A pochi passi dal Duomo di Orvieto, il Teatro Mancinelli , riaperto al pubblico solo nel 1993 dopo un lungo lavoro di restauro, rappresenta uno degli esempi più significativi dell’architettura Neoclassica dei teatri ottocenteschi. All’interno si può ammirare la “Cacciata dei Goti da Orvieto” raffigurata sul sipario, opera di Pietro Angelini e di Cesare Fracassini.

Il Teatro Mancinelli propone una serie di iniziative, alcune permanenti altre stagionali, legate al mondo della musica, del teatro e dell’arte tra cui:

  • Scuola a teatro: il teatro dedicato alle scuole con spettacoli adatti ai più giovani;
  • ArTé: teatro stabile di innovazione;
  • Stagioni teatrali: ogni anno il meglio del teatro nazionale de internazionale ad Orvieto;
  • Visitare il teatro: alla scoperta della storia del Mancinelli.

Prezzi biglietti spettacoli in abbonamento
Poltrona € 27 + € 3 prevendita
Posto palco I, II, III ordine € 23 + € 2 prevendita
Posto palco IV ordine e loggione € 15 + € 2 prevendita

ORARI Botteghino
Giovedì, venerdì e sabato 10 -13 16-18
e due ore prima di ogni spettacolo

INFORMAZIONI Tel. 0763 340493 (orari botteghino)

A few steps from the Orvieto Cathedral, the Teatro Mancinelli, reopened to the public only in 1993 after a long restoration, is one of the finest examples ofneoclassical architecture nineteenth-century theaters. Inside you can admire the”Expulsion of the Goths from Orvieto” depicted on the curtain, the work of PeterAngelini and Caesar Fracassini.

The Teatro Mancinelli proposes a series of initiatives, some other permanentseasonal, linked to the world of music, theater and art, including:

  • School to theater: the theater dedicated to schools with performances suitable foryoung people;
  • ArTé: permanent theater of innovation;
  • Theater seasons: each year the best of the national theater of international Orvieto;
  • Visit the theater: to discover the history of Mancinelli.

Prices shows tickets by subscription
Armchair € 27 + € 3 presale
Place the stage I, II, III order presale € 23 + € 2
Fourth-order box seating and gallery presale € 15 + € 2

HOURS Box Office
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 -13 16-18
and two hours before each performance

INFORMATION Tel 0763 340493 (box office hours)

A few steps from the Orvieto Cathedral, the Teatro Mancinelli, reopened to the public only in 1993 after a long restoration, is one of the finest examples ofneoclassical architecture nineteenth-century theaters. Inside you can admire the”Expulsion of the Goths from Orvieto” depicted on the curtain, the work of PeterAngelini and Caesar Fracassini.

The Teatro Mancinelli proposes a series of initiatives, some other permanentseasonal, linked to the world of music, theater and art, including:

  • School to theater: the theater dedicated to schools with performances suitable foryoung people;
  • ArTé: permanent theater of innovation;
  • Theater seasons: each year the best of the national theater of international Orvieto;
  • Visit the theater: to discover the history of Mancinelli.

Prices shows tickets by subscription
Armchair € 27 + € 3 presale
Place the stage I, II, III order presale € 23 + € 2
Fourth-order box seating and gallery presale € 15 + € 2

HOURS Box Office
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 -13 16-18
and two hours before each performance

INFORMATION Tel 0763 340493 (box office hours)

A few steps from the Orvieto Cathedral, the Teatro Mancinelli, reopened to the public only in 1993 after a long restoration, is one of the finest examples ofneoclassical architecture nineteenth-century theaters. Inside you can admire the”Expulsion of the Goths from Orvieto” depicted on the curtain, the work of PeterAngelini and Caesar Fracassini.

The Teatro Mancinelli proposes a series of initiatives, some other permanentseasonal, linked to the world of music, theater and art, including:

  • School to theater: the theater dedicated to schools with performances suitable foryoung people;
  • ArTé: permanent theater of innovation;
  • Theater seasons: each year the best of the national theater of international Orvieto;
  • Visit the theater: to discover the history of Mancinelli.

Prices shows tickets by subscription
Armchair € 27 + € 3 presale
Place the stage I, II, III order presale € 23 + € 2
Fourth-order box seating and gallery presale € 15 + € 2

HOURS Box Office
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 -13 16-18
and two hours before each performance

INFORMATION Tel 0763 340493 (box office hours)

A few steps from the Orvieto Cathedral, the Teatro Mancinelli, reopened to the public only in 1993 after a long restoration, is one of the finest examples ofneoclassical architecture nineteenth-century theaters. Inside you can admire the”Expulsion of the Goths from Orvieto” depicted on the curtain, the work of PeterAngelini and Caesar Fracassini.

The Teatro Mancinelli proposes a series of initiatives, some other permanentseasonal, linked to the world of music, theater and art, including:

  • School to theater: the theater dedicated to schools with performances suitable foryoung people;
  • ArTé: permanent theater of innovation;
  • Theater seasons: each year the best of the national theater of international Orvieto;
  • Visit the theater: to discover the history of Mancinelli.

Prices shows tickets by subscription
Armchair € 27 + € 3 presale
Place the stage I, II, III order presale € 23 + € 2
Fourth-order box seating and gallery presale € 15 + € 2

HOURS Box Office
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 -13 16-18
and two hours before each performance

INFORMATION Tel 0763 340493 (box office hours)