramics are famous in the world for the quality of the ornament and the variety of the forms. The most antique Italian pottery were already realized during the pre-Roman period with such refined techniques that they could express in the ceramics and in the antique glazes an art and a taste for the representation of life scenes and also of abstract geometrical decorations.

The Italian pottery and ceramics
The art of antique Italian ceramics is marked by the historic and social evolution of the country; the ceramics, like the other most important arts, sees during the communal period the multiplication of styles provoked by the requirement of each communal center to define a proper identity as artistic as governmental.

Antique Italian pottery
Ceramics Italian renaissance
Probably, for the earthenware and for the Italian ceramics in general, the strongest moment of evolution is marked by the Italian ceramics of the Renaissance; in fact, this one, due to the development of philosophy and therefore of the way of considering relations between the immanent and the spiritual, sees the interruption in the glazes of the Italian ceramics and of the artistic earthenware, of colors, scenes, animated and multicolored forms. (Note: For the precision, when we talk about “earthenware” we mean the ceramic products formed from porous pastes based on clay and small quantities of carbonate of calcium cooked in the oven and covered with a special metallic glaze based on dioxide of tin). The antique Italian Renaissance ceramics, however, do not forget the classical background for what is concerning the study of spaces and the organic character of the equipment represented. Nowadays, the antique Italian ceramics is seeing new splendors thanks to the work of enterprises that are collecting all around Italy the antique original prints in order to realize the same ornaments that were making precious the earthenware of the past centuries, and also thanks to the interest in the use of earthenware of some famous architects (among whom also Renzo Piano). Therefore it is absolutely necessary, for who is so fortunate to visit Umbria, to stop in the enterprises and in the shops specialized in that kind of production. Those who, on the contrary, can not profit now from a holidays in this region, will find a valid online shop with a large choice on our site, in such a way that besides the fact that they can not personally discover the secrets of the art of modeling and cooking from the clay, they can at least admire it directly in their own houses.

Umbrian production
The antique Italian pottery and the art of Italian ceramics are famous in the world for the quality of the ornament and the variety of the forms. The most antique Italian pottery were already realized during the pre-Roman period with such refined techniques that they could express in the ceramics and in the antique glazes an art and a taste for the representation of life scenes and also of abstract geometrical decorations.

The Italian pottery and ceramics
The art of antique Italian ceramics is marked by the historic and social evolution of the country; the ceramics, like the other most important arts, sees during the communal period the multiplication of styles provoked by the requirement of each communal center to define a proper identity as artistic as governmental.

Antique Italian pottery
Ceramics Italian renaissance
Probably, for the earthenware and for the Italian ceramics in general, the strongest moment of evolution is marked by the Italian ceramics of the Renaissance; in fact, this one, due to the development of philosophy and therefore of the way of considering relations between the immanent and the spiritual, sees the interruption in the glazes of the Italian ceramics and of the artistic earthenware, of colors, scenes, animated and multicolored forms. (Note: For the precision, when we talk about “earthenware” we mean the ceramic products formed from porous pastes based on clay and small quantities of carbonate of calcium cooked in the oven and covered with a special metallic glaze based on dioxide of tin). The antique Italian Renaissance ceramics, however, do not forget the classical background for what is concerning the study of spaces and the organic character of the equipment represented. Nowadays, the antique Italian ceramics is seeing new splendors thanks to the work of enterprises that are collecting all around Italy the antique original prints in order to realize the same ornaments that were making precious the earthenware of the past centuries, and also thanks to the interest in the use of earthenware of some famous architects (among whom also Renzo Piano). Therefore it is absolutely necessary, for who is so fortunate to visit Umbria, to stop in the enterprises and in the shops specialized in that kind of production. Those who, on the contrary, can not profit now from a holidays in this region, will find a valid online shop with a large choice on our site, in such a way that besides the fact that they can not personally discover the secrets of the art of modeling and cooking from the clay, they can at least admire it directly in their own houses.

