Speciale Torgiano rosso

Il Torgiano Rosso è particolarmente adatto per accompagnare arrosti di carne rossa cacciagione e selvaggina, formaggi a pasta dura e piccanti. Si consiglia di servire a temperatura ambiente 18-20°C.

Uve: (in percentuale decrescente) Sangiovese Canaiolo Trebbiano Toscano altri vitigni di uva rossa.

Colore: rosso rubino con l’invecchiamento assume riflessi granati.

Profumo: vinoso delicato dopo giusto invecchiamento profumo intenso in cui si coglie la mandorla.

Sapore: asciutto armonico di giusto corpo.

Alcolicità: 12-13°

Acidità: 5 -7%

Luoghi di produzione: le colline di Torgiano

Particolarità: adatto ad un giusto invecchiamento raggiunge il suo optimum generalmente al quinto sesto anno.

È fondamentale un giusto invecchiamento, questi prodotti infatti hanno il loro maggior pregio in un gusto asciutto particolarmente gradevole al palato e soprattutto nel profumo, che nella quiete delle cantine ombrose si esalta con il trascorrere degli anni fino a diventare un vero aroma, netto e delicato.

Special: “Rosso of Torgiano”

The “Rosso of Torgiano” is particularly adapted to go with red roasted meat and game, cheeses with hard pastry and spicy. It is advised to serve it at room temperature 18-20°C.

Grapes: (in decreasing percentage) Sangiovese Canaiolo Trebbiano Toscano other vineyards from red grapes.

Color: ruby with aging takes garnet reflections.

Scent: full-bodied delicate after right aging intense perfume in which we can taste the almond.

Taste: harmonious dry of right body.

Alcohol content: 12-13°

Acidity: 5 – 7%

Places of production: the hills of Torgiano

Particularity: with a right aging it reaches its optimum normally at the fifth sixth year.
A right aging is essential; in fact, these products have their best quality in a right dry particularly pleasant at the palate and above all in its perfume, that in the quietness of the shady cellars exalts itself with the passing of the years up to become a true aroma, distinct and delicate.

Special: “Rosso of Torgiano”

The “Rosso of Torgiano” is particularly adapted to go with red roasted meat and game, cheeses with hard pastry and spicy. It is advised to serve it at room temperature 18-20°C.

Grapes: (in decreasing percentage) Sangiovese Canaiolo Trebbiano Toscano other vineyards from red grapes.

Color: ruby with aging takes garnet reflections.

Scent: full-bodied delicate after right aging intense perfume in which we can taste the almond.

Taste: harmonious dry of right body.

Alcohol content: 12-13°

Acidity: 5 – 7%

Places of production: the hills of Torgiano

Particularity: with a right aging it reaches its optimum normally at the fifth sixth year.
A right aging is essential; in fact, these products have their best quality in a right dry particularly pleasant at the palate and above all in its perfume, that in the quietness of the shady cellars exalts itself with the passing of the years up to become a true aroma, distinct and delicate.

Special: “Rosso of Torgiano”

The “Rosso of Torgiano” is particularly adapted to go with red roasted meat and game, cheeses with hard pastry and spicy. It is advised to serve it at room temperature 18-20°C.

Grapes: (in decreasing percentage) Sangiovese Canaiolo Trebbiano Toscano other vineyards from red grapes.

Color: ruby with aging takes garnet reflections.

Scent: full-bodied delicate after right aging intense perfume in which we can taste the almond.

Taste: harmonious dry of right body.

Alcohol content: 12-13°

Acidity: 5 – 7%

Places of production: the hills of Torgiano

Particularity: with a right aging it reaches its optimum normally at the fifth sixth year.
A right aging is essential; in fact, these products have their best quality in a right dry particularly pleasant at the palate and above all in its perfume, that in the quietness of the shady cellars exalts itself with the passing of the years up to become a true aroma, distinct and delicate.

Special: “Rosso of Torgiano”

The “Rosso of Torgiano” is particularly adapted to go with red roasted meat and game, cheeses with hard pastry and spicy. It is advised to serve it at room temperature 18-20°C.

Grapes: (in decreasing percentage) Sangiovese Canaiolo Trebbiano Toscano other vineyards from red grapes.

Color: ruby with aging takes garnet reflections.

Scent: full-bodied delicate after right aging intense perfume in which we can taste the almond.

Taste: harmonious dry of right body.

Alcohol content: 12-13°

Acidity: 5 – 7%

Places of production: the hills of Torgiano

Particularity: with a right aging it reaches its optimum normally at the fifth sixth year.
A right aging is essential; in fact, these products have their best quality in a right dry particularly pleasant at the palate and above all in its perfume, that in the quietness of the shady cellars exalts itself with the passing of the years up to become a true aroma, distinct and delicate.