Umbrian production
The antique Italian pottery and the art of Italian ceramics are famous in the world for the quality of the ornament and the variety of the forms. The most antique Italian pottery were already realized during the pre-Roman period with such refined techniques that they could express in the ceramics and in the antique glazes an art and a taste for the representation of life scenes and also of abstract geometrical decorations.

The Italian pottery and ceramics
The art of antique Italian ceramics is marked by the historic and social evolution of the country; the ceramics, like the other most important arts, sees during the communal period the multiplication of styles provoked by the requirement of each communal center to define a proper identity as artistic as governmental.

Antique Italian pottery
Ceramics Italian renaissance
Probably, for the earthenware and for the Italian ceramics in general, the strongest moment of evolution is marked by the Italian ceramics of the Renaissance; in fact, this one, due to the development of philosophy and therefore of the way of considering relations between the immanent and the spiritual, sees the interruption in the glazes of the Italian ceramics and of the artistic earthenware, of colors, scenes, animated and multicolored forms. (Note: For the precision, when we talk about “earthenware” we mean the ceramic products formed from porous pastes based on clay and small quantities of carbonate of calcium cooked in the oven and covered with a special metallic glaze based on dioxide of tin). The antique Italian Renaissance ceramics, however, do not forget the classical background for what is concerning the study of spaces and the organic character of the equipment represented. Nowadays, the antique Italian ceramics is seeing new splendors thanks to the work of enterprises that are collecting all around Italy the antique original prints in order to realize the same ornaments that were making precious the earthenware of the past centuries, and also thanks to the interest in the use of earthenware of some famous architects (among whom also Renzo Piano). Therefore it is absolutely necessary, for who is so fortunate to visit Umbria, to stop in the enterprises and in the shops specialized in that kind of production. Those who, on the contrary, can not profit now from a holidays in this region, will find a valid online shop with a large choice on our site, in such a way that besides the fact that they can not personally discover the secrets of the art of modeling and cooking from the clay, they can at least admire it directly in their own houses.

Umbrian production
The antique Italian pottery and the art of Italian ceramics are famous in the world for the quality of the ornament and the variety of the forms. The most antique Italian pottery were already realized during the pre-Roman period with such refined techniques that they could express in the ceramics and in the antique glazes an art and a taste for the representation of life scenes and also of abstract geometrical decorations.

The Italian pottery and ceramics
The art of antique Italian ceramics is marked by the historic and social evolution of the country; the ceramics, like the other most important arts, sees during the communal period the multiplication of styles provoked by the requirement of each communal center to define a proper identity as artistic as governmental.

Antique Italian pottery
Ceramics Italian renaissance
Probably, for the earthenware and for the Italian ceramics in general, the strongest moment of evolution is marked by the Italian ceramics of the Renaissance; in fact, this one, due to the development of philosophy and therefore of the way of considering relations between the immanent and the spiritual, sees the interruption in the glazes of the Italian ceramics and of the artistic earthenware, of colors, scenes, animated and multicolored forms. (Note: For the precision, when we talk about “earthenware” we mean the ceramic products formed from porous pastes based on clay and small quantities of carbonate of calcium cooked in the oven and covered with a special metallic glaze based on dioxide of tin). The antique Italian Renaissance ceramics, however, do not forget the classical background for what is concerning the study of spaces and the organic character of the equipment represented. Nowadays, the antique Italian ceramics is seeing new splendors thanks to the work of enterprises that are collecting all around Italy the antique original prints in order to realize the same ornaments that were making precious the earthenware of the past centuries, and also thanks to the interest in the use of earthenware of some famous architects (among whom also Renzo Piano). Therefore it is absolutely necessary, for who is so fortunate to visit Umbria, to stop in the enterprises and in the shops specialized in that kind of production. Those who, on the contrary, can not profit now from a holidays in this region, will find a valid online shop with a large choice on our site, in such a way that besides the fact that they can not personally discover the secrets of the art of modeling and cooking from the clay, they can at least admire it directly in their own houses.